Federal Trade Commission Received Documents July 19, 1995 B18354900230 P.O. Box 57 Westmoreland City, PA 15692 15 July, 1995 FTC Office of the Secretary "Made in the U.S.A." 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenues, NW Washington, DC 20580 Dear Sir, In response to the enclosed article from USA Today, I believe that companies should be held to the EXACT meaning of their words. For example: Made in U.S.A. MEANS that all materials and parts are made in, and assembled in the United States. Anything else should have to read - Assembled in U.S.A. from imported materials (or parts). OR Assembled in East. Jabip from American parts, OR Made in Japan from American steel, OR exactly whatever is necessary to give the consumer the clarity we deserve. And we do deserve that clarity. We have the right. to support - or not to support any country's economy for personal reasons. The only way for citizen-consumers to do this is by having direct and easy access to information which is now being withheld. If companies want the marketing tool of being able to say "Made in the U.S.A.", let them earn it by supporting the manufacturing base. Thanks for hearing me! Yours truly, Leslie Eberman