QM09 Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, March 29/30 - April 4, 2009


Payments to Quark Matter 2009 can be done using one of the following three methods: bank transfer or check (cashier's check, or personal check drawn on a US bank) or credit card.
For payments via credit card, there is a $25 surcharge to the registration fee, due to credit card company processing fees. [At the end of your indico/conference registration, a calculation is done to help you determinse how much you should pay.]

Bank Transfers

Payments can be done via bank transfer to the following account:

Bank Routing Number (ABA) 021030004
Bank Name Treasury NYC
Bank Address Hyattsville, MD 20782
Account Number (A/C No.) 89000001
Name on Account Treasury NYC further credit UT-Battelle
Reference Quark Matter 2009

Please note that banks in the US do not use the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) but the combination of Bank Routing Number and Account Number/Name+Reference, is sufficient to replace the SWIFT-BIC + IBAN combination used in most other countries.

Please be careful to copy the above information accurately.
It is also in your interest to enter a comment regarding what the payment is intended for, if possible. Good examples would be e.g.
"QM09 Registration fee for Jane Doe; jdoe@cern.ch" or "QM09 Excursion fees for John Smith; jsmith@ornl.gov".

Check Payments

Payments to Quark Matter 2009 can also be done by Cashier's Check, or a personal check drawn on a US bank. The checks should be issued to "Quark Matter 2009" and mailed to the following address:

Att.: Franda Ervin
MS 6369, Bldg. 6025
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6369

Please note that we can not accept other types of checks, such as personal checks not drawn from a US bank.
Please submit the check together with a cover letter indicating your a) Name, b) Address, and c) Email Address as used for your Quark Matter 2009 registration.

Credit Card Payments

Unfortunately we can not accept credit card payments via web-forms, due to cyber-security concerns related to dealing with PII at ORNL (DOE laboratory).
However, it is acceptable to ORNL if participants send in their credit card info via the postal service (if the participants feel comfortable with that), or call in the info to the conference secretary. Please do note that there is a $25 surcharge to the registration fee due to credit card company processing fees.
The mailing address is:
Att.: Franda Ervin
MS 6369, Bldg. 6025
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6369
and the phone number (voice mail at night and over weekends) to call is 865-574-4772.

The following info needs to be provided, in the mailing, or call-in:

  1. Name of cardholder
  2. Billing address
  3. Email Address as used for your Quark Matter 2009 registration
  4. Amount to charge
  5. Type of card (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discovery are acceptable)
  6. Card number
  7. Card security code (if applicable)
  8. Card expiration date

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ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the US Department of Energy.

Updated Thursday, 08-Jan-2009 06:08:41 EST