From: Jaffe, Lyle D Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 7:32 AM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: FW: MS or Aspartame Disease? World Environmental Conference post will never die Plus MS and Aspartame Connection by Russell Blaylock, M.D. -----Original Message----- From: Dr. Betty Martini [] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 5:26 PM To: DHATTAN-CFSAN.FDA.GOV; RXH@CFSAN.FDA.GOV; Jaffe Lyle D Subject: MS or Aspartame Disease? World Environmental Conference post will never die Plus MS and Aspartame Connection by Russell Blaylock, M.D. Dear Doctor Hattan, (and others at the FDA) I happen to be on the FDA web site the other day and saw your disgusting article on aspartame trying to say aspartame was safe, no research for it triggering MS, etc. You know, of course, I was the one who lectured for the World Environmental Conference, and the post had been on for years. Nancy Markle was the most notable of those who signed their name to it. It's been 9 years since I lectured and the post continues to come back to me just like it did today. Why won't it ever die? I happened to mention that Dr. Gaylord of the EPA made the comment: " We have an epidemic of MS and lupus and can't identify the toxin. " That's when I answered, "I'm here to lecture on MS and lupus and identify the toxin as NutraSweet." After it saturated the world when a global networker put it on 450 networks, people called from the ends of the globe once I was identified as the author. People were constantly getting off of aspartame and walking out of wheelchairs like the post below describes. One of the most recent to leave her wheelchair was the film company owner, Cori Brackett, who had been diagnosed with MS after being on diet drinks for years. Her lesion which was huge has all but disappeared. But she wasn't satisfied with just getting well, she had the courage and integrity to want others to be freed from Aspartame Disease. (Or as the Idaho Observer and Artificially Sweetened Times ( calls it - Rumsfeld Disease). So she made the movie Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World ( or call 1 866 624-9710 to order. Or, you can go to and fill out the form. Otherwise those wanting a copy of the film but have to enclose a check for $30.00 payable to Sound and Fury - Sound and Fury Productions, 2301 E. Broadway, Suite 111, Tucson, Arizona 85719, Attn: Sweet Misery). I think you should get a copy and see other MS sufferers who were consuming the deadly poison, aspartame. Dr. Hattan, its time you resigned from the FDA. If you can't retract all your lying statements that you wrote about aspartame in the FDA consumer, and apologize to the American public, you're not wanted in a government agency by the consumer public. What could be worse than liars except murderers. And how many millions have been murdered by this neurotoxin because the FDA lied. I wrote a Citizen Petition for ban of aspartame two years ago in June. The law states the FDA must answer it with 180 days. Why do you think the FDA is allowed to serve above the law and you can send statements like you have other priorities, and disregard a legitimate petition - enclosed with many petitions for banning as well. I still have the copies. What makes you think you can continue to give your loyalty to industry and allow the public to continue to consume poison because you lie. My petition for ban is based not on safety since we know in over 20 years aspartame was never proven safe. The FDA's own Board of Inquiry report says so, and discusses the brain tumors aspartame caused in original studies. It is based on the fact that we have all your records showing it to be a chemical poison, and the FDA has lied and lied and lied to the public for over two decades. I hate to even estimate how many millions have been murdered by this poison from the diseases, symptoms and tumors discussed in the medical text on Aspartame Disease by H. J. Roberts, M.D. (Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, Everyone of you who have lied to the public, including those writing consumers, should be tried for crimes against humanity, genocide. Below this testimonial you will see Dr. Russell Blaylock's paper on the MS and Aspartame Connection with references and research. Even Dr. Bruce Trapp's work on aspartate has proven it damages the axon in the brain, and aspartic acid is 40% of the aspartame molecule. I spoke personally to Jerome Bressler as did Doctors Roberts and Blaylock, who wrote the Bressler Report, FDA audit. I thanked him for being so truthful about the fraud committed by the manufacturer. He told us that it was even worse than he wrote, that when the FDA retyped it, they removed the worst 20%. So the FDA altered records. That's not uncommon. That's why Arthur Evangelista left the FDA - he watched as records were altered for loyalty to industry. Be sure to see him in the movie Sweet Misery. Millions no doubt will be sold of this movie. As often said, "a picture is worth a thousand words". And you have many of the aspartame experts destroying the propaganda you have put out for years and giving the facts. These are giants who have the integrity to get out the facts, the real hero's. And tell me just what priority is more important than removing a poison from the market that is killing people by the millions? FDA could have done something twenty years ago but instead decided to lie for 20 years. And when you lie to physicians it ties their hands so they can't correctly diagnose. And when the victim can't get any help he can die. Shame on you people. How do you sleep at night knowing every time you lie about aspartame a consumer can be stumbled that is being poisoned and lose his life? I want that petition answered now! No stack of federal registers and your FDA Consumer propaganda rag. And Dr. Hattan I expect your apology for lying to the people on this planet. The FDA has been getting complaints for two decades and even admitted to 92 documented symptoms. I get blind copies of letters sent to you all the time. Dr. Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible International, 9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 (click on aspartame) and For information on the World Environmental Conference go to From: Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 15:29:45 EDT Subject: Diet Soda - Someone Else's Story I know you have heard from me, my story. I am not trying to beat a dead horse BUT you knowing this and passing it on CAN save someone else's life. A similar email saved mine! I have heard from several others, that did listen to me and stopped their own symptoms. Best, Tomi Lyn Article by Kim Bloomer, Nutritionist In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick, she had stomach spasms, she was having a hard time getting around, to walk was a major chore. It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain. By March 2002, she had undergone biopsies, and was on 24 various prescription medications. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. She was in so much pain, and so sick, she knew she was dying. She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance etc. in her oldest daughters name, and made sure her younger children were to be with her oldest daughter. She wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to FL (basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd. On March 19th I called her to ask her how one of her tests went, and she said they didn't find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS. I thought, oh, my.... then I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me...and I asked her....Do you drink Diet pop? She told me yes, as a matter of fact she was getting ready to crack one open that moment....I told her not to open it, and stop drinking the diet pop....and e-mailed her the following article. She called me within 32 hours after our phone conversation and told me she stopped drinking the diet pop, and she can walk... she went up the stairs, and the muscle spasms went away. She said she didn't feel 100% but sure felt a lot better. She told me she was going to her doctors with this article and would call me back when she got home. She called me, and her doctor was amazed, he is going to call all of his MS patients to find out if they consumed artificial sweetener.... In a nutshell, she was being poisoned by the aspartame in the diet soda, dying a slow death. When she got to FL March 22nd, all she had to take was one pill, and that was a pill for poisoning....she is well on her way to recovery.....and she is walking!!!!! No wheelchair!!!! This article saved her life!!!! The life saving article: If it says "SUGAR FREE," on the label, DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!! *********************************************************************************************************************** I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on "ASPARTAME" marketed as 'NutraSweet', 'Equal', and 'Spoonful.' In the keynote address by the EPA, it was announced that in the United States in 2001 there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, that it was hard to understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant. I stood up and said that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject. I will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous: the methanol converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants.) The methanol toxicity mimics among other conditions multiple sclerosis. People were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is! Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers. The victim usually does not know that the aspartame is the culprit. He or she continues its use, aggravating the lupus to such a degree that it may become life threatening. We have seen patients with systemic lupus become asymptomatic once taken off diet sodas. In the case of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, (when in reality, the disease is methanol toxicity), most of the symptoms disappear. We've seen many cases where vision returned and hearing improved markedly. This also applies to cases of Tinnitus. During a lecture I said "If you are using ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, Tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss-you probably have ASPARTAME DISEASE!" People were jumping up during the lecture saying, "I've got some of these symptoms: Is it reversible?" Yes! Not drinking diet sodas and keeping an eye out for aspartame on food labels, yes! We have a very serious problem. A stranger came up to Dr. Esposito (one of the speakers) and me and said: "Could you tell me why so many people seem to be coming down with MS?" During a visit to a hospice, a nurse said that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence! Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi etc. IS NOT A DIET PRODUCT! The Congressional Record states that it makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you FAT. The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs. Once off these products with no significant increase in exercise, etc., Dr. Roberts in his lecture stated that he had patient who lost an average of 19 pounds over a trial period. Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics. We found that physicians would believe that they have a patient with retinopathy, when in fact the symptoms are caused by aspartame. The aspartame drives the blood sugar out of control. Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are neurotoxic without the other amino acids found in protein. Thus it passes the blood brain barrier and deteriorates the neurons of the brain, causing in diabetics (as well as in patients not suffering from diabetes) various kinds of brain damage, seizures, depression, manic depression, panic attacks, rage, violence. (The aspartame in thousands of pallets of diet Coke and diet Pepsi consumed by men and women fighting in the Gulf War, may be partially to blame for the well-known Gulf War Syndrome.) Dr. Roberts warns that it can cause birth defects i.e. mental retardation if taken at the time of conception and early pregnancy. Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should NOT be given NutraSweet. I can relate different case histories of children having mal seizures and other disturbances being on NutraSweet. Unfortunately it is not always easy to convince a mother that aspartame is to blame for her child's illness. Only by trial and success will she be able to warn other mothers to take their children's health in their own hands. Stevia, a sweet herb, NOT A MANUFACTURED ADDITIVE, which helps in the metabolism of sugar (which would be ideal for diabetics) has now been approved as a dietary supplement by the FDA. For years the FDA has outlawed this sweet food because of their loyalty to MONSANTO. Books on this subject are available: EXCITOTOXINS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS - written by Dr. Russell Blaylock ( and DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE written by DR H. J.Roberts, also a diabetic specialist, These two doctors will be posting a position paper with some case histories on the deadly effects of Aspartame on the Internet. According to the Conference of the American College of Physicians "we are talking about a plague of neurological diseases caused by this deadly poison." Here is the problem: There were Congressional Hearings when aspartame was included in 100 different products. Since this initial hearing, there have been two subsequent hearings, but to no avail. Nothing has been done. The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets. Now there are over 5,000 products containing this chemical, and the PATENT HAS EXPIRED!!!!! I assure you, MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame knows how deadly it is. They fund among others, the American Diabetes Association, the American Dietetic Association, the Conference of the American College of Physicians. This has been exposed in the New York Times- to no avail. These Associations cannot criticize any additives or convey their link to MONSANTO because they take money from the food industry and have to endorse their products. Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote a bill that would have warned all infants, pregnant mothers and children of the dangers of aspartame. The bill would have also instituted independent studies on the problems existing in the population (seizures, changes in brain chemistry, changes neurological and behavioral; symptoms). It was killed by the powerful drug and chemical lobbies, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting public. Please print this out or e-mail to family and friends. In health and wellness, Kim Bloomer Nutritional Supplement "Where Seeing You and Your Pets Good Health Bloom Is What We're All About!" Authors - Easily Post & Syndicate Your Own Articles Publishers & Subscribers - Email-free publishing! E-mail free ezines! Website Owners - Post Specials, Instructionals, Articles for your Customers >----------- > >BREAKING: MS and ASPARTAME CONNECTION Revealed by Aspartame Expert and >Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D. - Movie Released Today > >(PRWEB) June 9, 2004--Connection between MS and aspartame by neurosurgeon >Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. > >Recently, much controversy has surrounded a claim that aspartame may >produce an MS-like syndrome. A current review of recent peer-reviewed >scientific studies have disclosed a pathophysiological mechanism to >explain this connection. As far back as 1996 it was shown that the >lesions produced in the myelin sheath of axons in cases of multiple >sclerosis were related to excitatory receptors on the primary cells >involved called oligodendroglia. Recent studies have now confirmed what >was suspected back then. The loss of myelin sheath on the nerve fibers >characteristic of the disease are due to the death of these >oligodendroglial cells at the site of the lesions (called plaques). >Further, these studies have shown that the death of these important cells >is as a result of excessive exposure to excitotoxins at the site of the >lesions. > >Normally, most of these excitotoxins are secreted from microglial immune >cells in the central nervous system. This not only destroys these >myelin-producing cells it also breaks down the blood-brain barrier (BBB), >allowing excitotoxins in the blood stream to enter the site of >damage. Aspartame contains the excitotoxin aspartate as 40% of its >molecular structure. Numerous studies have shown that consuming aspartame >can significantly elevate the excitotoxin level in the blood. There is a >common situation during which the excitotoxin exposure is even greater. >When aspartate (as aspartame) is combined in the diet with monosodium >glutamate (MSG) blood levels are several fold higher than normal. With >the BBB damaged, as in MS, these excitotoxins can freely enter the site of >injury,greatly magnifying the damage. So, we see that dietary >excitotoxins, such > as aspartame and MSG, can greatly magnify the damage produced in > multiple sclerosis. Likewise, excitotoxins have been shown to breakdown > the BBB as well. > >Of equal concern is observation that we know that about 10% of the >population (based on autopsy studies of elderly) have MS lesions without >ever developing the full blown disease, a condition called benign MS. A >diet high in excitotoxins, such as aspartame, can convert this benign, >subclinical condition into full-blown clinical MS. The amount of >excitotoxins consumed in the average American diet is considerable, as >shown by several studies. In addition, the toxin methanol is also in >the aspartame molecule. Methanol is a axon poison. Combined toxicity of >the aspartate and the methanol adds up to considerable brain toxicity and >can convert benign, subclinical MS into full-blown MS. Once the MS becomes >full-blown, further consumption of excitotoxins magnifies the >toxicity, increasing disability and death. > >Recent studies have also shown that even single exposures to these >food-based excitotoxins can produce prolonged worsening of neurological >lesions. In addition, it has been demonstrated that autoimmune reactions >(as occurs with MS) greatly magnifies the toxicity of aspartate and >glutamate (the excitotoxins). We also know liquid forms of excitotoxins >are significantly more toxic because of rapid absorption and higher blood >levels. In the face of this connection between excitotoxicity and the >pathophysiology of MS, it would be ludicrous to allow further use of this >excitotoxin containing sweetener.. > >References: > > 1. Sannchez-Gomez MV, Malute C. AMPA and kainate receptors each mediate > excitotoxicity in oligodendroglial cultures. Neurobiology of Disease > 6:475-485, 1999 > > 2. Yoshika A, et al. Pathophysiology of oligodendroglial excitotoxicity, > J Neuroscience Research 46: 427-437, 1996. > > 3. Singh P, et al. Prolonged glutamate excitotoxicity: effects on > mitochondrial antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes. Molecular Cell > Biochemistry 243: 139-145, 2003. > > 4. Leuchtmann EA, et al. AMPA receptors are the major mediators of > excitotoxin death in mature oligodendrocytes. Neurobiology of Disease > 14:336-348, 2003. > > 5. Takahashi JL, et al. Interleukin1 beta promotes oligodendrocyte death > through glutamate excitotoxicity. Annal Neurology 53: 588-595, 2003. > > 6. Pitt D, et al Glutamate uptake by oligodendrocytes: implications for > excitotoxicity in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 61: 1113-1120, 2003. > > 7. Soto A, et al. Excitotoxic insults to the optic nerve alter visual > evoked potentials. Neuroscience 123: 441-449, 2004. > > 8. Blaylock RL. Interactions of cytokines, excitotoxins and reactive > nitrogen and oxygen species in autism spectrum disorders. Journal > of American Nutraceutical Association 6: 21-35, 2003. > > 9. Blaylock RL. Chronic microglial activation and excitotoxicity > secondary to excessive immune stimulation: possible factors in Gulf War > Syndrome and autism. Journal American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer, 2004. > >TREATMENT FOR MS: >It is now known the cause for the destruction of the myelin in the >lesions is overactivation of the microglia in the region of the myelin. An >enzyme that converts glutamine to glutamate called glutaminase increases >tremendously, thereby greatly increasing excitotoxicity. Mercury also >activates microglia, even in subtoxic doses. > >Any dietary excitotoxin can activate the microglia, thereby greatly >aggravating the injury. This includes the aspartate in aspartame. The >methanol adds to this toxicity as well. Now, the secret to treatment >appears to be shutting down, or at least calming down, the microglia. It >has been found that the antibiotic minocycline powerfully shuts down the >microglia. I tried this treatment on a friend of mine who just came down >with fulmanant MS. He was confined to a wheelchair. I had him placed on >minocycline and now, just a few weeks later, he is walking. > >The good news is that other things also calm the microglia-the most potent >are: silymarin, curcumin and ibuprophen. Phosphatidylcholine helps >re-myelinate the nerve sheaths that are damaged, as does B12, B6, B1, >vitamin D, folate, vitamin C, natural vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) and >L-carnitine. DHA plays a major role in repairing the myelin sheath. >Vitamin D may even prevent MS, but it acts as an immune modulator, >preventing further damage - the dose is 2000 IU a day. Magnesium, as >magnesium malate, is needed in a dose of 500 mg 2X a day. They must avoid >all excitotoxins, even natural ones in foods-such as soy, red meats, >nuts, mushrooms and tomatoes. Avoid all fluoride and especially all >vaccinations since these either inhibit antioxidant enzymes or triggers >harmful immune reactions. > >Dr. Blaylock is a recently retired board-certified neurosurgeon with more >than twenty six years experience. He is a recently retired Clinical >Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of >Mississippi. Author of thirty scientific papers on various medical >subjects, chapters in three medical textbooks and a booklet on multiple >sclerosis, he recently completed a booklet on bioterrorism and is the >author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health & Nutrition >Secrets to Save Your Life, and Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients. ( > ) He serves on the editorial staff of The >Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Journal of the American >Nutraceutical Association, and acts as a medical advisor to the American >Nutraceutical Association. His excellent newsletter can be gotten >at He lives in Ridgeland, Mississippi. > >Note from Dr. Betty Martini : >Cori Brackett, co-owner of Sound and Fury Productions, an MS victim >diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic, had a huge lesion in the brain. Cori was a >user of the neurotoxic drug Aspartame, marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, >Spoonful, E951, Canderel, Benevia, etc. Off the poison, she too walked >out of her wheelchair; the lesion disappeared. Because of what she had >endured from aspartame disease she felt a moral obligation to >warn others, especially with 70% of the population and 40% of our >children using this deadly toxin. Cori Brackett traveled 7000 miles and >with 25 hours of footage produced the movie, Sweet Misery: A >Poisoned World. She says it reveals one of the most pervasive, insidious >forms of corporate negligence in the history of the industrial >revolution. On this date it is being released to the world. You will get >to see the famed Dr. Blaylock and other aspartame experts, as well as hear >the horror story of the victims. See Diane Fleming who is wilting in a >Virginia prison because her athlete husband died of aspartame. She was >sentenced to 50 years for the crime committed by the manufacturer who >had the malice to market a poison. > >Dont miss this film. Contact Cori Brackett >at or >520-624-9710. > >For years physicians have written the MS Society to alert them about >aspartame. You can read my letter on , never >answered, of course. Faced with the choice of warning the public >or continuing to receive funding from industry, the MS Society >has chosen to sacrifice the victims. And when those responsible to >solve the problem ARE the problem it is a sad commentary on greed and >lack of concern for humanity. How can anyone set aside professional >ethics to allow an MS holocaust, when simply alerting those with MS to >avoid aspartame and other excitotoxins could save the lives of >thousands. At one MS Society walk-a-thon, they were giving out free Diet >Cokes while trying to prevent our activists from giving walkers info that >could save the lives of MS victims. I simply turned to the crowd and >said: The MS Society does not want you to have this life-saving >information on a product triggering this disease. The entire crowd took >copies. Later I received several calls of those who had heeded the advice >and gotten well. But I shudder to think how many have perished because >the MS Society hasnt had the integrity to warn victims. > >Contact Information: > > Dr. Betty Martini, Founder > Mission Possible Intl. > 9270 River Club Parkway > Duluth, Georgia 30097 > 770-242-2599 > > >WORLD NATURAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION > and > >See more aspartame lawsuits filed against companies knowingly poisoning >the public on > >Aspartame Toxicity Center: > >Press Contact: Betty Martini >Company Name: MISSION POSSIBLE INTERNATIONAL >Email: >Phone: 770 242-2599 >Website: and > > >More Information: > > > >--1086802223.864272 >Content-type: text/html > >This news release was distributed by the PR Web Newswire on behalf of the >organization below. > >We have sent you this press release based on your media profile at > You can edit your profile at > >Sincerely, > >Rebecca Durand > >----------- > >BREAKING: MS and ASPARTAME CONNECTION Revealed by Aspartame Expert and >Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D. - Movie Released Today > >(PRWEB) June 9, 2004--Connection between MS and aspartame by neurosurgeon >Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. > >Recently, much controversy has surrounded a claim that aspartame may >produce an MS-like syndrome. A current review of recent peer-reviewed >scientific studies have disclosed a pathophysiological mechanism to >explain this connection. As far back as 1996 it was shown that the lesions >produced in the myelin sheath of axons in cases of multiple sclerosis were >related to excitatory receptors on the primary cells involved called >oligodendroglia. Recent studies have now confirmed what was suspected back >then. The loss of myelin sheath on the nerve fibers characteristic of the >disease are due to the death of these oligodendroglial cells at the site >of the lesions (called plaques). Further, these studies have shown that >the death of these important cells is as a result of excessive exposure to >excitotoxins at the site of the lesions. > >Normally, most of these excitotoxins are secreted from microglial immune >cells in the central nervous system. This not only destroys these >myelin-producing cells it also breaks down the blood-brain barrier (BBB), >allowing excitotoxins in the blood stream to enter the site of damage. >Aspartame contains the excitotoxin aspartate as 40% of its molecular >structure. Numerous studies have shown that consuming aspartame can >significantly elevate the excitotoxin level in the blood. There is a >common situation during which the excitotoxin exposure is even greater. >When aspartate (as aspartame) is combined in the diet with monosodium >glutamate (MSG) blood levels are several fold higher than normal. With the >BBB damaged, as in MS, these excitotoxins can freely enter the site of >injury,greatly magnifying the damage. So, we see that dietary >excitotoxins, such >as aspartame and MSG, can greatly magnify the damage produced in multiple >sclerosis. Likewise, excitotoxins have been shown to breakdown the BBB as well. > >Of equal concern is observation that we know that about 10% of the >population (based on autopsy studies of elderly) have MS lesions without >ever developing the full blown disease, a condition called benign MS. A >diet high in excitotoxins, such as aspartame, can convert this benign, >subclinical condition into full-blown clinical MS. The amount of >excitotoxins consumed in the average American diet is considerable, as >shown by several studies. In addition, the toxin methanol is also in the >aspartame molecule. Methanol is a axon poison. Combined toxicity of the >aspartate and the methanol adds up to considerable brain toxicity and can >convert benign, subclinical MS into full-blown MS. Once the MS becomes >full-blown, further consumption of excitotoxins magnifies the toxicity, >increasing disability and death. > >Recent studies have also shown that even single exposures to these >food-based excitotoxins can produce prolonged worsening of neurological >lesions. In addition, it has been demonstrated that autoimmune reactions >(as occurs with MS) greatly magnifies the toxicity of aspartate and >glutamate (the excitotoxins). We also know liquid forms of excitotoxins >are significantly more toxic because of rapid absorption and higher blood >levels. In the face of this connection between excitotoxicity and the >pathophysiology of MS, it would be ludicrous to allow further use of this >excitotoxin containing sweetener.. > >References: > >1. Sannchez-Gomez MV, Malute C. AMPA and kainate receptors each mediate >excitotoxicity in oligodendroglial cultures. Neurobiology of Disease >6:475-485, 1999 > >2. Yoshika A, et al. Pathophysiology of oligodendroglial excitotoxicity, J >Neuroscience Research 46: 427-437, 1996. > >3. Singh P, et al. Prolonged glutamate excitotoxicity: effects on >mitochondrial antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes. Molecular Cell >Biochemistry 243: 139-145, 2003. > >4. Leuchtmann EA, et al. AMPA receptors are the major mediators of >excitotoxin death in mature oligodendrocytes. Neurobiology of Disease >14:336-348, 2003. > >5. Takahashi JL, et al. Interleukin1 beta promotes oligodendrocyte death >through glutamate excitotoxicity. Annal Neurology 53: 588-595, 2003. > >6. Pitt D, et al Glutamate uptake by oligodendrocytes: implications for >excitotoxicity in multiple sclerosis. Neurology 61: 1113-1120, 2003. > >7. Soto A, et al. Excitotoxic insults to the optic nerve alter visual >evoked potentials. Neuroscience 123: 441-449, 2004. > >8. Blaylock RL. Interactions of cytokines, excitotoxins and reactive >nitrogen and oxygen species in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of >American Nutraceutical Association 6: 21-35, 2003. > >9. Blaylock RL. Chronic microglial activation and excitotoxicity secondary >to excessive immune stimulation: possible factors in Gulf War Syndrome and >autism. Journal American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer, 2004. > >TREATMENT FOR MS: >It is now known the cause for the destruction of the myelin in the >lesions is overactivation of the microglia in the region of the myelin. An >enzyme that converts glutamine to glutamate called glutaminase increases >tremendously, thereby greatly increasing excitotoxicity. Mercury also >activates microglia, even in subtoxic doses. > >Any dietary excitotoxin can activate the microglia, thereby greatly >aggravating the injury. This includes the aspartate in aspartame. The >methanol adds to this toxicity as well. Now, the secret to treatment >appears to be shutting down, or at least calming down, the microglia. It >has been found that the antibiotic minocycline powerfully shuts down the >microglia. I tried this treatment on a friend of mine who just came down >with fulmanant MS. He was confined to a wheelchair. I had him placed on >minocycline and now, just a few weeks later, he is walking. > >The good news is that other things also calm the microglia-the most potent >are: silymarin, curcumin and ibuprophen. Phosphatidylcholine helps >re-myelinate the nerve sheaths that are damaged, as does B12, B6, B1, >vitamin D, folate, vitamin C, natural vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) and >L-carnitine. DHA plays a major role in repairing the myelin sheath. >Vitamin D may even prevent MS, but it acts as an immune modulator, >preventing further damage - the dose is 2000 IU a day. Magnesium, as >magnesium malate, is needed in a dose of 500 mg 2X a day. They must avoid >all excitotoxins, even natural ones in foods-such as soy, red meats, nuts, >mushrooms and tomatoes. Avoid all fluoride and especially all vaccinations >since these either inhibit antioxidant enzymes or triggers harmful immune >reactions. > >Dr. Blaylock is a recently retired board-certified neurosurgeon with more >than twenty six years experience. He is a recently retired Clinical >Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of >Mississippi. Author of thirty scientific papers on various medical >subjects, chapters in three medical textbooks and a booklet on multiple >sclerosis, he recently completed a booklet on bioterrorism and is the >author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health & Nutrition Secrets >to Save Your Life, and Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients. ( > ) He serves on the editorial staff of The >Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Journal of the American >Nutraceutical Association, and acts as a medical advisor to the American >Nutraceutical Association. His excellent newsletter can be gotten at > He lives in Ridgeland, Mississippi. > >Note from Dr. Betty Martini : >Cori Brackett, co-owner of Sound and Fury Productions, an MS victim >diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic, had a huge lesion in the brain. Cori was a >user of the neurotoxic drug Aspartame, marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, >Spoonful, E951, Canderel, Benevia, etc. Off the poison, she too walked out >of her wheelchair; the lesion disappeared. Because of what she had endured >from aspartame disease she felt a moral obligation to warn others, >especially with 70% of the population and 40% of our children using this >deadly toxin. Cori Brackett traveled 7000 miles and with 25 hours of >footage produced the movie, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World. She says it >reveals one of the most pervasive, insidious forms of corporate negligence >in the history of the industrial revolution. On this date it is being >released to the world. You will get to see the famed Dr. Blaylock and >other aspartame experts, as well as hear the horror story of the victims. >See Diane Fleming who is wilting in a Virginia prison because her athlete >husband died of aspartame. She was sentenced to 50 years for the crime >committed by the manufacturer who had the malice to market a poison. > >Dont miss this film. Contact Cori Brackett at > or 520-624-9710. > > >For years physicians have written the MS Society to alert them about >aspartame. You can read my letter on , never >answered, of course. Faced with the choice of warning the public or >continuing to receive funding from industry, the MS Society has chosen to >sacrifice the victims. And when those responsible to solve the problem ARE >the problem it is a sad commentary on greed and lack of concern for >humanity. How can anyone set aside professional ethics to allow an MS >holocaust, when simply alerting those with MS to avoid aspartame and other >excitotoxins could save the lives of thousands. At one MS Society >walk-a-thon, they were giving out free Diet Cokes while trying to prevent >our activists from giving walkers info that could save the lives of MS >victims. I simply turned to the crowd and said: The MS Society does not >want you to have this life-saving information on a product triggering this >disease. The entire crowd took copies. Later I received several calls of >those who had heeded the advice and gotten well. But I shudder to think >how many have perished because the MS Society hasnt had the integrity to >warn victims. > >Contact Information: > >Dr. Betty Martini, Founder >Mission Possible Intl. >9270 River Club Parkway >Duluth, Georgia 30097 >770-242-2599 > > >WORLD NATURAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION > and > >See more aspartame lawsuits filed against companies knowingly poisoning >the public on > >Aspartame Toxicity Center: > >Press Contact: Betty Martini >Company Name: MISSION POSSIBLE INTERNATIONAL >Email: >Phone: 770 242-2599 >Website: and > >More Information: > > > >-