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795 K
ANL/CP-75716; CONF-9203135--1 Technical specifications for the successful fabrication of laminated seismic isolation bearings Kulak, R.F. 1992 Jan 01
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795 K
ANL/CP--75716; CONF-9203135--1 Technical specifications for the successful fabrication of laminated seismic isolation bearings Kulak, R.F. 1992 May 01
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705 K
ANL/PPRNT-89-111 Adaptive contact elements for three-dimensional explicit transient analysis Kulak, R.F. 1989 Jan 01
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141 K
CONF-8907161-1 Critical time step estimation for three-dimensional explicit impact analysis Kulak, R.F. 1989 Jan 01
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352 K
CONF-8708191-1 Three dimensional contact/impact methodology Kulak, R.F. 1987 Jan 01
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279 K
CONF-850670-10 Adaptive contact elements for three-dimensional fluid-structure interfaces Kulak, R.F. 1985 Jan 01
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274 K
CONF-790802-67 Three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction dynamics of a pool-reactor in-tank component. [LMFBR] Kulak, R.F. 1979 Jan 01
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514 K
CONF-790615-26 Finite element formulation for fluid-structure interaction in three-dimensional space Kulak, R.F. 1979 Jan 01
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272 K
CONF-790802-70 Fluid-structure interaction analysis of a deck structure during a HCDA. [LMFBR] Kulak, R.F. 1979 Jan 01
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293 K
CONF-790802-65 Three-dimensional finite element formulation for fluid-structure interaction Kulak, R.F. 1979 Jan 01
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486 K
CONF-820601-30 Some aspects of fluid-structure coupling. [LMFBR] Kulak, R.F. 1982 Jan 01
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753 K
ANL/RE/CP--82468; CONF-940613--17 Identification of factors that influence the stiffness of high-damping elastomer seismic isolation bearings Kulak, R.F. ; Hughes, T.H. 1994 Jun 01
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992 K
ANL/RE/CP--82372; CONF-940613--16 Nonlinear response of vessel walls due to short-time thermomechanical loading Pfeiffer, P.A. ; Kulak, R.F. 1994 Jun 01
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825 K
ANL/RE/CP--85940; CONF-950455--1 Numerical simulation via parallel-distributed computing of energy absorption by metal deformation Plaskacz, E.J. ; Kulak, R.F. 1995 Jul 01
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2 Mb
ANL/RE/CP--86313; CONF-950740--57 Structural response of rectilinear containment to overpressurization Pfeiffer, P.A. ; Kulak, R.F. 1995 Jul 01
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837 K
ANL/RE/CP--85884; CONF-950740--74 Mechanical behavior of a suite of elastomers used for seismic base isolation Kulak, R.F. ; Hughes, T.H. 1995 Jul 01
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730 K
ANL/RE/CP--89270; CONF-9603134--2 Use of high-performance computers, FEA and the CAVE automatic virtual environment for collaborative design of complex systems Plaskacz, E.J. ; Kulak, R.F. 1996 Mar 01
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702 K
ANL/RE/CP--93588; CONF-970726--23 Impact response of preloaded structures with revolute joints Kulak, R.F. ; Pfeiffer, P.A. 1997 Sep 01
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564 K
ANL/RE/CP--78944; CONF-930803--22 Frequency and temperature dependence of high damping elastomers Kulak, R.F. ; Hughes, T.H. 1993 Aug 01
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? K
ANL/RAE/CP-106061 Application of seismic isolation to the STAR-LM reactor. Kulak, R.F. ; Yoo, B. 2002 Feb 26
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949 K
ANL/CP-75640; CONF-920631--31 Mechanical tests for validation of seismic isolation elastomer constitutive models Kulak, R.F. ; Hughes, T.H. 1992 Jan 01
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815 K
ANL/RE/CP-79101; CONF-930702--32 Structural response of reactor-core hexcan subassemblies subjected to dynamic overpressurization under accident conditions Pfeiffer, P.A. ; Kulak, R.F. 1993 Jan 01
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917 K
ANL/RE/CP--81168; CONF-940752--2 Correlation of elastomer material properties from small specimen tests and scale-size bearing tests Kulak, R.F. ; Hughes, T.H. 1994 Jun 01
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767 K
ANL/RE/CP--81162; CONF-940752--4 Mechanical testing of high-damping elastomer materials for determining design parameters of seismic isolation bearings Hughes, T.H. ; Kulak, R.F. 1994 Jun 01
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1018 K
ANL/RE/CP--78984; CONF-930803--29 Dynamic structural response of reactor-core subassemblies (hexcans) due to accident overpressurization Pfeiffer, P.A. ; Kulak, R.F. 1993 Aug 01
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