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Calif Med. 1963 December; 99(6): 372–373.
PMCID: PMC1515321
John H. Mehnert, Maurice J. Brown, and Benjamin Woodward
The accumulation of tracheal secretions is frequently due to the reluctance of a postoperative patient in severe pain to aggravate the pain by coughing.

The intermittent instillation of a saponifying agent through an indwelling catheter inserted percutaneously has proved to be effective in clearing pulmonary secretions by producing a strong reflex cough.

Complications with this technique were few. It is not painful and can be done quickly and easily.

The Bardic Deseret Intracath unit, although devised for intravenous infusion therapy, is admirably suited to this technique.

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Selected References
These references are in PubMed. This may not be the complete list of references from this article.
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