-.6— 9 Alabama dis here was all Marse Ike‘s place. Marse Ike‘s gin got outer fix and we couldn‘t git it fixed. Colonel Lee had two gins and one of tern was jes‘ below old Turnerhouse. Recolleck a big old hickory tree? Well dar‘s whar it was. UI was plenty big ‘nough to drive de mules to de gin. Set on de lever and drive ‘em, jes lak a glasses mill, so dat night Marse Ike told us he want everybody go wid him to Colonel Lee‘s gin nex‘ morning, and didn‘t want nobody to git out and go ahead of him. Dat held up de ginning; made us not to go to de ginhouse tell sunup. t1Us got de mules and jes‘ waited.!Twixt daylight and sunup, us all standing dar at de gate and we heared a little fine horn up d~e road. Us didn‘t know what it meant coming to de house. And bimeby Mr. Beesley, what live not fur from Marse Ike, he rode up &‘~nd had five dogs, five nigger dogs, what dey call ‘em, and aoon as he come, Marse Ike‘s hose was saddled up and Marse Ike and him rode off down de road and de dogs wid ‘ein, ‘head of us. Us followed ‘icng behind ‘em, stay close as deylow us, to see what dey was up to. When dey got close to de ginhouse, ginhouse right ‘side de road, dey stop us and Mr. Beesley told old Brown to go ahead. Old lirown was de lead dog and had a beil on him and. dey was fasten to~ecjcier wid a rod, jes‘ lak steers, He turn ‘em loose, and den }~e popped de whip and hollered at old Brown and told him ‘nigger‘. C1~ i*own hollered lak he hit. He want to go. A~d dey was a fence on bofe sides made it a lane, so he put old Brown over de fence on de ~4nhouse side, and told Brown to ‚ go ahead‘ . He went ahead and run all aroun1 de ginhouse and dey let him in de gin~room and he gTahhl~~ in de cottonseed in a hole. ‘Den somebody holler ‘Œuiriea Jim‘, “1 looks and I didn‘t see him. Didn‘t nobody see hirn, but