OH and HO2: Sources, interactions with nitrogen oxides, and ozone production
Contributed by William Brune, Pennsylvania State University, USA

A Note from the Chair

Cleansing the Atmosphere:
Hydroxyl radical

Historical perspective

Tropospheric OH sources and chemistry

Measuring OH

The atmospheric CH4 sink

OH and carbon monoxide

Global OH modeling and trends

Hydrogen oxides and nitrogen oxides are two basic components of atmospheric chemistry. Hydrogen oxides (HOX) consist of the hydroxyl radical (OH) and the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2). Nitrogen oxides (NOX) consist of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Together they determine the atmosphere's oxidizing, or cleansing, power and the troposphere's ozone production.

OH and HO2 concentrations typically increase during the day and are larger in polluted environments than in clean ones. Two factors are responsible for most observed HOX variance: the HOX production rate, denoted as P(HOX), and the NOX concentration [Logan et al., 1981; Ehhalt et al., 1991; Jaeglé et al., 1999, 2000a]. Reactions that destroy HOX are also important, but as we shall show, the dominant HOX-destroying reactions are basically determined by the HOX production rate and the NOX concentration. In this article, we discuss the production of OH and HO2, the interactions between HOX and NOX that establish the OH and HO2 concentrations and the ozone production rate, P(O3), and the lessons garnered from a growing body of atmospheric measurements of OH and HO2.

The production of OH and HO2

Globally the most important HOX source is the photodestruction of ozone to produce the excited state oxygen atom, O(1D), which reacts with water vapor to produce two OH molecules [Levy, 1971]. It is by far the largest HOX source in the lower troposphere. However, in the upper troposphere and in some continental environments, other sources can be important and indeed dominant. Some of these other sources are made elsewhere by oxidation processes initiated by the reaction of OH with a hydrocarbon. They are then transported to a new location where they become important or dominant HOX sources (Figure 1). The convection associated with clouds appears to be effective at lifting HOX sources from planetary boundary layer (~0.5-2 km) to the middle and upper troposphere [Prather and Jacob, 1997]. These HOX sources become more important than O(1D)+H2O above ~6 km altitude. Precursor gases to these HOX sources may also be lifted by convection. Thus, pollution from megacities and biomass burning, lofted into the upper troposphere, can become the dominant HOX source and result in efficient ozone production. It can also be transported great distances before descent, possibly influencing the chemistry of remote regions.

Several of these convectively lifted gases that have origins near Earth's surface have been identified. They include acetone (CH3C(O)CH3) [Singh et al., 1995; Arnold et al., 1997], methylhydroperoxide (CH3OOH) [Prather and Jacob, 1997; Cohan et al., 1999], and formaldehyde (CH2O) and other aldehydes [Müller and Brasseur, 1999]. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is another source [Chatfield and Crutzen, 1984], but it is so water soluble that it is probably scavenged by precipitation as it is drawn up through clouds. All of these chemical species produce OH or HO2 after they have been destroyed by sunlight. For acetone and methylhydroperoxide, the photodestruction leads to production of formaldehyde (CH2O), which is rapidly destroyed by sunlight to produce HO2. Other as-yet-unidentified source gases are also likely lifted from the surface into the upper troposphere [Crawford et al., 1999], especially in convection over continents.

Another HOX source is the reaction of OH with methane [Logan et al., 1981; Wennberg et al., 1998]. This reaction initiates an oxidation process that eventually produces water vapor and carbon dioxide. Even though OH is destroyed in the initial reaction with methane, generally more HOX is produced than destroyed. This behavior is called autocatalytic. The amount of HOX produced depends on the amount of NO present, but for much of the atmosphere, this autocatalytic process produces a net ~0.6 HOX molecules for every methane and OH molecule initially consumed.

For larger non-methane hydrocarbons, such as those found in urban areas and forests, the oxidation pathways can be much more complex than for those of methane [Trainer et al., 1987]. After the initial reaction between OH and these volatile organic compounds (VOCs), RO2 soon forms, where R is a hydrocarbon radical. Formation of RO2 often leads to formation of HO2. Whether the oxidation of a particular hydrocarbon is a net HOX source or sink depends on a number of factors, particularly the amount of NO present. While VOCs are certainly important for the chemistry in Earth's planetary boundary layer, where people live, they may have a more global role if they are carried to the upper troposphere.

Because HOX production, P(HOX), is generally driven by sunlight, we would expect that OH and HO2 exist only during daylight. However, HO2 has been observed to persist through the night at levels of a few parts per trillion by volume (1 pptv = 10-12 molecules per total molecules in the air). Such observations point to possible nighttime HOX sources, such as OH production in the reaction between O3 and certain terpenes [Paulson and Orlando, 1996]. While measurements hint at the presence of such sources [Kanaya et al., 1999; Hard et al., 1992], observations have not firmly established their presence. Even if such sources exist, their impact on even regional chemistry is uncertain.

The roles of NOX and P(HOX) in HOX photochemistry

Some HOX sources create OH; some create HO2 (Figure 2). Once created, HOX is partitioned within seconds into OH and HO2 by a few fast reactions. The reaction of OH with CO, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ozone, and other chemicals produce HO2. Similarly, reactions of HO2 with NO and O3 produce OH. Throughout much of the atmosphere, the production of OH and HO2 through these reactions is much faster than the OH and HO2 production from other sources. When this is true, the interchange between OH and HO2 comes into steady-state relative to the production and destruction of HOX (i.e., the OH and HO2 concentrations maintain a balance with each other, but the total HOX concentration adjusts to the changing environmental conditions, such as sunlight).

The dominant reactant with OH is usually CO, although other species can be important. In forested regions, the dominant reactant with OH is often isoprene, a 5-carbon molecule that is emitted mostly by deciduous trees. In urban environments, the dominant reactant can be oxygenated species, particularly formaldehyde and other aldehydes.

The relative rates of reaction of OH with CO, VOCs, and O3 and HO2 with NO an O3 determine how much HOX is OH and how much is HO2. The greater the amount of CO or VOCs, the more HO2 there is relative to OH. With rare exceptions, the concentration of HO2 is more than five times greater than the concentration of OH and is usually 10's to 100's of times larger.

During the cycling between OH and HO2, ozone (O3) is produced. Ozone production occurs when HO2 and RO2 react with NO to form OH (or RO) and NO2. The NO2 is rapidly destroyed by sunlight into NO+O, and the O atom rapidly reacts with O2 to make O3. On the other hand, the production of HOX can destroy O3, as can the reactions of OH and HO2 with O3. Thus the net ozone production is dictated by the expression:

d[O3]/dt = {kHO2+NO[HO2]+kRO2+NO[RO2]][NO] — {JO3f[H2O] + kOH+O3[OH] + kHO2+O3[HO2]}[O3]

where [OH] is the OH concentration, kX+Y is the reaction rate coefficient for X+Y® products, and JO3f[H2O] is the production rate of O(1D) times the fraction that react with H2O. The level at which NO becomes more important than O3 depends on the [NO] and [O3] [Crutzen, 1979]. For typical [O3] values, it occurs when the NO mixing ratio exceeds a few tens of pptv.

HOX is permanently lost when its hydrogen atom is recombined into water vapor. HOX can be destroyed by several reactions, although the relative importance of the different reactions depends on the amount of NOX present (Figure 2). At low NOX, HO2 is hundreds of times more abundant than OH. Most HOX loss occurs by HO2 reactions with either HO2 or RO2 (R = CH3 or other hydrocarbon radicals denoted as R) to form peroxides (HOOH, CH3OOH, ROOH). Peroxides do not represent a permanent HOX loss because they can be destroyed by sunlight to produce HOX again. For conditions in which the peroxide sources and sinks come into steady-state, HOX is lost when OH reacts with the peroxides to produce H2O.

At low levels of NO, below a hundred pptv in remote areas and below a thousand ppbv in polluted urban areas, NO shifts HOX from HO2 to OH, so that the fast reaction OH+HO2®H2O+O2 becomes an important loss as OH increases. At the same time, sufficient NO2 usually exists in photostationary state with NO that pernitric acid, HO2NO2, is formed by the reaction HO2+NO2+M®HO2NO2+M, where M is an air molecule. Pernitric acid is unstable to both sunlight and thermal decomposition; its production and loss often balance, so that it is neither a HOX source nor sink. Its main loss is by reaction with OH to produce H2O.

Finally, at high NOX, HOX is increasingly shifted from HO2 to OH. The increased OH reacts with NO2 to form nitric acid (HNO3). Nitric acid is only slowly destroyed by sunlight and may be removed by rapid scavenging by aerosols, cloud drops, and rain drops. For much of the atmosphere, it is permanently removed by reaction with OH to produce H2O.

The concentrations of OH and HO2, and ozone production, P(O3), display this strong dependence on NOX, as in Figure 3. Two midday cases are presented: a low P(HOX) case typical of the upper troposphere and a high P(HOX) case typical of the urban planetary boundary layer. In both cases, as NOX increases, HO2 initially is constant, then decreases at first linearly and then as the square of NOX as more HOX is shifted by reaction with NO to OH, which then forms and reacts with HNO3. As NO increases, OH initially has little NO dependence, but develops a near-linear dependence, eventually peaking at mid-range NOX values, and finally decreases linearly with NOX as nitric acid (HNO3) is formed at high NOX values.

The HOX production rate, P(HOX), also influences OH and HO2 values. At low NOX, the dominant HOX loss reactions are HO2+ HO2®H2O2 + O2 and HO2 + OH®H2O + O2, both of which are quadratic in HOX. So, if P(HOX) balances the HOX loss rate, then the HOX concentration depends on the square root of P(HOX) and HOX only doubles when P(HOX) quadruples. At high NOX, HO2 and OH depend linearly on P(HOX).

The production of ozone, P(O3), is intimately tied to HOX, and for high enough values of NOX, P(O3) ~ kHO2+NO[NO][HO2]. For very low [NO], which are typical in the clean tropical Pacific lower troposphere, O3 is destroyed [Schultz et al., 1999]. As NOX increases, P(O3) increases almost linearly with NOX, reaches a peak when HO2 becomes proportional to (NOX)-1, and then decreases linearly with NOX as HO2 decreases as the square of NOX. The peak in the ozone production shifts to higher NOX as P(HOX) increases.

If P(O3) increases as NO is increased, then ozone production is said to be NOX-limited. If P(O3) is constant or decreases as NOX is increased, then ozone production is said to be NOX-saturated. Whether a region of the atmosphere is NOX-limited or NOX-saturated is an important question for determining the impact of future human pollution, particularly NOX, on that region.

Observational tests of HOX photochemistry

How well do the observations fit this basic picture of HOX and its relationship with NOX? One test is the comparison of observed HOX to models that are constrained by simultaneous measurements of other chemical species and environmental parameters. Field studies have sampled environments with wide ranges of NOX and P(HOX). In general, the daytime observations agree to within a factor of two or better with models that are tightly constrained by a large number of simultaneous measurements of other chemical species and environmental parameters. Considering the range of conditions sampled, this level of agreement is remarkable. Despite this general good agreement, some disagreements persist. The ways that observations and models disagree are different for different regions.

In the upper troposphere, observations are sometimes greater than model values, implying that additional HOX sources are not being measured [Wennberg et al, 1998; Jaeglé et al, 1997; Brune et al., 1998]. It is presumed that these source species were acetone and methylhydroperoxide, which were not measured during these studies. Neither the global extent of their importance nor the possibility of other sources is known.

Near Earth's surface, observed OH and HO2 have generally been equal to or less than modeled OH and HO2 by as much as a factor of 0.7 [Plass-Dülmer et al., 1998; Eisele et al., 1996; Mount and Williams, 1997; Frost et al., 1999; ]. Even though the deviation of the observations from the models is within the combined uncertainties, it has occurred in enough environments to be troubling. Proposed causes for the deviations include OH reactions with unmeasured hydrocarbons and HO2 loss on aerosols.

In the upper troposphere over the North Atlantic, recent measurements suggest an NO dependence of the deviation between measured and modeled HOX [Brune et al., 1999; Faloona et al., 2000]. HOX observations are about 60% of the model values for NO less than a hundred pptv and increase to roughly twice the model vales at NO values exceeding a few hundred pptv. This effect is seen for both OH and HO2. At the same time, observations and models give the same HO2/OH ratio. It is not understood what is causing this NO-dependent discrepancy. It may be that additional HOX sources accompany the increased NOX or that the photochemical interactions between HOX and NOX are not well understood for the cold, upper troposphere. These problems could involve pernitric acid (HO2NO2) or nitric acid (HNO3) formation or destruction.

No matter what the cause for the NO-dependency, these observations suggest that more of the atmosphere is NOX-limited than models calculate and that it remains NOX-limited to higher values of NOX. Currently, models calculate that the upper troposphere would quickly become NOX-saturated if much more NOX were added. In other field studies in the upper troposphere, NOX-limited conditions are also observed more frequently than calculated by models [Jaeglé, 2000b]. If this is true, then increases in pollution from biomass burning, urban smog, or aircraft could produce more O3 than expected.

Challenges lie ahead. Measuring the dependence of OH, HO2, and P(O3) on varying NOX and P(HOX) a few times in a few places is not enough. The fundamental properties of atmospheric chemistry must be examined in several environments, such as cities, forests, the marine boundary layer, and the free troposphere. They must be studied with different HOX instrumentation to ensure that the observations are real. Only then will we be able to develop confidence in the understanding of atmospheric oxidation and ozone production and to reduce the potential for surprises in chemical mechanisms.

Figure 1. Schematic of tropospheric HOX photochemistry. Complex chemistry in Earth's planetary boundary layer (PBL) produces oxygenated species. These can be convectively lifted into the upper troposphere (UT), where they become HOX sources. In the UT, HOX is exchanged between HO2 and OH by reaction of HO2 with NO and OH with CO. The reaction of HO2 with NO leads to O3 production.

Figure 2. Schematic of the influence of NOX and P(HOX) on HOX photochemistry. HOX is produced as either OH or HO2, is rapidly exchanged between HO2 and OH, creating O3 in the process, and is removed by reactions that eventually form H2O. The dominant removal reactions are determined by the NOX abundance and the HOX production rate.

Figure 3. (a) HOX concentrations and (b) O3 production rates as a function of NOX for conditions in the upper troposphere, UT (solid line), and planetary boundary layer, PBL (dashed line). In (a), the higher lines are HO2 and the lower lines are OH at low NOX. In (b), P(O3) in the UT is multiplied by 10. For the UT, P(HOX) = 2.5 x 104 molecules cm-3 s-1; for the PBL, P(HOX) = 2.5 x 106 molecules cm-3 s-1.


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