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European Reading Room Pamphlet Collection


Introduction   Belarus  Bulgaria A-N  Bulgaria O-Z    Bulgarian Postcards  Czech and Slovak  Denmark   Eastern Europe/Baltic (General)  Estonia  Europe (General)  Finland   Former Yugoslavia   France  Greece and Cyprus  Hungary   Latvia   Lithuania   Moldova   Norway  Poland  Romania  Russia/USSR  Soviet Postcards  Sweden  Ukraine

Bulgarian Postcards

Albena. Fotoizdat, 1975. Photos (21). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 015}.

Belogradchishki skali. Sofiia: Septemvri, 1975. Photos (14). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 001}.

Borovets. Photos (11.. In Bulgarian, German. {Bulgarian Postcards 002}.

Druzhba. Fotoizdat, 1975. Photos (15). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 003}.

Industrialna Bulgariia. Fotoizdat, 1973. Photos (25) + booklet. In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 016}.

Khaskovo. Sofiia: Fotoizdat, 1975. Postcards (foldout.. In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 005}.

Kurdzhali. Sofiia: Fotoizdat, 1975. Postcards (foldout.. In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 004}.

Kurort Druzhba. Sofiia: Fotoizdat, 1975. Photos (6). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 010}.

Lovech. Sofiia: Fotoizdat, 1975. Postcards (foldout.. In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 006}.

Natsionalen park-muzei Shipka-Buzludzha. Sofiia: Fotoizdat, 1974. Photos (15). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 007}.

Natsionalen park muzei Shipka Buzludzha. Fotoizdat, 1974. Photos (13). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 009}.

Nenko Balkanski. Sofiia: Bulgarski khudozhnik, 1975. Photos (9) + booklet. In Bulgarian. {Bulgarian Postcards 012}.

Rimskata vila pri Ivailovgrad. Sofiia: Fotoizdat, 1975. Photos (15) + booklet. In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 008}.

Sofiiski okolnosti. Fotoizdat. Photos (14). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 011}.

Veliko Turnovo. Pametnitsi na kulturata. Fotoizdat, 1973. Photos (15). In several languages. {Bulgarian Postcards 013}.

Zlatni Piasutsi. Sofiia: Septemvri, 1975. Photos (21) + booklet. In Bulgarian. {Bulgarian Postcards 014}.

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Czech and Slovak

Acta persecutionis. A document from Czechoslovakia. Presented to the XIVth International Congress of Historical Sciences . San Francisco: 1975. 36p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 016}.

Beckova, Marta. Referat Komenian. Praha: Specialni oddeleni, Statni pedagogicke knihovny komenskeho v Praze, 1966. 15p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 008}.

Bidlas, Miroslav. 500 let mirovych návrhu Jiriho z Podebrad. Praha: Statni knihovna CSR, 1964. [Series: Leták Slovanske knihovny, 6]. 15p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 017}.

Bor, Ján E. Edicia Duch a Svet. Buenos Aires: DORREGO, 1980. 27p. In Slovak. {Czech and Slovak 007}.

Breznice. Pardubice: Stredisko Statni pamatkove pece a ochrany prirody Stredoceskeho kraje, 1985. 12p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 012}.

Dolne Kysuce. Kysucke Nove Mesto: Obecny urad Rudinka, 1998. 48p. In Slovak. {Czech and Slovak 015}.

Facts on travel in Czechoslovakia. Fourth edition. New York: Institute for International Youth Affairs, 1962. 36p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 006}.

Figures on social security in Czechoslovakia. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Czech and Slovak 011}.

Hints to exporters - Czechoslovakia. London: British Overseas Trade Board, 1979-1980. 52p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 010}.

Informatsionnyi biulleten' Bratislavskogo ekonomicheskogo instituta. Information bulletin on the Bratislava School of Economics. Martin: Matica slovenská, 1973. 24p. In several languages. {Czech and Slovak 004}.

Jake bylo oblekani od kolebky k dospivani. Tradicni odev detí na Morave. Brno: Moravske zemske muzeum, Etnograficky ustav, 1996. 12p. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 005}.

Slovenske narodne muzeum, Etnograficky ustav. Slovenska kamenina. Martin: Slovenske narodne muzeum, 1983. 60p. In Slovak. {Czech and Slovak 002}.

Social policy in Czechoslovakia, no.1. Prague: National Social Security Office, 1966. 37p. In English. {Czech and Slovak 009}.

Sprievodca po expoziciach. Martin: Slovenske narodne muzeum, Etnograficky ustav. 28 + 12p. In Slovak and English. {Czech and Slovak 003}.

Tibetske umeni. Praha: Orbis, 1960. Postcards (12) + booklet. In Czech. {Czech and Slovak 013}.

Unikaty Narodniho technickeho muzea. Praha: CTK-Pressfoto. Postcards (12) + booklet. In several languages. {Czech and Slovak 014}.

Vrchotka, Jaroslav. Schatze der alten Sternkunde. Prag: Nationalmuseum im Prag, 1981. 9p. In German. {Czech and Slovak 001}.

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Aberdeen Castle. Billeder fra skoledirektor O.S.K. Rubner-Petersens hjem i Frederikssted, Dansk Vestindien. ca. 1913. Aarhus: E.S. Offset. 24p. In Danish. {Denmark 015}.

Act on and regulations pertaining to single-subject education, etc. Preparatory for an examination for adults. Kobenhavn: 1983. 15p. In English. {Denmark 003}.

Action programme of the Poul Schluter Cabinet (also called the Four-Leaf Clover Government). More young people into activity. Copenhagen: Ministry of Education, 1983. 10p. In English. {Denmark 010}.

Christensen, Jorgen Gronnegard. Regulation, deregulation and public bureaucracy. Paper to be delivered to the workshop "Deregulation in Western Europe", ECPR Joint Sessions, Amsterdam, April 10-15, 1987. Aarhus: Institute of Political Science, University of Aarhus, 1987. 19p. In English. {Denmark 005}.

Danish graphics. The golden age. Volume II. London: Master Work Associates, 1989. 48p. In English. {Denmark 007}.

The Danish upper secondary school system. Time-tables for the Gymnasium and the Higher Preparatory Examination. Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Education, International Relations Division, 1982. 6p. In English. {Denmark 009}.

Dental education in Denmark. Copenhagen: Royal Dental College, 1982. 5p. In English. {Denmark 006}.

Education in Denmark. Agricultural education and training in Denmark. Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Education, 1983. 9p. In English. {Denmark 013}.

Education in Denmark. Education (Local Administration. Act, Skolestyrelsesloven). Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Education, 1983. 49p. In English. {Denmark 014}.

Education in Denmark. Vocational education and training in Denmark (professions/trades). Copenhagen: Danish Ministry of Education, 1983. 22p. In English. {Denmark 012}.

Europa i NATO - solidaritet og styrke. Politiske og militaere synspunkter pa EUROGRUPPEN. Kobenhavn: Forsvarsministeriet, 1986. 24p. In Danish. {Denmark 011}.

Jensen, Jesper Bo. Does regulation make that much difference? International banks in regulated and non-regulated environments. Paper presented to the ECPR Workshop on Deregulation in Western Europe, University of Amsterdam, 10-15 April 1987. Aarhus: Institute of Political Science, University of Aarhus, 1987. 26p. In English. {Denmark 001}.

Munch-Petersen, Erland. Romanens arhundrede. Studier i den masselaeste oversatte roman i Danmark 1800-1870. Summary. 15p. In English. {Denmark 016}.

Norgaard, Ole. Introduktion til politik i planstyrede samfund. Aarhus: Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet, 1987. 23p. In Danish. {Denmark 004}.

Rif, Agnete. Physical education and sport in the Danish schools. Copenhagen: Ministry of Education. 14p. In English. {Denmark 008}.

Svensson, Palle. The development of Danish polyarcy - or how liberalization also preceded inclusiveness in Denmark. Aarhus: Institute of Political Science, University of Aarhus, 1987. 35p. In English. {Denmark 002}.

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Eastern Europe/Baltic (General)

The Baltic nations. All we want is freedom. Los Angeles, CA: Baltic American Freedom League, 1985. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 007}.

Basket two compliance: East European economic statistical quality. Washington, DC: Coordinated by the Congressional Research Service, 1982. 114p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 018}.

Biblia Slavica. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. 10p. In several languages. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 010}.

Dissertations in progess in Slavic and East European studies. Washington, DC: Slavic Bibliographic and Documentation Center, ARL, 1972. 60p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 016}.

Ehret, Joseph. Baltisches Schicksal. Basel: 1970. 39p. In German. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 008}.

Ehret, Joseph. Die vergessenen Balten. Basel: 1973. 25p. In German. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 006}.

The European Community and its eastern neighbours. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1990. [Series: European Documentation series]. 34p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 015}.

Gumpert, Ute. Useful translations of East European statutes in French and German. Chicago: University of Chicago Law School Library, 1969. [Series: University of Chicago Law School Library Publications, Bibliographies and Guides to Research, Number 6]. 43p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 003}.

Halasz, Peter. Crossroads at Vienna. East and West meet at the World Youth Festival. New Delhi: The Services Press, 1960. 75p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 013}.

Kapusta, Alvin. East Slavic genealogy. Bibliography, 1987. 7 typed sheets. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 022}.

Kephart, Calvin I. Lithuanians, Latvians, and Borussians. Their origin and migration. Shady Side, MD: 8p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 005}.

Koch, Fred C. A business man looks at communism. Second edition. Wichita, Kansas: [the author], 1960. 39p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 012}.

Literatura tserkovnago prava. 82p. In several languages. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 019}.

Miller, Donald Lane. The propaganda spotter's guide. Washington, DC: All American Conference, 1972. 20p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 009}.

National Captive Nations Committee. Washington, DC: 12p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 017}.

Nations in transit. Civil society, democracy and markets in East Central Europe and the Newly Independent States. Washington, DC: Freedom House, 1995. 150p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 021}.

The other side of the story. Radio Liberty Committee 1966. New York: Radio Liberty. 16p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 020}.

Prpic, George J. The nations of modern East Central Europe. A selected bibliography. Cleveland, OH: Institute for Soviet and East European Studies, 1972. 54p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 002}.

Roberts, Henry L. Four queens & several knaves. New York: Institute on East Central Europe and Russian Institute, Columbia University. 21p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 014}.

Schwarzenberg, Karel. Slovanstí apostolove Cyril a Metodej. Opus Bonum, 1981. 15p. In Czech. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 011}.

Soviet Baltic republics. Intourist. 32p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 004}.

Thomas, John R. US-East European relations: strategic aspects. McLean, VA: Research Analysis Corporation, 1968. 16p. In English. {Eastern Europe/Baltic (General) 001}.

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Baltiiskaia assambleia, Tallinn 13-14 maia 1989. Tallinn: Narodni front Estonii. (1989. 15p. In Russian. {Estonia 036}.

Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia. Eesti keele instituut. Tallinn: 1995. 28p. In Estonian. {Estonia 010}.

Eesti kunstnike liit 1987-1989. Tallinn: 1989. 22p. In Estonian. {Estonia 041}.

Eesti naisluuletajaid. Saarek. 7p. In Estonian. {Estonia 046}.

Eesti NSV Keeleseadus. Tallinn: AE Signalet, 1989. 16p. In Estonian. {Estonia 039}.

Eesti pollumajandusmuuseum. Tallinn: Valgus, 1988. 26p. In several languages. {Estonia 021}.

Eesti rahvuslike ühingute kunstifestival. Festival' iskusstv natsionalnykh obshtestv Estonii, 21-26. mai 1996. (1996. 24p. In Estonian, Russian. {Estonia 002}.

Eesti rahvusraamatukogu 1989. aastal. Tallinn: 1990. 23p. In Estonian. {Estonia 040}.

Elita Erkina. Tallinn: Ministerstvo kul'tury Estonskoi SSR. 12p. In several languages. {Estonia 026}.

Estonia. Kirjastus "Perioodika", 1985. 44p. In English. {Estonia 031}.

Estonia Selts. Tallinn: EKP Keskkomitee Kirjastuse trükikoda, 1990. 24p. In Estonian. {Estonia 032}.

Greetings from Parnu. Tallinn: Perioodika Publishers, 1988. 35p. In English. {Estonia 022}.

Hayak, Gabriel and Jusef Livsits. Sotsialismi dialektika: poliitika ja inimene. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1985. 62p. In Estonian. {Estonia 033}.

Helvi Raamat. Tallinn: Ministerstvo kul'tury Estonskoi SSR. 12p. In several languages. {Estonia 025}.

Hiiumaa. Saagemi tuttavaks. Getting to know. Kärdla: 1995. 48p. In English. {Estonia 005}.

Hint, Mati. Balti tee. The Baltic way. Tallinn: Valgus, 1989. 23p. In several languages. {Estonia 038}.

Invest in the future: the future is Estonia. Tallinn: Infomare. 76p. In English. {Estonia 018}.

Jaan Tonisson Institute. Tallinn: Jaan Tonissoni Institute, 1994. 20p. In Estonian. {Estonia 004}.

Jávorszky, Bela. Eestlased ja ungarlased uuenevas europas. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse trükikoda, 1995. 16p. In Estonian. {Estonia 006}.

Kabin, T. Opinions, estimations. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1986. [Series: Humanities at the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR]. 22p. In English. {Estonia 028}.

Kalender. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1977. 266p. In Estonian. {Estonia 013}.

Kangropool, Rasmus. Town Hall Square. Tallinn: Perioodika, 1982. [Series: The Sights of Tallinn]. 23p. In English. {Estonia 011}.

Keele-seadusest. Tallinn: Olion, 1990. 22p. In Estonian. {Estonia 043}.

Kerge, Krista. Liitsona. Moisteid ja seoseid. Soome-eesti kontrastiivseminar (Tallinn 1988.. Tallinn: Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Ühiskonnateaduste Osakond, 1990. 51p. In Estonian. {Estonia 048}.

Köörna, A. Science in Estonia. Tallinn: Informare. 39p. In English. {Estonia 017}.

Kordes, Rein. Mineviku teed ja rajad. Reportaaz. Tallinn: Perioodika, 1976. 312p. In Estonian. {Estonia 035}.

Laane-Eesti saarestiku biosfaari kaitseala kontseptsioon. Kuressaare: Teadus-arendusfirma "Sarma", 1989. 15p. In Estonian. {Estonia 045}.

Mötteid/Thoughts. August 1967, no. 5. Chicago: 1967. 15p. In several languages. {Estonia 020}.

Narva. Tallin: Eesti Raamat, 1970. 16 postcards. In several languages. {Estonia 023}.

The new Estonia with Old World heritage and charm. In English. {Estonia 015}.

Noored filoloogias 1988. Noorteadlaste XV konverents. Teesid. Tallinn: Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Keele ja Kirjanduse Instituut, 1988. 31p. In Estonian. {Estonia 029}.

President Konstantin Pätsi Ausamba Taasavamine Takhurannas, 25. juunil 1989. A. Tallinn: Valgus, 1989. 16p. In Estonian. {Estonia 037}.

Pärnu-Jaagupi Taassünnipäev. Koostanud Krista Kivisalu. Tallinn: 1990. 26p. In Estonian. {Estonia 042}.

Riit Kuusik. Tallinn: Ministerstvo kul'tury Estonskoi SSR. 18p. In several languages. {Estonia 024}.

Saari, Khenn. Opisanie slovoobrazovatel'nykh elementov pri slozhnoi sisteme foneticheskikh cheredovanii (estonskii iazyk.. XXVI Vsesoiuznaia konferentsiia finno-ugrovedov (Izhevsk, 26-29 iiunia 1987.. Tallin: Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, 1987. 53p. In Russian. {Estonia 003}.

Sakalamaa. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1965. In Estonian. {Estonia 016}.

Soviet Estonia--25 Years Old. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1965. In Estonian. {Estonia 009}.

Sunila, A. The armed uprising of the Estonian proletariat in December 1924. Tallinn: Facts and Commentary, 1974. 47p. In Estonian. {Estonia 012}.

Sutrop, Urmas and Kalevi Kull. Theoretical biology in Estonia. Tallinn: Valgus, 1985. 28p. In several languages. {Estonia 019}.

Tael, Kaja. An approach to word order problems in Estonian. CIFU-7 Debrecen 27.August-2. September 1990. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences, 1990. 46p. In English. {Estonia 047}.

Tallinna linna TSN Täitevkomitee. Tallinlase meelespea. Seisuga 1. märts 1965. a. Tallinn: Eesti NSV RMN Tehnilise Informatsiooni keskbüroo, 1965. 79p. In Estonian. {Estonia 008}.

Tallinn. Good advice comes handy. Tallinn: Estonian SSR Foreign Tourism Board, 1986. 31p. In English. {Estonia 030}.

Teadusliku konverentsi ettekannete teesid. Tallinn: Eesti loodusmuuseum, 1989. [Series: Eesti Loodusmuuseum, One hundred twenty five]. 23p. In Estonian. {Estonia 044}.

Torva. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1965. 36p. In Estonian. {Estonia 014}.

Tyugu, Enn. Knowledge-based programming environments. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Cybernetics, 1990. 36p. In English. {Estonia 001}.

Vahetame motteid X. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1977. 74p. In Estonian. {Estonia 034}.

Vanemate eestikeelsete raamatute illustratsioone. Earlier Estonian Book Design. Tallinn: Estonian Academic Library. (2000) Postcards (16). In Estonian, English. {Estonia 049}.

Villako, Kaljo. Haritlane, poolspetsialist ja poolharitlane. Aulaoeng, 28. novembril 1994. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus, 1995. 16p. In Estonian. {Estonia 007}.

Voldemar Kuslap. Tallinn: Ministerstvo kul'tury Estonskoi SSR. 16p. In several languages. {Estonia 027}.

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Europe (General)

Anderson, A. Gerald. American indexing sources for periodical literature on Nordic humanities and social sciences. University of Washington Libraries, 1989. 8p. In English. {Europe(General) 002}.

International Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations. Appeal to the delegates of the CSCE gathered in Copenhagen June 1990. 7p. In English. {Europe(General) 012}.

Currency in Malta. A brief history (second edition.. Valletta: Central Bank of Malta, 1988. 70p. In English. {Europe(General) 015}.

Currency in Malta. Central Bank of Malta, XXth anniversary commemorative exhibition, 19th-29th April 1988. (1988. 32p. In English. {Europe(General) 014}.

The European Community Delegation in the United States. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Europe(General) 011}.

European Investment Bank. Financing facilities under the Fourt Lome Convention. Luxembourg: EIB, 1991. 19p. In English. {Europe(General) 008}.

Howe, Sir Geoffrey. East-West relations. Realism, vigilance and an open mind. Four speeches by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Right Honourable Sir Geoffrey Howe QC MP. Central Office of Information, 1987. 43p. In English. {Europe(General) 004}.

Jones, Hywel Ceri. Education in a changing Europe. Charles Gittins memorial lecture. Delivered at the College on 16 March 1992. University College of Swansea, 1992. 22p. In English. {Europe(General) 010}.

Kjellberg, Francesco. Is the Scandinavian welfare state in crisis? The Professor C.A. Perumal Endowment Lecture 1988-89. Anna Centre for Public Affairs, University of Madras, 1989. 18p. In English. {Europe(General) 005}.

Late medieval herbals. An exhibit at the John Hay Library. Providence, RI: Committee on Medieval Studies, Brown University, 1983-1984. 16p. In English. {Europe(General) 006}.

Pitschmann, Louis A. Scandinavian studies: is it on the (inter.national preservation agenda? A status report. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1990. 5p. In English. {Europe(General) 003}.

Roads to participation in technological change. Attitudes and experiences. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1990 . 17p. In English. {Europe(General) 009}.

SCANNET today, July 1990, Vol.12, no.1. Esbo, Finland: Scannet, 1990. 11p. In English. {Europe(General) 001}.

Sekido, Yataro. The homeland of Professor Hess, 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India, August 1983. Bombay: R.R. Daniel, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1984. 17p. In English. {Europe(General) 013}.

European Investment Bank. Statute and other provisions. Luxembourg: Information Division, EIB, 1991. 39p. In English. {Europe(General) 007}.

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Electronic media in Finland. Helsinki: Ministry of Transport and Communications, 1988. 16p. In English. {Finland 009}.

The Finnish business challenge. Helsinki: Union Bank of Finland, 1986. 68p. In English. {Finland 003}.

Finnish Cultural Foundation. Helsinki: The Foundation, 1992. 12p. In English. {Finland 005}.

Helsinki University of Technology. Helsinki: The University, 1988. 32p. In English. {Finland 008}.

Jyvaskyla Region. Jyvaskyla: Jyvaskyla Regional Tourist Services, 1995. 12p. In English. {Finland 001}.

Low oil prices, Chernobyl and Finland's energy prospects. Helsinki: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Energy Department, 1986. 18p. In English. {Finland 004}.

The Ministry of Communications in Finland. Helsinki: The Ministry. 12p. In English. {Finland 002}.

Ministry of the Interior. Helsinki: The Ministry, 1988. 16p. In English. {Finland 010}.

Nauchno-issledovatel'skii tsentr iazykov Finliandii, 1995. 18p. In Russian. {Finland 012}.

Pakaslahti, Johannes. Kekkonen and peace. Finland as a neutral nation and a champion of peace. Helsinki: Information Centre of the World Peace Council, 1986. 20p. In English. {Finland 006}.

Raamattu Suomen Suvulle! Helsinki: Suomen Pipliaseura. 8p. In Finnish. {Finland 014}.

The Research Institute for the Languages of Finland. 1995. 18p. In English. {Finland 013}.

Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. Suoma-Ugralas Searvi. 1883-. Helsinki: 4p. In several languages. {Finland 015}.

Suomi, Terttu. Tampere University Library: guide to resources and services of the main library. 3rd rev. ed. Tampere: 1992. 39p. In English. {Finland 007}.

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Former Yugoslavia

40 godina djelatnosti Arheoloskog muzeja Istre (1947-1987): izlozba. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Thirty-three]. 4p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 002}.

M.P.O. Annual Report. 66th Annual M.P.O. Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio September 4-7, 1987. M.P.O, 1987. 20p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 009}.

Anticko staklo Argyruntuma: izlozba. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-Nine]. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 004}.

Les Archives de Yougoslavie. Belgrade: Kultura. 33p. In French. {Former Yugoslavia 041}.

Bilten interno glasilo opstinske organizacije SPRS, Kozarska Dubica - namjenjeno clanovima SPRS, broj 1. Kozarska Dubica: Opstinska organizacija SPRS, 1996. 31p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 038}.

Brezje. Kratka zgodovina in opis bozje poti. Ljubljana: Delo, 1977. 48p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 017}.

Brodarstvo i pomorstvo Istre u antici. Izlozba. Shipping and seamanship in Istria in classical times. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1986. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-Three]. 16p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 029}.

The Case of the Yugoslav war criminal before the United States commissioner. New York: Yugoslav Information Center, 1960. [Series: Facts & Views, Number One Hundred Seventeen]. 18p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 010}.

Cohen, Robert S. Yugoslav Notes, 8 - October 1980 and 9, January 13, 1981. Boston: 1980-1981. 48 + 4p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 073}.

Crna Gora, Montenegro. Titograd: Turisticki savez Crne gore, 1985. 28p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 033}.

Croatia's parliamentary elections, January 3, 2000. Washington, DC: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2000. 9p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 072}.

Dange, S. A. Yugoslavia. Problems & perspectives. New Delhi: People's Publishing House, 1973. 27p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 055}.

Desanka Maksimovic (1898-1993). Katalog izlozbe. Novi Sad: Biblioteka Matice srpske, 1998. [Series: Katalozi izlozbi, Number Twenty-Six]. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 019}.

Jugoslovenska levica. Dokumenti. Beograd: Jugoslovenska levica, 1995. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 024}.

Dva veka novije srpske prevodne knjizevnosti 1776-1976. Odabrana bibliografija sa registrom prevodilaca. Katalog izlozbe 2-13. XII 1976. Beograd: Udruzenja knjizevnih prevodilaca Srbije, 197?. 31p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 056}.

Eterovich, Francis H. The Declaration of Independence and the Croatian struggle for independence. Arcadia, CA: Croatian Information Service, 1978. [Series: Croatian Information Series, no.6]. 28p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 042}.

Etnoloska podoba Sentjerneja. Etnoloska topografija slovenskega etnicnega ozemlja 20. stoletje. Katalog razstave. Novo mesto: Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto, 1989. 12p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 066}.

Fabjancic, Marija. Bibliografija publikacij Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti v letih 1972-1980. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1982. [Series: Biblioteka, 7]. 101p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 074}.

Facts about the Socialist Republic of Montenegro. Novi Sad: Republican Committee for Information - Montenegro, 1980. 32p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 054}.

Federiko Garsija Lorka (1898-1936). Katalog izlozbe. Novi Sad: Biblioteka Matice srpske, 1998. [Series: Katalozi izlozbi, Number Twenty-Seven]. 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 020}.

Issa. Otok Vis u helenisticko doba. Izlozba Arheoloskog muzeja u Splitu. Split: Slobodna Dalmacija, 1982. 25p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 059}.

Issa. Otok Vis u helenizmu. Izlozba. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1986. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-One]. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 068}.

Izdavastvo Arheoloskog muzeja Istre u Puli: izlozba. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Number Thirty-Two]. 32p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 001}.

Izdavaci dela Slobodana Nesovica. Povodom 75-godina. Beograd: Prosveta, 1983. 64p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 014}.

Izlozba Pisana rec o Jugoslaviji. Beograd: Muzej istorije Jugoslavije, 1998 . 15p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 053}.

Izvestaj o radu opstinske organizacije SPS Stari grad za period septembar 1992.-decembar 1995. Predlog. Beograd: Socijalisticka partija Srbije, 1996. 11p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 025}.

Izvestaj o radu Socijalisticke partije Srbije u Zemunu izmedu druge i trece konferencije. Zemun: Opstinska organizacija SPS u Zemunu, 1996. 16p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 049}.

Jozef Tihi. Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1998. 1 card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 026}.

Kosovo. 12p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 021}.

Krneta, Sava. Aplauz za moju smrt. Applause for my death. Translated by Milica Krneta. Toronto: Telemark Enterprises, 1983. 31p. In Serbo-Croatian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 065}.

Ljudsko zivljenje v Sloveniji. Volksleben in Slowenien. Ljubljana: Gospodarska zbornica za SR Slovenijo, 1970. 16p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 007}.

McAdams, C. Michael. White paper on Dr. Andrija Artukovic. Arcadia, CA: Croatian Information Service, 1975. [Series: Croatian Information Series, no.4]. 54p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 044}.

Mosin, Vladimir. O psaltiru Crnojevica. Cetinje: Centralna Narodna biblioteka SR Crne Gore "Đurde Crnojevic", 1986. 20p. In Serbo-Croatian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 005}.

Nakit, vez i gradske nosnje Bosne i Hercegovina: izlozba. Schmuck, Stickerei und Städtische Trachten von Bosnien und Herzegowina: Ausstellung. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1987. [Series: Katalog, Number Twenty-Eight]. 24p. In Serbo-Croatian, German. {Former Yugoslavia 003}.

Nash, Edmund. Impressions of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, An edited version of a talk given by Edmund Nash at the Labor Department on November 9, 1960., 1960. 14p. Unbound paper. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 070}.

The National Library of Serbia 1832-1982. Guide. Belgrade: National Library of Serbia. 32p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 022}.

Novak, Bogdan. Stranci medu bracom. Roman. Knjiga u novinam. s.l.: s.n, 1989. [Series: Tuzna je nedelja, 2. Dodatak "Jezu"]. 36-64p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 035}.

Ob 100-letnici mladinskega lista Vrtec. Ivan Lapajne in njegov pedagoski casopis Slovenski ucitelj 1872-1877. Razstava v Slovenskem solskem muzeju. Ljubjlana: Ucne delavnice, 1971. 19p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 061}.

Obavestenje ucesnicima treceg kongresa Socijalisticke partije Srbije. Korak u novi vek. Beograd: SPS, 1996. 1 folded card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 046}.

Opstina Stari grad 2000. Korak u novi vek. Predlog. Beograd: Socijalisticka partija Srbije, Opstinski odbor SPS Stari grad, 1996. 23p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 048}.

Partizan sam tim se dicim. Izlozba povodom 55 godina Ustanka naroda Srbije 1941-1996. Pozarevac: Okruzni odbor subnora branicevskog okruga istorijski arhiv - Pozarevac, 1996. 12p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 013}.

Pavle-Paja Jovanovic. Povratak cete crnogoraca iz boja. Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1997. 1 folded brochure. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 027}.

Pavle-Paja Jovanovic. Seoba srba. Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1998. 1 folded brochure. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 028}.

Posvetitev obnovljene cerkve Sv. Henrika na Arehu. Areh na Pohorju: Zveza kulturnih organizacij Slovenska Bistrica, Odbor za obnovo cerkve Sv. Henrika na Arehu, 1991. 28p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 058}.

Pozarevac 2000. Korak u novi vek. Pozarevac: Opstinski odbor SPS Pozarevac, 1996. 26p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 047}.

Promemoria. Repudiation of the Tripartite Pact by the Serbian people 27 March 1941. Västeras, Sweden: Jugosloven ; Jugoslav Socialist Party, 1981. 15p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 067}.

Prpic, George J. Ireland, Croatia and Bangladesh. Arcadia, CA: American Croat, 1973. 38p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 008}.

Socijalisticka partija Srbije 1990-1996. Osnovne informacije. Korak u novi vek. Beograd: SPS, 1996. 1 folded card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 045}.

Srbija u brojkama '98. Serbia in figures '98. Beograd: Republika Srbija, Republicki zavod za statistiku, 1998. 19 + 19p. In Serbo-Croatian, English. {Former Yugoslavia 050}.

Staro-katoliska cerkev. Maribor: Skofijski urad slovenske staro-katoliske cerkve, 1949. 48p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 062}.

Sterijino pozorje. Novi Sad: Sterijno pozorje, 1979. 32p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 006}.

Sto remek-djela pisana rijec u Hrvatskoj. Izlozba. Pula: Arheoloski muzej Istre, 1986. [Series: Katalog, Twenty-five]. 11p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 030}.

Strana umetnost. Iz poklon zbirke Arsa i Vojke Milatovic (1988-1998). Beograd: Narodni muzej, 1998. 1 folded card. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 037}.

Socijalisticka partija Srbije, Gradski odbor SPS Nis. Strategija razvoja grada Nisa do 2000. godine. Korak ispred svih u XXI vek. Nis: Socijalisticka partija Srbije, Gradski odbor SPS Nis, 1996. 8p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 036}.

The sunny Adriatic. Beograd: Tourist Association of Yugoslavia. 34p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 034}.

Synagogue. Subotica, Yugoslavia. Subotica: Panonija. 21p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 012}.

Taufer, Veno. Poetry presented by Veno Taufer at the Folger Shakespeare Library under the co-sponsorship of the Folger Shakespeare Library and the Embassy of Yugoslavia, May 17, 1982, 1982. 28p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 064}.

Trta in vino skozi cas. Katalog k razstavi, Mednarodni radgonski sejem Gornja Radgona 17.8-25.8. 1991. Ptuj: Zgodovinski arhiv Ptuj, 1991. 23p. In Slovene. {Former Yugoslavia 039}.

University of Maribor. Maribor: University of Maribor, 1993. 27p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 060}.

Ustasa, Hrvatski oslobodilacki pokret 1929-1979. 50th anniversary of "Ustasa" Croatian Liberation Movement. Arcadia, CA: Croatian Information Service, 1979. [Series: Croatian Information Series, no.7]. 28p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 043}.

V pocastitev nove Dravljiske cerkve Marka Musica. 13.11.1986-4.1.1987. In honour of the new church in Dravlje by Marko Music. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija v Ljubljani, 1987. 16p. In several languages. {Former Yugoslavia 031}.

Vladimir, Natalija. Alisa u krugu. Beograd: Sava Mihic, 1983. 28p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 071}.

Vukov i Dositejev muzej. Beograd: Radisa Timotic, 1976. 32p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 015}.

Yugoslavia and the World Bank. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1979. 53p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 063}.

Yugoslavia in figures. Belgrade: Federal Statistical Office, 1996. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 051}.

Yugoslavia. Rocky road towards a freer economy. New York: First National City Bank, 1966. 16p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 032}.

Yugoslavia's role in the Second World War. Belgrade: Federal Committee for Information, 1975. 45p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 023}.

Yugoslavia's struggle for proper relations between socialist countries. London: Cosmo Publications, 1949. 47p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 057}.

Yugoslavia. The church and the state. London: Information Office, Embassy of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, 1953. 92p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 018}.

Zemun 2000. Korak u novi vek. Treca redovna konferencika SPS u Zemunu. Zemun: SPS, 1996. 23p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 052}.

Sercer, Marija. Iz proslosti zagrebackih postolara. Zagreb: Nacionalna i sveucilisna biblioteka, 1989. 40p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 040}.

Seselj, Vojislav. Otvoreno pismo Dobrici Cosicu. New York: Srpski narodni pokret slobode, 1990. 19p. In Serbo-Croatian. {Former Yugoslavia 011}.

Sporer, Charles Drago. The nationality census in pre-war and post-war Yugoslavia. Ethnic complexity and nationality struggle. Enfield, Middlesex, England: Pika Print Ltd, 1977. 15p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 069}.

Suljak, N. Dinko. Yugoslavia in crisis. A background for understanding the instability of Yugoslavia. Arcadia, CA: Croatian American Congress of California, 1973. 52p. In English. {Former Yugoslavia 016}.

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Connaitre Paris est votre reve... 1 folded sheet. In French. {France 004}.

Hilbert, Lothar. Le concept de l'Etat-nation en Allemagne. Actes du Seminaire organise a Nancy au mois de novembre 1997, Faculte de droit, Universite de Nancy. Strasbourg: Editions du Conseil de l'Europe, 1998 . 9p. In French. {France 001}.

Lepolard, Jean-Pierre. Notice historique pour servir a l'histoire de notre pays. Margival pres Soissons et les infrastructures militaires allemandes construites de juin 1940 a juin 1944. Soissons: 1985. 12p. In French. {France 003}.

Pourquoi l'Inspection du Travail? Minvoul: 19p. In French. {France 002}.

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Greece and Cyprus

50th anniversary of the Cyprus regiment (1939-1989). Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 23p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 043}.

Address by President George Vassiliou to the 3rd Special Session of the UN General Assembly on disarmament. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1988. 11p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 018}.

Avraamides, Andreas. Address by the president of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Andreas Avraamides, at the annual general meeting of the Chamber, Nicosia, Hilton Hotel, 22 June 1988. Nicosia: Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1988. 13p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 021}.

The Benaki Museum Shop. Athens: Benaki Museum, 1989. 27p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 045}.

Chypre. Points de repere. Bureau de Presse et d'information. 4p. In French. {Greece and Cyprus 062}.

Colonisation of occupied areas. Nicosia: Public Information Office, 1979. 24p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 012}.

Cyprus: 2,500 years of coinage. Bank of Cyprus, Cultural Foundation. 8p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 041}.

Cyprus: 9000 years of history and civilisation. Cyprus Tourism Organisation. 43p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 046}.

Cyprus. A cultural heritage in peril. Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 4p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 057}.

Cyprus: a decade of partition. Washington, DC: AHEPA, 1984. 8p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 038}.

Cyprus. A few facts to remember. Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 4p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 061}.

Cyprus: a guide to shipping. Nicosia: Central Bank of Cyprus, 1990. 23p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 035}.

Cyprus. A political question. Nicosia : Press and Information Office. 4p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 058}.

Cyprus. A tourist centre. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 22p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 042}.

Cyprus. A tourist centre. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1988. 22p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 049}.

Cyprus: an international problem. Non Aligned Foreign Ministers' Conference (Nicosia, Cyprus, September 5-10, 1988), 1988. 25p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 020}.

Cyprus and the non-aligned movement. Nicosia: Public Information Office, 1981. 12p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 024}.

Cyprus problem: the gap remains. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus, 1986. 16p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 003}.

The Cyprus refugee problem. Humanitarian aspects. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 198?. 24p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 031}.

Cyprus: seeking a solution. An AHEPA Seminar for Congressional Staffs, July 18, 1983. Washington, DC: American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, 1983 . 8p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 037}.

Cyprus: the refugee problem. Nicosia: Public Information Office, 1980. 19p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 025}.

Cyprus: the refugee problem. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1983. 20p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 048}.

Cyprus. Tourism. Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 4p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 060}.

Cyprus. Turkish settlers. Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 4p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 059}.

Die Teilungspläne der Türkei in Zypern. Informative Notizen. Presse- und Informationsamt. 36p. In German. {Greece and Cyprus 052}.

Economic integration of the occupied part of Cyprus with Turkey. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 10p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 026}.

European stand on the Cyprus problem. Resolutions adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament of the European Economic Community. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus, 1987. 115p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 004}.

Evangelos P. Papanoutsos. Philosopher, educator, critic: an exhibit May 16-July 31, 1980. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 1980. 14p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 015}.

The first hundred days of the presidency of George Vassiliou. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, Ministry of the Interior, 198?. 14p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 013}.

Foundation for Hellenic Culture. Athens: The Foundation, 1993. 18p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 036}.

Cyprus Research Centre. General Information. Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 1987. 9p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 034}.

Hints to exporters - Cyprus. London: British Overseas Trade Board, 1980-1981. 60p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 056}.

Iacovou, George. Cyprus: a question of occupation, colonization and expansionism. An address delivered by H.E. Mr. George Iacovou, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus before the South East Europe Society in Munich. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 198?. 17p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 017}.

Iacovou, George. Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. George Iacovou at the UN Security Council following the illegal declaration of a Turkish Cypriot State. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1983. 22p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 050}.

International assistance to Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriots. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus, 1986. 16p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 001}.

The International press on developments in Cyprus. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, Ministry to the President, 198?. 40p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 010}.

Janus, Christopher G. Great Grandfather George (Personal notes 1811-1899). Wilmette, IL: [the author], 1982. 38p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 014}.

Cyprus Research Centre. List of publications. Nicosia: Ministry of Education and Culture, 1996. 13p. In English, Greek. {Greece and Cyprus 033}.

Living conditions of enclaved Greek Cypriots. Nicosia: Public Information Office, 1979. 12p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 011}.

Loucaides, Loukis G. Violations of human rights by Turkey in Cyprus. With particular reference to the stand taken by the Council of Europe and to the US policy on Human Rights. Nicosia: 1981. 11p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 022}.

Main provisions of the Cyprus-EEC Customs Union agreement. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 17p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 032}.

Mavrellis, Chr. Address by the Minister of Finance before the House of Representatives on the occasion of the debate on the budgets for 1986. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1986. 19p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 006}.

Mavrellis, Chr. Address by the Minister of Finance before the House of Representatives on the occasion of the debate on the budgets for 1987. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 20p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 007}.

A most original island. A portrait of Cyprus. London: Cyprus Tourist Organisation. 27p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 039}.

Non-aligned and commonwealth resolutions on Cyprus. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 21p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 027}.

The partitionist designs of Turkey in Cyprus. Briefing notes. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 198?. 37p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 028}.

Pillage du Patrimonie Culturel Chypriote en Chypre occupee. Die Plünderung des zyprischen Kulturerbes im besetzten Teil der Insel. Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 15p. In French, German. {Greece and Cyprus 053}.

Plundering of the Cypriot cultural heritage in Occupied Cyprus. Nicosia: Press and Information Office. 15p. In English, Greek. {Greece and Cyprus 054}.

The refugees of Cyprus. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus, 1986. 34p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 002}.

Religious tolerance and freedom of worship in Cyprus. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 14p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 008}.

Monagri Foundation. The restoration of an ancient monastery in Cyprus to be a Centre for the Arts. Nicosia: Barclays Bank. 12p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 040}.

Shipping business: reference information. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1989. 6p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 044}.

Speech by President George Vassiliou to the US Council on Foreign Relations. Nicosia : Press and Information Office, 1988. 11p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 016}.

Tornaritis, Criton G. The right to silence. Nicosia: 1981. 18p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 047}.

The truth about "economic warfare". Nicosia: Public Information Office, 1979. 20p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 005}.

International Law Conference on Cyprus. Turkey's breaches of international law. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee. Nicosia: Cyprus Bar Council, 1984. 8p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 009}.

Turkish colonisation. A threat for Cyprus and its people. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 198?. 24p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 029}.

Turkish expansionism. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1987. 32p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 030}.

Vassiliou, S. Address by the Minister of Finance before the House of Representatives on the occasion of the debate on the budgets for 1984. Nicosia: Press and Information Office, 1983. 22p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 023}.

XVIII International Congress of Papyrology. List of participants, Athens 25-31 May 1986. Athens: 1986. 23p. In English. {Greece and Cyprus 019}.

Zypern. Nikosia: Presse- und Informationsamt. 183p. In German. {Greece and Cyprus 055}.

Zypern. Ein touristisches Zentrum. Nicosia: Presse- und Informationsamt, 1988. 22p. In German. {Greece and Cyprus 051}.

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Alapitvany a Magyar Felsooktatasert es Kutatasert. Budapest: MF plusz, 1998. 35p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 038}.

Az MKM, a MAB es az FTT megallapodása az alapkepzesrol es a szakiranyu tovabbkepzesrol. Budapest: MF plusz, 1998. 20p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 037}.

Balaton, Hungary.Hungarian Tourist Service. 28p. In English. {Hungary 028}.

American Embassy, Budapest. Budapest living. A practical guide. Budapest: 1987. 126p. In English. {Hungary 006}.

Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Pecs: 1985. 40p. In English. {Hungary 013}.

Darvas Jozsef Oroshazan es Kiskunfelegyhazan emlekkiallitas az Oroshazi Szanto Kovacs Muzeumban az íro szuletesenek 75. evfordulojara, 1987. februar--junius. In Hungarian. {Hungary 011}.

Eotvos Lorand University. Faculty of Science. Information 1995-1996. 69p. In English. {Hungary 027}.

European Roma Rights Centre. Budapest: 22 p. In English. {Hungary 039}.

Folk Art in Hungary. Hungarian Tourist Board. 24p. In English. {Hungary 022}.

Folklore in Hungary. Tourist Information Service. 26p. In English. {Hungary 030}.

Hatarozat a kereszteny egysegre-torekveserol. II. Vatikani egyetemes zsinat. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat, 1967. 34p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 033}.

Hungarian Mosaic. Museums. Hungarian Tourist. 24p. In English. {Hungary 020}.

Hungarians: four years of effort. Hungary: four years of progress. Prime Minister's Office. 16p. In English. {Hungary 023}.

Hungary. Budapest: Hungarian National Council for Tourism. 28p. In English. {Hungary 029}.

International Association of Hungarian Studies. Informations. Budapest: MTA, 1978. 18p. In English. {Hungary 007}.

Jokai es Balatonfured. Veszprzem megyei Múzeumi Igazgatosag. 16p. In Hungarian, German. {Hungary 003}.

Jugoszlavia nepmuveszete. A neprajzi Muzeum Belgrad, Neprajzi Muzeum Zagrab, Neprajzi Muzeum Ljubljana es Vajdasagi Muzeum Ujvidek vendegkiallítasa. 44p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 018}.

Jokai Mor Emlekmúzeum, Balatonfüred. 1 folded sheet. In Hungarian. {Hungary 026}.

Kemeny Gábor emlekkiallitas 1983. Bekescsaba: Munkacsy Mihaly Muzeum. 12p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 005}.

Keresztury, Dezsö. Famous Hungarian libraries. Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi Konyvtar, 1983. 26p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 008}.

Kutatas es fejlesztes a felsooktatasban. A Muvelodesi es Kozoktatási Miniszterium Tudomanyos Ugyek Foosztalya jelentese az 1997/98 tanev soran vegzett munkajarol. Budapest: MF plusz, 1998. 48p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 034}.

Ket evezred müveszete. Vietnami kiallitas a Neprajzi Múzeumban. Budapest: Neprajzi Múzeum, 1984. 8p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 017}.

Közep-Azsia pusztáin. A kazahok nepmuveszete. A Kazah SzSzK Központi Allami Muzeumjanak kiallitasa a Neprajzi Muzeum. Budapest: Neprajzi Muzeum, 1984. 16p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 016}.

M. Gyongy Katalin. BAC: Rendhagyo epítesziskola az USA-ban I. MF plusz. 16p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 036}.

MKM szechenyi professzori osztondíj 1997-1998. Felsooktatasi palyazatok irodaja, 1997. 20p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 035}.

Museums in Hungary. 24p. In English. {Hungary 031}.

Orszaghazi nezelodo. 16p. In English. {Hungary 021}.

Pécs : The 2000-Year-Old-City. Pécs: Molnár Press. 23 p. In English. {Hungary 040}

Remekmüvek Palmyrából. A Sziriai Arab Köztársaság vendégkiállítása, 1987. január 27.--1987. marcius 29. Budapest: Neprajzi Muzeum. 39p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 010}.

South Transdanubia. A looking forward Hungarian region. Portrait of the region. Kaposvár: South Transdubian Regional Development Foundation, 1997. 32p. In English. {Hungary 001}.

South Transdanubia. A looking forward Hungarian region. Regional development concept in South Transdanubia. Kaposvár: South Transdubian Regional Development Foundation, 1997. 8p. In English. {Hungary 002}.

Nepmuveszetek haza Szentendre. Szottesek. Szentendre: 1978. 16p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 004}.

Tájak korok múzeumok kiskönyvtára. Budapest: Kartográfiai Vállalat. 129 cards . In Hungarian. {Hungary 041}

Ungarski narodni mebeli. Budapest: Izlozhba na Etnografskiia Muzei. 12p. In Bulgarian. {Hungary 019}.

The valiant shepherd. Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty, 1892-1975. Konigstein, Germany: Werenfried van Straaten, 1986. 20p. In English. {Hungary 024}.

Varga Geza. Szobraszmuvesz kiallitasa. 12p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 014}.

A Volga- es a Kama menti nepek viselete (XVII--XIX. szazad). Budapest: Neprajzi Muzeum, 1985. 24p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 012}.

Wagner, Ferenc. A magyar kisebbsegek helyzete a szomszed allamokban. Youngstown, Ohio: Katolikus Magyarok Vasarnapja, 1975. 32p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 015}.

Wegierska sztuka ludowa. Wystawa za zbiorow. Warsaw: Panstwowe muzeum etnograficzne w Warszawie. 16p. In Polish. {Hungary 025}.

A zsebtapasz nem gyogyit. A levego munkacsoport javaslatai a vezetekes energiahordozok arainak emelesere. Budapest: Talento alapitvany, 1994. 24p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 009}.

Ölvedi, János. Magyarok szlovakiaban. Kulonlenyomat a Katolikus Szemle 1977-es szamaibol. Roma: 1978. 32p. In Hungarian. {Hungary 032}.

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Bralu kapi un Raina kapi. Warriors' Cemetery and Rainis' Cemetery. Bratskoe kladbishche i kladbishche rainisa. 1 folded card. In several languages. {Latvia 005}.

Broka, Valija. The system and structure of language. Lectures on linguistics. Riga: P. Stuckas Latvijas Valsts universitate, 1976. 34p. In English. {Latvia 008}.

Ceruzis, Raimonds. Latvia in brief. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2004) 16p. In English. {Latvia 023}.

Ceruzis, Raimonds. National symbols of Latvia. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2001) 12p. In English. {Latvia 022}.

Ceruzis, Raimonds. The world knows Latvia by... Inventors from Latvia. Scientific, cultural and other achievments. Riga: Latvijas Instituts. (2004 ) 36p. In English. {Latvia 021}.

The cuisine of Latvia. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2004) 28p. In English. {Latvia 024}.

Dni russkoi kul'tury v Latvii 1925-1939; 1989. Riga: Russkii kul'turnyi tsentr Balto-slavianskogo obshchestva kul'turnogo razvitiia i sotrudnichestva, 1989. 20p. In Russian. {Latvia 018}.

Education and science in Latvia. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2002) [Series: Fact Sheet on Latvia; November 2002, no.10]. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Latvia 027}.

Erdmane, Liia et. al. Aktual'nye ideologicheskie problemy sovremennosti. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel'. Riga: P. Stuckas Latvijas Valst universitäte, 1986. 27p. In Russian. {Latvia 007}.

Health Resort Kemeri. 1 folded sheet. In several languages. {Latvia 004}.

Knigoizdanie Sovetskoi Latvii v tsifrakh. Riga: Avots, 1988. 13p. In Latvian, Russian . {Latvia 019}.

Kodolreaktors. Nuclear reactor. Riga: Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademikas Fizikas instituts, 1986. 40p. In several languages. {Latvia 017}.

Korkliss, S. Liepaja. Riga: Liesma. (1965) 47p. In Latvian. {Latvia 016}.

Kuchina, Galina Petrovna. Sovetskaia Latviia. Riga: Avots, 1985. 24p. In Russian. {Latvia 001}.

Latvia Collector. Official Magazine of the Latvian Philatelic Society "LFS". Third Issue: September-December 1992. Riga: Latvia Collector, 1992. 18p. In English. {Latvia 009}.

Latvia in brief. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2004) [Series: Fact Sheet on Latvia; May 2003, no.11]. 1 sheet. In English. {Latvia 026}.

The Latvian language. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2001) [Series: Fact Sheet on Latvia; February 2001]. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Latvia 028}.

Latvia's national holidays and remembrance days. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2002 ) [Series: Fact Sheet on Latvia; October 2002, no. 9]. 1 sheet. In English. {Latvia 029}.

Latviesu banku kalendars 1973. Toronto: Latviesu kreditsabiedribu apvienibas izdevums, 1973. 248p. In Latvian. {Latvia 003}.

Leinasars, Uldis. Gulbuves namins ar niedru jumtu. Riga: Avots, 1991. 37p. In Latvian. {Latvia 015}.

Mezs, Ilmars. The Latvian Language in the Mirror of Statistics. Riga: Jana seta Map Publishers. (2005) 39p. In English. {Latvia 020}.

Mezaparks. Riga: Liesma, 1966. 48p. In Latvian. {Latvia 012}.

National symbols of Latvia. Riga: Latvijas instituts. (2003) [Series: Fact Sheet on Latvia ; Oct 2003, no.11]. 1 sheet. In English. {Latvia 025}.

Plaudis, Arvids. Vidzemskoe vzmor'e. Riga: Avots, 1985. 61p. In Russian. {Latvia 014}.

Riga. Riga: Liesma Publishing House. 32p. In English. {Latvia 010}.

Riga. Riga: Liesma, 1965. 35p. In Russian. {Latvia 011}.

Vecriga. Old Riga. Staraia Riga. 1 folded card. In several languages. {Latvia 006}.

Welcome to Riga. Board of Foreign Tourism for the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Board of Foreign Tourism for the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. 13p. In English. {Latvia 002} .

Zviedre, L. Kemeri. Riga: Liesma, 1965. 24p. In Russian. {Latvia 013}.

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25 metai. 25 let. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 043}.

25 metai. 25 Years. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 021}.

430 years of Lithuanian books: the development of a national culture. An exhibition in the Rare Book Department, January 27 to June 30, 1977. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin--Madison Memorial Library, 1977. 20p. In English. {Lithuania 011}.

Amerikos Lietuviu Tarybos Veiklos Penkmetis. Alt pirmininko Dr. Kazio Sidlausko Pranesimas Amerikos Lietuviu Kongrese 1979 m. spalio 13 d., Clevelande, Ohio. Amerikos Lietuviu Tarybos Leidinys, 1980. 24p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 038}.

The architectural monuments of Vilnius. State Publishing House for Political and Scientific Literature. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 061}.

The Baltic Coast. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 025}.

Baltiiskoe poberezh'e. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 053}.

Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture. Progress Report. Chicago: Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 095}.

Boley, Joseph. Flames for freedom. New York: Lithuanian National Foundation, 1977. 15p. In English. {Lithuania 027}.

Dainus Trinkunas. Darbu bibliografija. Vilnius: LTSR kulturos ministerija, 1981. 12p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 088}.

Druskininkai. Vilnius: Mintis, 1964. 28p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 064}.

Druskininkai. Vilnius: Mintis, 1964. 24p. In English. {Lithuania 065}.

Four Centuries of Vilnius University. Vilnius: Mintis, 1979. 20p. In English. {Lithuania 074}.

Gavenas, Pr. Quem e S. Casimiro? Sao Paulo: Communidade de S. Casimiro, 1979. 39p. In Portuguese. {Lithuania 028}.

Gorizont' nauki. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 044}.

Goroda zdorov'ia u Niamunasa. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 048}.

Gustaitis, Algirdas. 200,000,000 and Lithuania. Los Angeles: Lithuanian American Community Inc. of Los Angeles Youth Council. 14p. In English. {Lithuania 091}.

Health Resorts on the Nemunas. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 024}.

IV P.L.B. Seimo Vadovas, 1973. viii.30--ix.2. Washington, D.C. 12p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 040}.

Kalendorius 1980. Vilnius: Mintis, 1979. 112p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 037}.

Kaunas. The M. K. Curlionis Art Museum and its branches. Mintis, 1981. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 009}.

Kazdailis, Aloyzas. Welcome to the Maritime Museum. Vilnius: Mintis, 1982. 45p. In English. {Lithuania 086}.

Keliu eismo taisykles. Vilnius: LKP CK Leidykla, 1979. 70p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 083}.

Krupneishie goroda respubliki. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 049}.

Kutkevicius, Vytautas. Jurbarko Rajonas. Vilnius: Mintis, 1981. 36p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 087}.

The Lake District of East Lithuania. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 017}.

Large towns of Lithuania. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 016}.

Lietuvos Geologijos mokslinio tyrimo instituto muziejus. Vilnius: Lietuvos TSR Geologijos Valdyba, 1980. 12p. In several languages. {Lithuania 089}.

Lietuvos istoriografija. Nr. 11. Chicago: Lietuviu Istorijos Draugija, 1981-1984. 94p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 106}.

Muitines departamentas prie lieutvos respubliks finansu ministerijos. Republic of Lithuania. Ministry of Finance. Customs Department. Lietuvos muitine. Lithuanian Customs. Vilnius: Enciklopedija, 1995. 32p. In several languages. {Lithuania 003}.

Lietuvos Moteru Lyga. Lietuvos Respublikos Moterys--auksciausiosios tarybos deputates ir seimo nares (1990-1995).Vilnius: 1995. 17p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 010}.

Lietuvos TSR Liaudies Buities Muziejus. Ministerstvo kul'tury Litovskoi SSR. 16p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 036}.

Lietuvos TSR kulturos ministerija. Lietuvos TSR Valstybinis Akaeminis Dramos Teatras. Vilnius: Mintis, 1980. 36p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 092}.

Lithuania. New York: Supreme Committee for Liberation of Lithuania. 18p. In English. {Lithuania 093}.

Lithuania. Chicago: Lithuanian American Council, 1964. 20p. In English. {Lithuania 012}.

Lithuania. Vilnius: Mintis, 1977. 16p. In English. {Lithuania 079}.

Lithuania. How much do we know about her? New York: Supreme Committee for Liberation of Lithuania, 1969. 20p. In English. {Lithuania 033}.

Lithuania's nature. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 022}.

Lithuania--the Land of Amber. Vilnius: State Publishing House for Political and Scientific Literature. 28p. In English. {Lithuania 057}.

Litva--krai iantarnyi. Vilnius: Gospolitnauchizdat Lit. SSR, 1962. 28p. In Russian. {Lithuania 054}.

Metu leidiniai 1981. Vilnius: 1980. 198p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 032}.

Molodye giganty promyshlennosti. Vilnius: Russian, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 050}.

Museums of Vilnius. Vilnius: Mintis, 1980. 28p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 006}.

Nastoiashchee i budushchee arkhitektury Vil'niusa. Vil'nius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 069}.

The new architecture of Vilnius. State Publishing House for Political and Scientific Literature. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 062}.

New horizons in science. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 018}.

The new rural Lithuania. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 013}.

Novoe litso litovskogo sela. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 046}.

Paroda. 1980 m. IX Respublikine Lietuvos Karikaturu. Sport. Vilnius: 1980. 16p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 104}.

Pasaulio Lietuviu Bendruomenes IV Seimas, 1973 rugpiucio 30--rugsejo 2, Washington, D.C. Pasaulio Lietuviu Bendruomenes Valdybos Leidinys, 1973. 44p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 039}.

Persekiojanos lietvuiu tautos draugams. Salpa: Lietuviu Kataliku Religine, 1973. 24p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 014}.

Lietuvos Tarybu Socialistines Respublikos. Pilietybes Istatymas. Vilnius: 1990. 16p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 100}.

Pinkus, Stasys. Raudondvario pilis. Vilnius: Mintis, 1983. 45p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 105}.

Pirmasis Teatro Festivalis. 1968 m. Lapkricio 27--gruodzio 1. Lietuvos Laisves Kovos Metai. Chicago: Jaunimo Centras, 1968. 47p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 034}.

Priroda Litvy. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 051}.

Programme of the Government. Vilnius: Republic of Lithuania, 1993. 34p. In English. {Lithuania 072}.

Prunskis, Juozas. Lithuania. Chicago: Lithuanian American Council, 1976. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 008}.

Prunskis, Juozas. Lithuania. Chicago: Lithuanian American Council, 1982. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 029}.

Pupsys, V. and G. Samuolis. Ukmerges I. Meskupo Baldu Kombinatas. Vilnius: Vilniaus V. Kapsuko Universiteto DMO IR Valdymo Laboratorija, 1980 . 22p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 102}.

Respect my rights. An appeal of Antanas Terleckas to J. V. Andropov, Chief of the Soviet Secret Police (KGB). Chicago: Lithuanian World Community, 1976. 35p. In English. {Lithuania 076}.

Respublikine Biblioteka. (1965) 24p. In several languages. {Lithuania 075}.

Respublikine taikomosios dekoratyvines dailes paroda. TSRS 60-meciui. Katalogas. Vilnius: Lietuvos TSR Dailes Muziejus, 1982. 24p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 103}.

Supreme Committee for Liberation of Lithuania. Restore Lithuania's Independence! 1 folded card. In English. {Lithuania 081}.

Senkus, William. The Story of Lithuanian Liberty Hall, Inc. Elizabeth, NJ: Lithuanian Liberty Hall. 16p. In English. {Lithuania 035}.

Sigita Noreikiene. Literaturos rodykle (1947-1978). Vilnius: Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademija, Istorijos Institutas, 1978. 14p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 078}.

Sinkevicius, Sigitas. Pirciupiai (Dokumentine apybraiza). Vilnius: Mintis, 1977. 85p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 030}.

Sledy geroev na litovskoi zemle. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 052}.

Sledy istorii v Vil'niuse. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 067}.

Sokrovishchnitsy kul'tury. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 045}.

Sovetskaia Litva. Literatura, nauka, iskusstvo. Vilnius: Goskomizdat Litovskoi SSR, 1979. 56p. In Russian. {Lithuania 004}.

Sovetskii Vil'nius. Vil'nius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 070}.

The State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Lithuanian SSR. Vneshtorgizdat. 007p. In English. {Lithuania 007}.

The State National Library of the Lithuanian SSR. Vilnius: GPB, 1984. 16p. In several languages. {Lithuania 097}.

Statute of the Lithuanian Labour Federation. Vilnius: Zmogaus problemu mokslo centras, 1995. 16p. In English. {Lithuania 098}.

Vilnius University. Statute of University of Vilnius. Vertimas is lietuviu kalbos. Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, 1995. 21p. In English. {Lithuania 002}.

Students of Soviet Lithuania. Vilnius: Mokslas, 1985. 36p. In English. {Lithuania 073}.

Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania. Brooklyn: Lithuanian National Foundation, 1979. 12p. In English. {Lithuania 026}.

Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas. Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Svietimo, mokslo ir kulturos komitetas. The Committee on Education Science and Culture. Vilnius: 1996. 16p. In several languages. {Lithuania 001}.

Tarybu Lietuva: literatura, mokslas, menas. Vilnius: 1977. 35p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 101}.

Tautu draugystes dienos. Kaip zarasu rajono kulturos istaigos propaguoja tautu draugystes idejas. Vilnius: Lietuvos TSR Kulturos Ministerija, 1964. 18p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 066}.

Testimony of Simas Kudirka at the Bicentennial Convocation on Global Justice convened by The National Conference of Catholics Bishops Committee for the Bicentennial. Maspeth, NY: Lithuanian Roman Catholic Religious Aid, 1976. 24p. In English. {Lithuania 077}.

Their names will live with us for ever. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 020}.

Treasure-houses of culture. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 019}.

TSKP Istorija. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaia kniga. 7 maps in a folder. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 005}.

University of Vilnius--Four hundred years, 1579-1979. Chicago: Committee for the Quadricentennial of the University of Vilnius, 1979. 15p. In English. {Lithuania 031}.

Uzdavinys, V. Pirciupis. Vilnius: Valstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla, 1961. 16p. In English. {Lithuania 063}.

V kraiu sverkaiushchikh ozer. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 047}.

Verbliugevicius, Liudas. Lazdynai. Vilnius: Mintis. 64p. In several languages. {Lithuania 080}.

VIII American Lithuanian Congress. September 27-29, 1974, Chicago, Illinois. 63p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 094}.

Vil'nius--gorod bratskikh kul'tur. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 071}.

Vil'nius--ochag nauki. Vil'nius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 068}.

Vil'nius--stolitsa sovetskoi Litvy. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 042}.

Vil'niusskii zamok. Vilnius: Mintis, 1980. 44p. In Russian. {Lithuania 059}.

Vilniaus darbo raudonosios veliavos ir tautu draugystes ordinu valstybinio V. Kapsuko universiteto medicinos fakultetui 200 metu. Vilnius: 1981. 48p. In several languages. {Lithuania 082}.

Vilniaus Pilies Skersgatvis. Vilnius: Mintis, 1980. 75p. In Lithuanian. {Lithuania 056}.

Vilnius. 28p. In English. {Lithuania 090}.

Vilnius. Capital of Soviet Lithuania. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 023}.

Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute. Vilnius: VISI. 20p. In several languages. {Lithuania 099}.

Vilnius V. Kapsukas State University. Vilnius: 1963. 20p. In English. {Lithuania 055}.

Vilnius vakare. Vil'nius vecherom. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 48p. In several languages. {Lithuania 058}.

Violations of freedom of religion in Soviet-Occupied Lithuania in contravention of the Helsinki Final Act. Covering the period betwen August 15, 1975 and April 28, 1977. Glenn Dale, MD: Lithuanian Human Rights Commission. 18p. In English. {Lithuania 041}.

Vitkauskas, Arejas. Lyre fruit in light syrup. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 084}.

Vitkauskas, Arejas. Pegasus on stilts. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 085}.

Vokrestnostiakh Vil'niusa. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In Russian. {Lithuania 060}.

Woman in Soviet Lithuania. Vilnius: Mintis, 1987. 32p. In English. {Lithuania 096}.

Young industrial giants. Vilnius: Mintis, 1965. 1 folded sheet. In English. {Lithuania 015}.

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Tsentral'naia Nauchnaia Biblioteka Akademii nauk Moldavskoi SSR. Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR. Kishinev: Shtiintsa, 1985. 18p. In Russian. {Moldova 001}.


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway (UDA 121 ENG). NORINFORM, 1989. [Series: Norway Information]. 9p. In English. {Norway 004}.

Holst, Johan Jorgen. The northern region - key to Europe? Oslo: Den Norske Atlanterhavs Komite, 1980. 12p. In English. {Norway 006}.

Mini-facts about Norway 1990-91. 15th edition in English. Oslo: Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1990. 48p. In English. {Norway 005}.

The Nobel Peace Prize (UDA 103 ENG). NORINFORM, 1990. [Series: Norway Information]. 10p. In English. {Norway 003}.

Ryne, Linn. Norway's Storting - Living expression of the will of the people (UDA 132 ENG). NORINFORM, 1989. [Series: Norway Information]. 4p. In English. {Norway 002}.

Universitetsforlaget. Norwegian University Press. Oslo: Norwegian University Press. 6p. In English. {Norway 001}.

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