1#Johnson's Seagrass#Halophila johnsonii#This species only occurs in southeast Florida and thrives in areas at high risk to damage from boat propellers and water quality degradation.### 2#Four-eyed Amphipod#Family Ampeliscidae#Due to their sensitivity to pollution, a species of four-eyed amphipod is used by the Environmental Protection Agency in laboratory tests to evaluate sediment toxicity in estuaries along the U.S. Atlantic coast.### 3#Dwarf Eelgrass#Zostera japonica#Dwarf eelgrass was probably introduced to the Pacific Northwest through the oyster trade. Oysters in Eastern Asia were often packed in marsh vegetation before being shipped across the Pacific to the United States.### 4#Atlantic Bay Scallop#Argopecten irradians#Along the edge of bay scallop shells are 30 to 40 bright blue eyes. Each eye has a lens, retina, cornea, and optic nerve, enabling it to see movements and to detect predators.### 5#Eelgrass#Zostera marina#During the 1930s, a widespread infection known as "wasting disease" decimated Atlantic coast eelgrass populations. Eelgrass beds throughout the region never fully recovered.### 6#Marine Bacteria#Beggiatoa spp.#Beggiatoa are one of the few groups of motile marine bacteria. Individual bacterium can glide through mat communities, and bacteria mats have been documented to migrate through marine sediments.### 7#Paddle Grass#Halophila decipiens#Because paddle grass occurs in deeper waters and can occur in such small biomass, very little is known about its distribution and extent.### 8#Clam Worm#Nereis spp.#When feeding, the clam worm extends its proboscis, which contains hook-like jaws to grasp its prey, and then retracts the proboscis to draw the food into its mouth.### 9#Widgeon Grass#Ruppia maritima#This plant behaves as an annual in cold or variable climates. As an annual, it dies back completely each year and returns by seed. In warmer or stable climates, the plant behaves as a perennial species.### 10#Hard Clam#Mercenaria mercenaria#Because they are such efficient filter feeders, hard clams can absorb pollutants, bacteria, and viruses in polluted waters. This can make hard clam beds unsafe for human consumption and can lead to fishery closures in polluted areas.### 11#Wild Celery#Vallisneria americana#This plant is negatively impacted by the spread of several invasive species, including Eurasian milfoil in colder waters, and hydrilla in warmer waters.### 12#Capitellid Thread Worms#Heteromastus filiformis#Capitellid thread worms are one of the first groups of animals to re-colonize an area impacted by dredge spoil dumping or by an oil spill. They are particularly known for their high tolerance for organic pollution.