Prepared remarks of The Honorable Daniel S. Goldin NASA Administrator First NASA /NCI Workshop on Sensors for Bio-Molecular Signatures June 2, 1999 Thank for being here today. Thank you for your kind introduction. I want to salute Ed Stone for his strong leadership at JPL and Rick Klausner for his vision and persistence at the helm of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). I am pleased to be here, because this meeting is the first of what I hope will be an ongoing series of NASA/NCI workshops. NASA has a great relationship with the NCI and entire National Institutes of Health, and we plan to use our partnership to improve the lives of the American people into the new millennium and beyond. Through our partnerships, we will increase our understanding of biological processes. In addition to the great implications this understanding has for healthcare, a harnessing of biological forces will dramatically improve all aspects of our space program. Let me take you on a brief fantasy trip into a future where the power of biology has begun to be felt. The year is 2030. You still can't get good airline food and Stars Wars Part 20 has just been released. Talk about great special effects ­ you can even feel the heat from the explosions and smell the Wookies. But what has captured the public's imagination is the launch of NASA's first interstellar probe that may give us new clues to new life forms on planets in other solar systems. It took NASA's dedication to using the fundamentals of biology, bioinformatics and biomimetics to build this incredible machine. The Coke can-sized spacecraft will reach and land on a passing asteroid two years after it is launched from Earth. Aboard the asteroid, the spacecraft will use its DNA-based biomimetic system as a blueprint to evolve, adapt and grow into a more complex exploring and thinking system. It will ride the asteroid like a parasite until it transforms itself into its next evolvable state -- an intelligent interstellar probe. It will use the asteroid's native resources to accomplish the first phase of its mission. This may mean using the asteroid's iron, carbon and other materials to build its structure, nervous system, and communications. This reconfigurable hybrid system can adapt form and function to deal with changes and unanticipated problems. Eventually it will leave its host carrier and travel at a good fraction of the speed of light out to the stars and other solar systems. Such a spacecraft sounds like an ambitious dream, but it could be possible if we effectively utilize biologically-inspired technologies. So far, we have been limited to silicon microchips, aerospace materials and designs that are beginning to emulate biological functions. This is simply not good enough. In the future we want our systems to be biologically based not just act somewhat life-like. The viewpoint of this workshop should one in which the basic building blocks of future microdevices are "cells" rather than transistors, neurons instead of wires and neuro-transmitters in place of electrons. This does not mean we throw out the last 40 years of microelectronics. It means that the systems we build in the future will be based on biology as much as physics, but working side-by-side with engineers. We will start with components, progress to reconfigurable devices and arrays and eventually develop biologically-based evolvable systems. The greatest attribute that biological systems have over solid-state systems is the ability to change on their own. This can be to adapt to different operating environments, to accomplish different tasks or to renew and repair themselves. A system shouldn't walk off a cliff simply because someone in mission control sent it forward 10 paces, or miss looking at a strange bluish liquid because we pointed it toward a rock. Think of the systems of the future as "bio-chips" incorporating the speed of micro-electronics with the adaptability of biological systems, and toss in some quantum mechanics and photonics for incredible speed and simultaneous parallelism. However, the core of these systems will be biological. The architecture of the chip will not be fixed. The chip will be guided by DNA-like structures that receive their directions from molecular messengers. Today, when we build a sensor array we are stuck with the one we first fabricate. In a biological chip the sensor elements would be grown. They would also die when they were no longer needed and be replaced by a new sensor. When we needed an infrared sensor we would grow one. If it becomes damaged, say by a cosmic ray, it would self repair. As the spectral demands move toward the visible spectrum the sensor would evolve toward the visible spectrum. When the need is for multi- spectral data the sensor would respond. Today we grow silicon-based photovoltaic arrays in high temperature chambers. In the future we may grow them on the spot, and they may not even look anything like today's solar arrays. The solar energy conversion system of the future may be based more on photosynthesis, and instead of flat panels of semi-conductor material, we may have a "balloon" filled with energy absorbing cells. Every computer we have built since the ENIAC has largely been designed to do the same thing -- "crunch numbers". All of the logic we build into modern computers is based on a fixed -- if complex -- set of rules implemented by comparing numbers. Over the past 4 decades our computers have gotten much faster, moving from a few million operations per second to a few trillion operations per second in the very advanced machines being developed by the Department of Energy. Still, these are computational engines intended to fill the gap in nuclear testing through calculations. While these are fantastically powerful computing machines they are also fantastically energy "hungry". They consume megawatts of power and are still basically "dumb" machines by biological standards. What they are designed to do they do very well. They are masters of binary arithmetic. But they still cannot duplicate the mental processes of creative thought. Currently we are on an evolutionary path to reduce the power consumption of these machines by a factor of about 1000, but this is still about 1,000,000 times greater than the human brain, which is at least 1,000,000 times more "intelligent". Simply put, if the brain were made of the most efficient silicon chips we could possibly make within the next 5 years, it would still be more than 1,000,000 times more power hungry than our own biology requires. How do we make truly intelligent systems in the future? Move from the silicon paradigm to the "carbon" paradigm. Let the number crunchers do what they do best and look to biology for true intelligence. This will also take us into a world where there is no distinction between hardware and software -- in fact there really is no software at all. Software has been a perpetual "nightmare" that all developers have to deal with. Invariably, software is one of the single greatest causes of mission failure. We are forced to take incredibly complex processes and reduce them to enormously long lists of extremely simple instructions to get even the most powerful computer to do our bidding. Unfortunately, the more powerful the computer the greater the risk we are taking. Even the tiniest error can be disastrous, and no matter how hard we try we can never be sure everything is right. We have made great strides in recent years to improve this situation and will continue to do so. But until we develop systems that can truly think for themselves, learn, follow high level direction, sense and correct errors and not make stupid mistakes, we will be limited in the reliability we can build into our missions. Many biological structures contain these traits, so we must look to them for our inspiration. Biological systems have the greatest untapped potential to revolutionize how we design, build and use future space systems. They are quite simply the most robust and efficient systems in the universe. Every atom in every molecule and every molecule in every cell has a specific purpose. Today we talk about systems with physical features of a fraction of a micron -- the best microprocessors have features .25 microns across -- and we look to the day we have features a few nanometers across. But on the biomolecular scale, a nanometer is huge. It is in robustness, size and intelligence where the needs of NASA and the National Cancer Institute converge. Our challenge is two- fold. We both need to develop nano-scale sensors with sensitivities and detection capabilities at the molecular level. And we need to transmit the information we acquire to other systems outside the body or inside our spacecraft. NASA' s needs extend beyond human health care to looking for the most minute signs of life -- past or present -- on other bodies in the solar system. Because we may not know what their "molecular fingerprints" might look like, our sensors must have the intelligence to figure out for themselves whether they have found something interesting. They must be able to take inventory of what they find and gauge whether it is biological or geological. In the same way that sophisticated sonar systems learn to distinguish fish from submarines -- and even identify which submarine they have found ­ our smart biological sensors must probe the soil, atmosphere, and water sources to find indications of life or other interesting processes. Looking for specific molecules or material inside the body is no different. We can put nano-scale probes in the body to look for specific bio-chemical structures, we can characterize what we find categorize and count them, model them and report the results. These sensors would be a combination of biology, chemistry and electronics all integrated on a chip ­ or more likely a mere "speck". We can use this information to tell us something is wrong or that everything is O.K. The National Cancer Institute will be concerned with detecting indications of cancer. This could be an indication of its onset, the recovery process, the effectiveness of treatment or detecting unwanted side effects. This bioinformatic system could also be used to control the delivery of drugs. The sensors could analyze blood chemistry -- or other material -- in-vivo to determine what the dosage should be. Equally important, the sensors could be placed at specific locations where measurement is optimal or where measurement is critical. We would know that a drug may be accumulating at too high a rate in a sensitive part of the body before there is any adverse response. We would not wait for the body to tell us there is a problem, we would know it before hand. In effect we could outfit the body with made- made sensor suite to monitor all critical bodily functions and use this data to guide therapies of all kind. While the National Cancer Institute is working to prevent disease and cure those afflicted with cancer, NASA needs to monitor the health of our astronauts. We need to know their health before we send them on a mission. We need to know any changes during a mission, and we clearly need to know in advance if any condition might arise that may need medical attention. Beyond monitoring, we must develop protocols for health in a microgravity environment. This need may take us back to the fundamentals, but we need processes that are analytically understood. We cannot rely on ground-based treatments or telemedicine, because we are not yet entirely sure how the human immune system is altered by long-term exposure to microgravity. Nor can we predict with certainty how zero gravity will affect the way the body responds to drug treatments. Once we gain some certainty in those areas, we will be better able to develop machines to assist in keeping our crews healthy. The union humans will make with our machines will be far more intimate than ever before. We are all used to seeing people -- maybe even ourselves -- connected to monitoring and healthcare delivery devices. But in the future I just described, they will be hooked up from inside their bodies and the won't even know the devices are there. At least we won't sense they are there. We will certainly know they are there from the information they provide. Whether in our bodies or in a subsurface channel on a distant planet, our microscopic devices will provide a continual stream of information about what they are doing and finding. Such on-board devices will be crucial to health care in space. An astronaut's medical emergency could in turn become a tragedy if we were forced to rely on responses from Earth, which might involve round-trip transmission times of 20-40 minutes. Health and safety are much better served with real-time assessments and decisions, which could easily be done with on-board machines. A smart robot, acting as a health-monitoring "buddy" to a human, will free an astronaut from ongoing self-monitoring, leaving much more time for humans to think, create, and experiment. Humans will still be the ultimate decision makers, using information from the robots. However, we will be much more informed decision makers than we are today. This same technology will also enable us interact more intimately and in a more informed manner with our machines. We will make our machines more responsive to our needs and even our moods. By measuring nerve activity on the surface of the skin, we can determine if a person is calm or agitated. Brain waves can tell us if some is alert or tired. Or we might measure hormone levels as an indicator of our emotional state or stress level. In addition, our "thinking" computers will respond not just to the words spoken, but they will understand the intent behind the words as well. They will play a vital role as scientific partners doing the routine tasks that require "intelligence" but not necessarily insight and great expertise. They will also, make us more productive and improve safety my alerting us to mistakes before we make them, letting us know when we are showing signs of fatigue ­ even if they are not. As we continue to explore our universe this relationship will be ever more important. Wherever we go we will first send robots. And the more human-like they are in their ability to sense and the more intelligently they can explore and communicate, the more we will learn. By giving machines the same kind of health monitoring systems we design to monitor human health they will be able to also sense their own condition, reconfigure as necessary to prevailing conditions and make repairs as needed. They will become "biological" in character and at least partly biological in substance. What this will also help us do is to know when people should follow robots, or travel with them. We clearly want to use robotic systems whenever possible. Robotic missions are far less risky and expensive than human missions. Because robots may have limited creative and intuitive abilities, there will come a time when they reach the limit of what they can do and it may be time to send people. We are just now discovering the mechanics of how we think, how we learn, how we perceive, how we judge and make comparisons. It will be a long time before robots begin to rival human intelligence ­ though someday they inevitably will. Clearly, if in the next decade our robotic exploration of Mars found solid evidence of significant past life or indisputable evidence of primitive life forms alive today, or unbelievable geo-chemical or geo-physical phenomena, we would want to send humans to find out for sure. We must make sure that where ever we send our machines and our people, the "biology" we find is the biology that was there before we started looking for it. We do not want sensors in the body to introduce any affects that we were not already there and we do not want to contaminate any samples we find on other planets or leave anything behind that may confuse future investigations. NASA has always had a very strong policy to guard against cross- contamination and with the introduction of biology into sensors and systems we will have to be even more diligent. In our biological world of the future we will engineer biological systems the way we engineer mechanical, chemical and electrical systems today. Only they will be smaller, smarter and more sensitive ­ both to what they are doing and to our own personal needs ­ than any system we can build today. We cannot achieve the kinds of innovations I have hinted at here by acting alone. The challenges are so broad that interagency and interdisciplinary cooperation would have to be intense even if budgets were unlimited. We in the U.S. need to work with international partner agencies, but more importantly, we need to reach out to our sister agencies in America and to a very broad range of researchers, health care providers, and engineers who can augment our core capabilities in spacecraft design and orbital research. NASA has an outstanding working relationship with NIH and NSF, and together we are supporting a vibrant program addressing neuroscience, biodiversity, and survival in, and adaptation to, extreme environments. But this is just a beginning. Now we have the opportunity to link the fundamental sciences with information technologies to create an extraordinary capacity for researching and developing the tools that will expand and project human capabilities over time and distance. NASA and the NIH have found a series of common interests in health care issues and in technology exchange. We have over 20 active agreements with NIH. Cooperation on the recent Neurolab Mission, new cooperation on aging research and the continuing success of our NASA/NIH bioreactor center are shining examples. This is just the first stage in a trip that will be filled with unbelievable new discoveries. And we apply our technology to medical problems whenever the opportunity presents itself. Everything from an artificial heart inspired by the Space Shuttle Main engines to diagnostic equipment for measuring bone density quickly and non-invasively. We have applied telescope technology to breast cancer detection and laboratory equipment for fluid physics into a groundbreaking instrument that can scan the eye for microscopic signs of cataract development. We have already begun exploiting the DNA-based chips through research designed to demonstrate the changes in gene expression between space and ground in human cells. We are pursuing research into self-organizing systems to help us extract information from complex data sets and enable robotic systems to conduct self- directed tasks. This meeting is a good place to look for even stronger and deeper connections. At a fundamental level, I think health care providers and researchers face similar sorts of problems with the human body as the system of interest. In the future, our cooperation may go beyond a common interest in health syndromes associated with space flight and the utilization of the products of advanced technology. We may share basic solutions to the problem of creating meaning and understanding out of ever-expanding data streams from very complex systems. One area of cooperation might be the astrobiology project: a search for the very origins of life in the Universe. On May 18, I was at the NASA Ames Research Center to inaugurate the Astrobiology Institute located there and led by Nobel Laureate Dr. Baruch Blumberg. The Institute has a three-pronged approach to the search for life. First, we will scan the skies with telescopes, searching for other planets that show evidence of being hospitable to life. Then we will develop tools to search those planets to increase our understanding of the fingerprints of life. Once we understand pre-biotic and biotic stages, the best minds in the world will use the best computer models and simulation to couple their theories with observations in the lab, on Earth, on our solar system and, yes, maybe even beyond. Just imagine the implications for improving life and health here on Earth when we gain deeper understanding of life throughout the Universe. As we move into the age of biology, this partnership between NASA , the NCI, and the entire NIH will become even more essential, and I hope today's workshop provides us the foundation for many more cooperative efforts. 1