U.S. Geological Survey Home Page USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Science Meetings; dedicated to Chandler S. Robbins USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; Science Meetings dedicated to Chandler S. Robbins Dedicated to Chan Robbins USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; Science Meetings dedicated to Chandler S. Robbins Poster Abstracts from USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Science Meetings, October, 2006
Patuxent Science Meeting 2006 Poster Abstract

Phosphorus amendment reduces hematological, hepatic and renal

toxicity of lead-contaminated sediment to mallards

Hoffman DJ, Heinz GH, Audet DJ (FWS)

Ingestion of lead-contaminated sediments has resulted in lead poisoning of waterfowl for

decades in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin in Idaho. This study examined whether the addition of

phosphoric acid to contaminated sediments would reduce the bioavailability and toxicity of lead

to mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Mallards received diets containing 12% clean sediment

(controls) or 12% sediment from each of three different sites containing up to 6990 ug /g lead

(dw) with or without phosphoric acid amendment for 8 weeks. Amendment resulted in

reductions in tissue lead concentrations of up to 64% for blood, 57% for liver, and 77% for

kidney. Unamended lead-contaminated sediment resulted in the following hematological and

plasma alterations: 90% or greater depression of red blood cell ALAD activity, elevated free

erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) concentration, lower hematocrit and hemoblobin

concentrations (as much as 30%), elevated plasma enzyme activities (ALT, CK and LDH-L) and

creatinine concentration. Hepatic effects included: 1.6 fold elevation of liver GSH concentration,

higher GSH S-transferase and GSSG reductase activities, and lower PBSH concentration.

Renal effects included 2.1 fold elevation of kidney GSH concentration with resulting lower GSSG

to GSH ratios, elevated GGT activity, and 1.7 fold increase in lipid peroxidation (TBARs).

Phosphorus amendment restored hematocrit, hemoblobin and plasma enzyme activities so that

they did not differ from controls and lowered elevated FEP concentrations by up to 80%.

Amendment restored all hepatic variables as well as the renal variables TBARS concentration

and GGT activity so they did not differ from controls. Although amendments of phosphorus

substantially reduced the bioavailability of lead and some of the toxic effects, lead

concentrations in the tissues of mallards fed the amended sediments were still above those

Friday, September 22, 2006

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