United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Palo Alto Health Care System

Cardiac Perfusion Scan

Description of the test:
A cardiac perfusion scan is performed to evaluate the blood flow and performance of your heart. There are two phases to the cardiac test: A rest phase and exercise phase. Each phase includes an injection of a radioactive tracer through an intravenous line. The amount of radiation is very small and does not pose a health risk. Each injection is followed by a 30 - 45 minute wait period while the tracer circulates. You will also have pictures taken in both phases, lasting approximately 20 - 30 minutes each. Patients who can exercise will be asked to walk briskly on a treadmill after the rest-phase images are complete. The average exercise time is 8 - 10 minutes. For those who cannot walk on the treadmill, a medication will be administered that simulates exercise of the heart. Your cardiac nurse will advise you to eat a light snack after the exercise portion of the test.

Preparing for your test:
On the day of your test, wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. Avoid smoking for 3 hours before the test. Beta-blocker medication must be discontinued 48 hours prior to the test (e.g. Propanolol, Atenolol, Metroprolol, Carvedilol, or any medication ending in "-lol"). Take your regular medications unless advised otherwise. You may eat a light meal 2 - 3 hours and drink water before the test. However, please DO NOT have any caffeine (e.g. Coffee, Tea, Soda or chocolate) within 24 hours of the exam. Note that caffeine-free sodas, decaf coffee and decaf tea still contain some caffeine and thus are restricted. The test may be rescheduled if you have any caffeine intake 24-hours before the exam. When you arrive in the Nuclear Medicine Department you will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and sign a consent form. The test usually takes 4 hours to complete.

If, for any reason, you cannot make your appointment date, PLEASE give us as much notice as possible (650-493-5000 x65520). Your appointment time will be given to another veteran waiting for this test. Thank you.