As of: February 08, 2009
Tracking No. 80822ea9
Comments Due: February 17, 2009

Docket: NPS-2008-0006
Vehicles and Traffic Safety 36 CFR 4.30

Comment On: NPS-2008-0006-0001
Vehicles and Traffic Safety

Document: NPS-2008-0006-0215
Comment on FR Doc # E8-29892

Submitter Information

General Comment

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I'm writing in reference to RIN 1024-AD72, the National Park Service rule change
for bicycling. I am an avid cyclist and a national park buff. I am excited by the
prospect of more bikes within our national parks, but I hope any changes made to
existing regulations will preserve the qualities we have come to love, enjoy and
crave in our National Parks. Although I hope to be able to ride my road bike in all
appropriate National Parks, I probably would not want kamikaze mountain biking
to spoil existing trails, and I would be greatly concerned if reckless downhilling is
to be considered as a way to attract more youth to the national parks and
increase visitorship. I do mountain bike, and I am aware there are conservative,
responsible mountain bikers, but I'm not so sure I would want to open the
floodgates this activity might bring. I'm all for getting people out of their cars and
getting on their bikes to explore; I just don't know that I trust all cyclists to respect
other trail users. It is my hope the existing regulations will be balanced as in the
past to respect all trail users, regardless of mode of travel.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Deborah Atkinson