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Purchase Requirements

To qualify for the Green Power Partnership, potential Partner organizations must meet or exceed a minimum percentage of green power (see Table 1) that corresponds to the organization’s purchased electricity use for a chosen purchase scope. Green power purchases must also meet eligible resource, vintage, and “new” renewables requirements. Partners have one year from submitting a Partnership Agreement to make a purchase and meet the basic requirements.

Table 1. Minimum Purchase Requirements
If your annual electricity use in kilowatt-hours is . . . You must, at a minimum, purchase this much green power within one year of joining the Partnership
≥ 100,000,001 kWh 2% of your use
10,000,001-100,000,000 kWh 3% of your use
1,000,001 - 10,000,000 kWh 6% of your use
≤ 1,000,000 kWh 10% of your use

Additional Minimum Purchase Requirements

For additional information, please refer to the Partnership Requirements (PDF) (12 pp, 143 K, About PDF).

Green Power Leadership Club (GPLC) Purchase Requirements

The Green Power Leadership Club is open to organization-wide buyers (U.S. operations). Leadership Club purchases must also meet eligible resource, vintage, and “new” renewables requirements.

Table 2. Minimum GPLC Purchase Requirements
If your annual electricity use in kilowatt-hours is . . . You must, at a minimum, purchase this much green power
≥ 100,000,001 kWh 20% of your use
10,000,001-100,000,000 kWh 30% of your use
1,000,001 - 10,000,000 kWh 60% of your use
≤ 1,000,000 kWh Not Applicable

Additional GPLC Purchase Requirements

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