Catalogue Query Results

Saissetia oleae cherimoliae (Gómez-Menor Ortega)


Coccus (Saissetia) oleae cherimoliae Gómez-Menor Ortega, 1955: 205. Type data: SPAIN: Motril, Granada, on Annona cherimolia and Citrus aurantium. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Madrid: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Spain. Described: female.

Saissetia oleae cherimoliae; Gómez-Menor Ortega, 1958c: 59. Change of combination.

HOSTS: Annonaceae: Annona cherimolia [GomezM1955, GomezM1958b]. Rutaceae: Citrus aurantium [GomezM1958b].

DISTRIBUTION: Palaearctic: Spain [GomezM1955, GomezM1958b].

CITATIONS: BenDov1993 [catalogue: 316]; GomezM1955 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 205-208]; GomezM1958b [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 59-61]; GomezM1958c [host, distribution: 407]; Martin1984MP [host, distribution: 77].

Saissetia oleae oleae (Olivier)


Coccus oleae Olivier, 1791: 95. Type data: FRANCE and ITALY: on olive, myrtle and Phillyrea. Syntypes, female. Described: female. Notes: Type material probably lost (Ben-Dov, 1993).

Coccus palmae Haworth, 1812: 307. Type data: ENGLAND: on palm. Syntypes, female. Described: female. Synonymy by Williams, 1957: 314. Notes: Type material lost (Williams, 1957).

Coccus testudo Curtis, 1843: 443. Type data: ENGLAND: in greenhouse on Brexia spinosa. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Abbotsford: Department of Entomology, Museum of Victoria, Victoria, Australia. Described: female. Synonymy by Douglas, 1891c: 307.

Chermes cycadis Boisduval, 1867: 323. Type data: FRANCE: Paris, in greenhouse on Cycas. Syntypes, female. Described: female. Synonymy by Fernald, 1903b: 207. Notes: Type material lost.

Lecanium oleae; Signoret, 1869: 862. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Chermes oleae; Signoret, 1869a: 862. Change of combination. Notes: Author incorrectly cited.

Lecanium testudo; Signoret, 1874a: 441. Change of combination.

Lecanium palmae; Douglas, 1887b: 97. Change of combination.

Bernardia oleae; Marlatt, 1892: 150. Change of combination. Notes: Author incorrectly cited.

Neobernardia oleae; Cockerell, 1893d: 54. Change of combination.

Neobernardia oleae; Cockerell, 1893d: 54. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Lecanium cycadis; Green, 1895: 232. Change of combination.

Lecanium oleae testudo; Cockerell, 1896b: 331. Change of status.

Lecanium (Saissetia) palmae; Cockerell & Parrott, 1899: 164.

Saissetia oleae; Cockerell, 1901e: 31. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Coccus oleae; Kirkaldy, 1902: 106. Change of combination. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Saissetia oleae testudo; Fernald, 1903b: 206.

Saissetia palmae; Fernald, 1903b: 207. Change of combination.

Saissetia obae; Rutherford, 1915a: 112. Misspelling of species name. Notes: Author incorrectly cited.

Saissetia obae; Rutherford, 1915a: 112. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Lecanium oleae; Borg, 1919: 31. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Lecanium pumilum Brain, 1920a: 5. Type data: SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province, Robertson, on a native shrub. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Pretoria: South African National Collection of Insects, South Africa. Described: female. Synonymy by De Lotto, 1958: 68.

Saissetia (Lecanium) oleae; Hall, 1922: 22. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Saissetia oleoe; Balachowsky, 1932d: LVI. Misspelling of species name.

Parasaissetia oleae; Ezzat & Hussein, 1969: 413. Change of combination.

Parasaissetia oleae; Ezzat & Hussein, 1969: 413. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Saissetia oleae; De Lotto, 1971a: 149. Change of combination.

Saissetia oleas; Quezada et al., 1972: 14. Misspelling of species name.

Saissetia oleae; Bartlett, 1978: 67. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" author.

Lecanium oleae; Comstock, 1980: 336. Notes: Incorrect citation of "Bernard" as author.

Saissetia oleae; González, 1989: 89. Misspelling of species name.

Seissetia oleae; Franko & Passos de Carvalho, 1991: 283. Misspelling of genus name.

Coccus pumilum; Ben-Dov, 1993: 87. Change of combination.

COMMON NAMES: black scale [HamonWi1984, Gill1988, BenDov1993, SmithBeBr1997]; Caparreta [Lloren1990]; cochnilha-H [CarvalAg1997]; cochnilha-negra [CarvalAg1997]; escama negra [QuezadCoDi1972]; Lacochenille de l'olivier [PicartMa2000]; Mediterranean black scale [DeLott1971b, BenDov1993]; mediterranean black scale [DeLott1971b, BenDov1993]; olive scale [BenDov1993]; olive soft scale [Bodenh1951a]; qenimat hazayit.

FOES: COLEOPTERA Coccinellidae: Adalia decempunctata L. [ArgyriStMo1976], Chilocorus bipustulatus L. [ArgyriStMo1976], Coccinella septempunctata L. [ArgyriStMo1976], Exochomus flavipes Goeze [ArgyriStMo1976], Exochomus quadripustulatus L. [ArgyriStMo1976], Platynaspis luteorubra Goeze [ArgyriStMo1976], Pullus fulvicollis Mulsant [Panis2008], Rhizobius ventralis (Er.) [Comper1961], Scymnus frontalis F. [ArgyriStMo1976], Scymnus subvillosus Goeze [ArgyriStMo1976], Synharmonia conglobata L. [ArgyriStMo1976]. HYMENOPTERA Aphelinidae: Cheiloneurus inimicus [Kennet1986], Cheiloneurus noxius [Kennet1986], Coccophagus baldasssarii Compere [Comper1931b], Coccophagus capensis Compere [Comper1961], Coccophagus eritreansis Compere [Comper1931b], Coccophagus lycimnia [Kennet1986], Coccophagus mexicensis Girault [MyartsRu2000], Coccophagus modestus Silvestri [SmithCo1926], Coccophagus ochraceus Howard [MyartsRu2000], Coccophagus pulchellus Westwood [ArgyriStMo1976], Coccophagus scutellaris [Kennet1986, AbdRab2002b], Lounsburya trifasciatus Compere [Comper1961], Marietta mexicana (Howard) [MyartsRu2000], Prococcophagus probus Annecke & Mynhardt [AnneckMy1979a], Prococcophagus saissetiae Annecke & Mynhardt [AnneckMy1979a], Prococcophagus varius Silvestri [AnneckMy1979a]. Encyrtidae: Metaphycus anneckei [YustHo1942], Metaphycus bartletti Annecke & Mynhardt [BlumbeSw1977, BlumbeSw1982], Metaphycus flavus Howard [Blumbe1997], Metaphycus hageni [YustHo1942], Metaphycus helvolus (Compere) [Flande1953a, BlumbeSw1977, Blumbe1997], Metaphycus lounsburyi (Howard) [SmithCo1920, ViggiaPaTz1975, BlumbeSw1977], Metaphycus luteolus [Kennet1986], Metaphycus swirskii Annecke & Mynhardt [BlumbeSw1982, Blumbe1997]. Pteromalidae: Scutellista cyanea Motschulski [Balach1930e, ViggiaPaTz1975]. LEPIDOPTERA Noctuidae: Eublemma scitula Ramb. [ArgyriStMo1976].

HOSTS: Acanthaceae: Hygrophila spinosa [Ramakr1930, Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989]. Actinidiaceae: Actinidia deliciosa [HodgsoHe2000]. Agavaceae: Agave [Balach1939], Agave americana [Lindin1911a, CarnerPe1986], Polianthes [HodgsoHi1990], Yucca [Cocker1895x, Kozar1983a, KozarFr1995, Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995], Yucca gloriosa [Kozar1983]. Anacardiaceae: Lannea discolor [Hall1935, Hodgso1967], Mangifera indica [Ali1971, KinjoNaHi1996], Odina odier [Ramakr1930, Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989], Pistacia [Argyri1963], Pistacia atlantica [BenDov1971], Pistacia lentiscus [Balach1927, Borg1932, Balach1933e, GomezM1954, GomezM1958b, Marott1987], Pistacia palestina [BenDov1971], Pistacia terebinthus [Borg1932], Pistacia vera [Marott1987], Rhus abyssinica [DeLott1956a], Schinus molle [Marott1987, GonzalLa1989], Schinus polygamus [GonzalLa1989], Tapirira edulis [Ferris1921]. Apocynaceae: Beaumontia grandiflora [Ballou1926], Carissa carandas [Mamet1943a], Carissa grandiflora [BenDov1971], Nerium [Balach1939, DeLott1965a, Almeid1973b, HodgsoHi1990, Jansen1995], Nerium indicum [TangLi1988], Nerium odorum [Ali1971, Marott1987], Nerium oleander [Green1923b, Balach1927, Balach1930, Balach1933e, DeLott1956a, DeLott1965a, BenDov1971, Almeid1973b], Plumeria acutifolia [Mamet1943a, Almeid1973b], Trachelospermum jasminoides [Marott1987], Vinca major [CarnerPe1986]. Aquifoliaceae: Ilex aquifolium [Marott1987], Ilex canariensis [Lindin1911a, CarnerPe1986], Ilex platiphylla [CarnerPe1986], Ilex wilsoni [DeLott1965a]. Araceae: Anthurium [Marott1987]. Araliaceae: Aralia [Marott1987, HodgsoHe2000], Pseudopanax [HodgsoHe2000]. Arecaceae: Metroxylon [DeLott1965a], Phoenix dactylifera [Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995]. Asclepiadaceae: Calotropis procera [Hall1923]. Aspleniaceae: Asplenium [Lindin1911a, CarnerPe1986]. Asteraceae: Artemisia absinthium [Marott1987], Artemisia argentea [Balach1939], Baccharis [HodgsoHi1990], Baccharis halimifolia [Marott1987], Baccharis pilularis [Ferris1920b], Baccharis rosmarinifolia [Marott1987], Baccharis salicifolia [GonzalLa1989], Brachyglottis repanda [HodgsoHe2000], Carduus pycnocephalus [Marott1987], Carlina corymbosa [Marott1987], Centaurea jacea [Marott1987], Chrysanthemum [Ballou1926, BenDov1971], Chrysanthemum frutescens [DeLott1956a], Cynara cardunculus [Marott1987], Dahlia [Mamet1943a], Galactites tomentosa [CarnerPe1986], Grindelia cuneifolia [Ferris1920b], Helianthus annuus [Hall1923], Inula glutinosa [Balach1927], Olearia [DeLott1965a], Olearia paniculata [HodgsoHe2000], Osteospermum [DeLott1965a], Osteospermum moniliferum [DeLott1965a], Ozothamnus leptophyllus [HodgsoHe2000], Raillardia menziesii [Nakaha1981a], Scolymus hispanicus [Marott1987], Tagetes cabrerae [Granar1999], Vernonia amygdalina [DeLott1956a]. Bignoniaceae: Jacaranda mimosaefolia [DeLott1956a], Jacaranda ovalifolia [Marott1987], Markhamia platycalyx [DeLott1956a]. Bombacaceae: Adansonia digitata [Ballou1926], Ceiba pentandra [Ballou1926], Eriodendron [Cocker1896k]. Brexiaceae: Brexia spinosa [KozarzRe1975]. Bruniaceae: Berzelia lanuginosa [Durr1954]. Burseraceae: Garuga piumata [Marott1987]. Campanulaceae: Clermontia [Nakaha1981a]. Caricaceae: Carica papaya [GomezM1958b]. Celastraceae: Euonymus [DeLott1965a], Euonymus argenta [Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995], Euonymus japonicus [DeLott1965a]. Cistaceae: Cistus salvifolius [KozarFr1995]. Clusiaceae: Calophyllum inophyllum [Ali1971]. Combretaceae: Terminalia catappa [Mamet1959a, Ali1971]. Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus floridus [Lindin1911a, CarnerPe1986], Dichondra repens [HodgsoHe2000]. Crassulaceae: Bryophyllum [HodgsoHi1990], Crassula [GomezM1957, GomezM1958b], Crassula portulacea [Marott1987], Kalanchoe [Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995], Sedum [GomezM1958b]. Cucurbitaceae: Cucurbita pepo [HodgsoHe2000]. Cycadaceae: Cycas [GomezM1965, HodgsoHi1990, HodgsoHe2000], Cycas revoluta [Balach1927, Borg1932, GomezM1958b, BenDov1971, Jansen1995]. Dennstaedtiaceae: Pteridium esculentum [HodgsoHe2000]. Dilleniaceae: Dillenia sermentosa [Ali1971]. Ebenaceae: Diospyros kaki [Ballou1926, Marott1987]. Ehretiaceae: Carmona [Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995], Cordia abyssinica [DeLott1956a], Cordia angiocarpa [Ballou1926], Cordia scabrifolia [Ballou1926], Ehretia timifolia [Marott1987]. Ericaceae: Agauria salicifolia [Hodgso1969a], Arbutus unedo [Balach1931a], Erica arborea [Lindin1911a, Balach1930, Balach1933e, DeLott1965a], Erica scoparia [Marott1987], Vaccinium [Nakaha1981a]. Euphorbiaceae: Acalypha [Hall1923, Hodgso1967], Croton macrostachys [DeLott1956a], Euphorbia pulcherrima [TangLi1988], Hura crepitans [Newste1914], Manihot palmata [GomezM1958b], Manihot utilissima [Mamet1943a, Almeid1969, Almeid1973b], Poinsettia pulcherrima [DeLott1956a], Ricinus communis [GomezM1958b], Uapaca kirkiane [Hall1935, Hodgso1967]. Fabaceae: Acacia [Hall1935], Acacia cyanophylla [DeLott1956a], Acacia koa [Nakaha1981a], Bauhinia [Hall1922, Hall1924a, Hall1935, Hodgso1967], Brachystegia [Hall1935], Cajanus cajan [ShafeeYoKh1989], Cajanus indicus [Green1904d, Hall1923, Ramakr1930, Ali1971], Cassia [Hall1935], Cassia biflora [Ballou1926], Cassia fistula [Ballou1926], Cassia glauca [Ballou1926], Cassia hoffmanseggii [Ballou1926], Cercis siliquastrum [Balach1927, GomezM1958b, Marott1987], Enterolobium cyclocarpum [Ballou1926], Erythrina [Ramakr1930, Ali1971, Marott1987, ShafeeYoKh1989], Erythrina lithosperma [Green1904a], Erythrina tomentosa [Hall1935], Kentia balmoreana [GomezM1958b], Lotus berthelotii [CarnerPe1986], Lotus peliorhynchus [Lindin1911a], Sesbania [Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989], Tamarindus [GomezM1958b, Marott1987], Tamarindus indica [ShafeeYoKh1989], Ulex [GomezM1946, GomezM1958b], Wisteria floribunda [DeLott1956a]. Flacourtiaceae: Azara [Willia1985b], Azara microphylla [GonzalLa1989]. Geraniaceae: Pelargonium zonale [Marott1987]. Hippocastanaceae: Aesculus pavia [Marott1987]. Hydrangeaceae: Hydrangea [HodgsoHe2000], Hydrangea hortensis [GomezM1958b]. Lamiaceae: Ballota hispanica [GomezM1957, GomezM1958b], Rosmarinus officinalis [Marott1987, HodgsoHe2000]. Lauraceae: Laurus nobilis [BenDov1971], Persea americana [BenDov1971]. Liliaceae: Aloe [Willia1985b], Asparagus [GomezM1958b, HodgsoHe2000], Asparagus albus [Marott1987], Asparagus aphyllus [BenDov1971], Asparagus tenuifolius [Marott1987], Cordyline [Marott1987]. Loranthaceae: Viscum album [DeLott1965a], Viscum cruciatum [BenDov1971]. Malvaceae: Abutilon [Borg1932, DeLott1965a, HodgsoHe2000], Abutilon graveolens [Ferris1935], Althaea [GomezM1958b], Althaea rosea [Hall1923], Gossypium [Hall1935], Gossypium herbaccum [Ali1971], Hibiscus [Borg1932, Balach1939, Balach1957c, Mamet1959a, HodgsoHe2000], Hibiscus sinensis [BenDov1971], Lagunaria patersonii [HodgsoHe2000], Lavatera [HodgsoHe2000], Malva silvestris [KozarPaPa1991], Plagianthus divaricatus [HodgsoHe2000], Thespesia [Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989], Thespesia populnea [Green1904d, Green1937, Ali1971]. Moraceae: Ficus [Newste1910, Hall1924a, Hall1935, Mamet1959a, Hodgso1967, HodgsoHi1990, Jansen1995], Ficus adriaticus [Bartle1960], Ficus benjamina [KozarzRe1975], Ficus carica [Lindin1911a, Hall1923, DeLott1956a, ShafeeYoKh1989, Granar1999], Ficus dekdekena [DeLott1956a], Ficus palmeri [Ferris1921], Ficus pandurata [Ballou1926], Ficus pumila [Ali1971], Ficus religiosa [Ballou1926], Ficus sycomorus [Hall1923, DeLott1956a], Morus [GomezM1958b]. Myoporaceae: Myoporum laetum [BenDov1971, HodgsoHe2000], Myoporum pictum [Marott1987], Myoporum punctulatum [Marott1987]. Myricaceae: Myrica salicifolia [Hodgso1969a]. Myrsinaceae: Myrsine africana [Marott1987], Myrsine australis [HodgsoHe2000]. Myrtaceae: Eugenia [Ali1971], Eugenia uniflora [HodgsoHe2000], Melaleuca armillaris [GomezM1958b], Myrtus [Borg1932], Myrtus communis [Olivie1791, Lindin1911a, Balach1930, Balach1931a], Myrtus communis parvifolia [GomezM1946], Psidium [Cocker1899n, Kirkal1902], Psidium guajava [Hall1922, Hall1924a, Ramakr1930, DeLott1956a, BenDov1971, Ali1971], Psidium guajava [Cocker1894c, ShafeeYoKh1989], Psidium pomiferum [Mamet1959a]. Oleaceae: Jasminum fruticans [Argyri1963], Nestegis lanceolata [HodgsoHe2000], Olea [Borg1932, Argyri1967, RosenHaSa1971, Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995], Olea chrysophylla [Marott1987], Olea europaea [Olivie1791, Balach1927, Balach1931a, Balach1933a, Balach1933e, Balach1935b, DeLott1956a], Osmanthus americanus [HamonWi1984], Osmanthus heterophyllus [HamonWi1984], Phillyrea [Olivie1791], Phillyrea angustifolia [Balach1933e], Phillyrea media [Balach1930]. Oleandraceae: Nephrolepis exaltata [Marott1987]. Orchidaceae: Cymbidium [HodgsoHe2000]. Phyllanthaceae: Antidesma bunius [Green1904d, Green1937, Ali1971]. Pinaceae: Pinus sylvaticus [DeLott1965a]. Piperaceae: Piper [Argyri1963]. Pittosporaceae: Pittosporum [Balach1939, Argyri1963, HodgsoHe2000], Pittosporum tobira [GomezM1958b, Marott1987]. Poaceae: Arundo donax [CarnerPe1986]. Polygalaceae: Polygala sibirica [TangLi1988]. Polygonaceae: Antigonon leptopus [EzzatHu1969], Coccoloba uvifera [Beards1966c, HamonWi1984], Muehlenbeckia platyclada [Marott1987]. Proteaceae: Protea abyssinica [Hall1935]. Pteridaceae: Adiantum [Lindin1911a, CarnerPe1986]. Punicaceae: Punica granatum [Borg1932, Mamet1943a, BenDov1971]. Rhamnaceae: Ceanothus [Ferris1920b], Rhamnus crenulata [Lindin1911a]. Rosaceae: Amygdalus [Argyri1963], Armeniaca vulgaris [Marott1987], Cliffortia nitidula [Hodgso1969a], Cotoneaster pannosa [BenDov1971], Crataegus [Argyri1963], Crataegus monogyna [KozarPaPa1991], Cydonia [DeLott1965a], Eriobotrya japonica [BenDov1971], Persica vulgaris [Marott1987], Prunus [Hall1924a, Argyri1963], Prunus armeniaca [Hall1923], Prunus avium [Marott1987], Prunus domestica [Hall1922], Prunus paniculata [Marott1987], Prunus persica [Argyri1963, Hodgso1969a], Pyrus communis [Argyri1963, HodgsoHe2000], Pyrus longipes [DeLott1965a], Pyrus malus [Argyri1963], Pyrus pyrifolia [HodgsoHe2000], Rosa [HodgsoHe2000]. Rubiaceae: Coffea [ShafeeYoKh1989], Coffea arabica [DeLott1956a, BenDov1971, Ali1971], Coprosma repens [HodgsoHe2000], Faramea odoratissima [Ballou1926], Gardenia florida [Ali1971], Serissa [Jansen1995, LongoMaPe1995]. Rutaceae [DanzigKo1990], Aegle marmelos [Ballou1926], Atalantia citrioides [Ballou1926], Casimiroa edulis [DeLott1956a], Chaetospermum glutinosa [Ballou1926], Choisya ternata [HodgsoHe2000], Citropsis schweinfurthii [Ballou1926], Citrus [Balach1927, DeLott1965a, Rosen1967, Almeid1973b, ArgyriMi1975, CarvalAg1997], Citrus aurantium [GomezM1958b, BenDov1971, PerezGCa1987], Citrus hystrix [Ballou1926], Citrus limon [GomezM1958b, DeLott1965a], Citrus paradisi [BenDov1993], Citrus reticulata [Granar1999], Citrus sinensis [Cocker1895x, Ballou1926], Claucena lansium [Ballou1926], Feroniella oblata [Ballou1926]. Salicaceae: Salix babylonica [Hall1923]. Sapindaceae: Blighia spida [Ballou1926], Cupania cubensis [Ballou1926], Dodonaea [Nakaha1981a], Dodonaea abyssinica [Marott1987], Euphoria longana [Mamet1943a, Ali1971], Exothea paniculata [Ballou1926], Litchi chinensis [Mamet1943a, HodgsoHe2000], Schmidelia [Green1907, Mamet1943a]. Sapotaceae: Achras sapota [Ballou1926], Mimusops bojeri [Mamet1943a], Pouteria costata [HodgsoHe2000], Sapota [Ramakr1930, Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989]. Scrophulariaceae: Halleria lucida [Marott1987], Hebe elliptica [HodgsoHe2000], Veronica lindleyana [GomezM1958b]. Solanaceae: Brunfelsia nitida [Ballou1926], Solanum [Cocker1892a, Ferris1920b], Solanum aviculare [HodgsoHe2000]. Sterculiaceae: Cheirostemon platanoides [DeLott1965a], Theobroma cacao [Potaev1993]. Tamaricaceae: Tamarix [HodgsoHi1990], Tamarix africana [Marott1987], Tamarix gallica [Marott1987]. Taxaceae: Taxus baccata [KozarFr1995]. Theaceae: Camellia sinensis [Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989]. Tiliaceae: Entelea arborescens [HodgsoHe2000], Grewia orientalis [Green1904d, Green1937, Ali1971]. Umbelliferae: Eryngium campestre [Marott1987], Heteromorpha trifoliata [Hodgso1969a]. Verbenaceae: Avicennia [HodgsoHi1990], Avicennia marina australasica [HodgsoHe2000], Callicarpa americana [Marott1987], Callicarpa japonica [Marott1987], Clerodendrum nutans [Ballou1926], Duranta [Green1904d], Duranta integrifolia [Marott1987], Duranta plumieri [Green1937, Ali1971], Tectona grandis [Ali1971], Verbena rigida [Marott1987], Vitex lucens [HodgsoHe2000]. Vitaceae: Vitis vinifera [Hall1923, Hall1924a, Hall1935, Argyri1963, HodgsoHe2000].

DISTRIBUTION: Afrotropical: Angola [Almeid1969, Almeid1973b]; Cameroon; Comoros; Côte d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast); Eritrea [DeLott1956a]; Kenya [Newste1910, DeLott1956a]; Madagascar [Mamet1959a]; Malawi [Hodgso1969a]; Mauritius [Mamet1943a]; Senegal [EtiennMa1993]; Seychelles (Aldabra Island [Green1907, Mamet1943a]); South Africa [Brain1920a, Mamet1943a, DeLott1976]; Tanzania [Newste1911a]; Uganda [Newste1913, Newste1914, Mamet1943a]; Zimbabwe [Hall1935, Hodgso1967, Hodgso1969a]. Australasian: Australia [Frogga1915, Mamet1943a, DeLott1976]; Bonin Islands (=Ogasawara-Gunto) [Kawai1987]; Christmas Island [AbbottGr2007]; French Polynesia (Society Islands [DoaneHa1909, Ferris1935]); Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii [Kirkal1902, Kirkal1904, Mamet1943a]); Lord Howe Island; Marcus Island [Mamet1943a]; Marshall Islands; New Caledonia; New Zealand [Kirkal1902, Green1929, Mamet1943a, HodgsoHe2000]; Norfolk Island; Northern Mariana Islands; Palau [Mamet1943a]. Nearctic: Mexico [Cocker1899n, Mamet1943a, Bartle1960, DeLott1971b] (Baja California Norte [Ferris1921], San Luis Potosi); United States of America (Arizona [Cocker1895x], California [King1903b, Ferris1920b, Bartle1960, DeLott1971b, DeLott1976, ArgyriKa1977], Colorado, Connecticut, Florida [DeLott1971b], Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana [DeLott1971b], Massachusetts, New Jersey [DeLott1971b], New Mexico, New York, South Carolina, Washington). Neotropical: Argentina (Buenos Aires [Granar1999], Jujuy [Granar1999], Mendoza [Granar1999], Santa Fe [Granar1999], Tucuman [GranarCl2003]); Bermuda [HodgsoHi1990, HodgsoHi1991]; Brazil [Mamet1943a]; Chile [DuranCo1941, DeLott1976, GonzalLa1989]; Colombia [Kondo2001]; Cuba [Ballou1926]; El Salvador [QuezadCoDi1972]; French Guiana [Remill1988]; Guadeloupe [Balach1957c, MatileEt2006]; Guatemala [DeLott1971b]; Haiti [PerezG2008]; Jamaica [Cocker1892a, Kirkal1902]; Martinique [MatileEt2006]; Panama [Cocker1899n]; Peru; Puerto Rico & Vieques Island (Puerto Rico [Martor1976, NakahaMi1981]); Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad [Cocker1894c, Cocker1896k]). Oriental: China (Hunan [HuHeWa1992]); India [Ramakr1919a, Ramakr1930, Mamet1943a, Ali1971, ShafeeYoKh1989] (Assam [Ali1971]); Indonesia (Java [Green1904a]); Malaysia [Ali1971]; Pakistan; Philippines [Mamet1943a]; Ryukyu Islands (=Nansei Shoto) [KinjoNaHi1996]; Sri Lanka [Green1904d, Green1937, Mamet1943a, Ali1971]; Taiwan [Mamet1943a, Ali1971, WongChCh1999]; Thailand [Ali1971]; Vietnam [DanzigKo1990]. Palaearctic: Algeria [Balach1927, Mamet1943a, DeLott1965a]; Armenia; Austria [DeLott1965a]; Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan); Azores [Fernan1981, CarvalFrAg1996]; Bulgaria [KozarTzVi1979]; Canary Islands [Lindin1911a, GomezM1967O, PerezGCa1987]; China (Nei Monggol (=Inner Mongolia) [LongoMaPe1995], Xizang (=Tibet)); Corsica [Mamet1943a, Foldi2003]; Crete [Ayouta1940]; Cyprus [DeLott1965a]; Denmark; Egypt [Hall1922, Hall1923, Hall1924a, Mamet1943a, EzzatHu1969]; France [Balach1930, Balach1931a, Balach1933a, Balach1933e, Balach1939, DeLott1965a]; Georgia; Greece [Argyri1963, Argyri1967, ArgyriMi1975, Argyri1983, Kozar1985, KozarPaPa1991]; Iran [Kaussa1957, Ahmad1975]; Israel [Bodenh1924, RosenHaSa1971, BenDov1993]; Italy [DeLott1965a, Hodgso1994a, LongoMaPe1995]; Japan [Mamet1943a]; Libya; Madeira Islands [Green1923b, CarvalFrAg1996, CarvalAg1997]; Malta [Borg1932, HaberMi2007]; Morocco [Vayssi1920, Balach1927, Mamet1943a, Rungs1970]; Netherlands [Jansen1995]; Portugal [DeLott1965a, KozarFr1995, CarvalFrAg1996]; Romania [Savesc1982]; Sardinia [Melis1930]; Saudi Arabia; Sicily [Liotta1970]; Slovakia [KorenMiJa2004]; Spain [GomezM1957, LongoMaPe1995, TenaSoVe2007]; Switzerland [DeLott1965a]; Tunisia [Balach1927, Mamet1943a, Jarray1970]; Turkey [Bodenh1953, Tuncyu1970a]; Ukraine; United Kingdom (England [Newste1903, DeLott1965a]); Yugoslavia [Kozar1983a].

BIOLOGY: Bodenheimer (1951a) reported one generation on citrus in Israel, while Blumberg et al. (1975) observed bivoltine populations. Peleg (1965) recorded in Israel one generation on citrus, one generation on unirrigated olive, while two generations on irrigated olive. One generation per year on olive in Greece (Argyriou, 1963; Paloukis, 1979). One generation per year in inner areas of california, while two in Coastal counties (Quayle, 1911; Bartlett, 1978; Gill, 1988). Beingolea (1969b) reported two generations on Citrulus and on sprouting potatoes in Peru. Two generations per year in Spain (Llorens Climent, 1984). De Lotto (1965, 1976) suggested that the centre of origin and natural diffusion of the species are in the southern district of the Cape Province, South Africa. Biology and ecology on olive in Crete by Neuenschwander & Paraskakis (1980) and Paraskakis et al. (1980). Spatial distribution on olive in Spain by Briales & Campos (1988). Rearing methods by Flanders (1942) and by Blumberg & Swirski (1977). Population dynamics on citrus in Israel by Podoler et al. (1979a, 1979b) and by Mendel et al. (1982, 1984a, 1984b)

GENERAL REMARKS: Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Zimmerman (1948), De Lotto (1969a), Ezzat & Hussein (1969), Hamon & Williams (1984), Gill (1988), Williams & Watson (1990), Tang (1991), Hodgson (1994a), Granara de Willink (1999) and by Hodgson & Henderson (2000).

STRUCTURE: Colour photograph by Kawai (1980, Fig. 6.42), Hamon & Williams (1984), Gill (1988), Katsoyannos (1996), Crvalho & Aguiar (1997), Wong et al. (1999), Hodgson & Henderson (2000) and by Germain et al., (2003).

SYSTEMATICS: The correct name of this species is Saissetia oleae (Oilivier, 1791). Until 1970 it was erroneously named as Saissetia oleae (Bernard, 1783). For a detailed discussion on this case refer to De Lotto (1971). Ben-Dov (1993) erroneously indicated that type material of Coccus testudo Curtis, 1843 was lost. However, Ken Walker (Department of Entomology, Museum of Victoria, Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia) in personal communication (May 2002) to Yair Ben-Dov, informed that the types are deposited in the Victoria Museum.

ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE AND CONTROL: A major pest of citrus in many countries, and of olive in the Mediterranean region (Bodenheimer, 1951a; Bartlett, 1978). Biological control campaigns reviewed by Bartlett (1978). Biological control on olive in Cyprus by Orphanides (1993), France (Panis (1983). Natural enemies in Italy (Martelli, 1908), Libya (Lal & Naji, 1979, 1980). Chemical control by IGR (Peleg & Gothilf, 1981).

KEYS: Hodgson & Henderson 2000: 195 (female) [New Zealand]; Granara de Willink 1999: 158 (female) [Argentina]; Kosztarab 1996: 323 (female) [Northeastren North America]; Tang 1991: 216 (female) [China]; Williams & Watson 1990: 160 (female) [Tropical South Pacific]; Gill 1988: 103 (female) [USA, California]; Hamon & Williams 1984: 108 (female) [USA, Florida]; Tao et al. 1983: 72 (female) [Taiwan]; Kawai 1980: 157 (female) [Japan]; Ezzat & Hussein 1969: 474 (female) [Egypt]; Beardsley 1966: 494 (female) [Micronesia]; Borchsenius 1957: 332 (female) [Palaearctic region]; Zimmerman 1948: 320 (female) [Hawaii].

CITATIONS: AbbottGr2007 [host, distribution, biological control, ecology: 1238-1246]; AbdRab2001 [host, distribution, biological control: 169-172]; AbdRab2002b [host, distribution, biological control: 39-44]; AbdRab2004 [host, distribution, biological control: 233-237]; AbdRab2004a [host, distribution, biological control: 51-56]; AbouEl2001 [host, distribution, biological control: 185-195]; Ahmad1975 [biological control, host, distribution: 221-223]; Ali1971 [host, distribution: 40]; Almeid1969 [host, distribution: 149-152]; Almeid1973b [host, distribution: 6]; AlrouePrCa1981 [host, distribution, biological control: 281-290]; AlrouePrCa1981 [host, distribution, biological control: 281-280]; AltierNi1999 [biological control: 975-991]; AnneckMy1979 [biological control: 143-150]; AnneckMy1979a [host, distribution, biological control: 290-297]; ArgovRo1988 [biological control: 303-314]; Argyri1963 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 353-376]; Argyri1967 [host, distribution: 66-67]; Argyri1969a [biological control, host, distribution: 1-4]; Argyri1970 [host, distribution, biological control: 57-65]; Argyri1983 [host, distribution: 365]; Argyri1986 [host, distribution, biological control: 545-548]; ArgyriKa1977 [host, distribution, biological control: 200-208]; ArgyriMi1975 [biological control, host, distribution: 251-254]; ArgyriMi1976 [biological control: 24]; ArgyriStMo1976 [host, distribution, biological control: 24]; AverseGrPi2005 [host, distribution, life history: 32-36]; Ayouta1940 [host, distribution: 2-4]; Ayouta1940 [host, distributuion : 2-4]; BagnolRaLo1982 [chemical control: 111-120]; Balach1927 [host, distribution: 184,186]; Balach1930 [host, distribution: 313]; Balach1930e [biological control, host, distribution: 221]; Balach1931a [host, distribution: 99]; Balach1932d [host, distribution: LVI-LVII]; Balach1933a [host, distribution: 41]; Balach1933e [host, distribution: 5]; Balach1935b [host, distribution: 263]; Balach1939 [host, distribution: 255]; Balach1957c [host, distribution: 207]; Ballou1926 [host, distribution: 39-40]; BaMhamCh2001 [biological control: 527-531]; BanksCa1973 [chemical control: 154]; BarredSaGa2005 [host, distribution, life history: 211]; Bartle1959 [biological control: 1-2]; Bartle1960 [host, distribution, biological control: 383-385]; Bartle1969 [biological control, economic importance, host, distribution: 875-878]; Bartle1978 [economic importance, biological control, host, distribution: 67-73]; BartleBa1966 [life history, physiology, biological control: 42-45]; Barzma1992 [host, distribution, life history, biological control: 1-107]; BarzmaDa2001 [life history, biological control, ecology: 237-247]; Beards1966 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 494,496]; Beards1966c [host, distribution: 174]; BecerrMiGo2002 [chemical control: 7-10]; Beingo1969c [host, distribution, life history: 130-136]; Beingo1969d [biological control, host, distribution: 827-838]; BellowVa1999 [ecology, biological control: 199-223]; BenDov1993 [catalogue: 313-316]; Benfat1982 [chemical control: 155-161]; BennetRoCo1976 [biological control, economic importance: 359-395]; BerlesBePa1907 [biological control: 48-95]; Blumbe1977 [life history, biological control, anatomy, structure: 185-192]; Blumbe1997 [biological control, ecology: 225-236]; BlumbeSw1977 [life history, economic importance, biological control: 147-150]; BlumbeSw1977a [economic importance, biological control, host, distribution: 115-118]; BlumbeSw1982 [life history, economic importance, biological control: 281-286]; BlumbeSw1988 [economic importance, biological control: 1209-1213]; BlumbeSw1988a [economic importance, host, distribution, biological control: 45-56]; BlumbeSwGr1975 [life history, ecology, host, distribution, economic importance: 19-24]; BlumbeSwWy1995 [biological control, host, distribution: 33-44]; Bodenh1935 [host, distribution: 249]; Bodenh1937 [host, distribution: 219]; Bodenh1951a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution, life history, economic importance, biological control: 381-387]; Boisdu1867 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 323]; Borchs1950b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 152-153]; Borchs1957 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution, life history, biological control: 335-340]; Borg1919 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 31-33]; Borg1932 [host, distribution: 14]; Bottre1979 [chemical control, biological control]; Boyce1928 [chemical control: 715-720]; Boyce1948 [host, distribution, economic importance, control]; Brader1979 [biological control, chemical control: 225]; Brain1920a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 5,10-11]; BrainKe1917 [host, distribution: 183]; BrialeCa1988 [life history, ecology, host, distribution: 28-34]; Brimbl1962 [host, distribution, economic importance: 227]; Brock1925 [economic importance, host, distribution: 349,366]; Brooks1964a [chemical control: 3,30]; BrooksTh1962 [economic importance, chemical control, host, distribution: 813-814]; BruniCa1980 [host, distribution, chemical control, biological control: 13-17]; Bulloc1976 [chemical control, distribution: 32]; CABI1952 [distribution: 1-2]; Calkin1983 [distribution, economic importance: 321]; CamposSa1983 [host, distribution, economic importance: 9]; CarmanEw1950 [chemical control, host, distribution: 15A-16A]; CarmanEwJe1951 [host, distributuion, chemical control: 1-16]; CarmanEwJe1956 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1957 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1958 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1959 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1960 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1961 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1962 [chemical control]; CarmanEwJe1976 [host, distribution, control: 14-68]; CarmanEwRi1980 [host, distribution, control: 14-77]; Carrer1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 521-526]; CarrerLiPa1977 [host, distribution, biological control: 548-551]; CarvalAg1997 [life history, economic importance, host, distribution : 168-170]; CarvalFrAg1996 [host, distribution, economic importance: 614]; CasillLaTa1971 [chemical control: 395-404]; CebeciSe2004 [host, distribution: 212]; Cendan1937 [biological control: 337-339]; ChapotDe1964 [economic importance, host, distribution]; CharleCoMu2005 [host, distribution: 1-4]; Chou1947a [chemical control: 36]; CiampoLu1977 [chemical control: 26876-26883]; Cirio1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 297-303]; Clause1951 [life history, ecology: 1-8]; Clause1958 [biological control: 291-310]; Clause1958a [host, distribution, biological control: 443-447]; Cocker1892a [host, distribution: 55]; Cocker1892b [host, distribution: 334]; Cocker1893g [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 55]; Cocker1893j [host, distribution: 254]; Cocker1894c [host, distribution: 307]; Cocker1894d [host, distribution: 311]; Cocker1895x [host, distribution: 257]; Cocker1896b [distribution: 331]; Cocker1896k [host, distribution: iv]; Cocker1899n [host, distribution: 12]; Cocker1901e [taxonomy: 31]; Collar1918 [host, distribution: 154-162]; Comper1922 [distribution, biological control, economic importance: 29-30]; Comper1925 [biological control: 295-326]; Comper1928a [biological control, economic importance, host, distribution: 231-334]; Comper1931b [biological control: 247-255]; Comper1937 [biological control: 43-51]; Comper1938 [biological control: 315-337]; Comper1939a [biological control, economic importance, host, distribution: 75-90]; Comper1940b [biological control, economic importance, host, distribution: 387-425]; Comper1961 [biological control: 182, 211]; Comper1961a [biological control: 17-71]; ComperAn1961 [host, distribution, biological control: 17]; Comsto1881a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 485-486]; Conti1987 [life history, ecology: 73-81]; Conway1951 [economic importance, host, distribution: 159-164]; CorrenVi1985 [distribution, chemical control: 379-382]; CorviTaTu1982 [chemical control: 253-260]; CostaL1924 [host, distribution: 135]; Cottie1939 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 145-146]; CouturMaRi1985 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 277]; CozziStMo2002 [biological control, host, distribution: 811-814]; Cressm1958 [chemical control: 911-912]; Curtis1843 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 443]; DaaneBaCa1991 [host, distribution, biological control: 6-9]; DaaneBaCa2000 [biological control, host, distribution: 269-284]; DaaneCa1989 [host, distribution, chemical control: 89-90]; DahlstHa1999 [economic importance: 919-933]; Danzig1972 [host, distribution: 205-206]; DanzigKo1990 [host, distribution: 45]; DarvasVi1983 [chemical control: 455-463]; DavidsDiFl1991 [chemical control: 1-47]; DavoodTaRa2004a [biological control: 887-899]; DeBach1943a [biological control: 647-658]; DeBachDiFl1951 [biological control: 347-348]; DeBachDiFl1951 [biological control: 1,14]; DeBachHuMa1976 [biological control: 255-285]; DelGue1906 [host, distribution: 257-263]; DeLott1956a [taxonomy, host, distribution: 241-243]; DeLott1965a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 223-228]; DeLott1971a [taxonomy: 149]; DeLott1971b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 325-326]; DeLott1976 [host, distribution: 147-148]; DelrioOrUs1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 539-541]; Delucc1975 [taxonomy, economic importance, host, distribution]; DeluccRoSc1976 [taxonomy, biological control: 81-91]; DoaneHa1909 [host, distribution: 297]; Dosba2001 [distribution, economic importance: 105-114]; Dougla1887b [taxonomy, host, distribution: 97]; Dozier1926a [biological control, host, distribution: 97]; Duran1977 [host, distribution, biological control: 255-256]; DuranCo1941 [host, distribution, biological control: 98-99]; Durr1954 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 90-92]; EhlerEn1984 [distribution, biological control, chemical control: 1-47]; ElmerEwCa1951 [economic importance, biological control, host, distribution: 593-597]; ElwanAs2000 [host, distribution, life history: 177-187]; EMPPO2004c [host, distribution, economic importance: 43-56]; EtiennMa1993 [host, distribution: 256]; EtzelLe1999 [biological control: 125-197]; Ewart1969 [chemical control: 879-880]; EwartEl1953a [economic importance, host, distribution: 352]; EwartMe1956 [chemistry: 441-447]; EzzatHu1969 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host distribution: 413-415]; EzzatNa1987 [distribution: 86]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 205-207]; Fernan1981 [host, distribution: 48]; Ferrar1978 [chemical control: 69-83]; Ferris1920b [host, distribution: 36]; Ferris1921 [host, distribution: 90]; Ferris1935 [host, distribution: 128]; Fimian1971 [chemical control: 145-160]; Fimian1980 [chemical control: 219-223]; Flande1932 [host, distribution: 1240-1241]; Flande1937 [biological control: 401-422]; Flande1938 [biological control: 167-180]; Flande1939a [biological control: 11-26]; Flande1939b [biological control: 152]; Flande1940b [biological control, ecology : 245-253]; Flande1941 [chemical control: 285,306]; Flande1942 [biological control: 687-689]; Flande1942d [biological control: 251-266]; Flande1949a [life history: 257-274]; Flande1949b [biological control: 222-224]; Flande1949c [biological control, life history: 406-407]; Flande1951b [biological control: 93-98]; Flande1953a [host, distribution, biological control: 266-269]; Flande1959b [biological control: 125-142]; Flande1965 [host, distribution, biological control: 409-422]; Flesch1960 [biological control: 183-208]; Fletch1951 [host, distribution: 1-24]; Foldi2000 [host, distribution: 82]; Foldi2003 [host, distribution: 151]; FrancoPa1991 [chemical control, life history, host, distribution: 282-285]; Frogga1915 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 610-611]; FrohliRo1970 [host, distribution, economic importance: 1-10]; Garcia1916 [biological control, host, distribution: 776-788]; Gendri1999 [biological control: 1-6]; Georgh1977 [host, distribution: 149]; GermaiBe2003 [taxonomy: 44]; GermaiMaPi2002 [host, distribution: 254]; GermaiMaPi2003 [host, distribution, structure: 22-23]; Gianot1967a [structure: 5-25]; Gill1988 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution,: 103-110]; GillKo1997 [economic importance, host, distribution: 161-163]; GomezC1950 [biological control, host, distribution: 1-18]; GomezM1937 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution, biological control: 256-262]; GomezM1946 [host, distribution: 88]; GomezM1954 [host, distribution: 136]; GomezM1957 [host, distribution: 62]; GomezM1958b [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 50-58]; GomezM1958c [host, distribution: 407]; GomezM1960O [host, distribution: 182]; GomezM1965 [host, distribution: 111-112]; GomezM1967O [host, distribution: 133]; Gonzal1969 [biological control, host, distribution: 839-847]; Gonzal1989 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 83,89]; GonzalLa1989 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 240-241]; Gordh1994 [biological control: 188-205]; GradyRe1940 [host, distribution, taxonomy, economic importance: 1-32]; GraebnMoBa1984 [economic importance, host, distribution, biological control: 27-33]; Granar1999 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 164-165]; GranarCl2003 [host, distribution: 625-637]; Granov1929 [life history, structure: 445-456]; Greath1971 [host, distribution, biological control ]; Greath1973 [biological control: 29-33]; Greath1976 [biological control, economic importance]; Green1895 [host, distribution: 232]; Green1904a [host, distribution: 206]; Green1904d [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 227]; Green1907 [host, distribution: 200]; Green1923b [host, distribution: 88]; Green1929 [host, distribution: 376]; Green1937 [host, distribution: 304]; Greig1944 [economic importance, host, distribution]; Guario2001 [biological control: 75-86]; GuarioLaAl2001 [host, distribution, chemical control: 65-70]; HaberMi2007 [host, distribution: 148]; Hadzib1983 [taxonomy, description, life history, host, distribution: 134-135]; HakkonPi1984 [biological control: 1109-1121]; Hall1922 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 22-23]; Hall1923 [host, distribution: 41]; Hall1924a [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 11]; Hall1935 [host, distribution: 80]; Hall1969 [economic importance: 823-826]; HamonWi1984 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution, life history, economic importance: 114-115]; HarpazRo1971 [biological control, economic importance, host, distribution: 458-468]; Hempel1900a [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 425]; Hempel1920 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 33-34]; HenderRh2001 [taxonomy, structure : 1-14]; Heptin1971 [host, distribution, economic importance: 1-5]; Hodgso1967 [host, distribution: 16-17]; Hodgso1969a [host, distribution: 36]; Hodgso1994a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 140-143]; HodgsoHe2000 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 195,204,210-212]; HodgsoHi1990 [host, distribution: 3,4,6,8,10,15,18,21]; HodgsoHi1991 [host, distribution: 137]; HoffmaRiSh1998 [biological control: 268-293]; HuffakMeDe1971 [biological control, host, distribution: 16-67]; HuffakSiLa1976 [biological control: 41-78]; HuHeWa1992 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 188]; Inserr1968 [biological control, host, distribution: 45-77]; Iperti1961 [economic importance, biological control: 14-30]; IshaaySw1976 [chemistry, chemical control, physiology: 1025-1029]; Ishii1926 [biological control: 31-36]; Jancar2003 [host, distribution: 5-8]; Janezi1954 [host, distribution: 125]; Jansen1995 [host, distribution: 134,142]; Jarray1970 [host, distribution, economic importance: 85-89]; JaszaiDa1983 [chemical control: 198-202]; Jeppso1969 [economic importance, chemical control, physiology: 917-921]; JohnsoLy1988 [host, distribution, life history]; Jourdh1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 75-79]; KailisSw2002 [host, distribution, control: 385-388]; Katsoy1996 [host, distribution, life history, economic importance, chemical control, biological control: 15,19-20,78-79]; KatsoyLa1975 [host, distribution, life history: 271-274]; Kaussa1957 [host, distribution: 1]; Kawai1972 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 14]; Kawai1980 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 158]; Kawai1987 [host, distribution: 77]; KawaiMaUm1971 [host, distribution: 17]; KaydanUlEr2007 [host, distribution: 93]; Kennet1986 [host, distribution, biological control: 363-369]; King1903b [host, distribution: 194]; KinjoNaHi1996 [host, distribution: 126]; Kiritc1932a [taxonomy: 266-267]; Kiritc1936 [host, distribution: 73]; Kirkal1902 [host, distribution: 106]; Kirkal1904 [host, distribution: 228]; Kondo2001 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 43]; KorenMiJa2004 [host, distribution, life history: 431-436]; Koteja1974b [taxonomy, structure: 82]; Kozar1983a [host, distribution: 147]; Kozar1985 [host, distribution: 203]; KozarFoZa1996 [host, distribution: 65]; KozarFr1995 [host, distribution: 71]; KozarPaPa1991 [host, distribution: 65]; KozarTzVi1979 [host, distribution: 131]; KozarWa1985 [distribution: 79]; Kozarz1992 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution, life history: 269-270]; KozarzRe1975 [host, distribution: 28-29]; KreiteMaDi1998a [life history, economic importance: 201-206]; Kuwana1902 [host, distribution: 64]; Kuwana1907 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 192]; Lagows1995 [host, distribution, economic importance, biological control: 5-10]; Lagows1995a [host, distribution, economic importance, biological control: 375-378]; LalNa1979 [biological control, host, distribution: 513-520]; LalNa1980 [host, distribution, biological control: 27-31]; Lawson1917 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 200-201]; Leach1940 [life history, virus transmission: 1-3]; LegnerBe1999 [biological control: 87-101]; Leonar1920 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 278-281]; LimonMeBl1976a [host, distribution, biological control: 263-276]; LindgrDi1943 [chemical control: 90,98,99]; Lindin1909c [host, distribution, taxonomy: 450]; Lindin1911a [host, distribution: 34]; Lindin1912b [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 49,55,79,161,186]; Liotta1970 [host, distribution, economic importance: 33]; Liotta1981 [host, distribution, economic importance, life history, biological control: 13-14]; LiottaMiMi1971 [chemical control]; LiottaMiMi1973 [chemical control: 37-43]; Lloren1984 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution, life history]; LongoMaPe1995 [distribution: 124]; LongoRu1986 [host, distribution, economic importance: 41]; LongoRu1988 [host, distribution: 515]; Lorbee1971 [biological control, host, distribution: 199-201]; Lozzia1985 [host, distribution: 122-124]; LuckFoSc2003 [biological control: 179]; LuckShKe1999 [biological control: 225-242]; Lucque2003 [host, distribution: 35]; Mabbet2003 [biological control: 67,235]; Macrop1985 [biological control: 63-64]; MalipaDuSm2000 [biological control: 91,92,93]; Mamet1941a [host, distribution: 40]; Mamet1943a [host, distribution: 155]; Mamet1949 [host, distribution: 31]; Mamet1959a [host, distribution: 378]; Marlat1892 [taxonomy: 150]; Marlat1897 [host, distribution, economic importance, biological control, chemical control: 217-236]; Martel1908 [taxonomy, description, economic importance, biological control, host, distribution: 217-227]; Martin1984MP [host, distribution: 76-77]; Martor1976 [host, distribution: 3-271]; Matile1978 [host, distribution: 49]; Matile1984c [host, distribution: 220]; MatileEt2006 [host, distribution: 167]; MatileNo1984 [host, distribution: 64]; Melis1930 [host, distribution: 14-15]; MendelDrPo1980 [life history, host, distribution: 697-700]; MendelGe1982 [host, distribution, biological control: 47-51]; MendelPoRo1982 [life history, ecology, host, distribution: 227-229]; MendelPoRo1984a [life history, host, distribution: 1-21]; MendelPoRo1984b [life history, ecology, host, distribution: 23-34]; MendelPoRo1990 [biological control, life history: 289-290]; MessenBiVa1976 [biological control: 543-563]; MessenVa1971 [biological control: 68-92]; MetcalMe1993 [economic importance, host, distribution, control]; MHamedCh1996 [biological control: 527-531]; Miller1996 [distribution: 71]; Monaco1976 [biological control: 143-151]; Monast1958 [economic importance, control: 131-165]; Monast1962 [host, distribution: 116-128]; MumaSeDe1961 [biological control: 1-39]; MuruaFi2001 [host, distribution, economic importance, biological control: 447-454]; MyartsRu2000 [distribution, biological control: 7-33]; Nakaha1981a [host, distribution: 393]; NakahaMi1981 [host, distribution: 31]; Neser1983 [distribution, biological control: 36-37]; NeuensPa1980 [life history, ecology, economic importance, host, distribution: 366-378]; NeuensPa1981 [host, distribution, life history, ecology: 109-113]; Neves1936 [host, distribution: 202-204]; Newste1903 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 126-127]; Newste1910 [host, distribution: 10]; Newste1911a [host, distribution: 163]; Newste1913 [host, distribution: 76]; Newste1914 [host, distribution: 306]; NoguerVeGo2003 [host, distribution, life history, biological control: 495-504]; NRC1969 [taxonomy, economic importance, ecology, biological control, chemical control]; Olivie1791 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 95]; Orphan1988 [host, distribution, biological control: 1-8]; Paglia1929 [host, distribution, economic importance: 274-307]; Palouk1979 [host, distribution, life history, biological control: 111-116]; Panis1970a [host, distribution, life history, ecology, control: 25-31]; Panis1974a [biological control: 131-134]; Panis1977d [biological control: 577]; Panis1979d [biological control: 27-28]; Panis1983 [life history, biological control, economic importance: 63-74]; Panis2008 [biological control: 59-70]; PanisMa1978 [biological control: 9-18]; PanisPeDe1977 [biological control : 615-619]; PanisPi1977 [host, distribution, biological control: 25-27]; PanisWa2002 [biological control: 27-30]; PappasTz1976 [host, biological control: 23]; ParaskNeMi1980 [biological control, life history, host, distribution: 450-464]; Peleg1965 [host, distribution, economic importance, life history: 21-26]; PelegGo1981 [chemical control: 124-126]; Peleka1962 [host, distribution: 61]; Peleka1974 [biological control: 14-20]; PereirToBe2001 [life history, ecology: 101-108]; PerezG2008 [distribution: 213]; PerezGCa1987 [host, distribution: 128]; Perkin1982 [economic importance, chemical control, biological control: 5]; PettitMc1920 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 19]; PicartMa2000 [host, distribution: 14-20]; PietriBiCo1969 [chemical control: 909-915]; PodoleBaRo1979 [ecology, life history, host, distribution: 257-266]; PodoleBaRo1979a [life history, ecology, host, distribution: 267-273]; Potaev1993 [host, distribution: 35,38]; PradoSi2006 [host, distribution, economic importance: 79-83]; Pratt1958 [host, distribution]; Quayle1911e [biological control, host, distribution: 510-515]; QuayleRu1911 [biological control, taxonomy, life history, ecology, host, distribution: 151-200]; QuezadCoDi1972 [host, distribution : 14-15]; Ramakr1919 [host, distribution: 625]; Ramakr1919a [host, distribution: 34]; Ramakr1921a [host, distribution: 348]; Ramakr1930 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 45]; Reasonagol2001 [biological control: 43-45]; Reboul1976 [host, distribution, economic importance, control]; Regis2002 [host, distribution, chemical control, biological control: 32-36]; Remill1988 [host, distribution: 57-58]; RiehlBrMc1980 [host, distribution, economic importance, biological control, chemical control: 319]; RobertDi1984 [chemical control: 122-126]; Rosen1966 [biological control, host, distribution: 46-48]; Rosen1969 [biological control, host, distribution: 45-53]; Rosen1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 289-292]; RosenHaSa1971 [life history, economic importance, host, distribution: 35-50]; Rungs1970 [host, distribution: 91-94]; RussoMaCa1988a [host, distribution, biological control: 56-61]; SaadElHa1977 [host, distribution, biological control: 151-161]; Sacant1961 [life history, biological control: 121-122]; SaccoPaD2000 [host, distribution, biological control: 3-8]; Sander1909 [host, distribution: 440]; Savesc1982 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 284-286]; Schmut1952 [host, distribution, life history: 551]; Schmut1952b [host, distribution: 18]; Schmut1957a [host, distribution: 133-140]; Schmut1990 [host, distribution, economic importance: 192-193]; SchweiMoLu2003 [biological control, host, distribution: 377-386]; Seabra1930 [economic importance, host, distribution: 130-131]; Seabra1941 [host, distribution: 8]; Sekkat2001 [host, distribution, economic importance: 79-84]; Sengon2002 [biological control: 141-143]; ShaabaHaBa2003 [host, distribution, biological control: 113-123]; ShafeeYoKh1989 [host, distribution: 54-55]; Shoema1980 [host, distribution, economic importance, biological control, chemical control: 26-49]; ShoemaHuKe1979 [biological control: 182-189]; SibbetDiBa1976 [host, distribution, economic importance: 12-13]; Signor1869 [taxonomy: 862-863,872]; Signor1873a [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 440-442]; Silves1921 [host, distribution, economic importance: 1-11]; Simant1962a [host, distribution: 105-112]; Simant1969 [chemical control, host, distribution: 889-896]; Smith1921 [host, distribution, life history, economic importance, biological control: 127-137]; Smith1926 [biological control, host, dustribution: 294-302]; Smith1940 [host, distribution, life history, ecology: 534-535]; SmithBeBr1997 [host, distribution, life history, economic importance, biological control: 47-49]; SmithCo1920 [taxonomy: 310-320]; SmithCo1926 [biological control, host, distribution: 51-61]; SmithFlBa1945 [distribution, biological control: 93-94]; SpooneTeHa2002 [host, distribution, economic importance, control: 218-224]; Steinw1930 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 565-567]; StratoKa1981 [host, distribution, biological control: 139-142]; StreibFrKa1994 [chemical control: 23-30]; Su1982 [host, distribution: 61]; SwainBu1940 [chemical control, host, distribution: 107-111]; SwainDu1928 [life history, ecology: 532-542]; Sweetm1958 [biological control, economic importance: 449-458]; SwinglWe1896 [host, distribution: 1-6]; SwirskWyIz2002 [taxonomy, host, distribution, life history, economic importance, biological control: 88-90]; Takaha1928 [host, distribution: 343]; Takaha1929 [host, distribution: 58]; Takaha1929a [host, distribution: 430]; Takaha1932a [host, distribution: 103,104]; Takaha1939b [host, distribution: 263]; Takaha1942b [host, distribution: 22]; Takaha1942d [host, distribution: 354]; Takaha1952 [host, distribution: 16]; TalameCa1980 [chemical control: 10596-10597]; Tanaka1966 [biological control, host, distribution: 1-42]; Tang1991 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 220-221]; TangLi1988 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 87,89]; Tao1989 [host, distribution: 59]; Tao1999 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 66]; TaoWoCh1983 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 74-76]; Targio1884 [host, distribution: 398]; TeixeiBeGo2000 [host, distribution, economic importance: 629-635]; TenaSoVe2007 [life history, host, distribution: 700-706]; Terezn1981 [host, distribution: 191-192]; Thro1903 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 214]; Timber1924a [biological control: 223-251]; Touzea1960 [chemical control: 68-71]; Touzea1962 [chemical control: 3-7]; TrabouBe1965 [host, distribution, biological control: 1-13]; Tranfa1977 [host, distribution: 546]; TranfaVi1987a [economic importance, host, distribution: 215-221]; Trembl1988a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution, life history: 233-239]; Tuncyu1970a [economic importance, host, distribution: 67-80]; Tyrell1896 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 265-266]; UlgentCa2004 [host, distribution: 79-84]; UsmanPu1955 [host, distribution: 50]; Valent1963 [biological control: 6-13]; Valent1967 [biological control: 1100]; Vayssi1920 [host, distribution: 258]; Vega1967 [host, distribution, chemical control: 59-62]; Vernal1953 [host, distribution: 146-147]; Vicido2007 [host, distribution: 1-7]; VieiraCaPi1983 [host, distribution: 106-107]; Viggia1970a [economic importance, host, distribution: 47-55]; Viggia1974 [host, distribution, biological control: 117-120]; Viggia1978 [host, distribution, biological control: 25-29]; Viggia1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 293-296]; Viggia1981 [biological control: 37-43]; ViggiaFiBi1973 [host, distribution, life history, ecology, biological control: 251-259]; ViggiaMa1983 [host, distribution, biological control: 305]; ViggiaPaTz1975 [host, distribution, biological control: 156-167]; VinsonIw1980 [biological control: 397]; Wang1980 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 41-42]; Wang1981TC [host, distribution: 288]; Webber1897a [host, distribution: 1-3]; Wille1958 [host, distribution, biological control, economic importance: 519-523]; Willia1985c [host, distribution: 137]; Willia2001 [distribution: 225-227]; WilliaWa1990 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 167-169]; WilliaWi1988 [host, distribution: 59]; Wise1977 [host, distribution: 106]; Woglum1923 [chemical control, host, distribution: 1-59]; Woglum1925 [chemical control, host, distribution: 593-597]; Woglum1925a [chemical control: 2]; Woglum1925b [chemical control: 178]; Woglum1926 [chemical control: 723-733]; Woglum1942a [biological control, host, distribution: 155]; WoglumBo1921 [biological control, host, distribution: 1-43]; WoglumLa1925 [chemical control, host, distribution: 349,370,374]; WoglumLa1934 [chemical control, host, distribution: 978-980]; WongChCh1999 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 17,56,57]; Woodwo1903 [taxonomy: 35]; Yang1982 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 177,191]; YaromBlIs1988 [chemical control: 1581-1585]; Yasnos1987 [economic importance, biological control, host, distribution: 229-234]; YousseNaSt2004 [chemical control, biological control: 593-599]; ZacchiVa2003 [host, distribution, structure, symbionts: 43-46]; Zimmer1948 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 328-331].

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