
This is an abstract, language-independent design. Grim details may be found in the corresponding source code. You may return to the documentation for the module containing this program design, or to the entire hierarchical table of topics covered by the PVT.

PROGRAM 3: The effects of <change structure references> on posted


OPERATOR SCRIPT: passive test.


The following is the "standard" CSS network for module 02.01.03.  This
CSS network will be used throughout to test the resulting state of the
CSS after execution of the <change structure references> function.
Before each test case the CSS state is completely reset.

                  /  \
                 /    \
               1/      \2
               /        \
              /          \
          101              102     120   130      140
           |              / | \     |    /|        |
           |2            /  |  \    |   / |       1|
           |           1/  2|  5\  2|  /3 |5       |
           |           /    |    \  | /   |        |
          103         /     |     \ |/    |       142
                   104     105     106   107
                   | |       |     |    / /\
                  2| |5     /|\    |   / /  \
                   | |    1/ | \2 1| 1/ /4   \5
                   109    /  |  \  | / /      \
                         /   |   \ |/ /       113
                       110   |    108
                             |     |
                             |     |2
                             |3    |
                             |     |
                             |    111
                             |   / |
                             | 1/  |
                             | /  3|
                             |/    |
                            114   115      )

      "When the original and resulting structures are posted then
       <change structure references> should cause the original
       structure to become unposted and the resulting structure to
       remain posted with unchanged priority."

orgid  =  108
orgpri =  .42
resid  =  104
respri =  .37
<post structure> orgid, orgpri
<post structure> resid, respri
<change structure references> orgid, resid

Use <inquire posted structures> to determine
numb   = number of posted structures
strid  = posted structure identifier
priort = posted structure priority

pass/fail depending on (numb   = 1       and
                        strid  = resid   and
                        priort = respri)

      "When the original structure is not posted and the resulting
       structure is posted then <change structure references> should
       cause the original structure to remain unposted and the resulting
       structure to remain posted with unchanged priority."

orgid  =  108
orgpri =  .42
resid  =  104
respri =  .37
<post structure> resid, respri
<change structure references> orgid, resid

Use <inquire posted structures> to determine
numb   = number of posted structures
strid  = posted structure identifier
priort = posted structure priority

pass/fail depending on (numb   = 1       and
                        strid  = resid   and
                        priort = respri)

      "When the original structure is posted and the resulting structure
       is not posted then <change structure references> should cause
       the original structure to become unposted and the resulting
       structure to become posted with the priority of the original

orgid  =  108
orgpri =  .42
resid  =  104
respri =  .37
<post structure> orgid, orgpri
<change structure references> orgid, resid

Use <inquire posted structures> to determine
numb   = number of posted structures
strid  = posted structure identifier
priort = posted structure priority

pass/fail depending on (numb   = 1       and
                        strid  = resid   and
                        priort = orgpri)