Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains (Bach, L.)
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  6315423 Human performance during experimental formaldehyde exposure Bach, B. ; Pedersen, O.F. ; Moelhave, L. 1990 Jan 01 -
  6272287 Tear fluid electrolytes and albumin in persons under environmental stress Thygesen, J.E. ; Bach, B. ; Molhave, L. ; 1987 Jun 01 -
  5994476 Presence of antibodies against a cell-surface protein, cross-reactive with DNA, in systemic lupus erythrematosus: a marker of the disease Jacob, L. ; Lety, M.A. ; Choquette, D. ; 1987 May 01 -
  430260 Synthesis and characterization of lamellar MnO{sub 2} obtained from thermal decomposition of NaMnO{sub 4} for rechargeable lithium cells Bach, S. ; Pereira-Ramos, J.P. ; Baffier, N. 1995 Nov 15 -
  5175444 Isolation of cDNA clones coding for human tissue factor: primary structure of the protein and cDNA Spicer, E.K. ; Horton, R. ; Bloem, L. ; 1987 Aug 01 -
  LBNL/ALS--43311 Electronic structure of thiophenes and phtalocyanines - art no. 045211 Kurmaev, E.Z. ; Shamin, S.N. ; Galakhov, V.R. ; 2001 Jul 15 -
  428155 Rechargeable 3 V Li cells using hydrated lamellar manganese oxide Bach, S. ; Pereira-Ramos, J.P. ; Baffier, N. 1996 Nov 01 -
  7241006 Relation between persistent current and band structure of finite-width mesoscopic rings Wendler, L. ; Fomin, V.M. ; Krokhin, A.A. 1994 Aug 15 -
  CONF-880983-- Recent results from the Saclay nucleon-nucleon program Lac, C.D. ; Ball, J. ; Bystricky, J. ; 1989 May 01 -
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Y/AMT--426 In-service motor performance diagnostics. Final CRADA report Bunch, S.L. ; Otaduy, P.J. ; Kueck, J.D. ; 1997 Apr 15 -
  20550857 Structural investigation of the ZnSe(001)-c(2x2) surface Weigand, W. ; Mueller, A. ; Kilian, L. ; 2003 Dec 15 -
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