Dept. of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Team Selected Data from Eleven Wildcat Wells in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska USGS Open File Report 99-015 Disc Information This disc contains information about and data from eleven wells in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. The following data types are provided for each well: o Core Images o Depths to Selected Stratigraphic Horizons o Geological and Drilling Reports o Well Core Gamma Ray Data o LAS-Format Well Log Data o Permeability, Porosity, and Grain Density Data All files are ASCII text with the exception of the Core Image files, which are .GIF binary image file format. Disc Structure The files on this disc are arranged using the following folder hierarchy: Root (Top Level) Folder Wells Folder {Well Folder Name} Folder Core Folder GammaRay Folder LAS Folder PDF Folder PNP Folder Tops Folder Folder Descriptions Root (Top Level) Folder The Root, or Top level, Folder contains: o Docs subfolder o Wells subfolder o WorkShop.htm - the "homepage" for this disc. o README.txt - an introduction to this disc. Docs Folder The Docs folder has HTML files which provide: o Documentation about data sources. o Acnowledgements. o Disclaimer. o Author Information. Wells Folder The Wells folder contains: o WellIdx.htm: an HTML index to the well folders. o A subfolder for each well included on this disc. o Most files contained in a well subfolder and its subfolders are named starting with a prefix indicating the well to which the file applies. o Well folder names and prefixes for the individual wells included on this disc are: Well Folder Names and File Prefixes per Well Well Name Folder File Name Prefix Drew Point 1 DrewPt1 DP1 East Simpson 1 ESimp1 ES1 Ikpikpuk 1 Ikpik1 IK1 Inigok 1 Inigok1 IN1 J.W. Dalton 1 JWDalt1 JWD1 Kuyanak 1 Kuyanak1 KU1 North Inigok 1 NInigok1 NI1 North Kalikpik 1 NKalik1 NK1 Peard 1 Peard1 PE1 South Meade 1 SMeade1 SM1 West Dease 1 WDease1 WD1 {Well Folder Name} Folders Each of the Well Folders listed in the table above contains: o README.txt o Index.htm - An HTML index of the individual subfolders shown below. o {PREFIX}Doc.htm - An HTML file documenting the data sources for the data in the individual subfolders shown below. Core Folder Graphic image files of well core. o GIF-format graphic image files of well core. o {PREFIX}Core.htm - An HTML file which indexes the core image files. o {PREFIX}Core.txt - A text file which indexes the core image files. o README.txt GammaRay Folder Well core gamma ray data. o {PREFIX}GR.htm - An HTML file which describes the well core gamma ray data. o {PREFIX}GR.las - A LAS-format log file of the well core gamma ray data. o README.txt LAS Folder LAS-format well log data. o {PREFIX}LAS.htm - An HTML file which describes the well log data. o {PREFIX}.las - A LAS-format log file of the well log data. o README.txt PDF Folder Geological and Drilling History reports in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. o {PREFIX}DRILL.pdf - Drilling history. o {PREFIX}GEOL.pdf - Geological report. o {PREFIX}PDF.htm - An HTML file which indexes the PDF files. o README.txt PNP Folder Permeability and Porosity Data o {PREFIX}PNP.htm - An HTML file which describes the permeability and porosity data. o {PREFIX}PNP.txt - A text file which describes the permeability and porosity data. o README.txt Tops Folder Depths to Selected Stratigraphic Horizons o {PREFIX}PNP.htm - An HTML file which describes the stratigraphic horizons data. o {PREFIX}PNP.txt - A text file which describes the stratigraphic horizons data. o README.txt