U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Three Year Research Plan

National Food Safety Initiative
Produce and Imported Foods Safety Initiative
1999-2001 Update
August 1999


Executive Summary | Table of Contents | Research Projects | Appendices

Appendix A  |  Appendix B

Appendix A

Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration


Date February 2, 1999
From Robert L. Buchanan, FSI Lead Scientist
Subject Mission-related Research Needs
To CFSAN Research Scientists

One of the goals of the Food Safety Initiative (FSI) is to optimize the use of the limited resources available for Federally supported food safety research. On an interagency basis, this goal is being realized through increased coordination of our research programs with those of our sister agencies. This effort includes direct interaction and collaboration with these agencies and support of the formation of the Joint Institute for Food Safety Research (JIFSR).

As part of this process, CFSAN has been working to optimize intramural FSI research programs. The focus has been to identify priority research needs and devote sufficient resources to a limited number of research projects to realize these priority needs in a timely manner. Integral to the management of this initiative is a strong emphasis on program accountability and "mission relevance." The development of the CFSAN 3-Year Research Plan during FY98 was the Center's first step in this effort. One of the goals of that document, as a research management tool, was to communicate CFSAN's priority research needs, as identified in the FSI and PIFSI 1997 reports and by the managers of CFSAN's regulatory programs.

During the past six months, the FSI Research/Risk Assessment staff has been working with the Center's research scientists and regulatory program managers to improve the means for identifying the Center's priority research needs and communicating those needs to: (1) FDA scientists; (2) other Federal research agencies; and (3) our industry and academic research partners. Within CFSAN, the goal is to provide the research scientists, their line managers, and project administrative liaisons with information needed to modify current research plans as part of yearly updates of the 3-Year Plan. Likewise, this information is critical to the development of new research projects, as the current projects reach the point where they need to be revised, redirected, or replaced. The identified priority research needs also serve as a key selection criterion for the competitive intramural research programs that will be announced shortly.

Attached are the two documents that have resulted from our discussions with the regulatory program managers. The first is a letter to the USDA research agencies identifying our research needs that we feel they may be better able to realize because either they have unique research facilities available or we have insufficient resources to adequately address the problem. Each of the areas identified in that document, however, can be considered a priority research need by FDA scientists, particularly if we have unique capabilities for addressing the problem area. The second document is the most recent consolidation of the 3 to 5 year research needs of CFSAN's regulatory programs. The research needs are organized by commodity groups, reflecting the organization of the Center. Thus, it is not surprising that there is overlap between several of the areas.

Together, the two attached documents provide CFSAN's priority research needs for the next 3 to 5 years as identified by the managers of our regulatory programs. It should be noted that these needs are provided in the form of "risk management questions." In so doing, the goal is to provide CFSAN scientists with clear guidance on the "deliverables" that are needed, while empowering you to use your creativity to determine how to best meet these needs in a timely manner. Both documents are provided as a tool to help CFSAN research scientists ensure that their research is directed to priority, mission-relevant needs. Research that addresses either the regulatory needs identified in these documents or those identified in the FY-1998 3-Year Research Plan will be considered priority research for the Center.

Any FSI-supported research scientist whose current research activities do not address one of these needs should discuss, as soon as possible, their research plans with their supervisor and the administrative liaison of the FSI project to which they are currently assigned. It is important to note that virtually all research activities underway currently by FSI-funded research scientists address one or more of these regulatory research needs. Thus, any shifts in current research activities to address a newly identified research need should be done in consultation with your division director and the administrative liaison of your current project. Any substantive changes in projects should be communicated to the FSI research/risk assessment staff so that we can continue to help the office directors ensure that CFSAN has a balanced research FSI program that avoids unplanned redundancies. We, in turn, will be working with the division directors to provide further guidance of relative priorities within each of the research categories.

Finally, it is realized that the scope of the research needs outlined in these documents is well beyond the limited capabilities of the CFSAN intramural research program to address fully. Thus, these documents will also be made available to the public, with the hopes that researchers in academia, industry, and other research agencies will also be interested in addressing some of the questions posed.


Attachments, 2

cc: CFSAN Management Team
CFSAN Office Directors
Dr. William Raub, Assistant Secretary, DHHS, OSASPE
Dr. Steven Sundlof, Director, CVM
Dr. Norris Alderson, Science Director, CVM
Dr. Carl Cerniglia, Director of Microbiology, NCTR
Dr. Bernard Schwetz, Director, NCTR
Dr. James Yager, Director, ORA






The priority research areas reflect CFSAN's need to (1) provide the field investigators and laboratories with more effective and cost-efficient means for analyzing produce samples for various pathogenic microorganisms, (2) develop guidance for industry on "good agricultural practices" and "good manufacturing practices" that will help assure the safety of fresh and fresh-cut produce, and (3) identify and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and technologies that can prevent, reduce, or effectively eliminate pathogenic microorganisms on produce.

For example:

  • To what extent are hepatitis A and other viruses removed from the surface of intact fruits (e.g., berries, mangoes, cantaloupes) and vegetables or otherwise rendered noninfectious by treatment with various chemical sanitizers?
  • To what extent are Cyclospora cayatenensis and other parasites removed from the surface of fruits and vegetables or otherwise rendered noninfectious by treatment with various chemical sanitizers?
  • Are surface treatments equally effective in removing enterohemorrhagic E. coli and Salmonella from the surface of waxed and unwaxed apples?


The research needs related to sprouted seeds fall into the general areas associated with our ability (1) to provide guidance to both our inspectors and industry on how sprouts can be produced safely, (2) to evaluate for premarket approval the plausibility and safety of proposed approaches for the prevention, reduction, or effective elimination of pathogenic bacteria on seeds or sprouts, and (3) to assess the likelihood that sprouts have been contaminated with foodborne pathogens.


The primary research needs involve the identification and assessment of the efficacy of alternative treatments or strategies for the reduction or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in fruit and vegetable juices, and the use of this information to provide guidance both to our inspectors and the industry.



The primary foci are (1) to acquire data needed to assess the public health risks posed by dietary exposures to specific mycotoxins, and (2) to develop for field investigators and laboratories improved means for differentiating foods that have increased risks of significant contamination by mycotoxins.



The following research areas reflect the need to evaluate potential food safety concerns that have emerged for which there are insufficient data to assess the risks to public health such that scientifically sound guidance can be provided to the inspection force and the industry.


The regulatory focus with egg and egg products involves the need (1) to provide guidance to the industry and our inspectors concerning the effectiveness of strategies for preventing or eliminating contamination of shell eggs and egg products and (2) to reduce the costs and increase the effectiveness of laboratory techniques in support of field investigations and product tracebacks.



Molluscan Shellfish:

Priority research needs associated with raw molluscan shellfish are related to the recent emergence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus as an cause of disease in consumers of raw molluscan shellfish. The research areas reflect a need to provide state and federal officials with means (1) to assess the risks associated with this microorganism and (2) to make scientifically sound decisions related to the management of risks associated with consumption of raw molluscan shellfish.

Fin Fish and Crustaceans:

The focus of research related to fin fish is related to the need to provide guidance to the seafood industry, our inspection forces, and the developers of food safety policies on (1) means for preventing scombrotoxin intoxications, (2) the food safety implications of employing different forms of product packaging, (3) approaches for measuring and reducing the risks associated with the consumption of raw fin fish and crustaceans, and (4) the likelihood that aquiculture products are a source of pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to multiple antimicrobials.

Scombrotoxin/Biogenic Amines/Decomposition

Packaging Technologies

Handling and Preparation of Raw Fin Fish and Crustaceans

Antimicrobial Resistance



The focus of the research is the acquisition of data needed to better assess the microbial food safety risks that may be associated with (1) the sporadic, low levels of certain microorganisms found in infant formulas and other special nutritionals and (2) the use of viable microorganisms as dietary supplements.




The focus of this research area is the need to enhance the ability of FDA's food safety program to respond rapidly to the emergence or re-emergence of new microbial threats through the acquisition of knowledge in microbial genetics and physiology needed (1) to rapidly characterize new and/or emerging foodborne pathogens, (2) to facilitate methods development, and (3) to identify predictors of new microbial threats.


Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration
Washington, DC 20204
November 19, 1998

Dr. Eileen Kennedy
Deputy Under Secretary
Research, Education and Economics
United States Department of Agriculture
Whitten Building, Room 217-W
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250

Dear Dr. Kennedy:

As part of the Food Safety Initiative research planning for the 1999 fiscal year and in anticipation of the initiation of the Joint Institute for Food Safety Research, our Center Director, Joseph Levitt, asked the FSI Research/Risk Assessment staff to develop and communicate to you the enclosed list of research needs. They represent priority research needs associated with the Food and Drug Administration's mission to develop and implement scientifically sound food safety policies for the foods for which our agency is responsible. In developing this list of priority research needs, we have focused primarily on pre-harvest research areas that the intramural and extramural programs of the USDA research agencies have unique facilities and expertise, or for which we know that there is USDA research already underway. Without question, USDA research programs can achieve significant gains in these areas much more quickly and efficiently than FDA attempting to duplicate USDA's research strengths. Some limited requests in FDA-specialized areas, where our current/expected research-related resources are just not sufficient, are also included.

We will be happy to provide you a detailed briefing on any or all of the research areas identified. Likewise, we are always pleased to meet with representatives of REE and its member agencies to discuss and coordinate our research needs, goals, and plans.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Robert L. Buchanan, Ph.D.

Lead Scientist for Food Safety Initiative


Enclosure cc:
Dr. Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for Food Safety, USDA
Dr. Kaye Wachsmuth, Deputy Administrator for Public Health and Science,
Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA
Dr. Colien Hefernan, Acting Administrator, CSREES, USDA
Dr. William Raub, Assistant Secretary for Health Policy, DHHS
Dr. James O'Hara, Under Secretary for Public Health and Science, DHHS
Dr. Michael Friedman, Lead Deputy Commissioner, FDA
Mr. Joseph Levitt, Director, CFSAN, FDA
Ms. Janice Oliver, Deputy Director for Systems and Support, CFSAN, FDA
Mr. Keith Pitts, Special Assistant to Secretary Glickman, USDA
Mr. Eric Olsen, Special Assistant to Deputy Secretary Rominger, USDA

Priority FDA Research Needs for the USDA Research Agencies

A. Microbiological Safety of Produce

1. Determine the incidence and prevalence of foodborne pathogens on various fruits and vegetables, and identify factors (e.g.,regional/ seasonal differences, climate, damage during harvest) that contribute to the level and persistence of the pathogens.

2. Assess the potential for foodborne pathogens to grow or survive in or on fruits and vegetables, including evaluation of varietal differences and the effects of storage/transport temperatures (e.g., identify temperatures that minimize or inhibit pathogen growth).

3. Develop guidelines for the proper storage, treatment, and reuse of containers used to harvest fresh produce for raw consumption. Containers are often stored outside where contamination by birds and pests is possible. Containers made of different materials should be considered (i.e, plastic, wood, cloth).

4. Assess the potential for using produce quality attributes as indicators of increased risk of contamination by foodborne pathogens.

5. Identify factors that can lead to the internalization of foodborne pathogens by various fruits and vegetables (e.g. infiltration, contamination at time of flowering, injury).

6. Determine the factors influencing the microbiological quality of agricultural and greenhouse water and develop simple field methods for its assessment.

7. Develop inexpensive, practical means for improving the microbiological quality of agricultural and greenhouse water.

8. Assess the effect of locating animal production facilities near or adjacent to produce growing areas on the incidence and prevalence of foodborne pathogens on or in various classes of fruits and vegetables. Research should also include the assessment of mechanisms of spread by pathogens (e.g., wind-drift, runoff).

9. Develop quantitative models for the survival and inactivation of foodborne pathogens in manure and the development of "user friendly" guidelines for the safe use of manure.

10. Develop means for accelerating the elimination of pathogens via the composting of manure, and develop a simple means for farmers or manure suppliers to monitor the effectiveness of the process.

11. Assess the role insects, birds, and feral animals may have as vectors for the contamination of fruits and vegetables by foodborne pathogens. Assess the impact of practices, including the planned introduction of domestic animals into produce growing areas, on the incidence of pathogens on or in produce (e.g., turning cattle into a field to glean residue after harvest; geese in an orchard to control weeds or snails).

12. Develop intervention technologies for use at harvest that reduce the risk of foodborne pathogens on field-packed commodities.

13. Develop intervention technologies that can be used in packing houses or processing facilities to reduce or eliminate pathogens in or on fresh or fresh-cut produce.

14. Identify non-human reservoirs for Cyclospora and the sources, vectors, and agricultural practices that contribute to its presence on produce.

B. Sprouted Seeds

1. Develop intervention technologies that can be used at seed mills to reduce the incidence and prevalence of foodborne pathogens on seeds destined for the production of sprouts (also relate to water quality concerns. . .i.e., see A.6).

2. Assess the effect of scarification on the potential for seeds intended for the production of sprouts to harbor foodborne pathogens.

3. Assess the potential for using seed quality attributes, including varietal differences, as indicators of increased risk of contamination by foodborne pathogens.

4. Develop means for retarding the growth of foodborne pathogenic bacteria during the germination and outgrowth of sprouted seeds.

5. Develop intervention technologies that can be used just prior to germination to reduce the prevalence of foodborne pathogens on seeds to be used for sprouting.

C. Dairy Products

1. Determine the incidence and levels of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Escherichia coli 0157:H7, and Cryptosporidium parvum in farm bulk tank raw milk, and identify factors (e.g., seasonal and regional differences, husbandry practices, farm ecology of the pathogen) that contribute to contamination by these pathogens.

D. Agricultural Antimicrobial Use

1. Develop a database of prudent practices for use of antibiotics in food animals (and aquaculture; see F4) that can be used to conduct educational research to determine the most effective means to educate food animal producers on proper use of antibiotics.

2. Quantify antibiotic resistance development on swine farms using specific drugs as part of herd health programs, including following the animals through slaughter to determine the incidence and prevalence of antibiotic resistance in both the general microflora and pertinent foodborne pathogens on meat entering commerce.

3. Conduct an Antimicrobial Prescription Survey to determine prescribing practices of food animal practitioners, production practices among the cattle and swine industries, and the relationship between antimicrobial use and resistance on the farm.

4. Conduct feasibility study for the development, implementation, and maintenance of an international database on antimicrobial resistance.

5. Determine the basal antibiotic resistance patterns in dairy cattle, and assess the persistence of those patterns after clinical outbreaks, including the effect of therapeutic drug treatment on the pattern of antibiotic resistance.

E. Meats, Game Meats, or Poultry

1. Assess the extent of implementation of animal feed rules for the prevention of the spread of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in the U.S.

2. Develop and employ molecular methodologies for the detection of Clostridium perfringens in poultry production facilities to facilitate identification of on-farm sources of contamination. Research should emphasize antibiotic resistance of this pathogen.

3. Develop methods to detect game meats (e.g., wild deer and elk) contaminated with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) agents. Determine the incidence of game animals with TSEs that are consumed by human populations in the United States. Both data sets will aid in calculating the likelihood for producing TSEs in humans for risk assessment.

F. Aquaculture

1. Identify the types and sources of bacteria typically found in closed, recirculating systems used in aquaculture, with a particular emphasis on the incidence and prevalence of potential foodborne pathogens (e.g., most notably Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp., especially the latter contaminating aquacultured shrimp). Develop appropriate controls to avoid pathogen contamination of aquacultured products by these pathogens.

2. Develop models relating environmental conditions to the potential for unacceptable levels of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus and other foodborne pathogens in aquaculture fish, crustaceans, and shellfish from aquatic and estuarine environments.

3. Determine the sources of foodborne pathogens in freshwater aquaculture products, and identify environmental factors and production practices that influence the incidence and prevalence of foodborne pathogens both in the growing environment and the harvested animals.

4. Develop methods for detecting aquaculture drugs (antibiotics)/chemicals, or appropriate metabolites thereof, to provide appropriate regulatory controls.

G. Egg and Egg Products

1. Develop prophylactics, such as vaccines or competitive exclusion, to eliminate or minimize Salmonella enteritidis from laying flocks.

2. Determine the dynamics of Salmonella enteritidis in a naturally infected flock (e.g., spread through the house; environmental positivity versus egg positivity; recurrence of infection over the lifetime of a flock which has included a molt).

3. Develop the means for differentiating layer flocks where Salmonella enteritidis remains in the intestinal tract versus those flocks where it resides in the reproductive tract or in both the reproductive and intestinal tracts, resulting in production of eggs internally contaminated with the pathogen (i.e.,virulence of pathogen and genetics of breeds).

4. For Salmonella serovars other than Salmonella enteritidis that infect reproductive tracts (e.g., S. heidelberg, S. typhimurium),determine virulence factors, genetics of breed, production, feed or environmental selection pressures that may result in increased transovarian infectivity, emphasizing serovars resistant to multiple antibiotics.

5. Develop alternative, non-thermal treatments for the elimination of pathogens from shell eggs and liquid egg products.

H. Grains and Oilseeds

1. Develop grain and oilseed varieties that are resistant to the formation of mycotoxins, particularly fumonisins, vomitoxin, and aflatoxin.

2. Determine the factors that influence the frequency and extent of fumonisin contamination in both sweet and field corn. Determine the consumption patterns for sweet corn in the human diet. Develop data sets based on fumonisin contamination and corn consumption patterns that will support the development of risk assessments for fumonisin.

3. Review data on cellular and molecular responses observed in animals after exposure to fumonisin and conduct similar experiments using appropriate human cells (e.g., macrophages or endothelial cells), to indicate whether humans are more similar to horses or rodents.

4. Develop and evaluate biomarkers for human exposure to fumonisins and resulting biological effects.

5. Determine the factors that influence the frequency and extent of contamination of grains and oilseeds by aflatoxins, fumonisins, deoxynivalenol, acetyldeoxynivalenol, nivalenol, ochratoxin, cyclopiazonic acid and zearalenone to obtain sufficient exposure data for use in conducting risk assessments.

6. Evaluate the potential immunotoxic, neurotoxic, and reproductive effects of trichothecene mycotoxins.

7. Develop rapid, sensitive, cost-effective analytical methods for the determination of mycotoxins for use in monitoring and control programs.

8. Assess the potential for Bacillus cereus growth and toxin production on cooked grain-based foods, including during storage of the cooked food.

I. Juices

1. Develop intervention technologies, suitable for use by small juice manufacturers, that eliminate foodborne pathogens without thermally processing the juice.

J. Consumer research in support of food safety information policies.

1. Identify population and subgroup trends for selected food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices (e.g., risky food consumption behaviors, in-home food preparation and handling behaviors) that may be significant behavioral risk factors for foodborne illness and may be targeted as such be food safety education and labeling policies.

2. Evaluate the consumer impacts of ongoing food safety information policies such as USDA care labels on meat and poultry products, warning statements on unpasteurized juices, safe handling instruction on shell eggs, the Fight Back education campaign and other labeling and education initiatives.

3. Conduct validation studies to develop and standardize measures of consumer food handling practices, perceptions of food safety risks, and consumer confidence.

4. Evaluate the motivational bases and barriers to change of consumer compliance with food safety recommendations.

5. Conduct special surveys of high-risk groups such as pregnant women who are too rare in the population to be adequately reached with general population surveys to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices related to their special needs, such as the risk of L. monocytogenes for neonatal health.

K. General

1. Assess the role of transportation practices as a source of cross contamination of commodities, and develop improved sanitation practices, based on identification of sources of contamination during transportation of food and food animals from production locations (i.e., farms) to initial processing facilities (e.g., slaughter house, packing house, grain milling).

2. Determine the incidence and prevalence of abnormal levels of biogenic amines and their reaction products in foods associated with human and animal adverse reactions and identify factors that contribute to these levels.


Appendix B

Descriptions of FDA/FSI-funded Grants

1. Risk Assessment Grant #: FD-R-001621: Establish a Correlative Dose-Response Model For Human Cryptosporidiosis Principal Investigator: Saul Tzipori, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University

The goal of this proposal is to provide data to confirm strain variation effects on illness severity of volunteers challenged with different Cryptosporidium parvum strains, and to investigate whether these same differences are observed in animal models, using the gamma interferon knockout (GO) mouse model. Three strains previously used to challenge volunteers will be tested in the GO mouse model. In addition, two more strains will be tested both in volunteers and in the mice. Volunteer studies will be performed at the University of Texas medical Center, and the animal work at Tufts University

2. Risk Assessment Grant #: FD-U-001622-01: Development of a Risk Assessment Dose-Response Model for Food borne Listeria monocytogenes Principal Investigator: Mary Alice Smith, University of Georgia

The goal of this proposal is to develop a dose-response model of L. monocytogenes using pregnant rhesus monkey as surrogates for immunocompromised subpopulations. One of the objectives of the study is the development of an hepatocyte model to screen for relative virulence of different strains of this pathogen.

3. Risk Assessment Grant #: FD-R-001625-01: Dose-Response to Vibrio Species Principal Investigator: J. Glenn Morris, Jr., University of Maryland

The goal of this proposal is to determine the dose of V. cholerae non O1 needed to colonize and/or cause illness in volunteers when ingested in raw oysters. Previously uncontaminated oysters will be infected with non O1 V. cholerae at the Columbus Center. Human dose-response to Vibrios will be correlated with data from animal models; doses of non-O1 V. cholerae needed to cause colonization/illness in rabbits and mice after oral inoculation will be established and compared with V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in animals. Impact of host and strain differences on dose-response relationships will be assessed.

4. Research Grant #FD-U-001626-01: Disinfection of Alfalfa Seeds and Sprouts Principal Investigator: Larry R. Beuchat, Ph.D., University of Georgia

The overall objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of several food-grade chemicals and natural antimicrobials in killing E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp. The specific goal is to develop efficacy data that can be used to formulate recommendations for application of one or more treatments to alfalfa seeds and/or sprouts for the purpose of minimizing the risk of illness.

5. Research Grant #FD-U-001631-01: Inactivation of Pathogens on Produce by GRAS Chemicals Principal Investigator: Michael P. Doyle, Ph.D.,University of Georgia

The overall objective of this project is to develop practical, cost effective methods for reducing or inactivating pathogenic microorganisms on fresh fruits and vegetables, to reduce or eliminate E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. on apples, oranges, lettuce and sprouts. Treatments include different concentrations of lactic acid, sodium benzoate, lactic acid plus glycerol monolaurate. Each treatment will be evaluated at different temperatures and times.

6. Research Grant #FD-U-001638-01:A Non-Thermal Method to Enhance Safety of Fresh Produce Principal Investigator: Yen-Con Hung, Ph.D., University of Georgia, GA

The overall objective of this project is to develop intervention methods and technologies other than cooking that can be used by consumers in the home and by operators of food service facilities. The study will focus on "High Oxidation Potential" (HOP) water to wash fruits and vegetables.

7. Research Grant #FD-U-001627-01: Natural Variation in Escherichia coli O157:H7 Principle Investigator: Frederick Blattner, University of Wisconsin

Sequence information of Escherichia coli O157:H7 will provide unique insights into the evolution, survival, and growth of this pathogen with respect to its virulence factors. Proposed research should initiate a pathway to the eventual development of rapid and sensitive methods for detection, identification, and enumeration of this important pathogen.

8. Research Grant #FD-U-001629-01: Consumer Handling and Washing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Principal Investigator: Linda Joan Harris, Ph.D., UCLA

The objectives of this proposal include:
a) identification of consumer handling practices
b) evaluation of the effectiveness of washing methods commonly used by consumers
c) evaluation of the effectiveness of modified washing procedures that incorporate antimicrobial agents (e.g., chlorine, organic acids, etc.; Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, and E. coli O157:H7 will be the test pathogens)
d) evaluation of consumer understanding and likelihood of following recommended washing procedures.

Executive Summary | Table of Contents | Research Projects | Appendices

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