# readall.R reads R Functions described in ORNL/TM-2004/146 # Statistical Analyis of Data with Non-Detectable Values # rm(list = ls()) # delete all files in current directory source("main.R") source("util.R") # Example 1 # read file Ex1.txt in local folder into R # This is example 1 in Section 4.1 # ex1 <- read.table("Ex1.txt",T) # make a header record for qqlognA() lognormal q-q plot Ipex1<-"Example 1- Quarterly Radiation Doses " # calcuate lognormal statistics for ex1 cat("Output from mlnd2(ex1) ... See Section 4.1\n\n") ex1.mle<- mlnd2(ex1) print(ex1.mle) # generate q-q plot for Example 1 # NOTE: data is on vertical axis log scale # quantiles of standard normal distribution are on horizontal axis # cat("\nTO obtain q-q plot Figure 1 in Section 4.1 \n") cat("EITHER drag cursor over the line below\n") cat(" and click on toolbar Icon left of STOP:\n") cat("OR just type the line as shown\n\n") cat(" qqlognA(ex1,Ipex1,OEL=3000)\n")