function [new_coast,slen]=join_cst(coast,tol); % JOIN_CST Makes continuous coastline from fragmented segments. % % USAGE: [new_coast,slen]=join_cst(coast,tol); % % Inputs: coast = contains the x and y coastline positions % in the first two columns, and coastine segments are % separated by a row containing [NaN NaN] or [-99999. -99999.], % % tol = the distance within which coastline segments will be joined. % % Outputs: % new_coast = the new joined coastline, sorted from largest segment % to smallest segment. % slen = vector containing the length of the resulting segments. % % Description: Makes continous coastline from fragmented segments % joining endpoints of segments less than % TOL distance apart. The resulting coastline can be % used for blanking or filling by adding in a few extra % points, and the islands will also be polygons. This routine % draws the new coastline as it works so you can see it's progress. % % Need some coastline data? Try out the coastline extractor at: % % % % Rich Signell | E-mail: % % requires FIXCOAST.M % coast=fixcoast(coast); %replace -99999. with NaN, eliminate dup NaNs, etc. plot(coast(:,1),coast(:,2));set(gca,'aspectratio',[nan 1]); figure(gcf); iseg=find(isnan(coast(:,1))); nseg=length(iseg)-1; irem=ones(nseg,1); z=coast(:,1)+sqrt(-1)*coast(:,2); zstart=z(iseg(1:nseg)+1); zstop=z(iseg([2:(nseg+1)])-1); zends=[zstart(:) zstop(:)]; znew=nan+sqrt(-1)*nan; k=0; %while there are remaining segments, process while(~isempty(find(irem))), %start at 1st remaining segment ii=find(irem); id0=ii(1); id=id0; z0=z(iseg(id)+1); %first point on segment zind=[(iseg(id)+1):(iseg(id+1)-1)]; line(real(z(zind)),imag(z(zind)),'erasemode','none','color','white') zc=z(iseg(id+1)-1); %last point on segment irem(id)=0; %add current segment to list of segments used found_next=1; tried_reverse=0; while (found_next), ii=find(irem); %indices of remaining segments nrem=length(ii); dgap=abs((ones(size(zends(ii,:))))*zc-zends(ii,:)); id=find(dgapnrem), %found stop point of segment id=ii(idt-nrem); %find which segment we matched zi=[(iseg(id+1)-1):-1:(iseg(id)+1)]; %segment coordinates else %found start point of segment id=ii(idt); %find which segment we matched zi=[(iseg(id)+1):1:(iseg(id+1)-1)]; %segment coordinates end ni=length(zi); line(real(z(zi)),imag(z(zi)),'erasemode','none','color','white') %draw seg irem(id)=0; %mask out segment zc=z(zi(ni)); %next connecting point zind=[zind zi]; %add segment to index list else if(~tried_reverse), zc=z0; nzind=length(zind); zind=zind([nzind:-1:1]); tried_reverse=1; else found_next=0; end end end k=k+1 znew=[znew; nan+sqrt(-1)*nan; z(zind)]; %add on new contatenated segment end znew=[znew; nan+sqrt(-1)*nan]; %add nan on end iseg=find(isnan(znew)); nseg=length(iseg)-1; slen=(iseg([2:(nseg+1)])-iseg(1:nseg)-2); %data pts in segments [y,isort]=sort(slen); isort=flipud(isort); zind=[]; %sort largest to smallest for i=1:nseg; zind=[zind (iseg(isort(i)):iseg(isort(i)+1))]; end znew=znew(zind); new_coast=[real(znew) imag(znew)]; new_coast=fixcoast(new_coast); iseg=find(isnan(new_coast(:,1))); nseg=length(iseg)-1; slen=(iseg([2:(nseg+1)])-iseg(1:nseg)-2); %data pts in segments