Table of contents for Fluorescence microscopy / F.W.D. Rost.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

Information from electronic data provided by the publisher. May be incomplete or contain other coding.

List of plates
Abbreviations and symbols
Principles of fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence: physics and chemistry
The optical system of the fluorescence microscope
Commercial fluorescence microscopes
Setting up and using the fluorescence microscope
Photography of fluorescence
The interpretation of the fluorescence microscope image
Quantitative and scanning fluorescence microscopy
German - English vocabulary
Checklist of features of fluorescence microscope
The laboratory microscope
Faults in the microscope and possible remedies
Data on photographic films for fluorescence photomicrography
Reciprocity failure
Relative brightness of image on film in various formats
Faults in photomicrographs and possible remedies

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Fluorescence microscopy