i&2 MEMOIRS and TRAVELS of felves to be feen by a ftranger without their gloves and rouge, which they fmear in large quantities upon their hideous countenances. Thefe "people dwell in two kinds of houfes; their winter habitation is called yourth, and that of the fummer balagan. The whole religidn of the natives of Kamchatka confifls in the belief that their God, having formerly dwelled in Kamchatka, fixed his habitation upon the banks of each river feveral years, and peopled thofe places with his children, to whom before his difappearance to eftablifh himfelf elfewhere, he gave the circumambient country for an inheritance. For this reafon they never quit a do*- main Ło ancient and unalienable. The fenfations of this people are merely corporeak Happiriefs, in their opinion, confifts in idlenefs, and the gratification of the natural appetites. It is impoffible to perfuade them that any mode of life can be more happy or more agreable than theirs, and they always confider the manner of living in Kuflia as worthy of their utmoft contempt and difdain. The inhabitants of Kamchatka have a peculiar cuftom in contracting marriages; but as this ufage is defcribed in the memoir of Spamberg, I {hall not repeat in thisit place. Every intimacy between the fexes is allowed of, and, according to the principles of the Kamchatka na- tion, a plurality of wives is allowed; but the Ruffian government forbids poligamy, in which refpeclr perhaps it tends to depopulate this country. It is difficult to conceive what reafons could lead fo wretched a people, who have nothing either to lofe or to gain, to enter into war. But it is very certain that they are