29 MAMBO Ain't dat de gospel? Nixon Aw, let de man talk. Ya'll sound lak uh tree full uh blackbirds. Go head on, Elder Simms. Walter Yeah, you can't teach 'eg nothin' but talk on. We know whut you talkin' bout. CLARKE (raps once or twice) I God, tell it. Whut ever tis you got tuh tell. SISTER LEWIS An yeah, hurry up and tell it. I know it ain't goin' tuh be nothin' after you git it told but hurry up an say it so yo' egg-bag can rest easy. WALTER Aw shet up an' give de man uh chance. SISTER LEWIS MY shetters ain't workin' good. Sposin you come shet me up, Walter. Den you'll know it's done right. LIGE Aw, whyn't y'all ack lak folks an' leave de man talk. CLARKE (rappin repeatedly) Order in dis court, I God, jus' like you was in Orlando! (Silence falls.) Now, Simms, talk yo' chat. SIMMS (glances down into his open Bible then looks all around the room with great deliberation. It is evident he enjoys being the center of attraction. He smiles smugly as he turns his face towards the pulpit. He speaks slowly and accents his words so that none will be lost on his audience.) De Bible says, be sho' you're right, then go ahead. (He looks all around to collect the admiration he feels he has earned.) Now, we all done gathered and 'sembled here tuh law dis you lad of uh boy on uh might serious charge. Uh whole passle of us is rarin tuh drive him way from home lak you done done off his daddy an' his brothers.