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UGID:154234     UniGene Hs.153678     Homo sapiens (human)   UBXN8
Rep-8 (UBXN8)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_520047.2 PREDICTED: reproduction 8 isoform 3 P. troglodytes 100.0 269
NP_005662.1 reproduction 8 H. sapiens 100.0 269
NP_848763.2 UBX domain containing 6 M. musculus 77.2 276

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
EST Profile: Approximate expression patterns inferred from EST sources.
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GEO profiles: Experimental gene expression data (Gene Expression Omnibus).
cDNA Sources: skin; mouth; embryonic tissue; brain; mixed; mammary gland; intestine; adrenal gland; pharynx; bone marrow; testis; lymph node; prostate; lung; uncharacterized tissue; uterus; connective tissue; pancreas; kidney; muscle; ovary; nerve; bone; stomach; lymph; salivary gland; heart; parathyroid
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 8
Map position: 8p12-p11.2
UniSTS entry: Chr 8 A010A35
UniSTS entry: Chr 8 G33054
UniSTS entry: Chr 8 STS-H83417 [Map Viewer]
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (6)

AY302140.1 Homo sapiens reproduction 8 mRNA, complete cds; alternatively spliced P
NM_005671.2 Homo sapiens UBX domain protein 8 (UBXN8), mRNA P
BC020694.1 Homo sapiens UBX domain protein 8, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22435 IMAGE:4772692), complete cds PA
AK296600.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ57120 complete cds, highly similar to UBX domain-containing protein 6 P
D83767.1 Homo sapiens clone N9 Rep-8 mRNA, complete cds P
D83768.1 Homo sapiens Rep-8 mRNA, partial cds P

EST sequences (113)

AA971769.1 Clone IMAGE:1583718 mixed 3' read
AA887557.1 Clone IMAGE:1500914 kidney 3' read A
AI005235.1 Clone IMAGE:1624848 embryonic tissue 3' read
AI380966.1 Clone IMAGE:2109137 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
AI382377.1 Clone IMAGE:2049463 embryonic tissue 3' read A
AI521126.1 Clone IMAGE:2181793 uterus 3' read A
AI806798.1 Clone IMAGE:2350675 mixed 3' read P
AI808575.1 Clone IMAGE:2359563 mixed 3' read
BX281253.1 Clone IMAGp998F0111494_;_IMAGE:5197440 brain P
AI824160.1 Clone IMAGE:2405923 lung 3' read A
AI831865.1 Clone IMAGE:2393905 intestine 3' read A
CD369022.1 Clone UI-H-FT1-bjx-l-16-0-UI lung 3' read A
BX473224.1 Clone DKFZp686G05157 muscle 5' read P
AW169864.1 Clone IMAGE:2659084 mixed 3' read
AW194892.1 Clone IMAGE:2696600 kidney 3' read A
AW195749.1 Clone IMAGE:2701278 mixed 3' read PA
AW274003.1 Clone IMAGE:2814233 mixed 3' read
AW402104.1 Clone IMAGE:3054587 lymph node 5' read P
AW474066.1 Clone IMAGE:2852625 lymph node 3' read A
AW510654.1 Clone IMAGE:2907155 mixed 3' read PA
AW518496.1 Clone IMAGE:2851565 lymph node 3' read A
AW593012.1 Clone IMAGE:2944904 mixed 3' read P
CK818667.1 Clone IMAGE: pancreas 3' read
CK818668.1 Clone IMAGE: pancreas 5' read A
AW955740.1 uncharacterized tissue P
CN291835.1 embryonic tissue 5' read A
CN291836.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CR743552.1 Clone IMAGp998O23645_;_IMAGE:290158 brain 5' read P
CR744236.1 Clone IMAGp998O22645_;_IMAGE:290157 brain 5' read P
BP210007.1 Clone CBL04569 brain 5' read P
BE514761.1 Clone IMAGE:3659418 ovary 5' read P
H44661.1 Clone IMAGE:187983 mammary gland 5' read P
BE704037.1 brain
BE931488.1 mouth
AV704783.1 Clone ADBAVC10 adrenal gland 5' read P
BF239497.1 Clone IMAGE:4134282 bone marrow 5' read P
BF239669.1 Clone IMAGE:4134774 bone marrow 5' read P
BF856677.1 prostate
H64727.1 Clone IMAGE:238806 pharynx 5' read
H65217.1 Clone IMAGE:238806 pharynx 3' read A
AW613009.1 Clone IMAGE:2957827 intestine 3' read A
BF061627.1 Clone IMAGE:3341161 ovary 3' read A
AV723660.1 Clone HTBABA05 brain 5' read
BF795353.1 Clone IMAGE:4343482 lymph 5' read P
H83417.1 Clone IMAGE:249291 skin 3' read A
H83520.1 Clone IMAGE:249291 skin 5' read P
DB360746.1 Clone MAMMA1000577 mammary gland 3' read
DB295878.1 Clone BGGI12000486 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
N20269.1 Clone IMAGE:264385 skin 3' read A
DB462227.1 Clone H013097J03 testis 5' read
DB452035.1 Clone H013055N24 testis 5' read P
DB527665.1 Clone H013097J03 testis 3' read PA
DB514912.1 Clone H013043K04 testis 3' read PA
N29175.1 Clone IMAGE:264387 skin 5' read
N32943.1 Clone IMAGE:270801 skin 3' read A
BG334707.1 Clone IMAGE:4577821 skin 5' read P
EC442875.1 prostate
EC572094.1 prostate
BG390697.1 Clone IMAGE:4524817 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
N42613.1 Clone IMAGE:270801 skin 5' read P
BG400710.1 Clone IMAGE:4592182 kidney 5' read P
BG613570.1 Clone IMAGE:4772692 testis 5' read P
BG182993.1 connective tissue
BG183541.1 connective tissue P
BG211539.1 connective tissue P
BG215827.1 connective tissue
N62370.1 Clone IMAGE:290541 brain 3' read A
N79140.1 Clone IMAGE:290541 brain 5' read P
EL735664.1 mixed 5' read P
BI462115.1 Clone IMAGE:5270948 testis 5' read P
DC426751.1 Clone TESTI2014518 testis 3' read PA
DC398908.1 Clone TESTI2043188 testis 5' read P
DC396056.1 Clone TESTI2014518 testis 5' read
DC344769.1 Clone COLON2001736 intestine 5' read P
BI714776.1 pancreas 3' read
BI715329.1 pancreas 5' read P
BI755534.1 Clone IMAGE:5197440 brain 5' read P
BI828192.1 Clone IMAGE:5165799 brain 5' read P
W39564.1 Clone IMAGE:322824 skin 5' read
W44917.1 Clone IMAGE:322824 skin 3' read A
BM808066.1 Clone IMAGE:5591440 ovary 5' read P
BM823085.1 Clone S21SNU520s1-8-H02 stomach 5' read P
BQ019612.1 Clone IMAGE:5827157 connective tissue 3' read A
AA010379.1 Clone IMAGE:430260 mixed 3' read A
AA010475.1 Clone IMAGE:430260 mixed 5' read P
AA010572.1 Clone IMAGE:430290 mixed 5' read P
AA010573.1 Clone IMAGE:430290 mixed 3' read A
AA039934.1 Clone IMAGE:485750 uterus 3' read A
AA039962.1 Clone IMAGE:485750 uterus 5' read P
BQ721336.1 Clone IMAGE:6196713 nerve 5' read
BQ774832.1 Clone UI-H-FH0-bcd-f-07-0-UI bone 3' read PA
BU198988.1 uncharacterized tissue P
BU145445.1 Clone IMAGE:6087274 salivary gland 5' read P
AA089809.1 heart 5' read
BU607429.1 Clone UI-CF-FN0-aeu-j-08-0-UI lung 3' read A
BU618550.1 Clone UI-H-FH1-bfk-k-15-0-UI bone 3' read A
BU951446.1 Clone IMAGE:6126502 pancreas 3' read A
BU951712.1 Clone IMAGE:6126502 pancreas 5' read P
CA413869.1 Clone UI-H-EZ0-bau-e-04-0-UI bone 3' read A
CA489011.1 Clone IMAGE:6721240 mixed 5' read P
AA366359.1 pancreas 5' read P
AA370496.1 prostate 5' read
AA372056.1 parathyroid 5' read
AA383292.1 testis 5' read
AA431003.1 bone marrow 5' read
AA465216.1 Clone IMAGE:814214 lymph node 3' read A
AA465570.1 Clone IMAGE:814214 lymph node 5' read P
AA552711.1 Clone IMAGE:1013636 intestine 3' read A
AA769389.1 Clone IMAGE:1289715 lymph node 3' read A
AA826070.1 Clone IMAGE:1372337 lymph node 3' read A
AA846782.1 Clone IMAGE:1392924 testis 3' read PA
AA883149.1 Clone IMAGE:1467075 mixed 3' read A
AA889069.1 Clone IMAGE:1468771 mixed 3' read

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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