Research Activity Panel: Final Meeting Minutes Room D258 Earth and Marine Sciences Building University of California, Santa Cruz Friday July 11, 1997 09:00 - 12:30 Introduction of members and guests (G. Cailliet) Institution Representatives Greg Cailliet, Moss Landing Marine Labs - Chair Rick Starr, U.C. Sea Grant - Vice Chair Andrew DeVogelaere, MBNMS - RAP Coordinator Lisa Ziobro, MBNMS - SAC Coordinator Mary Yoklavich, NOAA/NMFS/PFEG Jane Caffrey, ESNERR and ESF Michael Field, USGS Steve Eittreim, USGS Chris Harrold, Monterey Bay Aquarium Deborah Johnston, CA DFG/ Monterey Jennifer Nielsen, Hopkins Marine Station Laura Ehret, Naval Postgraduate School Mark Stephenson, CDFG/Mar. Pollution Studies Lab At-Large Caroline Pomeroy, UCSC/CSUMB Les Strnad, CA Coastal Commission Special Advisors Gary Sharp, CIRIOS Guests Jenny Carless, MBNMS Newsletter Kip Evans, MBNMS Bruce Heyer, UCSC Michele Jacobi, MBNMS Dan Orange, MBARI Don Potts, UCSC John Robinson, MBNMS CONSENT ITEMS: Modifications to the agenda (G. Cailliet) The short information item - MBNMS Superintendent future meeting with RAP - was replaced by a discussion of the MBNMS Manager position. Approval of the minutes for May 1997 (G. Cailliet) The draft minutes from the May 10, 1997 meeting were approved as amended. PRESENTATIONS Overview of research activities at the USGS (M. Field) Michael Field, USGS, presented an overview of the USGS Program. Their goal is to provide objective and non-adversarial science information. The USGS has four Divisions: Biological Resources, Mapping, Water Resources, and Geologic. The Coastal Marine Program is in the Geologic Division. The Coastal Marine ProgramÕs primary themes are: · environmental quality and preservation - pollution and waste disposal, fragile environments, marine reserves and biologic habitats, and geologic records of environmental change; · natural hazards and public safety - coastal and nearshore erosion, and offshore earthquakes and landslides; · natural resources - energy resources and marine hard mineral resources; · information and technology - systematic sea-floor mapping, information bank, assessments, technology and facilities. Steve Eittreim, USGS, presented an overview of the Coastal Marine ProgramÕs Monterey Bay Project. The Project has two major goals: to map the seafloor geology on the MBNMS shelf; and to better understand how sediments flow through the sanctuary. Michael Field and Steve Eittreim concluded their presentations by demonstrating amazing new technologies for mapping and viewing geologic features. For more information on USGS marine geology, visit world wide web site: "" DISCUSSIONS Regional research institution video (K. Evans) Kip Evans, MBNMS Contract Education Specialist, asked for RAP input for a possible video on regional research institutions. The project will need financial support from the participating institutions. Various input included the following: · video should reach out to the general public (high school level) rather than the research groups; the more technical aspects will be covered by a MBARI project; · focus on featuring each institution; · focus on the individuals working within the Sanctuary rather than on the institutions; · focus on the coalition of supporters of the Sanctuary, not on the array of institutions, since the Òlittle peopleÓ who do all the work always get lost; the Sanctuary is about people, not institutions; · audience maximum span of attention: 20 minutes; · providing an accurate depiction of goals and purposes of each institution may not be possible; · create a general video focusing on institutions and then break into a series of videos representing different habitats and whoÕs doing research in them; · Use the technology and students at CSUMB. There was a general consensus that a it would be most effective to have a video: focus on central California as an important marine area, briefly review the diverse habitats, provide a map of research institutions in the region, then interview scientists on a broad range of topics from the regional research institutions. At the same time, CSUMB students could put together videos for each separate research institution. Using the above input, Kip Evans will put together a more comprehensive outline for the project and Andrew DeVogelaere will collect contacts at each research institution. SHORT INFORMATION ITEMS Verbal items: Summary of the last SAC meeting (G. Cailliet) Greg reported on the June 6, 1997 Council meeting, with emphasis on the status of the proposed Ed Ricketts Underwater Park. It is unclear at this time whether or not there will be an oversight committee for scientific and educational take. At this time, regulations have not be established by the City of Monterey, and the City of Pacific Grove has made no decisions regarding the proposed park. See the minutes of the SAC meeting for more detail ( MBNMS Research Coordinator Contract (A. De Vogelaere, G. Cailliet) Andrew reported on the status of the Research Coordinator Contract. Applications are due by July 25, 1997 and a selection will be made by August 21, 1997. The contract will be for three years. Les Strnad stated that the contract process is inappropriate for the Research Coordinator Position and that if a full-time government position is not available, then the contracts for Research Coordinator should be a minimum of five years. Because research projects are multi-year projects, there is a need for consistency and continuity with the Research Coordinator position, and if this is not established, RAP members may resign. Status of proposed marine legislation (C. Pomeroy) Carrie Pomeroy reviewed the current status of legislation action. RAP members asked for Òred flagsÓ which Carrie pointed out is difficult due to a wide range of interests. Greg Cailliet suggested that the RAP refer to handout Steve Webster supplied to the SAC at the June 6 meeting. John Robinson, MBNMS, has been appointed as the Sanctuary point person to track the legislation. John agreed to put together a two-page report for each RAP meeting. Les Strnad encouraged Carrie to continue to be a point person for RAP issues. MBNMS Superintendent position (G. Cailliet) Greg opened discussion on the memo SRD Chief Stephanie Thornton sent to the Sanctuary staff and SAC informing them that Carol Fairfield has been temporarily reassigned to other duties. Gary Sharp proposed that the RAP contact Nancy Foster to ask for an explanation. Rick Starr suggested that the letter state RAP concerns regarding the process; for example, significant local matching funds support the Sanctuary and the RAP should be considered in significant issues such as this. The money being spent on several transitional salaries and relocation costs could be used more effectively for Sanctuary programs. Les Strnad questioned the decision to make Joanne Flanders the Interim Manager rather than Terry Jackson. Greg Cailliet agreed to draft the letter to Nancy Foster. Chris Harrold listed three issues to include: the effect of these recent decisions on the Sanctuary staffÕs ability to do their jobs; mismanagement of funds; that the SAC and working groups deserve clear explanations for such significant decisions. It was suggested that copies of the letter should go to James Baker and Sam Farr. Proposed Kelp Cooperative Kelp Ecologist (A. De Vogelaere) Andrew announced that the Monterey Bay Kelp Cooperative is looking for a kelp ecologist, and has specifically requested that MBNMS staff approach Professor Michael Foster. Les Strnad stated that RAP participation is not appropriate because the Cooperative is illegal according the State regulations. The kelp bed in question is ÒopenÓ not leased. According to Les, the kelp harvesters should go through the appropriate channels to change the classification of this kelp bed area. RAP members expressed the opinion that it is not the groupÕs role to provide this type of information, rather, the kelp harvesters should hire a consultant. The Sanctuary Scientific Research Plan (A. De Vogelaere) Andrew asked the RAP if they wanted to update the Appendix C: Priorities for Specific Disciplines. The RAP wanted the separate sections sent back to their authors, and new RAP members with interest in specific topics, and have them determine if any changes are necessary. IMBI Update (Don Potts) The IMBI Committee has approached the Packard Foundation for funding and is waiting for a response. A two-page report reviewing biodiversity projects will be e-mailed to the RAP. WRITTEN ITEMS (no discussion unless there are questions): Essential Fish Habitats (C. A. Murray) Thanks to all for the invitation to address MBNMS RAP meeting on July 11 or August 8th on the NWFSC plans on EFH. As of now, I am scheduled to be in Juneau the week of July 11 and in DC on the 8th. Please extend my regrets to the group, as I would have thoroughly enjoyed having a dialogue with your group. The current plan for the $120,000 that has been advanced to the NW region is to, in part, engage IPAs. These are preliminary plans being developed between the Regional Office and the Science Center. The Science Center's work is being spearheaded by Dr. Michael Schiewe who will be heading up our new Ocean and Estuarine program, as part of the Fish Ecology Division. Elkhorn Slough Water Monitoring Update (J. Caffrey) I wanted to update the RAP about the water quality monitoring and how things went with the county. Mark and I met with the planning committee to the Board of the Water Resources Agency. Kathy Thomasberg made a brief presentation introducing us and Mark and I gave our talk. It was quite well received, so instead of cutting us by 50%, they are only going to cut us by 25%. We're going to cut out the chloride and conductivity analyses that the county does, since we can do conductivity with the solomat. We're also going to try to get a volunteer to help filter the samples since that is one of the really slow steps for the county in doing the analyses. Kathy was really impressed and we were pleased by the committee's enthusiasm for the monitoring project. So, we have a little breathing space until next year when the budgets will be an issue again. We're hoping to get some monetary support from the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, since some of the stations are under their jurisdiction as well. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (A. De Vogelaere) Relevant milestones to the RAP in the FY 97 Operating Plan include: (1) redirecting development of the National Marine Sanctuary system-wide science plan for research, monitoring, and restoration to reflect the revised National Marine Sanctuary Strategic Plan (2) completing field testing and incorporating changes suggested by field sites on the new streamlined National Marine Sanctuary permit process. Discussion and Review of Man-Made Sound in the Sea, with a focus on the proposed Navy surveillance operation (A. De Vogelaere) Michele Jacobi and Dan Costa have completed a draft bibliography on the topic. California Coastal Commission Request Regarding Aquaculture (A. De Vogelaere) On May 29, a compilation of RAP comments on abalone aquaculture issues was forwarded to the California Coastal Commission. Great American Fish Count (M. Jacobi/A. De Vogelaere) RAP members are still working on reviews of the workplan. Light in the Deep Sea Report (R. Kochevar) In progress California Biodiversity Council: Science Coordinating Committee (A. De Vogelaere) The 1997 objectives and workplan are provided in a handout NMS Research Reports, see handout (A. De Vogelaere/J. Roletto) see handout Permit Report (S. Kathey) See handout NEW BUSINESS Les Strnad announced the upcoming Coastal Zone Conference and the National Marine Educators meeting. ADJOURN RAP Meeting Minutes - 7/11/97 FINAL 4