CONTENTS OF LAKES WATER QUALITY DATA (TRANSPOSED) FROM WILDLIFE DATABASE Data Group = 'Canadian Wildlife Service' DATA_GRP - Program/group that supported data collection SAMPYEAR - Year sampling occurred LAKENAME - Name of lake sampled LAKE_ID - Unique code identifying a lake LATITUDE - Latitude (degrees) of lake LNGITUDE - Longitude (degrees) of lake COL_LOC - Location of sampling in the water column ACIDTY - Acidity ACID_UN - Acidity units of measure ALK_GT - Alkalinity (Gran titration) ALKGT_UN - Alkalinity (Gran titration) units of measure AL_EXT - Extractable aluminium ALEXT_UN - Extractable aluminium units of measure AP_COL - Apparent color APCOL_UN - Apparent color units of measure CA_DIS - Dissolved calcium CADIS_UN - Dissolved calcium units of measure CHL_DIS - Dissolved chloride CHL_D_UN - Dissolved chloride units of measure DSULF - Dissolved sulphate DSULF_UN - Dissolved sulphate units of measure FE_EXT - Extractable iron FEEXT_UN - Extractable iron units of measure HG_T_UW - Total mercury (unfiltered water) HGUW_UN - Total mercury (unfiltered water) units of measure K_DIS - Dissolved potassium DK_UN - Dissolved potassium units of measure MG_DIS - Dissolved magnesium DMG_UN - Dissolved magnesium units of measure MN_EXT - Extractable manganese EMG_UN - Extractable manganese units of measure NA_DIS - Dissolved sodium DNA_UN - Dissolved sodium units of measure NIT_T - Total nitrogen units of measure NIT_UN - Total nitrogen units of measure SPECCOND - Specific conductance SPCND_UN - Specific conductance units of measure TOC_UW - Total organic carbon (unfiltered water) TOC_UN - Total organic carbon (unfiltered water) units of measure COL_PROP - Explanation of sample or sample collection