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End The Bailouts

The government has doled out $3 trillion in bailouts and loans.  All this has done is create a line of people and businesses with their hands out.  Institutions that took big risks in the hopes of big profit should be allowed to fail. Their assets will be bought by more teh more responsible firms that remain, and then we can all move on.
3 Comments  »  Posted by erickschonfeld on 1/15/2009 7:42 AM


1/15/2009 8:01 AM

 I couldn't agree more, when are we going to wake up and stop looking for the Government to get us out of the hole we dug.  If you started the loan, you have to pay it off, stop looking for taxpayers to bail you out, and it doesn't matter if you are AIG, Citibank or just a student loan.  People who get into these situations are looking for something for nothing, and that has to stop right now.  If you don't have the money now, then you can't have it, but I blame society itself because these people have been taught to spend, and not to save, so they spend, spend, and spend more, and when they get into trouble they look for someone else to shoulder your problems.  Life is sometimes unfair, but these are the cards you are dealt, so deal with it.

Chris Audley
1/15/2009 9:25 AM
 I don't particularly care to suffer through a protracted recession so I can feel smugly self righteous.  We tried this approach with Lehman and the repercussions so far have been as bad as we were warned.  We need a smarter approach to the current crises, and unfortunately, that may mean helping companies that were mismanaged.

Find a way to hold those who mismanaged responsible without dragging the economy down.
1/15/2009 12:24 PM
If we are going to have a welfare, let's give directly to people not corporations.
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