[NIFL-HEALTH:3973] Unposted messages

From: Debbie Yoho (dwyoho@earthlink.net)
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 14:04:21 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-HEALTH:3973] Unposted messages
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In reponse to an inquiry, I received this message from NIFL regarding
unposted messages. AOL users especially take note.  Many thanks, Debbie

"To date the
NIFL-HEALTH list has not had any messages rejected due to content.
Messages stopped by the filter because of content are placed in the rejected
message archive and silently dropped from list submissions. Messages that
are rejected because they have attachments are dropped from list submissions
as well but submitters of such messages are sent a message rejection notice.
The problem Mr. Hochhauser is experiencing is due to him attempting to post
from AOL's embedded email client. AOL's embedded email client sends all
messages in HTML/MIME format which sends the message body as an
attachment...hence the rejection. Further AOL's embedded email client does
not have the capability to send plain text messages. AOL users must use
AOL's web based email tool to send messages to the lists. Their web based
tool sends plain text messages.
I prepared a standard message sometime ago describing the problem that AOL
users experience and what they need to do to resolve the issue (use the web
based interface). Sometime ago I posted this message to the moderators list
so all would know but we have a few new moderators so it's probably time to
post it again..."

NIFL-Health listers may be surprised to hear that some messages to NIFL
lists are now being filtered for content, although this has not happened to
the Health List.  This is because of a recent directive that the list(s) in
question were being used to lobby, and that this is against the law. No one
is comfortable with judgement calls being made as to content, and the NIFL
director has sought clarification of what's happening but has not yet been
given an answer.  If anyone has any further questions about this please
contact me off-list.  Many thanks, Debbie

Deborah W. Yoho
Co-moderator, NIFL-Health Listserv
President, SC Adult Literacy Educators
Executive Director, Greater Columbia Literacy Council
2728 Devine Street,  Columbia, SC  29205
803-765-2555   Fax  803-779-8417   dwyoho@earthlink.net

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