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Biometry Research Group

Bibliography for Simon Rosenfeld, PhD

Mathematical Statistician

US Mail Address
Biometry Research Group, DCP
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza North, Room 3131
6130 Executive Blvd MSC 7354
Bethesda, MD 20892-7354
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Biometry Research Group, DCP
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Blvd, Room 3131
Rockville, MD 20852

Phone: 301-496-7748 • Fax: 301-402-0816

Recent Presentations and Publications (NCI)

Rosenfeld S.. Approximate bivariate gamma generator with prespecified correlation and different marginal shapes. ACM Trans Model Comput Simul 2008 Sept;18(40:Article 16. [Epub as doi:10.1145/1391978.1391982] (url

Rosenfeld S.. Why do high-dimensional networks seem to be stable?-A reflection on stochasticity of dynamically unstable nonlinear systems. In Gauges R, Kummer U, Pahle J, Willy P , editors. Fifth Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks. Heidelberg: University of Heidelberg, 2008:101-112.

Rosenfeld S. Stochastic cooperativity in non-linear dynamics of genetic regulatory networks. Mathematical Biosciences 2007; 210: 121-142.

Rosenfeld S. Pseudo-random-fluctuations, stochastic cooperativity and burstiness in dynamically unstable high-dimensional biochemical networks. Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Biology, June 2007.

Rosenfeld S. Stochastic cooperativity in non-linear dynamics of genetic regulatory networks. Mathematical Biosciences 2007; 210: 121-142.

Rosenfeld S. Detection of differentially expressed genes in small sets of cDNA microarrays. Presentation at Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, Arlington, VA, March 2007.

Rosenfeld S. Detection of differentially expressed genes in small sets of cDNA microarrays. Presentation at Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, March 2007.

Rosenfeld S. Genetic regulatory networks: state of the art and new ideas. Presentation at Virginia Tech, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Advanced Research Institute, Arlington, VA, October 25, 2006.

Rosenfeld S. A nonlinear continuous stochastic model for genetic regulatory networks. caveats for microarray data analysis. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, Bloomington, IN, June 3-7, 2006, pp. 28-34.

Rosenfeld S. Stochastic oscillations in genetic regulatory networks. EURASIP Journal of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2006; Article ID 59256: 1-12.

Rosenfeld S. Stochastic oscillations in genetic regulatory networks. application to microarray experiments. In: Rizzi A, Vichi M (eds). Proceedings in Computational Statistics. Proceedings COMPSTAT 2006. Rome, Italy:Physica-Verlag, 2006;1609-1618.

Rosenfeld S. Detection of differentially expressed genes in small sets of cDNA microarays. Journal of Data Science 2007;5(3): to appear July 2007.

Rosenfeld S. Differential expression testing in small sets of cDNA microarrays using the concept of bio-weight. Presented to the International DNA and Genome Day, Dalian, China, 2005.

Rosenfeld S. New developments in cancer-related computational statistics. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004;1020:22-31.

Rosenfeld S, Wang T, Kim Y, Milner J. Numerical deconvolution of cDNA microarray signal. Simulation Study. Ann NY Acad Sci  2004;1020:110-123.

Kapetanovic I, Rosenfeld S, Izmirlian G. Overview of commonly used bioinformatics methods and their applications. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004;1020:10-21.

Rosenfeld S. Performance of the false discovery rate for small sets of cDNA microarrays Proceedings of INTERFACE 2004, June 5-8, 2004, Baltimore, MD.

Rosenfeld S. Sampling from the bivariate gamma distribution with specified correlation coefficient and different marginal distributions. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields. Waikiki, HI, June 9-12, 2004. (

Rosenfeld S. Testing for departure from normality using Hermite orthogonal polynomials. Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields. Waikiki, HI, June 9-12, 2004. (

Subar A, Thompson F, Kipnis V, Midthune D, Hurwitz P, McNutt S, McIntosh A, Rosenfeld S. Comparative validation of the Block, Willett, and National Cancer Institute food frequency questionnaires: the Eating at America's Table Study. Am J Epidemiol 2001;154(12):1089-1099.

Rosenfeld S, Kipnis V. Effects of model selection in estimating variance of regression slope for heteroscedastic bivariate models. examples from nutritional epidemiology. Presented to the Joint Statistical Meeting, New York, 2002.

Rosenfeld S. Alternative random vector generators for testing departure from bivariate normality. Presented to the ENAR Spring Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2000.

Rosenfeld S. Generation of pseudo-random non-Gaussian time series with predetermined autocorrelation function and probability distribution. Presented to the 14th Conference of the International Association for Statistical Computing, Utrecht, The Netherlands , 21-25 August 21-25, 2000.

Rosenfeld S, Subar AF, Thompson FE, Kipnis V. Probability distributions of dietary data and their transformations to normality, Presented to the Fourth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, Tucson, AZ, September 17-22, 2000.

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Local Presentations (NCI)

Rosenfeld S. Genetic regulatory networks: state of the art and new ideas. Presented at the DCP Colloquia Series, Bethesda, MD, November 1, 2006.

Rosenfeld S. Nonlinearity, complexity and stability of genetic regulatory networks. caveats for microarray data analysis. Presented to the NCI/DCP Scientific Advances Symposium II, Bethesda, MD, January 11-12, 2006.

Rosenfeld S. A tale of four clones and four chemopreventive agents. Episode 1: comparison of SAM score and bio-weight test statistic. Presented to the Biometry Research Group, DCP, NCI, Bethesda, MD, December 12, 2005.

Rosenfeld S. Improving performance of the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR procedure for small sets of cDNA microarrays. Presented to the Biometry Research Group, DCP, NCI, Bethesda, MD, December 6, 2004.

Rosenfeld S. Sampling from the bivariate gamma distribution with specified correlation coefficient and different marginal distributions, Presented to the Biometry Research Group, DCP, NCI, Bethesda, MD, November 3, 2003.

Rosenfeld S, Milner J, Kim Y, Wang T. Genomic response of prostate cancer cells to DADS treatment. preliminary results of microarray data analysis. Presented to the NCI/DCP Scientific Advances Symposium I, Bethesda, MD, February, 2003.

Rosenfeld S in collaboration with Milner J, Kim Y, Wang T. Genomic response of prostate cancer cells to DADS treatment. preliminary results of microarray data analysis. Presented to the Biometry Research Group, DCP, NCI, Bethesda, MD, December 9, 2002.

Rosenfeld S, Kipnis V. Probability distributions of dietary data and their transformations to normality. Presented to the Biometry Research Group, DCP, NCI, Bethesda, MD, June 7, 2000.

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Other Recent Publications (NOAA)

Rosenfeld S. A spectral approach to the forward problem in GPS radio-occultation remote sensing (ray tracing, assimilation, tomography). NESDIS Technical Report #86, 1996.

Ross R, Rosenfeld S. Estimating mean weighted temperature of the atmosphere for GPS applications. Journal of Geophysical Research 1997;102(D18):21719-21730.

Rosenfeld S. Analytical model of refraction in a moist polytropic atmosphere for space and ground-based GPS applications. NESDIS Technical Report #88, 1997.

Rosenfeld S, Grody N. Metamorphic signature of snow revealed in SSM/I measurements. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2000;38(1):53-63.

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Full List of Publications (not mentioned above)

Statistical Methods and Applications in Atmospheric and Oceanic Research

  • Rosenfeld S. Error analysis of gyroscopically stabilized radar systems for tracking meteorological rockets. Technical Report. Transactions of State Oceanographic Institute, Odessa Chapter, Odessa, USSR, 1977. (Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Spectral characteristics of the transfer function for gyroscopically stabilized platforms during strong storms in open ocean. Technical Report. Transactions of State Oceanographic Institute, Odessa Chapter, Odessa, USSR, 1978. (Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Estimation of accuracy of three measurements with different accuracies. Meteorology and Hydrology 1984;10:63-71. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Modeling a pseudo-random sequence which has specified correlation and probability structure. Meteorology and Hydrology 1986;7:31-37. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Analysis of regular constituents of observation series specified on an irregular point sequence. Meteorology and Hydrology 1986;3:9-14. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Analysis and simulation of correlational and probabilistic structure of stochastic oscillations. In: Hydrodynamical Laws of Forming Middle-Latitude Energy-Active Zones in Ocean. Transactions of State Oceanographic Institute, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1986. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Numerical stochastic simulation of meteorological time-series. In: Advances of Soviet Scientific Center for Hydrometeorological Information (World Data Center "B"), No 147, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1988. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Some new methods for generating non-gaussian autocorrelated sequences. In: Advances of Soviet Scientific Center for Hydrometeorological Information (World Data Center "B"), No 153, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1988. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. A role of connectivity in the analysis of correlational and probabilistic structure of time series. Advances of the Soviet Scientific Center for Hydrometeorological Information (World Data Center "B"), No 147, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1988. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. An accuracy of retrieving autocorrelational and probabilistic structure of irregular variability from experimental data. In: Large-Scale Interaction Between Atmosphere and Ocean and Forming Hydrophysical Fields. Transactions of the State Oceanographic Institute, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1989. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Statistical principles of analysis and planning geophysical observations. In: Large-Scale Interaction Between Atmosphere and Ocean and Forming Hydrophysical Fields. Transactions of the State Oceanographic Institute, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1989. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Statistical aspects of the analysis of long-term oscillations and trends. physics of upper atmosphere. Transactions of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 169, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1990;43-50. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Methods of simulating irregular processes in ocean. In: Complex Oceanographic Research in Pacific Tropical Zone.Transactions of State Oceanographic Institute. Gidrometeoizdat, Russia, 1991. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Nonlinear excitation of chemical oscillations by atmospheric waves. Upper Atmosphere Physics, Transactions of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 167, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1988. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. A criterion of stochasticity of non-linear waves based on the analysis of Lagrangian trajectories. In: Upper Atmosphere Physics,Transactions of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 176, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1990.(Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Transition of Lagrangian trajectories to chaos in non-linear wave field. Local Interactions of Atmosphere and Ocean in Newfoundland Energy-Active Zone. Transactions of the State Oceanographic Institute, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, USSR, 1990. (Russian, abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. On wave transport of admixtures in ocean. Complex Oceanographic Researches in Pacific Tropical Zone. Transactions of State Oceanographic Institute, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1991. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Lysenko E, Rosenfeld S, Speransky K. Experimental determination of accuracy characteristics for rocket meteorological measurements. Meteorology and Hydrology No.10. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1982;46-53. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S, Nestorov G, Pancheva D. Long-term oscillations of winter ionospheric absorption and their connections with planetary activity in stratosphere. Transactions of the Third International Seminar KAPG on Dynamical Processes in Ionosphere. Sofia, Bulgaria, 1986. (English)
  • Lappo S, Muzychenko A, Rosenfeld S. Statistical structure of monthly mean anomalies of water surface temperature in the North Pacific. Meteorology and Hydrology 1987;3:58-65. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Stochastic structure of irregular variations of wind in upper atmosphere based on radio-meteor sounding. Presented to the Fifth International Symposium KAPG on Solar-Earth Physics, Samarkand, Uzbek SSR, USSR, 1989. (English)
  • Kokin G, Lysenko E, Rosenfeld S. Temperature changes in the stratosphere and mesosphere in 1964-1988 based on rocket sounding data. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean, Vol 26, No 7, 1990. (English, Russian)
  • Kokin G, Lysenko E, Rosenfeld S. Long-term oscillations and trends of temperature in stratosphere and mesosphere based on terrain rocket sounding network. Physics of Upper Atmosphere, Transactions of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 176. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1990. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Perov S, Rosenfeld S. On temperature and ozone trends in tropical stratosphere. Meteorology and Hydrology 1990;6:115-116. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia (English, Russian)
  • Ivanova I, Kokin G, Lysenko E, Perov S, Rosenfeld S, Chizhov A. Results of investigating the middle atmosphere at Antarctic station Molodezhnaya. Meteorology and Hydrology 1991;5:39-44. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia (English, Russian)

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Nonlinear Dynamics

  • Rosenfeld S. Damping of internal gravity waves in the atmosphere due to generation of secondary harmonics. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 1983;19(10). (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Nonlinear viscosity of atmospheric gravity waves. Presented to the First International Symposium on Results of Middle Atmosphere Research, Alma-Ata, USRR, 1983. (English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Drift motion of aerosol particles under the influence of atmospheric gravity waves. Presented to the First International Symposium on Results of Middle Atmosphere Research, Alma-Ata , USRR, 1983. (English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Drift motion of aerosol particles in atmospheric gravity waves. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 1984;20(1). (English, Russian )
  • Rosenfeld S. Relationship between wave motion of noctilucent clouds and internal gravity waves. In: Collection of Works of the International Workshop on Noctilucent Clouds, Tallinn, Estonian SSR, USSR, August 18-20,1984. Tallinn, Valgus, 1986.(English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Nonlinear wave mechanism of forming stable aerosol layers and generating turbulence in the mesopause region (English).Presented to the Transactions of the Third International Symposium KAPG on Dynamical Processes in Ionosphere. Sofia, Bulgaria, 1986. (English)
  • Rosenfeld S. On reasons for stability of aerosol layers in mesopause region and visible thickness of noctilucent clouds. Presented to the Second International GLOBMET Symposium, Kazan, USSR, 1988. (English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Nonlinear breakdown of internal gravity waves in meteor zone and some geophysical consequences. Presented to the Second International GLOBMET Symposium, Kazan, USSR, 1988. (English)
  • Avaste O, Vasiliev O, Willman Ch, Levlev L, Rosenfeld S. Nature of noctilucent clouds. In: Advances of Workshop on Noctilucent Clouds, Tallinn, Estonia, 1988. (English) (1989)
  • Rosenfeld S. On reasons for stability of aerosol layers in mesopause region and visible thickness of noctilucent clouds. In: Upper Atmosphere Physics, Advances of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 176, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1990. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Transport of particles by self-breaking waves in the coastal zone of ocean and in the upper atmosphere. In: Local Interactions of Atmosphere and Ocean in Newfoundland Energy Active Zone. Transactions of the State Oceanographic Institute, Moscow, USSR, 1990. (Russian, Abstract in English)

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Molecular Physics

  • Ivanovsky A, Rosenfeld S. Solution of internal problems of aerodynamics under transitional conditions using a model kinetic equations. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 1971;2:23-28. (English, Russian)
  • Ivanovsky A, Rosenfeld S. Simulation method in the kinetic theory of gases. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Gas and Fluid Mechanics 1972;6:110-115.
  • Rosenfeld S. On theory of thermal effusion under the transition conditions. In: Upper Atmosphere Physics, Advances of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 115, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1972. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. Poiselle flow and the thermomolecular effect in plane slits and a cylindrical capillaries. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Gas and Fluid Mechanics 1974;1;119-125. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. On estimation of the accommodation coefficients from the data on heat transfer in rarefied gases. Transactions of the Academy of Science of the USSR. High Temperature Physics. No 2, 1976. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S, Glazkov V, Vyazankin S. Rocket-sonde flight numeric simulation and wind measurements errors. Upper atmosphere physics. Advances of the Central Aerological Observatory, No 144. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1978. (Russian, Abstract in English)
  • Rosenfeld S. On derivation of boundary conditions for the diffusion equation from the model kinetic equation. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Journal of Technical Physics, No 1, 1980. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Influence of the energy-dependence of the accommodation coefficients on the equilibrium temperature in a free-molecular flow. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Journal of Technical Physics. No 1, 1980. (English, Russian)
  • Lysenko E, Speransky K, Rosenfeld S. Metrology of rocket measurements. Report to All-Union Workshop on Technical Methods of Environmental Control, Obninsk, 1981. Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow, Russia, 1981. (Russian)

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Remote Sensing

  • Rosenfeld S. Dispersion and absorption of sound in atmospheric fog. Transaction of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Journal of Acoustics 1983;29(2):251-256. (English, Russian)
  • Rosenfeld S. Scattering of sound waves on random in homogeneities of atmospheric fog. Transaction of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Journal of Acoustics 1983;29(3):391-396. (English, Russian)

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Other Presentations (NOAA)

  • Rosenfeld S. Global radiosonde climatology and problem of discontinuities. Presented at the Workshop on Discontinuities in Climatological Time Series, Asheville, NC, 1994.
  • Rosenfeld S, Ross R. Modeling of refraction in the moist atmosphere for ground and space-based GPS applications. Presented to the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1996.
  • Ross R, Rosenfeld S. Atmospheric descriptors for ground and space-based GPS applications. Presented to the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1996.
  • Rosenfeld S. Fluctuations of delay and refraction angle due to atmospheric gravity waves in GPS radio-occultation remote sensing. Presented to the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
  • Grody N, Rosenfeld S. Metamorphic signature of snow revealed in passive microwave measurements. Presented to the 8th International Geophysical and Remote Sensing Society Symposium IGARSS-98, Seattle, WA, 1998.
  • Rosenfeld S, Grody N. Anomalous spectra of thermal microwave radiation from snow cover. Presented to the 4th International Workshop on Applications of Satellite-borne Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Santa Fe, NM, 1998.
  • Grody N, Rosenfeld S, Basist A. Relationships between SSM/I signatures and snow conditions. Presented to the Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, Memphis, AZ, 1998.
  • Rosenfeld S. A role of serial correlations and deviations from normality when estimating trends from short climatological time series. Presentation in NOAA Headquaters, September, 1994.
  • Rosenfeld S, Etkins R. A proposal to study the feasibility of GPS radio occultation monitoring system for detection of clandestine nuclear explosions. Briefing for Deputy Assistant to Secretary of Defense, Dr. Ralph Alwine III, and Administrator for National Environmental Satellite Data & Information Service, Dr. Robert Winockur, August 20, 1995.
  • Yoe J, Derber J, Wu V, Rosenfeld S. Feasibility of assimilation of GPS radio occultation remotely sensed data into the operational numerical weather prediction model. Briefing for Assistant Administrator of National Environmental Satellite Data & Information Service, Dr. Robert Winockur, April 1997.
  • Rosenfeld S. Improving the spatial resolution of GPS radio occultation remote sensing using the method of spectral tomography. Presented to the GPS workshop in Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, CO, 1995.
  • Rosenfeld S, Ross R. Estimating mean weighted temperature of the atmosphere for GPS applications. Presentation in NOAA Headquarters, September 1996.
  • Rosenfeld S, Yoe J. Potential and physical limitations of using GPS radio occultation remote sensing in numerical weather prediction. Progress Report to the NOAA & Department of Defense Integrated Programs Office, December 1995 and December 1996.

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This page last updated June 18, 2007.