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Nutrient Enrichment Focus Team Meeting,
October 27-28, 2004

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.


Objectives, Sub-objectives, Annual Performance Goals
Fiscal Year 2004

Revised October 2004

Objective 1: By 2009, restore water and habitat quality in 20% of the impaired segments in the 12 priority coastal areas (i.e., 71 of the 354 segments) to levels that meet state water quality standards.

Subobjective Annual Performance Goal
1(A): By the end of 2009, watershed restoration actions would be implemented to restore beneficial uses in 71 of the impaired coastal segments [excluding global scale issues and legacy pollutants such as Hg in fish tissue and legacy pollutants e.g. DDT and PCBs]

1(A)(1): Annually, the GMP will assist the Gulf States in implementing restoration actions for 14 impaired coastal segments as identified by state water quality planning processes (e.g., rotating basins approach)

Note: The team believes the program needs to focus on implementation of restoration, targeting on those segments with the greatest partnering opportunities.

1(B): By 2007, the GMP will assist the Gulf States in development of their nutrient criteria and management responses to achieve the restoration and for protection of nutrient water quality of their estuarine and near-coastal marine water resources.

1(B)(1a): By 2005, the GMP Nutrient Project Team will facilitate the development of a scientifically-derived characterization and assessment/analysis of estuarine ecosystems in the North Central Gulf states as they relate to nutrient concentrations, loadings, and response variables.

1(B)(1b): By 2006, using the outcomes of the Nutrient Pilot Study, the GMP will determine the applicability of the findings to all Gulf Coast estuarine and near-coastal marine water resources.

Note: The team believes the program needs to incorporate ongoing estuarine characterization studies and lessons learned from these and other studies to all Gulf Coast estuarine and near-coastal marine water resources.

  1(B)(2): Beginning in 2005, investigate the feasibility, and if feasible, support the evaluation of strategies for the development of Site Specific Alternative Criteria for nutrients and response measures (e.g. sea grass coverage, water clarity, etc.) in water bodies in the Gulf states.
1(C): By the end of 2004, develop a coordinated FY 2006 cross-cut budget strategy for GMP’s partners to address Gulf coastal issues to restore water and habitat quality. 1(C)(1): Conduct a strategic assessment/business plan development for the National Coastal America Partnership to better apply the capacity and support of this Federal Coastal Programs Leadership initiative in the implementation of the GMP Workplan priorities.
1(D): By the end of 2006, support coordination of region-wide efforts to establish advanced Bacterial Source Tracking methods and technologies to provide the Gulf States with more effective pathogen source identification tools. 1(D)(1): By 2005, identify effective strategies for coordinating the development and implementation of advanced BST methodologies in support of the Gulf States efforts to conduct source identification.
  1(D)(2): Annually, the GMP will prepare and distribute summaries (or links to project summaries); progress will be presented and discussed at the annual meeting. (need feedback to the states; how well is the restoration doing; what’s working, what’s not)

Objective 2: Assist the Gulf States in protecting public health by providing information concerning contaminated seafood and early warnings of harmful algal blooms.

Subobjective Annual Performance Goal
2(A): The ISSC has adopted a goal of reducing Vibrio vulnificus illnesses by 60% on average for 2007 and 2008. The GMP will assist the Gulf States and the ISSC in reducing the rate of shellfish-borne Vibrio vulnificus illnesses caused by consumption of commercially-harvested raw or undercooked oysters. 2(A)(1): Support the Gulf States and ISSC Vibrio vulnificus education efforts to achieve a 40% increase in awareness of risks and a 15% increase in at-risk consumers no longer eating raw oysters.
  2(A)(2): The ISSC has adopted an objective to increase post-harvest treatment capacity of oysters intended for the raw, half-shell market during May to September to 25% by 2004. The GMP will assist the Gulf States in developing post-harvest treatment and management methods needed to achieve this objective.
2(B): Assist the Gulf States, in cooperation with the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, in developing and implementing a scientifically sound, Gulfwide monitoring program for total mercury/methylmercury levels in fish tissue from recreationally and commercially important species; and in developing consistent fish consumption advisories and public outreach information regarding the health effects of methylmercury. 2(B)(1): Complete a Gulfwide fish tissue monitoring program for total mercury/methylmercury for important commercial and recreational marine and estuarine species where data is lacking.
  2(B)(2): The Project Team, composed of State and Federal agencies and in cooperation with nongovernment interests, will develop a consistent fish consumption advisory template to be presented to the Management Committee, will develop an effective outreach plan for the advisory, and will develop a scientifically sound fish consumption survey of recreational, commercial, and subsistence fishermen for the Gulf Coast.
  2(B)(3): Provide support for Mercury Database update and facilitate securing web site accessibility of web site.
2(C): By 2004 and each year thereafter, support implementation of the integrated binational (U.S. and Mexican Border States) early-warning system to support State and coastal community efforts to manage harmful algal blooms (HABs). Coordinate effort with NOAA’s ECOHAB Program as applicable to the Gulf of Mexico.
  2 (C)(1): Support the U.S./Mexico Binational Agreement by conducting a collaborative review of the current state of Karenia brevis (Red Tide) monitoring, sampling, and reporting protocols utilized by the 11 binational states bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
  2(C)(2): By 2005, the GMP will foster a work plan for installing sensors on offshore platforms and buoys to support HABs predicative monitoring and modeling
  2(C)(3): By 2006, GMP would hold a gulf wide workshop to explore the relationship between HABs and nutrient loading.

Objective 3: By 2009, the GMP will restore, enhance, or protect important coastal and marine habitats that are essential to the recreational and commercial fisheries of the Gulf, including the prevention and control of invasive species in U.S. areas of the Gulf, by 20,000 acres.

Subobjective Annual Performance Goal
3(A): Restore, enhance, or protect 2,400 acres each year between 2002 and 2009. 3(A)(1): By September 2004, initiate projects to restore, enhance, or protect 2,400 acres of coastal and marine habitat.

3(B): Assist in the implementation of Louisiana Coastal Area Plan (LCA) to divert Mississippi River water and restore coastal wetlands in a manner that in the annual nitrate load from the River to the Gulf.

Note: The percent reduction and specification of nutrient forms needs to be reexamined in light of more recent information.

3(B)(1): Assist in developing the technical and scientific feasibility studies and public outreach processes needed to support the design and implementation of diversions to achieve maximum wetland restoration and nitrate removal.
3(C): Provide ongoing technical support and GMP Program interface to the Gulf of Mexico Regional Panel on Invasive Species to reduce the introduction of invasive species and minimize their impacts. 3(C)1: By September 2004, provide invasive species management planning assistance to one additional Gulf State (extension of actions taken in FY 2001).

Objective 4: By the year 2015, support national efforts to reduce the 5-year running average areal extent of Gulf hypoxia to less than 1,930 square miles.

Subobjective Annual Performance Goal
4(A): Support the ActionPlan for Reducing, Mitigating, and Controlling Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico by facilitating research, monitoring, and modeling efforts that reduce uncertainties in the ecological and economic impact of hypoxia. 4(A)(1): Support efforts of federal partners to work together in development of a workable model that is jointly supported by those federal agencies involved.
  4(A)(2): Support efforts to draft GOM hypoxia field and modeling science plan.
  4(A)(3): Support efforts to obtain and execute operational model simulations to enable future linkages to air and sediment modeling components
4(B): Support the Action Plan by assisting the States of Louisiana and Mississippi in implementing voluntary actions to reduce their annual nitrogen discharge to the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River basin. 4(B)(1): Support efforts through the Lower Mississippi River Sub-basin Committee to develop 2 pilot watershed restoration demonstration projects involving nutrient reduction actions that can be transferred to other sub-basins.
  4(B)( 2): Support the Action Plan to reduce nutrient and sediment loads to the Mississippi/Atchafalaya Rivers through support for industry-lead solutions projects to advance coordination with, and involvement of, agricultural producers.
  4(B)(3): Support efforts of the ILS PIMA process working in a “microwatershed” in the Vermilion, LA watershed

Objective 5: Foster regional stewardship and a strong sense of community and value among Gulf State residents and tourists to protect, restore, and responsibly use the resources of the Gulf of Mexico.

Subobjective Annual Performance Goal
5(A): By 2009, achieve improved regional awareness of the value of Gulf resources, key environmental issues, actions underway or needed to solve the problems, and GMP’s success in meeting the objectives of the Strategic Workplan to steer a course toward a healthier and more economically sustainable Gulf of Mexico. 5(A)(1): By December 2003, conduct 4th annual Gulf Guardian Awards Program.
  5(A)(2): By December 2004, prepare and distribute news releases for all projects funded in 2003 and 2004.
  5(A)(3): Highlights and successes of the GMP projects updated quarterly on the GMPO web site and coordinated with partner web sites.
  5(A)(4): By December 2004, Communications Committee will develop a new Strategic Plan for outreach/education components of GMP projects and Project Teams and develop promotional activities to achieve awareness of key environmental issues in the Gulf of Mexico.
  5(A)(5): In FY 2004, Communications Committee members will be integrated into all GMP Project Teams.
5(B): In 2004, support the Citizens Advisory Committee efforts to achieve improved regional awareness of the value of Gulf resources, key environmental issues, and actions underway or needed to solve the problems. 5(B)(1): In FY2004, the CAC members will attend and participate in CAC meetings, Focus Team meetings, MC/PRB meetings,annual Comprehensive meeting, and Project Team meetings; give presentations to local groups in support of GMP efforts; participate in outreach or communications with constituents in the GMP Priority Areas.
  5(B)(2): In FY2004, CAC members will review GMP products, Gulf Guardian applications, and will communicate with Governors= Offices and Congressional members/constituencies.
  5(B)(3): In FY2004, CAC members will participate in State/local public meetings and public comment opportunities related to Gulf activities and in CAC-initiated outreach projects in GMP Priority Areas.

Gulf of Mexico Program Office
Mail Code: EPA/GMPO
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000
FAX: 228-688-2709

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