Astronomical Data Center


Astrometric and Positional DataSTARS

This listing shows the contents of the first line of the standard ReadMe document for data sets in the Astronomical Data Center's Astrometric and Positional data holdings. These lines include ADC data set identifier, the shortened title, the lead author, and the year of publication. These are hyperlinked to the "ReadMe" document that describes the data set.

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Additional hyperlinks are provided to the ADS Abstract Service and for those data sets contained on ADC CD-ROMs.

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Category 1: Astrometric and Positional Data - May 16, 2002

  1. 1005 Proper Motions of 20843 Cape Zone Stars 1900 (Spencer Jones+ 1936)
    *ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
  2. 1006 Cape 20554 Faint Stars, -40 to -52, 1900.0 (Spencer Jones+ 1939)[See: ADS abstract]
  3. 1011 Proper Motions of 8790 Stars with Ref to Galaxies (Klemola+ 1971)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1199
  4. 1012 Zone Catalog, -6 to -10, Equinox 1890 (Herz 1906,1907)
  5. 1014 Proper Motions of 1160 Late-Type Stars (Fogh Olsen 1970) [See: ADS abstract]
  6. 1016 Catalog of 3356 Faint Stars, 1950 (Larink+ 1955)
  7. 1021A AC Toulouse, Bordeaux, Paris & Oxford (Lacroute+ 1974,77,81)
  8. 1022A Astrographic Catalogue Algier, -02 to +04 (Lacroute+ 1974,77,81) [See: ADS abstract]
  9. 1023 Proper Motions for 437 A Stars (Fogh Olson 1970) [See: ADS abstract]
  10. 1028 Bonn 10: Catalog of 10663 Stars (Kuestner 1908)
  11. 1031 Bucharest KSZ Faint Stars, -11 to +11, 1950.0 (Bucharest 1972)
  12. 1033 First Greenwich Catalog of Stars for 1925.0 (London 1924)
  13. 1034 Second Greenwich Catalog of Stars for 1925.0 (London 1935)
  14. 1035 Second 9-Year Astrographic Cat Reference Stars 1900 (London 1909)
  15. 1036 Catalogue of 964 Stars, Zones +5 to +15 (Fayet)
  16. 1038 Tokyo Mitaka Catalogue of Equatorial Stars 1950.0 (Tuzi 1962)
  17. 1040 WASHINGTON 20 Catalog (Morgan, 1933)
  18. 1044 Second Cat of Fundamental Stars (SPF-2; Santiago-Pulkovo unpub.) [See: ADS abstract]
  19. 1045 Catalogue de Zimmerman (Zimmerman 1948) [See: ADS abstract]
  20. 1049 Strasbourg Meridian Catalog (Strasbourg 1972)
  21. 1054A 1849 Stars Proper Motions Exceeding 0.5" Annually (Luyten 1955)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1087B
  22. 1055 Third Toulouse Catalogue, Zones +3 to +12 (Paloque 1937)
  23. 1057 D'Abbadia Catalogue of 14263 Stars, +16 to +24 (Hendaye 1915)
  24. 1059 Proper Motions of 12590 Faint Stars, +25 to -20 (Gorel 1972)
  25. 1060B Yale Catalogue Trigonometric-Parallax Data (Jenkins 1963)[See: ADS abstract]
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1238
  26. 1061B AGK3 Catalogue (Dieckvoss, Heckmann 1975)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  27. 1062C Perth 70 B: Positions 24900 Stars (Hog, von der Heide 1976) [See: ADS abstract]
  28. 1068A Positions, Proper Mot 1981 Stars Near Alpha Per (Fresneau 1980) [See: ADS abstract]
  29. 1069 AGK3 Catalogue by Right Ascension (Dieckvoss, Heckmann 1975) [See: ADS abstract]
  30. 1071 Bonner Durchmusterung Supplemental Stars (Warren, Kress 1980)
  31. 1073B Sydney Photographic Cat 20457 Stars, -48 to -54 (Eichhorn+ 1983) [See: ADS abstract]
  32. 1074 Fourth Besancon Observatory Meridian Catalogue (Creze+ 1982) [See: ADS abstract]
  33. 1075 Second Cape Photographic Catalogue, 1950.0 (Cape Observatory 1968)
  34. 1078 Third Santiago-Pulkovo Fund Stars, +40 to -90 (SPF-3; Loyola+ 1972) [See: ADS abstract]
  35. 1079 Lowell Proper Motion Survey 8991 Stars Northern Hem (Giclas 1971)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  36. 1080 Catalog of 5268 Standard Stars, Normal System N30 (Morgan 1952) [See: ADS abstract]
  37. 1082 First Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Stars (SPF-1; Anguita+ 1975) [See: ADS abstract]
  38. 1085 Cape Photographic Catalogue 2 (CPC 2; Nicholson+ 1984) [See: ADS abstract]
  39. 1086A Sydney Southern Star Catalogue (King, Lomb 1983)
  40. 1087B Luyten Half-Second Catalogue, Second Edition (LHS; Luyten 1979)
  41. 1089 Santiago 67 Cat, 7610 Stars, -25 to -45, 1950.0 (Carrasco+ 1981)
  42. 1090 Positions of 502 Stars in Pleiades Region (Eichhorn+ 1970) [See: ADS abstract]
  43. 1092 Yale Zone Catalogue, -60 to -70 Degrees (Fallon 1983) [See: ADS abstract]
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1141
  44. 1093A JPL Ephemeris DE118/LE62, 1960-2030, B1950 (Standish 1981,1990)
  45. 1094A JPL Ephemeris DE200/LE200, 1960-2025, J2000 (Standish+ 1981,1990)
  46. 1096 Astrographic Catalogue, +01 to +31 Degrees (Fresneau 1983) [See: ADS abstract]
  47. 1097 Perth 75, Positions of 2589 FK4/FK4S Stars (Nikoloff, Hog 1982)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 1
  48. 1098A NLTT Published Edition (Luyten 1979-80)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
  49. 1099 Brorfelde Meridian Catalogues 1964-1976 (Brorfelde Obs. 1968-1984) [See: ADS abstract]
  50. 1100A Results of obs with the 6-inch transit circle (Hammond+ 1927-1982) [See: ADS abstract]
  51. 1107A Washington Cat Visual Double Stars 1984.0 (Worley, Douglass 1984)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1237
  52. 1108 Cape Photographic Durchmusterung (CPD; Gill, Kapteyn 1895-1900)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  53. 1110 Occultation Double-Star Observations (Evans 1983) [See: ADS abstract]
  54. 1112 Lowell Proper Motion Survey Southern Hemisphere (Giclas+ 1978)
  55. 1113A General Cat of 33342 Stars, 1950.0 (GC; Boss 1937, ADC 1992)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
  56. 1114 Cordoba Durchmusterung (Thome 1892-1932)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  57. 1116 Cape Photographic Cat, 1950.0 (CPC; Jackson+ 1954-8, ADC 1985) [See: ADS abstract]
  58. 1118 Elements of Minor Planets for 1986 (Batrakov 1985) [See: ADS abstract]
  59. 1119 Southern Durchmusterung (Schoenfeld 1886)
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  60. 1121 Common Proper Motion Stars in the AGK3 (Halbwachs 1986) [See: ADS abstract]
  61. 1122 Bonner Durchmusterung (BD; Argelander 1859-62, Kuestner 1903)
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  62. 1123 Lunar Occultations of IRAS Point Sources, 1986-1990 (Simon+ 1986) [See: ADS abstract]
  63. 1124 Elements of Minor Planets for 1987 (Batrakov, Shor 1986)
  64. 1125A Combined Lick-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Dunham 1989)
  65. 1126 Carlsberg Meridian La Palma (Copenhagen & Royal Greenwich Obs 1986)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1147
  66. 1127 Elements of Minor Planets for 1988 (Batrakov 1987)
  67. 1128 Photographic Obs Visual Double Stars (van Albada-van Dien+ 1987) [See: ADS abstract]
  68. 1129 Trig Parallax and Proper Motion Survey UK Schmidt (Murray+ 1986) [See: ADS abstract]
  69. 1130 LDS Catalogue: Doubles with Common Proper Motion (Luyten 1940-87) [See: ADS abstract]
  70. 1131A SAO Star Catalog J2000 (SAO Staff 1966; USNO, ADC 1990)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  71. 1134 A New List of Trapezium-Type Multiple Systems (Salukvadze 1978) [See: ADS abstract]
  72. 1135 Multiple and Double Stars in T Associations (Salukvadze 1980)
  73. 1136 Trapezium-Type Multiple Sys in T Associations (Salukvadze 1980)
  74. 1137 Positions, Proper Motions of 4949 Geodetic Stars (Khrutskaya 1984)
  75. 1138 Southern Reference Star Cat of 20488 Positions (SRS; Smith+ 1988)
  76. 1141 Yale Zone Catalogues Integrated (Yale Univ 1939-1983; ADC 1989)
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  77. 1142 Lunar Occultations of IRAS Point Sources 1991-2000 (Simon+ 1989) [See: ADS abstract]
  78. 1143 Fourth Fundamental Cat and Suppl (FK4, FK4S; Fricke, Kopff 1963)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  79. 1144 First, Second and Third Herstmonceux Cats, 1950.0 (Tucker+ 1983) [See: ADS abstract]
  80. 1145 Orbital Elements of 3936 Minor Planets (Batrakov, Shor 1989) [See: ADS abstract]
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1183B
  81. 1146 Positions and Proper Motions (Roeser, Bastian 1988) [See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  82. 1147 Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, La Palma (Copenhagen U Obs+ 1989)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1256
  83. 1148 Fourth Melbourne General Catalogue (Me4; Melbourne Obs unpub.)
  84. 1149A Fifth Fundamental Catalogue, Basic Fund Stars (FK5; Fricke+ 1988)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  85. 1150 Proper Motions for High Luminosity Stars (Valitova 1990)
  86. 1151 Precise Radio Source Positions from Mark III VLBI (Ma+ 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  87. 1152 Jupiter-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Klemola+ 1978) [See: ADS abstract]
  88. 1153 Saturn-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Klemola+ 1979) [See: ADS abstract]
  89. 1154 Astrographic Catalogue, Zones -02 to +31 (AC; Roeser 1990)
  90. 1155 Astrographic Catalogue, Zones -02 to +31, X,Y Data (AC; ARI 1989)
  91. 1157 U.S. Naval Observatory Zodiacal Zone Catalog (ZZCAT; USNO 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  92. 1159A Positions and Proper Motions - South, Preliminary (Bastian+ 1990)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1193
  93. 1161 AGK3R (Smith 1990)
  94. 1163 U.S. Naval Observatory Pleiades Catalog (Van Flandern 1969)
  95. 1164 U.S. Naval Observatory K Catalog (Dunham 1978)
  96. 1167 Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog 1986 (Yoshizawa+ 1989) [See: ADS abstract]
  97. 1168 Perth 83 Catalogue of 12263 Stars (Harwood 1990)
  98. 1169 Selected Compact Radio Sources (Argue+ 1984) [See: ADS abstract]
  99. 1170A Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, La Palma (Copenhagen U. Obs.+ 1991)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1256
  100. 1171 Astrographic Catalog Reference Stars (Corbin,Urban 1991)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  101. 1172 International Reference Stars (Corbin 1991)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
  102. 1173 Catalogue de 2550 Etoiles Doubles (Couteau 1990)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1209A
  103. 1174 Yale Trigonometric Parallaxes Preliminary (van Altena, W.F.+ 1991)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1238A
  104. 1175 Fifth Fundamental Catalogue, FK5 Extension (Fricke+ 1991)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  105. 1176 AGK3U (Bucciarelli+ 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  106. 1177 Catalogue of Proper Motions in NGC 752 (Platais 1992)
  107. 1178 Catalogue of Proper Motions in NGC 7209 (Platais 1992)
  108. 1179 Chinese Geodetical Stars Catalogue (CGSC; 1992)
  109. 1180 General Catalogue of Stars (GCPA; 1992)
  110. 1181 Second General Catalogue of Stars (GCPA2; Lu 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  111. 1182 Fourth Preliminary Catalogue of Stars (PACP4; Lu 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  112. 1183B Orbital Elements of 4265 Minor Planets (Batrakov, Shor 1992)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1184C
  113. 1184C Orbital Elements of 4646 Minor Planets (Batrakov, Shor 1992)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1204
  114. 1185 Giant Branch of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sagar+ 1990)
  115. 1186 Tokyo PMC Catalog 85 (Yoshizawa+ 1987) [See: ADS abstract]
  116. 1187 Tokyo PMC Catalog 87 (Yoshizawa, Suzuki 1991) [See: ADS abstract]
  117. 1188 Tokyo PMC Catalog 88 (Yoshizawa+ 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  118. 1189 Carlsberg Meridian Catalog, La Palma (Copenhagen U Obs+ 1992)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1256
  119. 1191 Hipparcos Input Catalogue (Turon+ 1992)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1196
  120. 1192 Astrometric Std Region Near NGP: Cat of 3196 Stars (Pakulyak 1992)
  121. 1193 Positions and Proper Motions - South (Bastian+ 1993)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  122. 1194 Bright Stars Supplement, PPM and PPM South Star Cat (Bastian+ 1992)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1206
  123. 1195 FOCAT-S Photographic Catalogue (Yagudin 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  124. 1196 Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 (Turon+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  125. 1197A Tycho Input Catalogue (Revised version) (Egret+ 1992)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  126. 1198 Tokyo PMC Catalog 89 (Yoshizawa+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  127. 1199 Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Catalog (Klemola+ 1993)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  128. 1200 Lick Northern Proper Motion Pgm: NPM1 Ref Gal (Klemola+ 1993)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  129. 1201 XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars (Dunham & Warren 1995)
  130. 1202 The FK5 Extension of the FK4 System (Lattanzi+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  131. 1203 Proper Motions, UBV-Phot & Spectral Class Region 7092 (Platais 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  132. 1204 Orbital Elements of 5566 Minor Planets (Batrakov, Shor 1993)
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1217
  133. 1205 Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, Vol. 7 (CMC7) (Copenhagen U. Obs.+ 1993)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1256
  134. 1206 Bright Stars Supplement, PPM and PPM South Star Cat (Bastian+ 1993)
  135. 1207 Prelim List of Stars from Tycho Obs (TIC data) (Halbwach+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  136. 1208 90000 Stars Supplement to the PPM Star Cat (Roeser+ 1994)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  137. 1209A Catalogue de 2700 double stars (Couteau, 1993)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
  138. 1210 Mean Positions and Proper Motions of 995 FK4 Sup Stars (Schwan+ 1993)
  139. 1211 Components of Double and Multiple stars (CCDM)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1269
  140. 1212 Proper Motions in NGC 3680 (Kozhurina-Platais+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  141. 1213 Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, Vol. 8 (CMC8) (Copenhagen U. Obs.+ 1994)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1256
  142. 1214 NPM1 Cross Index (Klemola+ 1994)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 2
  143. 1215 Tables of membership for 43 open clusters (Zhao+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  144. 1216A Open Cluster Tr 10 (Stock 1984) [See: ADS abstract]
  145. 1217 Orbital Elements of Minor Planets 1996 (Batrakov+ 1995)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1233
  146. 1218 New Reference Frame defined by Extragalactic Radio Source (IAU WG, 1995)
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 4
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1251
  147. 1219 Cape AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1995)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  148. 1220 The HST Guide Star Catalog (Lasker+,1992) [See: ADS abstract]
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1254
  149. 1221 The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars - MACS (Tucholke+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  150. 1222 San Fernando AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1995)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  151. 1223 Algiers AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1995)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  152. 1224 Oxford 1 AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  153. 1225 Oxford 2 AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  154. 1226 Vatican AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  155. 1227 Paris AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  156. 1228 Bordeaux AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  157. 1230 Southern Hemisphere Catalogue of Bordeaux (Rousseau+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  158. 1231 Uccle AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  159. 1232 Toulouse AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  160. 1233 Orbital Elements of Minor Planets 1997 (Batrakov+ 1996)
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1245
  161. 1234 Hyderabad North AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  162. 1235 Helsingfors AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1996)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1247
  163. 1237 The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0 (Worley+, 1996)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
  164. 1238A Yale Trigonometric Parallaxes, Fourth Edition (van Altena+ 1995)[See: ADS abstract]
    * ADC CD-ROM Vol. 3
  165. 1239 The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997)[See: ADS abstract]
    *The full result of the Hipparcos Mission is available from ESA
  166. 1241 The N70E catalogue (Kolesnik, 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  167. 1242 Pulkovo Photographic Vertical Circle (PVC96) (Gontcharov+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  168. 1244 OGLE General Catalog of Stars. I. (Szymanski+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  169. 1245 Orbital Elements of Minor Planets 1998 (Batrakov+ 1997)
  170. 1246 The ACT Reference Catalog (Urban+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  171. 1247 The AC2000 Catalogue (Urban+ 1997)
    ===> Superseded by catalog 1275
  172. 1248 Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog 90-93 (Yoshizawa+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  173. 1249 Tokyo meridian circle catalog of O-B stars (Yasuda+ 1986) [See: ADS abstract]
  174. 1250 The Tycho Reference Catalogue (Hog+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  175. 1251 VLBI International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) (Ma+, 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  176. 1252 The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998)
  177. 1254 The HST Guide Star Catalogue, Version 1.2 (Lasker+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  178. 1255 The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.3 (Lasker+ 1996-99) [See: ADS abstract]
  179. 1256 Carlsberg Meridian Catalogs (CMC, 1999)
  180. 1257 Stars of Praesepe (Wang+, 1991) [See: ADS abstract]
  181. 1258 Pleiades positions and proper motions (Wang+, 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  182. 1259 The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  183. 1260 Visual Double Stars in Hipparcos (Dommanget+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  184. 1261 The FON Astrographic Catalogue (FONAC) (Kislyuk+ 1999)
  185. 1263 ACR catalog around Celestial Equator (Stone+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  186. 1264 Sixth Catalogue of Fundamental Stars (FK6) (Wielen+ 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  187. 1265 Second Cape Photographic Catalogue (CPC2) (Zacharias+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  188. 1266 Proper motions of fundamental stars (PMFS) (Gontcharov+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  189. 1268 UCAC1 Catalogue (Zacharias+ 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  190. 1269 CCDM (Components of Double and Multiple stars) (Dommanget+ 2001)
  191. 1270 Catalog of Positions of IR Stellar Sources (CPIRSS) (Hindsley+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  192. 1272 M2000: Bordeaux Carte du Ciel zone +11<Dec<+18 (Rapaport+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  193. 1273 Extragalactic Reference Link Catalog (ERLcat) (de Vegt+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  194. 1275 The AC 2000.2 Catalogue (Urban+ 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  195. 1276 Tycho Double Star Catalogue (TDSC) (Fabricius+ 2002) [See: ADS abstract]
  196. 1277 SPM Catalog 2.0 (Platais+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  197. 1278 Catalog of stars in M3 (von Zeipel, 1908) [See: ADS abstract]
  198. 1916 Perth 70, Individual Observations of 24900 Stars (Hog+ 1976)
  199. 1917 Perth 70 B: Ordered by DM Number (Hog, von der Heide 1976)

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  Authors: James Gass & Gail Schneider
  Revised: Monday, 04-Feb-2008 13:47:23 EST