Comment Number: OL-106717
Received: 12/6/2004 3:49:31 PM
Commenter: V Musselwhite
State: FL
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


As a person who uses my cell phone on a limited basis; meeting up with family if we are traveling, emergencies, etc. (versus for idle chit-chat), I find it appalling that the Federal Trade Commission would even consider allowing telemarketers to invade my cell phone space. I watch my expenses and have the cheapest calling plan available, but any messages I receive would add to my minutes--which I really resent. I was so relieved when the do not call list was instituted and now I have to worry about pre-recorded messages from telemarketers that I don't want yet would be forced to pay for. Unbelievable! Is this our government at work?