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Table 3b. Summary of PEM-Tropics B P-3B Aircraft Flights

Flight No Start Date (GMT) Julian Day (GMT) Start Time (GMT) Stop Time (GMT) Lat. Min (Degs) Lat. Max (Degs) Lon. Min (Degs) Lon. Max (Degs) Flight Location and Description
1P 3/4/1999 63 20:38:05 01:29:45 36.1084 37.94 -75.4974 -72.6053 NASA WFF Test Flight # 1
2P 3/7/1999 66 17:57:34 23:41:58 37.0659 37.9881 -75.5101 -75.6333 NASA WFF Test Flight # 2
3P 3/10/1999 69 19:35:30 03:09:30 34.7976 38.0023 -117.8659 -75.4394 NASA WFF to NASA DFRC Test Flight # 3
4P 3/11/1999 70 19:33:44 03:00:44 19.7225 35.0099 -155.0753 -117.8218 NASA DFRC to Hilo,HI
Transport of US Pollution
5P 3/13/1999 72 18:59:24 03:14:23 -0.0854 19.7223 -157.6726 -154.9066 Hilo,HI to Christmas Island
Interhemispheric Gradients
6P 3/15/1999 74 20:39:51 05:08:08 0.9191 2.325 -157.763 -154.5006 Christmas Island Local # 1
Sunset BL, HOx and DMS Chemistry
7P 3/17/1999 76 14:33:05 20:09:11 -1.0906 1.992 -157.4252 -156.6062 Christmas Island Local # 2/sunrise
Sunrise to Sunset HOx & DMS Chemistry
8P 3/17/1999 76 22:34:30 04:27:30 -1.4238 2.0158 -157.4005 -156.5 Christmas Island Local # 3/sunset
Sunrise to Sunset HOx & DMS Chemistry
9P 3/20/1999 79 16:59:50 01:14:35 -0.0237 2.0256 -157.3806 -139.9772 Christmas Island Local # 4
Equatorial Survey
10P 3/22/1999 81 14:44:56 00:53:10 -0.6021 1.9928 -157.4448 -152.8383 Christmas Island Local # 5
Equatorial Upwelling/Sunrise DMS Flux
11P 3/24/1999 83 21:38:27 05:34:35 -1.2889 1.9866 -157.3983 -155.8228 Christmas Island Local # 6
Equatorial HOx
12P 3/26/1999 85 18:51:37 03:02:45 -17.7163 1.9348 -165.9883 -149.6086 Christmas Island to Tahiti
Interhemispheric Trace Gas Gradient
13P 3/31/1999 90 18:36:15 03:50:55 -17.7302 -5.6551 -149.7854 -142.5973 Tahiti Local # 1
Convective Cloud; Gas/Particle Conversion
14P 4/4/1999 94 20:54:48 05:17:20 -21.9976 -17.5368 -150.0424 -149.6076 Tahiti Local # 2
Low/Mid-Altitude HOx Chemistry
15P 4/5/1999 95 20:00:42 02:04:49 -17.5514 -7.5083 -149.6045 -140.2392 Tahiti Local # 3
Convective Cloud; Gas/Particle Conversion
16P 4/7/1999 97 14:56:35 01:26:42 -17.6296 -12.3281 -149.7111 -141.7371 Tahiti Local # 4
Sunrise Sulfur Flux & DMS Oxidation
17P 4/9/1999 99 19:00:37 02:18:28 -17.5546 21.3165 -157.9982 -149.5921 Tahiti to Honolulu, HI
BL HOx and Sulfur Chemistry
18P 4/10/1999 100 19:02:40 01:52:13 21.1883 36.6385 -157.9307 -121.854 Honolulu, HI to Monterey, CA
Long Range Asian & NA Outflow
19P 4/11/1999 101 16:49:58 23:31:40 36.561 39.9023 -121.8413 -75.3355 Monterey, CA to NASA WFF
Continental Layers

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