/* $Id: GSSort.cxx,v 1.326 2008/12/18 16:25:29 tl Exp $ */ /* GS data sorting program for ROOT */ /* the meanest data sifter on the block! */ /* by Torben Lauritsen, ANL */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef SOLARIS #include #endif #ifdef LINUX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Rtypes.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TCutG.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TMapFile.h" #include "gsII.h" #include "GSSort.h" #include "GSudpReceiver.h" /* Don's tree stuff */ #include "UserInclude.h" /* global sort parameters with defaults */ #include "GSSort_global_declares.h" unsigned int bgoseghit[NGE][7]; unsigned int gehits[NGE]; int GSudpPort = 1101; unsigned int nEvents = 1000000000; int firstEvent = 0; char InputSource[STRLEN] = "/dev/rmt/1mbn"; char ROOTFile[STRLEN] = "GSSort.root"; char treeFile[STRLEN] = "GSFMATree.root"; int UseRootFile = FALSE, SizeShareMemFile = FALSE; char ShareMemFile[STRLEN] = "GSSort.map"; int UseShareMemFile = FALSE; char ROOTFileOption[STRLEN] = "UNDEFINED"; int NumToPrint = 25; float Beta = 0; int InputSrc = NOTDEF; int FirstFile = NOTDEF; int Nfiles = 100; int WriteRawFera = FALSE; int NFERAErrToPrint = 10; int mpevOverride = FALSE; int DoNotInterpExt = FALSE; int PrintRawPEv = FALSE; int DumpEvery = 10; Int_t ComPressLevel = NOTDEF; unsigned int StartMapAddress = 0; int CountPevLevCheck = 0; int UpdateRootFile = 0; int sub = FALSE; /* other globals */ int WeWereSignalled = FALSE; /* signal */ int tStart; char PevsInitialized = FALSE; int NprintEvNo = 0; int InputSourceOnCommandLine = 0; int HaveRootFileName = 0; double angle[NGE], DopCorFacHires[NGE], DopCorFac[NGE], ACFac[NGE]; int set_gsII_indrive(char *); int SetupUdpReceiver(int); void CheckNoArgs(int, int, char *); char CommandFileName[STRLEN] = "GSSort.command"; /* macros */ #include "GSGTMacros.h" /* allow for user functions here */ #include "UserFunctions.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void printBGOSegmentHits(void) { /* declarations */ int i, j; double sum = 0, val = 0; /* headline */ printf("\n"); printf("BGO segment hit statistics:\n"); printf("\n"); /* go list */ for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) { /* first sum up all 7 channels */ sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) sum += (double) bgoseghit[i][j]; printf("BGO%3.3i: %9.0f -> ", i, (float) sum); /* then the segments in percent */ if (sum > 1.0) { for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { val = 100.0 * (double) bgoseghit[i][j] / sum; printf("%3i%% ", (int) (val + 0.5)); }; /* bgo to germanium hits */ if (gehits[i] > 1) { val = 100.0 * (double) bgoseghit[i][j] / (double) gehits[i]; printf("; Ge/BGO=%3i%% ", (int) (val + 0.5)); } else printf("; no ge counts!?"); } else { printf("-- BGO counts=%i, Ge counts=%i", (int)sum, (int)gehits[i]); }; /* done with this detector */ printf("\n"); }; printf("\n"); printf("__ even counts would yield ~14%% in each segment\n"); printf("\n"); }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void signal_catcher(int sigval) { int time_stamp(); printf("\nGSSort/GSacq received signal <%i> on ", sigval); time_stamp(); WeWereSignalled = TRUE; fflush(stdout); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /*--------------*/ /* declarations */ /*--------------*/ int j, i, HaveChatFile = 0; char *p; char ChatFileName[STRLEN]; int GSacq(char *); int time_stamp(); char str2[STRLEN], str3[STRLEN], str4[STRLEN]; /* inform of version of root used */ printf("from %s on %s\n", __FILE__, __DATE__); printf("RCS version $Id: GSSort.cxx,v 1.326 2008/12/18 16:25:29 tl Exp $\n"); /* delay a few sec (wait for logging window to come up) */ printf("VVV sleep 5 sec (wait for logger window)...\n"); fflush(stdout); sleep(5); /*------*/ /* help */ /*------*/ if (argc < 2) { printf("\n"); printf("use: %s -chat file [-help] [-version] [-input disk|net|tape file|drive|port UPDATE|RECREATE -rootfile name.root]\n", argv[0]); printf("\n"); return (0); }; /*--------------------*/ /* parse command line */ /* and call GSacq */ /*--------------------*/ j = 1; /* current command line arg position */ if (argc > 1) while (j < argc) { if ((p = strstr(argv[j], "-version")) != NULL) { printf("$Id: GSSort.cxx,v 1.326 2008/12/18 16:25:29 tl Exp $\n"); printf("This version has Float 2D matrices\n"); exit(0); } else if ((p = strstr(argv[j], "-help")) != NULL) { printf("\n"); printf("GSSort is documented on the WWW, URL:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" http://www.phy.anl.gov/gs/doc/GSSort\n"); printf("\n"); exit(0); } else if ((p = strstr(argv[j], "-input")) != NULL) { /* check that user specified enough arguments */ j++; if ((argc - j) < 3) { printf("you must specify -input disk|net|tape file|drive|port UPDATE|RECREATE\n"); exit(0); } /* input source will be specified on command line. */ /* Set flag to prevent processing of */ /* input source in chat script */ InputSourceOnCommandLine = 1; /* determine input source */ strcpy(str2, argv[j++]); strcpy(str3, argv[j++]); strcpy(ROOTFileOption, argv[j++]); printf("\n"); printf("*** GSSort will take \"input source\" from command line\n"); if (strcmp("tape", str2) == 0) { printf("will take input from tape\n"); set_gsII_indrive(str3); InputSrc = TAPE; fflush(stdout); } else if (strcmp("disk", str2) == 0) { printf("will take input from disk\n"); set_gsII_indrive(str3); InputSrc = DISK; fflush(stdout); } else if (strcmp("net", str2) == 0) { printf("will take input from UDP sender\n"); GSudpPort = atoi(str3); SetupUdpReceiver(GSudpPort); printf("__using port %i\n", GSudpPort); InputSrc = NET; fflush(stdout); } else { printf("unknown input option: %s\n", str2); printf("aborting\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(0); }; if ((p = strstr(ROOTFileOption, "UPDATE")) != NULL) { UpdateRootFile = TRUE; printf("will update root file\n"); } else if ((p = strstr(ROOTFileOption, "RECREATE")) != NULL) { UpdateRootFile = FALSE; printf("will recreate root file\n"); } else { printf("option <%s> not valid!\n", str4); printf("valid options are: RECREATE or UPDATE\n\n"); exit(0); }; printf("\n"); } else if ((p = strstr(argv[j], "-chat")) != NULL) { j++; strcpy(ChatFileName, argv[j++]); printf("will read sorting instructions from chatfile: %s\n", ChatFileName); system("ulimit -a"); HaveChatFile = 1; } else if ((p = strstr(argv[j], "-rootfile")) != NULL) { j++; strcpy(ROOTFile, argv[j++]); printf("rootfile name specified on command line\n"); printf("__will store spectra in rootfile: %s\n", ROOTFile); HaveRootFileName = 1; UseRootFile = 1; } else { printf("command line argument not understood!\n"); printf("%s: I was called as: \n--->[", argv[0]); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("%s ", argv[i]); fflush(stdout); } printf("]\non "); time_stamp(); exit(0); } }; /* now start the sorter */ if (HaveChatFile) GSacq(ChatFileName); else { printf("you must specify a chat script\n"); exit(0); } }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int GSacq(char *ChatFileName) { /*--------------*/ /* declarations */ /*--------------*/ /* root spectra etc */ #include "GSSort_root_spectra.h" TH1D *PEv1D[NFERA]; TH2F *PEv2D[NFERA]; TH2F *GamPEv2D[NFERA]; TH2F *sDevMatrix[MAXDEVMATRIX]; TH2F *sHit2DMat[MAXDEVMATRIX]; TH2F *GeTEmat[NGE]; TH1D *evrate, *ehirate; TH1D *rate_sp[NGE]; TH1D *datarate; TH2F *TMul_ehi; TH2F *ehi_ehi[MAX2DS]; TH1 *htemp; TList *wlist; TList *zlist; TIterator *hiterator; TMapFile *mfile; TFile *f1; TH1D *tmpTH1D = NULL; TH2F *tmpTH2F = NULL; /* misc */ static int bincode[16] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768}; char str1[STRLEN], str2[STRLEN]; int i, j, k, l, st = 0, nn, nret; int ok; int i0, i1, i2, i3; float r1; FILE *fp; char *pc; unsigned int seed = 0; int exa; unsigned int CurEvNo = 0; int CurFile = 0; int eov, oldst; int lenclean, lendirty, lentotal; int MultOK, nMultOK = 0; time_t t1, t2, tstart, tnow, tdmplast, tdmp = 0; double EvTime = 0; char str[STRLEN], spname[STRLEN]; char *p; int IsResidue = 0, nres = 0, nppac = 0, cpev; unsigned int rnseed; int FERAPEvlookup[MAXVSN][MAXFERACH]; double d1, d2, d3; double emax, rn; int okge, okbgo, ok1, ok2; unsigned short int tmp_lc, tmp_ld, tmp_lb; int nxx = 0; float r2; unsigned short int start_ttL , start_ttM, start_ttH; int firstevent=1; double runTime; /*---------------------*/ /* function prototypes */ /*---------------------*/ int time_stamp(); int get_gsII_ev(struct EVHDR *, struct EVENT *, unsigned int *); int get_disk_ev(struct EVHDR *, struct EVENT *, unsigned int *); int get_net_ev(struct EVHDR *, struct EVENT *, unsigned int *); int GSSort_read_chat(char *); int print_event(struct EVHDR, struct EVENT, int, int, int, float, float, int); int decode_fera(unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, double *, double *); int decode_isomer(unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned short int); int fera_print(int, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *); int get_a_seed(unsigned int *); int status_tape(int); int rew_tape(int); int fskp_tape(int, int); int CloseUdpReceiver(); void WriteStatistics(unsigned int, int, int *, double); TCutG *rd2dwin(Char_t *); void ApplyAllConditions(void); void FindConditions(void); void FindParentPEv(int); void SetFERAErrorPrint(int); void PrintFERATypes(); void CountConditions(); void mpevOP_reg(); void mpevOP_special(); void MarkCountingPevs(); TH1D *mkTH1D(char *, char *, int, double, double); TH2F *mkTH2F(char *, char *, int, double, double, int, double, double); void SetBeta(); void ReportBufPosErrors(void); void PrintCondToApply(); void wrIsomerStatistics(int); int create_isomerdata(struct EVHDR *, struct EVENT *, unsigned int *); void DoPrimaryGating(void); void ResetGSII_bufpCounters(); int nxx1 = 200; void ZapFERAErrors(void); /* allow user to declare variables here */ printf("\n"); printf("executing UserDeclare.h code\n"); printf("\n"); #include "UserDeclare.h" /*-------*/ /* Hello */ /*-------*/ printf("\n"); printf("GSacq running on: "); time_stamp(); printf("$Id: GSSort.cxx,v 1.326 2008/12/18 16:25:29 tl Exp $\n"); printf("\n"); /*------------------------------------------*/ /* name the Gammasphere entries of the pev */ /* so they can be recognized in chat script */ /*------------------------------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("The following are standard GS pevs\n"); printf("__which will be available in this sort\n"); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); sprintf(PEv[GAMMASPHERE].name, "gammasphere"); printf("%s\n", PEv[GAMMASPHERE].name); sprintf(PEv[LEN_CLEAN].name, "mclean"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LEN_CLEAN].name); sprintf(PEv[LEN_DIRTY].name, "mdirty"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LEN_DIRTY].name); sprintf(PEv[LEN_BGO].name, "mbgo"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LEN_BGO].name); sprintf(PEv[LENCLEAN].name, "lenclean"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LENCLEAN].name); sprintf(PEv[LENDIRTY].name, "lendirty"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LENDIRTY].name); sprintf(PEv[LENTOTAL].name, "lentotal"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LENTOTAL].name); sprintf(PEv[SUMGE].name, "sumge"); printf("%s\n", PEv[SUMGE].name); sprintf(PEv[SUMBGO].name, "sumbgo"); printf("%s\n", PEv[SUMBGO].name); sprintf(PEv[CLOCK1].name, "clock1"); printf("%s\n", PEv[CLOCK1].name); sprintf(PEv[CLOCK2].name, "clock2"); printf("%s\n", PEv[CLOCK2].name); sprintf(PEv[TAC2].name, "tac2"); printf("%s\n", PEv[TAC2].name); sprintf(PEv[LENEXT].name, "lenext"); printf("%s\n", PEv[LENEXT].name); fflush(stdout); for (i = 0; i < NGSPEV; i++) { sprintf(PEv[i + GSPEVL1].name, "egehi%2.2i", i); sprintf(PEv[i + GSPEVL2].name, "tgerf%2.2i", i); }; printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); /*------------*/ /* initialize */ /*------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("initializing\n"); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); /* time offsets */ for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) { tGEoffset[i] = 0; tBGOoffset[i] = 0; }; printf("done initalizing\n"); fflush(stdout); /*------------------*/ /* read chat script */ /*------------------*/ GSSort_read_chat(ChatFileName); PrintFERATypes(); /* make sure we mark all counting pevs */ MarkCountingPevs(); /*---------------*/ /* sanety checks */ /*---------------*/ if (InputSrc == NOTDEF) { printf("you must specify an input source!\n"); printf("quitting...\n"); exit(1); }; if (UseShareMemFile && UseRootFile) { printf("you cannot use shared memory and a root disk\n"); printf("at the same time!\n"); exit(1); }; /* force user to declare intension with root file */ /* so I can't be blamed for any overwrites!! */ if (!UseShareMemFile) if ((p = strstr(ROOTFileOption, "UNDEFINED")) != NULL) { printf("for root files you must specify either:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" rootfileoption RECREATE\n"); printf("or\n"); printf(" rootfileoption UPDATE\n"); printf("\n"); printf("please modify your chat file and try again\n"); exit(-1); }; /*------------*/ /* initialize */ /*------------*/ hdr.len = 0; /* force record read first time */ get_a_seed(&seed); /* initialize random number generator */ srand(seed); for (i = 0; i < NERR; i++) GSSortError[i] = 0; CurEvNo = 0; NprintEvNo = 0; if (!UseShareMemFile) { DumpEvery = 1000000000; printf("\n"); printf("_since rootfile: setting `DumpEvery` to infinity..!\n"); printf("\n"); }; /* delete any command file */ sprintf(str, "\\rm -f %s", CommandFileName); system(str); printf("%s\n", str); /*--------------------------------------*/ /* read old rootfile ? - continue sort? */ /*--------------------------------------*/ if (UpdateRootFile) { /* check here whether the old root file exists */ fp = fopen(ROOTFile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("could not open old rootfile: %s\n", ROOTFile); printf("the old rootfile must exist if you \n"); printf("want to use the UPDATE option\n"); printf("aborting...\n"); exit(0); }; fclose(fp); /* read in old root file */ f1 = NULL; f1 = new TFile(ROOTFile, "UPDATE"); printf("read old root file <%s>\n", ROOTFile); if (!f1->IsOpen()) { printf("could not open file....\n\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("base=<%s>\n", f1->GetPath()); f1->Print(); }; /*---------------------------------------*/ /* list pseudo event vector assignments */ /*---------------------------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("GAMMASPHERE pseudoevent vector assignments:\n"); for (i = 0; i < GSPEVL1; i++) printf("pev %3.3i is <%s>\n", i, PEv[i].name); printf("\n"); for (k = 0; k < MAXVSN; k++) for (l = 0; l < MAXFERACH; l++) FERAPEvlookup[k][l] = -1; printf("FERA pseudoevent vector assignments:\n"); for (i = NPEVMIN; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].vsn != 0) { printf("pev name: <%s>[#%3.3i] is FERA VSN: %3.3i/CH:%2.3i; ", PEv[i].name, i, PEv[i].vsn, PEv[i].ch); printf("tresh:%4i ", PEv[i].thresh); if (PEv[i].calib) printf("calib: %f +%f*ch\n", (float) PEv[i].offset, (float) PEv[i].gain); else printf("no calibration\n"); /* check */ if (FERAPEvlookup[PEv[i].vsn][PEv[i].ch] == -1) FERAPEvlookup[PEv[i].vsn][PEv[i].ch] = i; else { printf("ooops\n"); exit(-1); }; }; printf("\n"); /* check lookup table */ for (i = 0; i < MAXVSN; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAXFERACH; j++) if (FERAPEvlookup[i][j] > 0) if (PEv[FERAPEvlookup[i][j]].vsn != i || PEv[FERAPEvlookup[i][j]].ch != j) { printf("inconsistent: i=%i,j=%i\n", i, j); printf("FERAPEvlookup[i][j]=%i\n", FERAPEvlookup[i][j]); printf("PEv[FERAPEvlookup[i][j]].vsn=%i ", PEv[FERAPEvlookup[i][j]].vsn); printf("PEv[FERAPEvlookup[i][j]].ch=%i\n", PEv[FERAPEvlookup[i][j]].ch); exit(-1); }; printf("other pseudoevent vector assignments:\n"); for (i = NPEVMIN; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].vsn == 0) { printf("pev %3.3i, name: <%s>", i, PEv[i].name); if (PEv[i].counting) printf(" [COUNTER PEV]\n"); else printf("\n"); }; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); if (NPEvCond > 0) { printf("\n"); printf("Conditions->\n"); printf("\n"); printf("the length of the condition vector is %i\n", NPEvCond); /*--------------------*/ /* list 1D conditions */ /*--------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("1D conditions\n"); printf("\n"); i1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < NPEvCond; i++) if (PEvCond[i].filled) if (PEvCond[i].type == 1) { printf("1D cond: %3i: on pev %3i, <%s>, ", i, PEvCond[i].pev1, PEvCond[i].name); printf("[%s]\n", PEvCond[i].strrange); i1++; }; printf("\n"); printf("__there are %i 1D conditions\n", i1); /*--------------------*/ /* list 2D conditions */ /*--------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("2D conditions\n"); printf("\n"); i1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < NPEvCond; i++) if (PEvCond[i].filled) if (PEvCond[i].type == 2) { printf("2D cond: %3i: on pev %3i and %3i, ", i, PEvCond[i].pev1, PEvCond[i].pev2); printf("<%s>, with 2Dwinname: %s\n", PEvCond[i].name, PEvCond[i].fn); /* PEvCond[i].win->Print(); */ i1++; }; printf("\n"); printf("__there are %i 2D conditions\n", i1); printf("\n"); /*-------------------------*/ /* find all derived pevs */ /* and apply the necessary */ /* inherited conditions */ /*-------------------------*/ printf("\n"); for (i = NPEVMIN; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].vsn == 0) { printf("derived pev: [#%i,name:%s]\n", i, PEv[i].name); /* find parent pev */ FindParentPEv(i); }; printf("\n"); /*-----------------------------------*/ /* list ALL conditions to be applied */ /* and mark inherited conditions */ /*-----------------------------------*/ PrintCondToApply(); }; /* if (NPEvCond > 0) */ /*---------------------*/ /* list all time masks */ /*---------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("time masks->\n"); for (i = 0; i < NTimeMasks; i++) printf("%3i: time masks <%s> has mask {%s}\n", i, TMask[i].name, TMask[i].strrange); printf("\n"); /*----------------------*/ /* set up shared memory */ /*----------------------*/ if (UseShareMemFile) { printf("\n"); if (StartMapAddress != 0) { TMapFile::SetMapAddress((Long_t) StartMapAddress); printf("shared mem start address set to 0x%8.8x\n", StartMapAddress); } else printf("will use system default for shared mem start address\n"); mfile = TMapFile::Create(ShareMemFile, "RECREATE", SizeShareMemFile, "GS shared mem"); if (mfile == NULL) { printf("failed to create TMapFile\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("shared memory [%s] created, size: %i bytes\n", ShareMemFile, SizeShareMemFile); fflush(stdout); mfile->Print(); printf("\n"); }; /*---------------*/ /* position tape */ /*---------------*/ if (InputSrc == TAPE) if (FirstFile >= 0) { printf("\n"); printf("positioning tape... current:\n"); fflush(stdout); if ((exa = open(InputSource, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) { printf("could not opentape drive\n"); exit(1); }; status_tape(exa); fflush(stdout); rew_tape(exa); if (FirstFile > 0) fskp_tape(exa, FirstFile); printf("new position:\n"); fflush(stdout); status_tape(exa); close(exa); fflush(stdout); }; /*----------------------------------------*/ /* get GS angles and find doppler factors */ /*----------------------------------------*/ /* get the default angles */ #include "GSII_angles.h" printf("default GS angles loaded from [GSII_angles.h]\n"); /* optionally read in users angles */ if (HaveAngleFileName) { /* attempt to open [optional] angle file */ if ((fp = fopen(AngleFileName, "r")) == NULL) { printf("error: could not open angle file: <%s>\n", AngleFileName); exit(0); }; printf("angle file: <%s> open\n", AngleFileName); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); /* read content and set angles */ pc = fgets(str1, STRLEN, fp); while (pc != NULL) { sscanf(str1, "%i %f", &i1, &r1); angle[i1] = (double) r1; printf("user specified: det %3.3i at angle %9.2f\n", i1, (float) angle[i1]); fflush(stdout); /* read next line */ nn++; pc = fgets(str1, STRLEN, fp); }; printf("read %i angles from %s\n", nn, AngleFileName); fclose(fp); } /* calculate beta=v/c related variables */ SetBeta(); /*---------------------------*/ /* ring detectors angles etc */ /*---------------------------*/ ring_angle[0] = 0; ring_angle[1] = 17.27; ring_angle[2] = 31.72; ring_angle[3] = 37.38; ring_angle[4] = 50.07; ring_angle[5] = 58.28; ring_angle[6] = 69.82; ring_angle[7] = 79.19; ring_angle[8] = 80.71; ring_angle[9] = 90.0; ring_angle[10] = 99.29; ring_angle[11] = 100.81; ring_angle[12] = 110.18; ring_angle[13] = 121.78; ring_angle[14] = 129.93; ring_angle[15] = 142.62; ring_angle[16] = 148.28; ring_angle[17] = 162.73; for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) angno[i] = 0; for (i = 1; i < NGE; i++) switch ((int) (angle[i] + 0.5)) { case 17: angno[i] = 1; break; case 32: angno[i] = 2; break; case 37: angno[i] = 3; break; case 50: angno[i] = 4; break; case 58: angno[i] = 5; break; case 70: angno[i] = 6; break; case 79: angno[i] = 7; break; case 81: angno[i] = 8; break; case 90: angno[i] = 9; break; case 99: angno[i] = 10; break; case 101: angno[i] = 11; break; case 110: angno[i] = 12; break; case 122: angno[i] = 13; break; case 130: angno[i] = 14; break; case 143: angno[i] = 15; break; case 148: angno[i] = 16; break; case 163: angno[i] = 17; break; default: printf("angle %f not found\n", angle[i]); break; }; printf("polar angles collected\n"); fflush(stdout); /* print what detectors are in what angle */ printf("\ndetector map:\n"); for (i = 1; i <= 17; i++) { k = 0; printf("ang # %2i; ", i); fflush(stdout); for (j = 0; j < NGE; j++) if (angno[j] == i) { if (k == 0) { k = 1; printf("{%3i deg}> ", (int) (angle[j] + 0.5)); } printf("[%3i]", j); fflush(stdout); } printf("\n"); }; printf("\n"); /*-----------------------------------*/ /* make root histograms if we didnt */ /* read in an old root file --------- */ /*-----------------------------------*/ for (i = 0; i <= NGE; i++) { /* hi res spectra */ sprintf(str1, "ehi%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "det %3.3i hi res @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); ehi[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); /* eside spectra */ sprintf(str1, "eside%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "det %3.3i side channel @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); eside[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* ge time spectra */ sprintf(str1, "tge%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "ge det %3.3i time @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); tge[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* ge low res energy spectra */ sprintf(str1, "elo%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "det %3.3i ge low res @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); elo[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); printf("\n"); if (BinBGO) { /* ebgo spectra */ sprintf(str1, "ebgo%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "det %3.3i BGO energy @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); ebgo[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* tbgo spectra */ sprintf(str1, "tbgo%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "det %3.3i BGO time @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); tbgo[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("%s;", str1); }; if (GeETmats) { /* create germanium et matrices */ sprintf(str1, "geet_%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "det %3.3i ET @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) angle[i]); GeTEmat[i] = mkTH2F(str1, str2, GeETmats_e_nn, GeETmats_e_lo, GeETmats_e_hi, GeETmats_t_nn, GeETmats_t_lo, GeETmats_t_hi); printf("%s;", str1); GeTEmat[i]->SetXTitle("GS ge Energy"); GeTEmat[i]->SetYTitle("GS ge Time"); }; }; /* tac1 spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "tac1"); sprintf(str2, "tac1"); tac1 = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* sumehi spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "sumehi"); sprintf(str2, "sumehi"); sumehi = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* sumelo spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "sumelo"); sprintf(str2, "sumelo"); sumelo = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); if (BinBGO) { /* sumeBGO spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "sumebgo"); sprintf(str2, "sumebgo"); sumeBGO = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* sumtbgo spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "sumtbgo"); sprintf(str2, "sumtbgo"); sumtbgo = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* hitpattern */ printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "bgohitpat"); sprintf(str2, "Gammasphere bgo hitpattern"); bgohitpat = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); /* segment hit pattern */ for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) { gehits[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) bgoseghit[i][j] = 0; }; }; /* sge spectrum (EFF sum) */ sprintf(str1, "sge"); sprintf(str2, "sge"); sge = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* sbgo spectrum (EFF sum) */ sprintf(str1, "sbgo"); sprintf(str2, "sbgo"); sbgo = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* sumeside spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "sumeside"); sprintf(str2, "sumeside"); sumeside = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L12BITS, 1, M12BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* sumtge spectrum */ sprintf(str1, "sumtge"); sprintf(str2, "sumtge"); sumtge = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("%s;", str1); /* hit patterns */ printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "gehitpat"); sprintf(str2, "Gammasphere ge hitpattern"); gehitpat = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "puhitpat"); sprintf(str2, "Gammasphere pileup hitpattern"); puhitpat = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "orhitpat"); sprintf(str2, "Gammasphere over-range hitpattern"); orhitpat = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "sidehitpat"); sprintf(str2, "Gammasphere side chan ge hitpattern"); sidehitpat = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); /* event length */ sprintf(str1, "len"); sprintf(str2, "event length"); len = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); /* event length */ sprintf(str1, "len_clean"); sprintf(str2, "clean ge multiplicity"); len_clean = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); /* clean+dirty multiplicity */ sprintf(str1, "len_dirty"); sprintf(str2, "clean+dirty ge multiplicity"); len_dirty = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); /* BGO mult */ sprintf(str1, "len_bgo"); sprintf(str2, "BGO multiplicity"); len_bgo = mkTH1D(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1); printf("%s;", str1); /* ring spectra */ printf("\n"); for (i = 1; i <= 17; i++) { sprintf(str1, "r%3.3i", i); sprintf(str2, "ring %3.3i @ angle %6.2f", i, (float) ring_angle[i]); ring[i] = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("%s; ", str1); }; printf("\n"); /* other GS 2D spectra */ printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "tmul_ehi"); sprintf(str2, "tmul_ehi"); TMul_ehi = mkTH2F(str1, str2, NGE, 0, NGE - 1, L11BITS, 1, M11BITS); printf("tmul_ehi; "); sprintf(str1, "dtbtev"); sprintf(str2, "usec between events"); dtbtev = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L10BITS, 1, M10BITS); sprintf(str1, "dtbtgm"); sprintf(str2, "dt bt gammas"); dtbtgm = mkTH1D(str1, str2, L14BITS, 1, M14BITS); printf("\n"); /* make all gamma gamma matrices */ for (i = 0; i < nGamxGam; i++) { printf("\n"); ehi_ehi[i] = mkTH2F(GG[i].name, GG[i].name, GG[i].len, GG[i].lo, GG[i].hi, GG[i].len, GG[i].lo, GG[i].hi); printf("gamma gamma matrix #%i, ,<%s>\n", i, GG[i].name); printf("__%i ch (", GG[i].len); printf("%f -> %f)\n", GG[i].lo, GG[i].hi); if (GG[i].prompt_cond != -1) printf("(prompt) RF time mask #%i, <%s> [%s]\n", GG[i].prompt_cond, TMask[GG[i].prompt_cond].name, TMask[GG[i].prompt_cond].strrange); else printf("no (prompt) RF time mask\n"); if (GG[i].dtbggm_cond != -1) printf("delta time mask #%i, <%s> [%s]\n", GG[i].dtbggm_cond, TMask[GG[i].dtbggm_cond].name, TMask[GG[i].dtbggm_cond].strrange); else printf("no delta time mask\n"); } /* make the fera 1D spectra */ if (NPEv1DBIN > 0) { printf("\n"); printf("simple 1D pev binned spectra\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < NPEv1DBIN; i++) { PEv1D[i] = mkTH1D(PEv[PB1D[i].pev].name, PEv[PB1D[i].pev].name, PB1D[i].len, (Axis_t) PB1D[i].lo, (Axis_t) PB1D[i].hi); sprintf(str, "%s,pev[%i]", PEv[PB1D[i].pev].name, PB1D[i].pev); PEv1D[i]->SetXTitle(str); PEv1D[i]->SetYTitle("counts"); printf("%s %ich; ", PEv[PB1D[i].pev].name, PB1D[i].len); printf("(%f->%f) [%p]\n", (float) PB1D[i].lo, (float) PB1D[i].hi, PEv1D[i]); fflush(stdout); }; }; /* make rate spectra */ printf("nratesp=%i\n", nratesp); if (nratesp > 1) { printf("\n"); printf("make rate spectra\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 1; i < nratesp; i++) { sprintf(str, "%s_rate", ratesp[i].name); rate_sp[i] = mkTH1D(str, str, ratesp[i].len, (Axis_t) ratesp[i].lo, (Axis_t) ratesp[i].hi); printf("made rate spectrum <%s>", str); sprintf(str, "%s,pev[%i]", ratesp[i].name, ratesp[i].pev); rate_sp[i]->SetXTitle(str); rate_sp[i]->SetYTitle("rate [Hz]"); printf("__ncan: %i,", ratesp[i].len); printf("from %f ", (float) ratesp[i].lo); printf("to %f;", (float) ratesp[i].hi); printf("incrmt: %f", (float) ratesp[i].incrmt); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); }; }; /* make the fera 2D spectra */ if (NPEv2DBIN > 0) { printf("\n"); printf("simple 2D pevXpev binned spectra\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < NPEv2DBIN; i++) { sprintf(str, "%sX%s", PEv[PB2D[i].pevx].name, PEv[PB2D[i].pevy].name); printf("%3i: %s\n", i, str); PEv2D[i] = mkTH2F(str, str, PB2D[i].lenx, PB2D[i].lox, PB2D[i].hix, PB2D[i].leny, PB2D[i].loy, PB2D[i].hiy); sprintf(str, "%s,pev[%i]", PEv[PB2D[i].pevx].name, PB2D[i].pevx); PEv2D[i]->SetXTitle(str); sprintf(str, "%s,pev[%i]", PEv[PB2D[i].pevy].name, PB2D[i].pevy); PEv2D[i]->SetYTitle(str); printf("__x: %i, %f-%f\n", PB2D[i].lenx, PB2D[i].lox, PB2D[i].hix); printf("__y: %i, %f-%f\n", PB2D[i].leny, PB2D[i].loy, PB2D[i].hiy); fflush(stdout); }; }; /* make the gamxpev 2D spectra */ if (NGamPEv2DBin > 0) { printf("\n"); printf("simple 2D gam x pev binned spectra\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < NGamPEv2DBin; i++) { GamPEv2D[i] = mkTH2F(PEvG[i].name, PEvG[i].name, PEvG[i].pevlen, PEvG[i].pevlo, PEvG[i].pevhi, PEvG[i].gamlen, PEvG[i].gamlo, PEvG[i].gamhi); printf("%s \n", str); printf("__x: %i, %f-%f\n", PEvG[i].pevlen, PEvG[i].pevlo, PEvG[i].pevhi); printf("__y: %i, %f-%f\n", PEvG[i].gamlen, PEvG[i].gamlo, PEvG[i].gamhi); PEvG[i].prompt_cond = -1; fflush(stdout); }; }; printf("\n"); printf("rate spectra\n"); printf("\n"); sprintf(str1, "evrate"); sprintf(str2, "evrate, events/sec"); evrate = mkTH1D(str1, str2, LENEVTIME, 1, LENEVTIME); sprintf(str1, "Seconds"); evrate->SetXTitle(str1); evrate->SetYTitle("Hz"); printf("evrate; "); sprintf(str1, "ehirate"); sprintf(str2, "ehirate, events/sec"); ehirate = mkTH1D(str1, str2, LENEVTIME, 1, LENEVTIME); sprintf(str1, "Seconds"); ehirate->SetXTitle(str1); ehirate->SetYTitle("ehi Hz"); printf("ehirate; "); sprintf(str1, "datarate"); sprintf(str2, "datarate, bytes/sec"); datarate = mkTH1D(str1, str2, LENDATATIME, 0, LENDATATIME - 1); sprintf(str1, "Seconds"); datarate->SetXTitle(str1); datarate->SetYTitle("Hz"); printf("datarate; "); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* make the special devmatrices */ for (i = 0; i < nDevMatrix; i++) { i1 = DevMatrix[i].dhi - DevMatrix[i].dlo + 1; d1 = 0; d2 = (double) i1; sDevMatrix[i] = mkTH2F(DevMatrix[i].name, DevMatrix[i].name, i1, d1, d2, DevMatrix[i].nn, (double) DevMatrix[i].ylo, (double) DevMatrix[i].yhi); printf("made devmatrix <%s>; ", DevMatrix[i].name); printf(" [%p]\n", sDevMatrix[i]); printf("__x %i ch from %f to %f; ", i1, (float) d1, (float) d2); printf("y %i ch from %f to %f\n", DevMatrix[i].nn, (float) DevMatrix[i].ylo, (float) DevMatrix[i].yhi); }; printf("\n"); /* make the 2D hit matrices */ for (i = 0; i < nHit2DMat; i++) { i1 = Hit2DMat[i].dhi1 - Hit2DMat[i].dlo1 + 1; i2 = Hit2DMat[i].dhi2 - Hit2DMat[i].dlo2 + 1; d1 = 0; d2 = (double) i1 - 1; d3 = (double) i2 - 1; sHit2DMat[i] = mkTH2F(Hit2DMat[i].name, Hit2DMat[i].name, i1, d1, d2, i2, d1, d3); printf("made hit2dmat <%s>; ", Hit2DMat[i].name); printf(" [%p]\n", Hit2DMat[i]); printf("__x %i ch from %f to %f; ", i1, (float) d1, (float) d2); printf("y %i ch from %f to %f\n", i2, (float) d1, (float) d3); }; printf("\n"); /*------------------------*/ /* execute user init code */ /*------------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("executing UserInit.h code\n"); printf("\n"); #include "UserInit.h" /* update shared mem with minimal info */ /* so it is not empty before the first update */ /* shared memory wellness checkpoint */ if (UseShareMemFile) { printf("\n"); printf("Note: if the command below fails,\n"); printf("increase the shared memory size!\n"); printf("\n"); printf("updating empty shared mem file... "); fflush(stdout); mfile->Update(); printf("Done!\n"); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); }; /*----------------------*/ /* setup signal catcher */ /*----------------------*/ #ifdef LINUX signal(SIGHUP, signal_catcher); #endif #ifdef SOLARIS sigset(SIGHUP, signal_catcher); #endif /*-------------------------------------------*/ /* read data from tape and increment spectra */ /*-------------------------------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("sorting...\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); st = 0; CurFile = 0; CurEvNo = 0; NprintEvNo = 0; eov = 0; oldst = 0; tstart = time(NULL); tStart = time(NULL); tdmplast = time(NULL); while (st >= 0 && CurEvNo < nEvents && CurFile < Nfiles && eov == 0) { /*-----------------------------------*/ /* mark pseudo event vector unfilled */ /* and zero values (for modpev)..... */ /*-----------------------------------*/ for (k = 0; k < LenPEv; k++) { PEv[k].filled = FALSE; PEv[k].val = 0; }; dclock1 = 0; dclock2 = 0; /*----------------*/ /* get next event */ /*----------------*/ if (InputSrc == TAPE) st = get_gsII_ev(&hdr, ev, ext); /* tape */ else if (InputSrc == DISK) st = get_disk_ev(&hdr, ev, ext); /* disk */ else if (InputSrc == NET) st = get_net_ev(&hdr, ev, ext); /* net */ /* update error/info statisics */ if (st >= 0 && st < NERR) GSSortError[st]++; CurEvNo++; /* only process if we are past firstevent */ if (CurEvNo < firstEvent) goto skipevent; NprintEvNo++; if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) { printf("\n++++ CurEvNo: %3i ++++; ", CurEvNo); printf("buffer # %10i\n", GSSortError[1] + GSSortError[2] + GSSortError[3]); }; /* if first event, store microscond clock */ if(firstevent) if (st==0) { firstevent=0; start_ttL=hdr.ttL; start_ttM=hdr.ttM; start_ttH=hdr.ttH; }; /* simple statics */ NoCleanGE += hdr.len_clean; NoDirtyGE += hdr.len_dirty; NoCleanBGO += hdr.len_bgo; if (st == SUCCESS && hdr.len_clean > 0) { /* undo honeycomb suppression here */ if (ignoreHS) for (j = 0; j < hdr.len_clean; j++) if (ev[j].hs) { ev[j].bgohit = 0; ev[j].hs = 0; }; /* honeycomb suppression statistics */ for (j = 0; j < hdr.len_clean; j++) if (ev[j].hs) NoCleanWithHS++; else if (ev[j].hs == 0 && ev[j].bgohit != 0) { NoCleanWithHSmarked++; NoCleanWithoutHS++; } else NoCleanWithoutHS++; }; /*----------------------------------------*/ /* allow user to manipulate raw data here */ /*----------------------------------------*/ #include "UserRawEv.h" /* houskeeping to do when we hit a buffer */ if (st == GSIIERRNEWBUF) { /* data rate based on buffer reads */ tnow = time(NULL); tnow -= tstart; d1 = tnow / 60.0; if (EvTime > 0 && EvTime < LENEVTIME) datarate->Fill(EvTime, DATASIZE); /* calc time since last dump */ tdmp = time(NULL); tdmp -= tdmplast; tdmp /= 60; /* now minutes */ /* redefine event to be success if there is data */ /* End of buffer reached does NOT necessarely */ /* mean the returned data is bad */ if (ext[0] > 0 || hdr.len > 0) { st = SUCCESS; GSSortError[st]++; }; }; if (st < 0) printf("receiced st=%i at event no: %i\n", st, CurEvNo); /* print GS data */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) if (st > 0) printf("no data returned, return status: %i\n", st); /* interpret fera data */ if (st == GOODEV && ext[0] > 0 && !DoNotInterpExt) { /* trap potentially bad external data */ if (ext[0] >= (EXTLEN - 30)) ext[0] = 0; /* print raw external detectors */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) { if (WriteRawFera) if (ext[0] > 0) { printf("external data (%i raw words):\n", ext[0]); fflush(stdout); for (j = 1; j <= ext[0]; j++) { printf("%2i --> %10i, 0x%4.4x; ", j, ext[j], ext[j]); fflush(stdout); l = 32768; printf("|"); for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) { if ((ext[j] & l) == l) printf("1"); else printf("0"); l = l / 2; if ((k + 1) % 4 == 0) printf("|"); }; printf("; "); fflush(stdout); printf("("); printf("%1i,", (0x8000 & ext[j]) >> 15); printf("%2i,", (0x7800 & ext[j]) >> 11); printf("%4i", (0x07ff & ext[j])); printf("),"); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); }; }; }; /* interpret external data */ if (IsomerData) fera_st = decode_isomer(ext, &nEXT, fera_type, fera_vsn, fera_ch, fera_data, hdr.tac2); else fera_st = decode_fera(ext, &nEXT, fera_type, fera_vsn, fera_ch, fera_data, &dclock1, &dclock2); if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) if (fera_st != SUCCESS) printf("failed to interpret FERA data\n"); /* sanitize ext data wrt binning */ if (nEXT >= EXTLEN || fera_st != SUCCESS) { nEXT = 0; fera_st = -1; }; for (i = 0; i < nEXT; i++) { if (fera_type[i] >= M12BITS) fera_type[i] = M12BITS; if (fera_vsn[i] >= MAXVSN) fera_vsn[i] = MAXVSN - 1; if (fera_ch[i] >= MAXFERACH) fera_ch[i] = MAXFERACH - 1; #if(0) if (fera_data[i] >= M12BITS) fera_data[i] = M12BITS; #endif }; } else { nEXT = 0; fera_st = -1; }; /* count files and check for eom */ if (st == FILEMARK) { CurFile++; if (oldst == FILEMARK) { eov = 1; printf("\n"); printf("found end-of-medium (double eof)\n"); printf("\n"); }; }; oldst = st; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* dump all spectra on signal or dump every DumpEvery events */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ if (WeWereSignalled || (int) tdmp >= DumpEvery) { /* disarm signal */ WeWereSignalled = FALSE; /* check for command file */ fp = fopen(CommandFileName, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { printf("found command file: %s\n", CommandFileName); fgets(str, STRLEN, fp); printf("with command: %s\n", str); if ((p = strstr(str, "dumpevery")) != NULL) { sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &DumpEvery); printf("will dump to output file every %i minutes\n", DumpEvery); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "printevents")) != NULL) { /* reset print event counter */ nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &i1); if (nret == 2) NumToPrint = i1; NprintEvNo = 0; SetFERAErrorPrint(NFERAErrToPrint); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "status")) != NULL) { /* reset time 0 subtraction */ printf("current event time is %f seconds\n", (float) EvTime); printf("current event time 0 is %f seconds\n", (float) EvTime0); r1 = EvTime + (float) EvTime0; /* restore to true event time */ printf("true current event time is %f seconds\n", r1); printf("Beta= %f\n", (float) Beta); printf("CurEvNo= %i; ", CurEvNo); printf("CurFile= %i\n",CurFile ); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "segmentHitPattern")) != NULL) { printBGOSegmentHits(); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "resett0")) != NULL) { /* reset time 0 subtraction */ printf("current event time 0 was %f seconds\n", (float) EvTime0); printf("current event time is %f seconds\n", (float) EvTime); r1 = EvTime + (float) EvTime0; /* restore to true event time */ printf("true current event time is %f seconds\n", r1); EvTime0 = r1; printf("resetting t0 to %f seconds, true current event time\n", (float) EvTime0); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "resetcounters")) != NULL) { /* reset print event counter */ NprintEvNo = 0; SetFERAErrorPrint(NFERAErrToPrint); ResetGSII_bufpCounters(); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "evtime0")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %f", str1, &r1); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); EvTime0 = (double) r1; printf("will start event time from %f seconds\n", (float) EvTime0); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "stopsort")) != NULL) { /* simulate end of tape to stop sort */ eov = 1; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "zapcounters")) != NULL) { /* zap various counters so we */ /* can obtain a current estimate */ /* or various errors and such */ tstart = time(NULL); tStart = time(NULL); CurEvNo = 0; firstEvent = 0; nMultOK = 0; NoCleanGE = 0; NoDirtyGE = 0; NoCleanBGO = 0; for (i = 0; i < NERR; i++) GSSortError[i] = 0; ZapFERAErrors(); /* segment hit patterns */ for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) { gehits[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) bgoseghit[i][j] = 0; }; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "zapall")) != NULL) { /* zap spectra */ zlist = gDirectory->GetList(); hiterator = zlist->MakeIterator(); while (htemp = (TH1 *) hiterator->Next()) htemp->Reset(); printf("all spectra were zapped @ "); time_stamp(); fflush(stdout); /* update */ if (!UseShareMemFile) { /* do nothing */ } else { printf("updating shared mem... "); UPDSSHMEM }; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "beta")) != NULL) { /* get beta value */ sscanf(str, "%s %f", str1, &Beta); printf("setting beta to %9.3f\n", Beta); SetBeta(); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "zap")) != NULL) { /* extract spectrum name */ sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, spname); htemp = (TH1D *) gROOT->FindObject(spname); /* zap spectrup */ htemp->Reset(); printf("spectrum %s zapped @ ", spname); time_stamp(); fflush(stdout); /* update */ if (!UseShareMemFile) { /* do nothing */ } else { printf("updating shared mem... "); UPDSSHMEM }; } else printf("command \"%s\" not understood\n", str); /* delete command file */ fclose(fp); sprintf(str, "\\rm %s", CommandFileName); system(str); printf("%s\n", str); } else { /* update sh mem or writeout root file */ printf("time since last dump: %i minute(s)\n", (int) tdmp); tdmp = 0; #if(0) printf("no command file: %s was found\n", CommandFileName); #endif d1=start_ttL + 65536.0 * start_ttM + 2147483648.0 * start_ttH; d1/=1000000.0; runTime=(EvTime+EvTime0)-d1; WriteStatistics(CurEvNo, nMultOK, GSSortError,runTime); if (!UseShareMemFile) { printf("*---------------------------------\n"); printf("* you cannot update a disk file. \n"); printf(" you must wait for sort to finish\n"); printf(" or stop the sort! Ignoring you...\n"); printf("*---------------------------------\n"); } else { printf("updating shared mem... "); UPDSSHMEM }; tdmplast = time(NULL); }; printf("continuing the sort...\n"); fflush(stdout); }; /* allow user to get first crack */ /* at processing good event if they want to */ /* now that FERAs have been interpreted. */ /* The user can redefine st to st=GSIIREJECTEV */ /* here and reject the event. That is how it */ /* is done for isomer processing */ if (st == GOODEV) { #include "UserGoodEv.h" }; /*---------------------*/ /* process good events */ /*---------------------*/ if (st == GOODEV) { /* event time */ /* take v.r.t user specified t0 */ EvTime = hdr.ttL + 65536.0 * hdr.ttM + 2147483648.0 * hdr.ttH; EvTime /= 1000000.0; /* now seconds */ EvTime -= EvTime0; /* update event rate spectrum */ if (EvTime > 0 && EvTime < LENEVTIME) evrate->Fill(EvTime); /* time between events */ d1 = (double) hdr.ttL - hdr_ttL_last; if (d1 < M10BITS && d1 >= 0) dtbtev->Fill(d1); hdr_ttL_last = hdr.ttL; /*-----------------------------------*/ /* modify event with low energy cuts */ /* count for multiplicity cuts */ /*-----------------------------------*/ tmp_lc = hdr.len_clean; tmp_ld = hdr.len_dirty; tmp_lb = hdr.len_bgo; for (i = 0; i < hdr.len; i++) { if (ev[i].ehi > 0 && ev[i].ebgo == 0) { /* clean ge */ if (ev[i].ehi <= egemin) { ev[i].id = 0; ev[i].ehi = 0; ev[i].elo = 0; ev[i].eside = 0; ev[i].tge = 0; tmp_lc--; }; } else if (ev[i].ehi > 0 && ev[i].ebgo > 0) { /* dirty ge */ if (ev[i].ehi < egemin) { ev[i].id = 0; ev[i].ehi = 0; ev[i].elo = 0; ev[i].eside = 0; ev[i].tge = 0; }; if (ev[i].ebgo < ebgomin) { ev[i].ebgo = 0; ev[i].tbgo = 0; }; /* if both are zero after above eval, */ /* then we lost a dirty germanium */ if (ev[i].ehi == 0 && ev[i].ebgo == 0) tmp_ld--; } else if (ev[i].ehi == 0 && ev[i].ebgo > 0) { /* clean bgo */ if (ev[i].ebgo < ebgomin) { ev[i].ebgo = 0; ev[i].tbgo = 0; tmp_lb--; }; }; }; /* find 'real' multiplicities for event processing */ lenclean = tmp_lc; lendirty = lenclean + tmp_ld; lentotal = lendirty + tmp_lb; /* modify multiplicities for hs */ for (j = 0; j < hdr.len_clean; j++) if (ev[j].hs) { lenclean--; /* true lenclean */ lendirty++; /* true lendirty */ }; /* check whether event fulfills multiplicity requirements */ /* (affects ALL binning!) */ MultOK = 0; if (lenclean >= CleanMultLo && lenclean <= CleanMultHi) if (lendirty >= DirtyMultLo && lendirty <= DirtyMultHi) if (lentotal >= TotalMultLo && lentotal <= TotalMultHi) MultOK = 1; /* debug print multiplicity test results */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) { printf("event time %20.6f (with t0=%20.6f) seconds; ~", (float) EvTime, (float) EvTime0); i0 = (int) EvTime; i1 = i0 / 86400; i0 = i0 - i1 * 86400; i2 = i0 / 3600; i0 = i0 - i2 * 3600; i3 = i0 / 60; i0 = i0 - i3 * 60; printf("%3id", i1); printf("%2ih", i2); printf("%2im", i3); printf("%2is\n", i0); printf("clean: %i, ", lenclean); printf("clean+dirty: %i, ", lendirty); printf("total: %i; ", lentotal); fflush(stdout); if (MultOK) printf("multiplicity requirements ok\n"); else printf("failed multiplicity requirements\n"); fflush(stdout); }; /* start binning if multiplicities were ok */ if (MultOK) { /* count these events */ nMultOK++; /* doppler correct the energies */ /* and limit range */ for (j = 0; j < hdr.len; j++) { /* hi res */ r1 = (float) ev[j].ehi + (float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; if (ehiDoGainCor) r1 = r1 * ehiGeGain[ev[j].id] + ehiGeOffset[ev[j].id]; r1 *= DopCorFacHires[ev[j].id]; ev[j].ehi = (unsigned short int) (r1 + 0.5); if (ev[j].ehi >= M14BITS) ev[j].ehi = 0; /* lores */ r1 = (float) ev[j].elo + (float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; if (eloDoGainCor) r1 = r1 * eloGeGain[ev[j].id] + eloGeOffset[ev[j].id]; r1 *= DopCorFac[ev[j].id]; ev[j].elo = (unsigned short int) (r1 + 0.5); if (ev[j].elo >= M14BITS) ev[j].elo = 0; /* eside */ r1 = (float) ev[j].eside + (float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; if (esideDoGainCor) r1 = r1 * esideGeGain[ev[j].id] + esideGeOffset[ev[j].id]; r1 *= DopCorFac[ev[j].id]; ev[j].eside = (unsigned short int) (r1 + 0.5); if (ev[j].eside >= M14BITS) ev[j].eside = 0; /* keep an eye on ehi rate by itself */ if (EvTime > 0 && EvTime < LENEVTIME) if (ev[j].ehi >= egemin) ehirate->Fill(EvTime); /* lo res */ r1 = (float) ev[j].elo + (float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; r1 *= DopCorFac[ev[j].id]; ev[j].elo = (unsigned short int) (r1 + 0.5); if (ev[j].elo >= M12BITS) ev[j].elo = 0; /* eside */ r1 = (float) ev[j].eside + (float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; r1 *= DopCorFac[ev[j].id]; ev[j].eside = (unsigned short int) (r1 + 0.5); if (ev[j].eside >= M12BITS) ev[j].eside = 0; if (BinBGO) { /* ebgo */ r1 = (float) ev[j].ebgo + (float) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; r1 *= DopCorFac[ev[j].id]; ev[j].ebgo = (unsigned short int) (r1 + 0.5); if (ev[j].ebgo >= M12BITS) ev[j].ebgo = 0; /* limit data range for time spectra */ if (ev[j].tge >= M14BITS) ev[j].tge = 0; if (ev[j].tbgo >= M14BITS) ev[j].tbgo = 0; }; }; /* constrict other data ranges */ /* this will be done in lower */ /* level routines later */ if (hdr.len >= NGE) hdr.len = NGE - 1; if (hdr.len_clean >= NGE) hdr.len_clean = 0; if (hdr.len_dirty >= NGE) hdr.len_dirty = 0; if (hdr.len_bgo >= NGE) hdr.len_bgo = 0; if (hdr.tac1 >= M12BITS) hdr.tac1 = 0; if (hdr.tac2 >= M12BITS) hdr.tac2 = 0; if (hdr.sumge >= M12BITS) hdr.sumge = 0; if (hdr.sumbgo >= M12BITS) hdr.sumbgo = 0; /*--------------------*/ /* time manipulations */ /*--------------------*/ /* undo tac2 subtraction */ /* (Note: BGO times are NOT subtracted in EFFs!) */ if (undotac2sub) for (j = 0; j < hdr.len; j++) ev[j].tge += (int) ((float) hdr.tac2 * undotac2sub_factor - undotac2sub_offset); /* subtract tac2 rf from tge & tbgo, sanitize result */ for (j = 0; j < hdr.len; j++) { /* ge time */ if (ev[j].tge > 0) { tgerf[j] = (int) ev[j].tge - tGEoffset[ev[j].id]; if (subtac2GE) tgerf[j] -= (int) ((float) hdr.tac2 * tac2FactorGE) + geRFOffset; if (tgerf[j] < 0) tgerf[j] = 0; if (tgerf[j] >= M14BITS) tgerf[j] = 0; } else tgerf[j] = 0; /* bgo time */ if (ev[j].tbgo > 0) { tbgorf[j] = (int) ev[j].tbgo - tBGOoffset[ev[j].id]; /* manipulate? */ if (subtac2BGO) tbgorf[j] -= (int) ((float) hdr.tac2 * tac2FactorBGO) + BGORFOffset; /* sanitize */ if (tbgorf[j] < 0) tbgorf[j] = 0; if (tbgorf[j] >= M14BITS) tbgorf[j] = 0; } else tbgorf[j] = 0; }; /* print events */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) { #include "GSPrintEvent.h" }; /*--------------------------------------*/ /* fill GammaSphere pseudo event vector */ /*--------------------------------------*/ PEv[GAMMASPHERE].val = 1; PEv[GAMMASPHERE].filled = TRUE; PEv[LEN_CLEAN].val = hdr.len_clean; PEv[LEN_CLEAN].filled = TRUE; PEv[LEN_DIRTY].val = hdr.len_dirty; PEv[LEN_DIRTY].filled = TRUE; PEv[LEN_BGO].val = hdr.len_bgo; PEv[LEN_BGO].filled = TRUE; PEv[LENCLEAN].val = lenclean; PEv[LENCLEAN].filled = TRUE; PEv[LENDIRTY].val = lendirty; PEv[LENDIRTY].filled = TRUE; PEv[TAC2].val = hdr.tac2; PEv[TAC2].filled = TRUE; PEv[LENEXT].val = ext[0]; PEv[LENEXT].filled = TRUE; /*----*/ /* HK */ /*----*/ if (mkHK == FALSE) { /* just use what was calculated in the EFFs */ PEv[SUMGE].val = hdr.sumge; PEv[SUMGE].filled = TRUE; PEv[SUMBGO].val = hdr.sumbgo; PEv[SUMBGO].filled = TRUE; PEv[LENTOTAL].filled = TRUE; PEv[LENTOTAL].val = lentotal; } else { /* make our own calculation here in GSSort */ PEv[SUMGE].filled = TRUE; PEv[SUMGE].val = 0; PEv[SUMBGO].filled = TRUE; PEv[SUMBGO].val = 0; PEv[LENTOTAL].filled = TRUE; PEv[LENTOTAL].val = 0; i1 = 0; i2 = hdr.len_clean; for (i = i1; i < i2; i++) if (tgerf[i] >= HKgelo && tgerf[i] <= HKgehi) { PEv[SUMGE].val += ev[i].elo; PEv[LENTOTAL].val++; }; i1 = hdr.len_clean; i2 = i1 + hdr.len_dirty; if (i2 > hdr.len) i2 = hdr.len; for (i = i1; i < i2; i++) { ok1 = (tgerf[i] >= HKgelo && tgerf[i] <= HKgehi); ok2 = (tbgorf[i] >= HKBGOlo && tbgorf[i] <= HKBGOhi); if (ok1) PEv[SUMGE].val += ev[i].elo; if (ok2) PEv[SUMBGO].val += ev[i].ebgo; if (ok1 || ok2) PEv[LENTOTAL].val++; /* only once */ }; i1 = hdr.len_clean + hdr.len_dirty; i2 = i1 + hdr.len_bgo; if (i2 > hdr.len) i2 = hdr.len; for (i = i1; i < i2; i++) if (tbgorf[i] >= HKBGOlo && tbgorf[i] <= HKBGOhi) { PEv[SUMBGO].val += ev[i].ebgo; PEv[LENTOTAL].val++; }; hdr.sumbgo = (unsigned short int) (PEv[SUMBGO].val + 0.5); hdr.sumge = (unsigned short int) (PEv[SUMGE].val + 0.5); }; /* fill clock pevs */ if (dclock1 > 0) { PEv[CLOCK1].val = dclock1; PEv[CLOCK1].filled = TRUE; }; if (dclock2 > 0) { PEv[CLOCK2].val = dclock2; PEv[CLOCK2].filled = TRUE; }; /* gamma gamma matrix update start status */ for (i = 0; i < nGamxGam; i++) GG[i].filled = TRUE; /* honeycomb suppessed clean germanium signals */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < hdr.len_clean && i < NGSPEV; i++) if (!ev[i].hs) { PEv[j + GSPEVL1].val = (double) ev[i].ehi; PEv[j + GSPEVL1].filled = TRUE; PEv[j + GSPEVL2].val = (double) tgerf[i]; PEv[j + GSPEVL2].filled = TRUE; j++; }; /*-------------------------------*/ /* fill FERA pseudo event vector */ /*-------------------------------*/ /* __with threshold and energy calibration */ for (j = 0; j < nEXT; j++) { cpev = FERAPEvlookup[fera_vsn[j]][fera_ch[j]]; #if(0) printf("\n"); printf("FERA wd # %2i; ", j); printf("VSN=%3i; ", fera_vsn[j]); printf("CH=%2i; ", fera_ch[j]); printf("DATA=%5i; ", fera_data[j]); printf("PEV #=%3i\n", cpev); for (i = 0; i < MAXVSN; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAXFERACH; j++) if (FERAPEvlookup[i][j] > 0) printf("FERAPEvlookup[%i][%i]=%i\n", i, j, FERAPEvlookup[i][j]); #endif if (cpev > 0) if (fera_data[j] >= PEv[cpev].thresh) { PEv[cpev].filled = TRUE; if (PEv[cpev].calib) { rn = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5; PEv[cpev].val = (fera_data[j] + rn) * PEv[cpev].gain + PEv[cpev].offset; } else PEv[cpev].val = fera_data[j]; }; }; /* -------------------------------------- */ /* fill the special DSSD max energy pevs */ /* (this is the same loop as I use later */ /* to update the 2Dhit matrix, but un- */ /* fortunately I need to run it here */ /* first to find the energy and stuff */ /* it into a pev so it can be prosessed) */ /* -------------------------------------- */ for (i = 0; i < nHit2DMat; i++) { /* hunt for hits */ emax = 0; for (j = Hit2DMat[i].dlo1; j <= Hit2DMat[i].dhi1; j++) for (k = Hit2DMat[i].dlo2; k <= Hit2DMat[i].dhi2; k++) if (PEv[j].filled && PEv[k].filled) if (PEv[j].val >= Hit2DMat[i].thresh) if (PEv[k].val >= Hit2DMat[i].thresh) { /* and keep record of max energy */ if (PEv[j].val > emax) emax = PEv[j].val; if (PEv[k].val > emax) emax = PEv[k].val; #if(0) printf("hit: %i, ", j - Hit2DMat[i].dlo1); printf("%i, ", k - Hit2DMat[i].dlo2); printf("%f, %f ", (float) PEv[j].val, (float) PEv[k].val); printf("emax=%f\n", (float) emax); #endif }; /* update device (usually dsssd) energy */ if (emax > 0) { PEv[Hit2DMat[i].emaxpev].val = emax; PEv[Hit2DMat[i].emaxpev].filled = TRUE; #if(0) printf("set pev# %i value: %f\n", Hit2DMat[i].emaxpev, PEv[Hit2DMat[i].emaxpev].val); #endif }; }; /* allow user access before gating */ /* add your own pevs here */ #include "UserPreCond.h" /*------------------------------------------------*/ /* do early/primary gating */ /* typically energies gated with associated times */ /*------------------------------------------------*/ DoPrimaryGating(); /*---------------------------------*/ /* condition/counting/mpev ops etc */ /*---------------------------------*/ /* manipulate pseudo event vectors */ mpevOP_reg(); /* find conditions fulfilled */ FindConditions(); /* count conditions */ CountConditions(); /* find conditions fulfilled again, now we have counted */ /* them there may be conditions on a counting pev */ FindConditions(); /* evaluate the pesky counting pevs a few */ /* generations to make sure we catch ALL of them */ for (k = 0; k < CountPevLevCheck; k++) { mpevOP_special(); FindConditions(); }; /* print pev before conditions are applied */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint && 0 && PrintRawPEv) { printf("pevs before conditions:\n"); for (k = 0; k < LenPEv; k++) if (PEv[k].filled) printf("pev[%i]=%f, %s\n", k, (float) PEv[k].val, PEv[k].name); }; ApplyAllConditions(); /* special treatment of GS pevs */ if (!PEv[GAMMASPHERE].filled) { PEv[LEN_CLEAN].filled = FALSE; PEv[LEN_DIRTY].filled = FALSE; PEv[LEN_BGO].filled = FALSE; PEv[LENCLEAN].filled = FALSE; PEv[LENDIRTY].filled = FALSE; PEv[LENTOTAL].filled = FALSE; PEv[SUMGE].filled = FALSE; PEv[SUMBGO].filled = FALSE; PEv[TAC2].filled = FALSE; PEv[LENEXT].filled = FALSE; }; /*---------------------------------------------*/ /* all done filling/manipulating/counting pevs */ /*---------------------------------------------*/ /* print some events */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) { /* print conditions */ printf("conditions ok: "); for (k = 0; k < NPEvCond; k++) if (PEvCond[k].ok) printf("%s,", PEvCond[k].name); printf("\n"); /* print pseudo event vector */ printf("final pev-->\n"); for (k = 0; k < LenPEv; k++) if (PEv[k].filled) printf("pev[%s,%i]=%f\n", PEv[k].name, k, PEv[k].val); printf("\n"); /* print matrices */ printf("gamgam matrix status:\n"); for (k = 0; k < nGamxGam; k++) { printf("%2i: GG name [%s] ", k, GG[k].name); printf("filled: %i\n", GG[k].filled); }; }; /* increment clean spectra, time spectra, etc */ if (PEv[GAMMASPHERE].filled) for (j = 0; j < hdr.len_clean; j++) if (ev[j].id >= 1) { /* __only update if not honeycomb suppressed */ /* and otherwise have a good event */ if (!ev[j].hs && !ev[j].over && !ev[j].pu) { if (ev[j].ehi >= egemin) ehi[ev[j].id]->Fill(ev[j].ehi, ACFac[ev[j].id]); elo[ev[j].id]->Fill(ev[j].elo, ACFac[ev[j].id]); if (ev[j].eside >= esidemin) eside[ev[j].id]->Fill(ev[j].eside, ACFac[ev[j].id]); ring[angno[ev[j].id]]->Fill(ev[j].ehi, ACFac[ev[j].id]); sumehi->Fill(ev[j].ehi, ACFac[ev[j].id]); sumelo->Fill(ev[j].elo, ACFac[ev[j].id]); if (ev[j].eside >= esidemin) sumeside->Fill(ev[j].eside, ACFac[ev[j].id]); if (GeETmats) if (ev[j].ehi > GeETmats_e_lo && ev[j].ehi < GeETmats_e_hi) if (ev[j].tge > GeETmats_t_lo && ev[j].tge < GeETmats_t_hi) GeTEmat[ev[j].id]->Fill(ev[j].ehi, ev[j].tge); /* mult-gamma matrix */ if (ev[j].ehi < M11BITS && lentotal < NGE) TMul_ehi->Fill(lentotal, ev[j].ehi); /* update gamma-gamma matrices */ /* __update controlled by GG[l].filled */ for (l = 0; l < nGamxGam; l++) if (GG[l].filled) for (k = j + 1; k < hdr.len_clean; k++) if (!ev[k].hs) if (ev[k].id >= 1) if (ev[k].id <= MAXID) if (ev[j].ehi < GG[l].hi && ev[j].ehi >= GG[l].lo) if (ev[k].ehi < GG[l].hi && ev[k].ehi >= GG[l].lo) { /* require valid promt time mask lookup */ ok = TRUE; if (GG[l].prompt_cond != NOTDEF) { ok = TMask[GG[l].prompt_cond].lot[tgerf[j]]; ok &= TMask[GG[l].prompt_cond].lot[tgerf[k]]; }; /* require valid dt mask lookup */ if (ok && GG[l].dtbggm_cond != NOTDEF) { i1 = tgerf[k] - tgerf[j]; if (i1 < 0) i1 = -i1; if (i1 >= L14BITS) i1 = 0; ok &= TMask[GG[l].dtbggm_cond].lot[i1]; }; /* update */ if (ok) { ehi_ehi[l]->Fill(ev[j].ehi, ev[k].ehi); ehi_ehi[l]->Fill(ev[k].ehi, ev[j].ehi); }; }; }; /* update hitpatterns */ if (ev[j].ehi > egemin) { gehitpat->Fill((double) ev[j].id, 1); gehits[ev[j].id]++; }; if (ev[j].eside > esidemin) sidehitpat->Fill((double) ev[j].id, 1); if (ev[j].pu) puhitpat->Fill((double) ev[j].id, 1); if (ev[j].over) orhitpat->Fill((double) ev[j].id, 1); /* notice, outside time cuts */ tge[ev[j].id]->Fill(tgerf[j], 1); sumtge->Fill(tgerf[j], 1); }; /* time between gammas array */ for (j = 0; j < hdr.len_clean; j++) if (!ev[j].hs) for (k = j + 1; k < hdr.len_clean; k++) if (!ev[k].hs) { i1 = tgerf[k] - tgerf[j]; if (i1 < 0) i1 = -i1; if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < M12BITS) dtbtgm->Fill((float) i1, 1.0); }; #if(0) nxx++; if (nxx > 20) exit(0); #endif if (PEv[GAMMASPHERE].filled) { if (BinBGO) { /* bin BGOs */ for (j = hdr.len_clean; j < hdr.len; j++) if (ev[j].id > 0 && ev[j].id <= MAXID) { ebgo[ev[j].id]->Fill(ev[j].ebgo, ACFac[ev[j].id]); sumeBGO->Fill(ev[j].ebgo, ACFac[ev[j].id]); tbgo[ev[j].id]->Fill(tbgorf[j], 1); sumtbgo->Fill(tbgorf[j], 1); bgohitpat->Fill((double) ev[j].id, 1); /* segment hits (not a spectrum) */ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) if (bincode[k] & ev[j].bgohit) bgoseghit[ev[j].id][k]++; }; }; /* other event information */ tac1->Fill(hdr.tac1, 1); sge->Fill(hdr.sumge, 1); sbgo->Fill(hdr.sumbgo, 1); len->Fill(hdr.len, 1); len_clean->Fill(hdr.len_clean, 1); if ((hdr.len_clean + hdr.len_dirty) < NGE) len_dirty->Fill(hdr.len_clean + hdr.len_dirty, 1); len_bgo->Fill(hdr.len_bgo, 1); }; /* increment pev 1D spectra */ for (i = 0; i < NPEv1DBIN; i++) if (PEv[PB1D[i].pev].filled) if (PEv[PB1D[i].pev].val > PB1D[i].lo) if (PEv[PB1D[i].pev].val < PB1D[i].hi) PEv1D[i]->Fill(PEv[PB1D[i].pev].val, 1); /* increment pev 2D spectra */ for (i = 0; i < NPEv2DBIN; i++) if (PEv[PB2D[i].pevx].filled) if (PEv[PB2D[i].pevy].filled) if (PEv[PB2D[i].pevx].val > PB2D[i].lox) if (PEv[PB2D[i].pevx].val < PB2D[i].hix) if (PEv[PB2D[i].pevy].val > PB2D[i].loy) if (PEv[PB2D[i].pevy].val < PB2D[i].hiy) PEv2D[i]->Fill(PEv[PB2D[i].pevx].val, PEv[PB2D[i].pevy].val, 1); /* increment gam pev 2D spectra */ if (PEv[GAMMASPHERE].filled) for (i = 0; i < NGamPEv2DBin; i++) if (PEv[PEvG[i].pev].filled) if (PEv[PEvG[i].pev].val < PEvG[i].pevhi) if (PEv[PEvG[i].pev].val > PEvG[i].pevlo) for (j = 0; j < hdr.len_clean; j++) if (ev[j].ehi > PEvG[i].gamlo) if (ev[j].ehi < PEvG[i].gamhi) { ok = TRUE; if (PEvG[i].prompt_cond != -1) ok &= TMask[PEvG[i].prompt_cond].lot[tgerf[j]]; if (ok) GamPEv2D[i]->Fill(PEv[PEvG[i].pev].val, ev[j].ehi, 1); }; /* increment devmatrices */ for (i = 0; i < nDevMatrix; i++) for (j = DevMatrix[i].dlo; j <= DevMatrix[i].dhi; j++) if (PEv[j].filled) if (PEv[j].val >= DevMatrix[i].ylo) if (PEv[j].val <= DevMatrix[i].yhi) sDevMatrix[i]->Fill(j - DevMatrix[i].dlo, PEv[j].val, 1); /* increment hit2dmatrices */ for (i = 0; i < nHit2DMat; i++) for (j = Hit2DMat[i].dlo1; j <= Hit2DMat[i].dhi1; j++) for (k = Hit2DMat[i].dlo2; k <= Hit2DMat[i].dhi2; k++) if (PEv[j].filled && PEv[k].filled) if (PEv[j].val >= Hit2DMat[i].thresh) if (PEv[k].val >= Hit2DMat[i].thresh) sHit2DMat[i]->Fill(j - Hit2DMat[i].dlo1, k - Hit2DMat[i].dlo2, 1); /* update any rate spectra */ for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].ratespno > 0) if (PEv[i].filled) if (EvTime > ratesp[PEv[i].ratespno].lo && EvTime < ratesp[PEv[i].ratespno].hi) rate_sp[PEv[i].ratespno]->Fill(EvTime, ratesp[PEv[i].ratespno].incrmt); /*-------------------------*/ /* execute user event code */ /*-------------------------*/ #include "UserEv.h" /*------------------*/ /* skip event point */ /*------------------*/ skipevent: { }; }; /* if (MultOK) */ }; /* if (st == GOODEV) */ }; printf("\n"); printf("Done sorting!\n"); printf("\n"); /*-------------*/ /* close input */ /*-------------*/ if (InputSrc == NET) CloseUdpReceiver(); /*-----------------------*/ /* list the root spectra */ /*-----------------------*/ #if(0) if (!UseShareMemFile) { printf("\n"); printf("list of ROOT spectra:\n"); printf("\n"); TList *hlist = gDirectory->GetList(); hlist->ls(); fflush(stdout); }; #endif /*------------*/ /* statistics */ /*------------*/ d1=start_ttL + 65536.0 * start_ttM + 2147483648.0 * start_ttH; d1/=1000000.0; runTime=(EvTime+EvTime0)-d1; WriteStatistics(CurEvNo, nMultOK, GSSortError, runTime); /*-----------------------*/ /* save all ROOT spectra */ /*-----------------------*/ if (!UseShareMemFile) { printf("attempting to close root file..."); fflush(stdout); if (UpdateRootFile) { /* simple, we allready have file, */ /* so just write to it */ f1->Write(); } else { /* go through all the crap */ /* necessary to do this */ WRITEALLHISTS } f1->Print(); f1->Close(); printf("done!\n"); fflush(stdout); } else { UPDSSHMEM mfile->Print(); printf("\n"); mfile->ls(); printf("\n"); }; printf("\n"); /*----------------------*/ /* condition statistics */ /*----------------------*/ printf("condition statistics:"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < NPEvCond; i++) if (PEvCond[i].filled) { printf("condition #%3i: %9i, ", i, PEvCond[i].count); printf("%6.3f%%, name=%s\n", PEvCond[i].count * 100.0 / (float) GSSortError[0], PEvCond[i].name); }; printf("\n"); /* isomer statistics */ if (IsomerData) wrIsomerStatistics(CurEvNo); /*-------------------------*/ /* execute user exit code */ /*-------------------------*/ printf("\n"); printf("executing UserExit.h code\n"); printf("\n"); #include "UserExit.h" /*------*/ /* done */ /*------*/ printf("\n"); printf("$Id: GSSort.cxx,v 1.326 2008/12/18 16:25:29 tl Exp $\n"); printf("*** all done on: "); time_stamp(); printf("\n"); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int GSSort_read_chat(char *name) { /* declarations */ FILE *fp, *fp1; char *pc, *pc1, str[STRLEN] = {'0'}, str1[STRLEN] = {'0'}, str2[STRLEN] = {'0'}; char str3[STRLEN], str4[STRLEN], str5[STRLEN], str6[STRLEN]; int nn = 0, nni = 0, st, PType; char *p; int i, k, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6; int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7; float f1, f2, f3, f4; int echo = 0, nret; double d1; /* prototypes */ int set_gsII_indrive(char *); TCutG *rd2dwin(Char_t *); int FindPEvMatNo(char *, int *); void FindCondNo(char *, int *); int SetFERAVSN(char *, int); void InitializeFERAvsntable(); void ZeroFERAtypeVSN(); void PrintFERATypes(); void SetNPosWarn(int); void SetRecordVer_tape(int); void SetRecordVer_disk(int); void SetRecordVer_net(int); int str_decomp(char *, int, int *); void FindTimeMaskNo(char *, int *); int RdOffFile(char *, int *); int RdGeCalFile(char *, float *, float *); void CheckNoArgs(int, int, char *); void SetSpecial(char *str); void SetExportModNWords(char *, int); void SetlongRangeTDCNWords(char *, int); void setIsomerIDs(int); void SetClockPar(int, float, float); void SetFERAvsntable(int, int); void SetnFeraDebug(int); /* initialize */ if (!PevsInitialized) { /* make sure we only do this once */ /* since other chat files can be included */ /* and this function is called recursively */ PevsInitialized = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < MAXPEV; i++) PEvCond[i].filled = FALSE; InitializeFERAvsntable(); ZeroFERAtypeVSN(); for (i = NPEVMIN; i < MAXPEV; i++) { PEv[i].filled = FALSE; PEv[i].EarlyGate = FALSE; PEv[i].val = 0; PEv[i].vsn = 0; PEv[i].ch = 0; bzero(PEv[i].name, 32); }; }; /* open chat file */ if ((fp = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) { printf("error: could not open chat file: <%s>\n", name); exit(0); }; printf("chat file: <%s> open\n", name); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); /* read content and act */ pc = fgets(str, STRLEN, fp); while (pc != NULL) { if (echo) printf("chat->%s", str); fflush(stdout); /* attemp to interpret the line */ if ((p = strstr(str, "nevents")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &nEvents); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will sort a max of %i events\n", nEvents); fflush(stdout); } /*----------------------------*/ /*----------------------------*/ /* here we include the common */ /* options we have with GTSort */ /*----------------------------*/ #include "GSSortReadChat_comoptions.h" /*----------------------------*/ /*----------------------------*/ else if ((p = strstr(str, "evtime0")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %f", str1, &f1); EvTime0=(double)f1; printf("will start event time from %f seconds\n", (float) EvTime0); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "input")) != NULL) if (!InputSourceOnCommandLine) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s", str1, str2, str3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); if (strcmp("tape", str2) == 0) { printf("will take input from tape\n"); set_gsII_indrive(str3); InputSrc = TAPE; fflush(stdout); } else if (strcmp("disk", str2) == 0) { printf("will take input from disk\n"); set_gsII_indrive(str3); InputSrc = DISK; fflush(stdout); } else if (strcmp("net", str2) == 0) { printf("will take input from UDP sender\n"); GSudpPort = atoi(str3); SetupUdpReceiver(GSudpPort); printf("__using port %i\n", GSudpPort); InputSrc = NET; fflush(stdout); } else { printf("unknown input option: %s\n", str2); printf("aborting\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(0); }; } else { printf("input source specified on commandline, ignoring chatfile specification\n"); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "bgorfoffset")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &BGORFOffset); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will will add %i to tbgo-tac2\n", BGORFOffset); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "esidemin")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &esidemin); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will require %i minimum eside signal\n", esidemin); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ebgomin")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &ebgomin); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will require %i minimum BGO signal\n", ebgomin); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "setrecordver")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &RecordVer); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will overwrite GS RecordVer with %i\n", RecordVer); SetRecordVer_tape(RecordVer); SetRecordVer_net(RecordVer); SetRecordVer_disk(RecordVer); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "tac2subge")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %f", str1, &tac2FactorGE); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); subtac2GE = TRUE; printf("will subtract TAC2 from ge times\n"); printf("__using factor %f on tac2 first\n", tac2FactorGE); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "geehicalibration")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); RdGeCalFile(str2, ehiGeOffset, ehiGeGain); ehiDoGainCor = 1; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "geesidecalibration")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); RdGeCalFile(str2, esideGeOffset, esideGeGain); esideDoGainCor = 1; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "geelocalibration")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); RdGeCalFile(str2, eloGeOffset, eloGeGain); eloDoGainCor = 1; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "getalignment")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); RdOffFile(str2, tGEoffset); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "bgotalignment")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); RdOffFile(str2, tBGOoffset); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "tac2subbgo")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %f", str1, &tac2FactorBGO); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); subtac2BGO = TRUE; printf("will subtract TAC2 from BGO times\n"); printf("__using factor %f on tac2 first\n", tac2FactorBGO); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "undotac2sub")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %f %f", str1, &undotac2sub_factor, &undotac2sub_offset); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); undotac2sub = TRUE; printf("will undo TAC2 subtraction on ge times\n"); printf("__by adding back tac2*%f - %f\n", undotac2sub_factor, undotac2sub_offset); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "echo")) != NULL) { echo = TRUE; printf("will echo chatscript instructions\n"); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "mkgetemats")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %f %f %i %f %f", str1, &GeETmats_e_nn, &f1, &f2, &GeETmats_t_nn, &f3, &f4); CheckNoArgs(nret, 7, str); GeETmats_e_lo = (double) f1; GeETmats_e_hi = (double) f2; GeETmats_t_lo = (double) f3; GeETmats_t_hi = (double) f4; GeETmats = TRUE; printf("will generate germanium T-vs-E matrices\n"); printf("__E: %i channels, from %f to %f\n", GeETmats_e_nn, GeETmats_e_lo, GeETmats_e_hi); printf("__T: %i channels, from %f to %f\n", GeETmats_t_nn, GeETmats_t_lo, GeETmats_t_hi); d1 = NGE * GeETmats_e_nn * GeETmats_t_nn * sizeof(float); d1 /= 1000000; printf("will use %9.2f MBytes + overhead for matrices\n", d1); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "lecroy")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE0); i1 = FERATYPE0; printf("setting type %i (LeCroy) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "silena")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE1); i1 = FERATYPE1; printf("setting type %i (Silena) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "export:phillips")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %i", str1, str2, &i2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE3); SetExportModNWords(str2, i2); i1 = FERATYPE3; printf("setting type %i (Export module) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); printf("__expect %i FERAs to be serviced by this export module\n", i2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "export:4208TDC")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %i", str1, str2, &i2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE6); SetlongRangeTDCNWords(str2, i2); i1 = FERATYPE6; printf("setting type %i (long range TDC) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); printf("__expect %i TDCs to be serviced by this export module\n", i2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ortec")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE2); i1 = FERATYPE2; printf("setting type %i (Ortec) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "nferadebug")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &i1); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); SetnFeraDebug(i1); printf("Will print first %i fera interpretation debug statements\n", i1); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "translateVSN")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %i", str1, &i1, &i2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); SetFERAvsntable(i1, i2); printf("Will translate raw VSN %i to %i:\n", i1, i2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "feraclock1")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %f %f", str1, str2, &f1, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE4); i1 = FERATYPE4; printf("setting type %i (clock1) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); SetClockPar(1, f1, f2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "feraclock2")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %f %f", str1, str2, &f1, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); SetFERAVSN(str2, FERATYPE5); i1 = FERATYPE5; printf("setting type %i (clock2) for VSNs: %s\n", i1, str2); SetClockPar(2, f1, f2); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "countpevlevcheck")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &CountPevLevCheck); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will revaluate counting pevs %i times\n", CountPevLevCheck); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "printpevraw")) != NULL) { PrintRawPEv = TRUE; printf("will print pev's before conditions are applied\n", Beta); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "overridempevcheck")) != NULL) { mpevOverride = TRUE; printf("will override mpev operation sanity checks\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ferapev")) != NULL) { st = nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %i %s %i %f %f", str1, &i2, &i3, str2, &i4, &f1, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); PEv[LenPEv].vsn = i2; PEv[LenPEv].ch = i3; bcopy(str2, PEv[LenPEv].name, 32); printf("_ assign fera "); printf("VSN=%i, CH=%i ", PEv[LenPEv].vsn, PEv[LenPEv].ch); printf("to name: <%s>[#%i]; ", PEv[LenPEv].name, LenPEv); PEv[LenPEv].counting = FALSE; PEv[LenPEv].ratespno = FALSE; switch (st) { case 4: PEv[LenPEv].offset = 0; PEv[LenPEv].gain = 1; PEv[LenPEv].thresh = 0; PEv[LenPEv].calib = FALSE; printf("no calibration\n"); break; case 5: PEv[LenPEv].offset = f1; PEv[LenPEv].gain = f2; PEv[LenPEv].thresh = i4; PEv[LenPEv].calib = TRUE; printf("calib: %f +%f*ch\n", (float) PEv[LenPEv].offset, (float) PEv[LenPEv].gain); break; case 7: PEv[LenPEv].offset = f1; PEv[LenPEv].gain = f2; PEv[LenPEv].thresh = i4; PEv[LenPEv].calib = TRUE; printf("calib: %f +%f*ch\n", (float) PEv[LenPEv].offset, (float) PEv[LenPEv].gain); break; default: printf("arguments in <%s> not valid\n", str); printf("please fix and try again\n"); exit(-1); }; /* check that this fera channel hasn't been assigned already */ for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].vsn == PEv[LenPEv].vsn) if (PEv[i].ch == PEv[LenPEv].ch) { printf("this FERA channel has already been assigned\n"); printf("please fix problem and try again\n\n"); exit(-1); }; LenPEv++; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "mkpev")) != NULL) { st = nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); bcopy(str2, PEv[LenPEv].name, 32); PEv[LenPEv].counting = FALSE; PEv[LenPEv].ratespno = FALSE; printf("associated pev: %i with name: %s\n", LenPEv, PEv[LenPEv].name); LenPEv++; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "setspecial")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); SetSpecial(str2); printf("did SetSpecial(\"%s\")\n", str2); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "mktimemask")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s", str1, TMask[NTimeMasks].name, TMask[NTimeMasks].strrange); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); str_decomp(TMask[NTimeMasks].strrange, L14BITS, TMask[NTimeMasks].lot); printf("created time mask #%i: <%s> [%s]\n", NTimeMasks, TMask[NTimeMasks].name, TMask[NTimeMasks].strrange); fflush(stdout); NTimeMasks++; if (NTimeMasks >= MAX2DS) { i1 = MAX2DS; printf("too many timemasks, max= %i\n", i1); printf("abort\n"); exit(1); }; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "firstfile")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &FirstFile); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will position tape at file %i\n", FirstFile); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "nposwarn")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &i1); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); SetNPosWarn(i1); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "binbgo")) != NULL) { BinBGO = TRUE; printf("will bin BGO spectra\n"); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "nfiles")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &Nfiles); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will sort %i tape files\n", Nfiles); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "writerawfera")) != NULL) { WriteRawFera = 1; printf("will dump raw fera data\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ignoreexternal")) != NULL) { DoNotInterpExt = TRUE; printf("will not interpret external fera data\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "anglefile")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s", str1, AngleFileName); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will read GS angles from file: %s\n", AngleFileName); HaveAngleFileName = 1; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ggmatrix")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %i %f %f", str1, str2, &i1, &f1, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); bcopy(str2, GG[nGamxGam].name, 32); GG[nGamxGam].len = i1; GG[nGamxGam].lo = (double) f1; GG[nGamxGam].hi = (double) f2; printf("will make gamxgam matrix with range: %f to %f; ", GG[nGamxGam].lo, GG[nGamxGam].hi); printf("with %i channels\n", GG[nGamxGam].len); printf("__name: %s\n", GG[nGamxGam].name); GG[nGamxGam].prompt_cond = -1; /* mark unset */ GG[nGamxGam].dtbggm_cond = -1; /* mark unset */ nGamxGam++; if (nGamxGam >= MAX2DS) { i1 = MAX2DS; printf("you have reached the max number\n"); printf("or 2D matrices: %i\n", i1); printf("about...\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); }; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "devmatrix")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %s %i %i %i", str1, str2, str3, str4, &i1, &i2, &i3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 7, str); PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].dlo); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].dhi); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; bcopy(str4, DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].name, 32); DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].nn = i1; DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].ylo = i2; DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].yhi = i3; printf("devmatrix x from %s(pev#=%i) ", str2, DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].dlo); printf("to %s(pev#=%i)\n", str3, DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].dhi); printf("__name: <%s>\n", DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].name); printf("__y: %i channels ", DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].nn); printf("from %i to %i\n", DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].ylo, DevMatrix[nDevMatrix].yhi); nDevMatrix++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "binpev1d")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %i %f %f", str1, str2, &i1, &f1, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].len = i1; PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].lo = (double) f1; PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].hi = (double) f2; /* find the pev number */ PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].pev); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("will bin pev: %i ", PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].pev); printf("(%s) ", PEv[PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].pev].name); printf("in spectrum [%s]\n", PEv[PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].pev].name); printf("__in %i channels from ", PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].len); printf(" %f to %f\n", PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].lo, PB1D[NPEv1DBIN].hi); NPEv1DBIN++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ratespectrum")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %i %f %f", str1, str2, &i1, &f1, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); bcopy(str2, ratesp[nratesp].name, 32); ratesp[nratesp].len = i1; ratesp[nratesp].lo = (double) f1; ratesp[nratesp].hi = (double) f2; ratesp[nratesp].incrmt = (double) i1 / (f2 - f1); /* find the pev number */ PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &ratesp[nratesp].pev); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PEv[ratesp[nratesp].pev].ratespno = nratesp; printf("will make rate spectrum %s_rate(%i)\n", ratesp[nratesp].name, nratesp); nratesp++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "firstevent")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &i1); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); firstEvent = i1; printf("will skip %i events\n", firstEvent); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "binpev2d")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %i %f %f %s %i %f %f", str1, str2, &i1, &f1, &f2, str3, &i2, &f3, &f4); CheckNoArgs(nret, 9, str); PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].lenx = i1; PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].lox = (double) f1; PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].hix = (double) f2; PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].leny = i2; PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].loy = (double) f3; PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].hiy = (double) f4; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].pevx); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &PB2D[NPEv2DBIN].pevy); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; NPEv2DBIN++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "pevgam2d")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %i %f %f %i %f %f", str1, PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].name, str2, &i1, &f1, &f2, &i2, &f3, &f4); CheckNoArgs(nret, 9, str); PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pevlen = i1; PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pevlo = (double) f1; PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pevhi = (double) f2; PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].gamlen = i2; PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].gamlo = f3; PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].gamhi = f4; PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].prompt_cond = -1; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pev); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("will bin gammas vs pev: %i <%s>; ", PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pev, PEv[PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pev].name); printf("__x: %i, %f-%f; ", PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pevlen, PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pevlo, PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].pevhi); printf("__y: %i, %f-%f\n", PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].gamlen, PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].gamlo, PEvG[NGamPEv2DBin].gamhi); NGamPEv2DBin++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "modpev")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s ", str1, str2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); if (strcmp("addconst", str2) == 0) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %f ", str1, str2, str3, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); mpev[nmpev].type = 1; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &mpev[nmpev].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; mpev[nmpev].factor = f2; mpev[nmpev].pev2 = FALSE; printf("will add constant %f to pev: %i\n", mpev[nmpev].factor, mpev[nmpev].pev1); } else if (strcmp("mulconst", str2) == 0) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %f", str1, str2, str3, &f2); CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); mpev[nmpev].type = 2; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &mpev[nmpev].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; mpev[nmpev].factor = f2; mpev[nmpev].pev2 = FALSE; printf("will multiply pev: %i with \n", mpev[nmpev].pev1, mpev[nmpev].factor); } else if (strcmp("addpev", str2) == 0) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %f %f %s", str1, str2, str3, &f1, &f2, str4); CheckNoArgs(nret, 6, str); mpev[nmpev].type = 3; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &mpev[nmpev].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; mpev[nmpev].offset = f1; mpev[nmpev].factor = f2; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str4, &mpev[nmpev].pev2); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("will add pev: %i (with factor %f, offset %f) to pev: %i\n", mpev[nmpev].pev2, mpev[nmpev].factor, mpev[nmpev].offset, mpev[nmpev].pev1); /* auto detect a counting pev */ PEv[mpev[nmpev].pev1].counting |= PEv[mpev[nmpev].pev2].counting; } else if (strcmp("mulpev", str2) == 0) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %f %s", str1, str2, str3, &f2, str4); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); mpev[nmpev].type = 4; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &mpev[nmpev].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; mpev[nmpev].factor = f2; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str4, &mpev[nmpev].pev2); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("will multiply pev: %i (with factor %f) on pev: %i\n", mpev[nmpev].pev2, mpev[nmpev].factor, mpev[nmpev].pev1); } else if (strcmp("divpev", str2) == 0) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %f %s", str1, str2, str3, &f2, str4); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); mpev[nmpev].type = 5; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &mpev[nmpev].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; mpev[nmpev].factor = f2; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str4, &mpev[nmpev].pev2); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("will divide pev: %i (with factor %f) with pev: %i\n", mpev[nmpev].pev1, mpev[nmpev].factor, mpev[nmpev].pev2); } else if (strcmp("countcond", str2) == 0) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s in %s", str1, str2, str3, str4); /* redo */ CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); mpev[nmpev].type = 6; FindCondNo(str3, &mpev[nmpev].cond); PType = FindPEvMatNo(str4, &mpev[nmpev].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("will count condition %i (%s) ", mpev[nmpev].cond, PEvCond[mpev[nmpev].cond].name); printf("in pev: %i (%s)\n", mpev[nmpev].pev1, PEv[mpev[nmpev].pev1].name); PEv[mpev[nmpev].pev1].counting = TRUE; } else { printf("second argument <%s> not understood\n", str2); printf("in chatscript line %i argument: %s\n", nn, str); exit(1); }; nmpev++; if (nmpev >= MAXPEV) { printf("too many mpev statements...\n"); exit(1); }; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "cleanmultlim")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %i", str1, &CleanMultLo, &CleanMultHi); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); printf("will require ge clean multiplicity to be between %i and %i\n", CleanMultLo, CleanMultHi); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "dirtymultlim")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %i", str1, &DirtyMultLo, &DirtyMultHi); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); printf("will require ge dirty multiplicity to be between %i and %i\n", DirtyMultLo, DirtyMultHi); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "totalmultlim")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %i", str1, &TotalMultLo, &TotalMultHi); printf("will require ge total multiplicity to be between %i and %i\n", TotalMultLo, TotalMultHi); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "isomerdata")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s mod %i segments %i %i %i %i %i %i %i", str1, &i1, &j1, &j2, &j3, &j4, &j5, &j6, &j7); CheckNoArgs(nret, 9, str); printf("will enable module %i for isomer tag data\n", i1); /* note: in principle we could aso have */ /* and ignore/dontcare value here! */ /* set info */ IsomerData = TRUE; setIsomerIDs(i1);; IsomerIDValid[i1][1] = j1; IsomerIDValid[i1][2] = j2; IsomerIDValid[i1][3] = j3; IsomerIDValid[i1][4] = j4; IsomerIDValid[i1][5] = j5; IsomerIDValid[i1][6] = j6; IsomerIDValid[i1][7] = j7; printf("_: "); for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) switch (IsomerIDValid[i1][i]) { case 0: printf("[s%i,off]", i); break; case 1: printf("[s%i, on]", i); break; case -1: printf("[s%i,ign]", i); break; default: printf("IsomerIDValid[%i][%i]=%i not valid\n", i1, i, IsomerIDValid[i1][i]); printf("you must specify 0,1,-1 for off and on and ignore\n"); exit(1); break; } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "recalcgssume")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i %i %i %i", str1, &HKgelo, &HKgehi, &HKBGOlo, &HKBGOhi); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); mkHK = TRUE; printf("will calculate HK in GSSort/overwrite EFF calculation\n"); printf("__see pevs: \"sumge\" and \"sumbgo\"\n"); printf("__ge time limits from %4i to %4i\n", HKgelo, HKgehi); printf("__BGO time limits from %4i to %4i\n", HKBGOlo, HKBGOhi); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "nferaerrtoprint")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &NFERAErrToPrint); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will print %i FERA errors at a time\n", NFERAErrToPrint); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "ignorehs")) != NULL) { ignoreHS = TRUE; printf("will ignore honeycomb suppression\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "gerfoffset")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &geRFOffset); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will will add %i to tge-tac2\n", geRFOffset); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "hit2dmat")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %i", str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, &i1); CheckNoArgs(nret, 7, str); PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].dlo1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].dhi1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str4, &Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].dlo2); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str5, &Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].dhi2); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; bcopy(str6, Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].name, 32); Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].thresh = i1; fflush(stdout); /* make associated max energy pev */ sprintf(str, "%s_emax", Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].name); bcopy(str, PEv[LenPEv].name, 32); PEv[LenPEv].counting = FALSE; PEv[LenPEv].ratespno = FALSE; printf("__associated max E pev: #%i has name name: <%s>\n", LenPEv, PEv[LenPEv].name); Hit2DMat[nHit2DMat].emaxpev = LenPEv; /* pev # to keep max energy * in */ LenPEv++; nHit2DMat++; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "compress")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %i", str1, &ComPressLevel); CheckNoArgs(nret, 2, str); printf("will compress output file at level %i \n", ComPressLevel); fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "pevcond1d")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %s", str1, str2, PEvCond[NPEvCond].strrange, str3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 4, str); PEvCond[NPEvCond].type = 1; PEvCond[NPEvCond].filled = TRUE; str_decomp(PEvCond[NPEvCond].strrange, L14BITS, PEvCond[NPEvCond].lot); PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type, you must apply to PEv\n"); exit(-1); }; PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev2 = 0; bzero(PEvCond[NPEvCond].fn, 72); bcopy(str3, PEvCond[NPEvCond].name, 32); PEvCond[NPEvCond].win = NULL; printf("made 1D condition # %i, <%s> , on pev %s, [%s]\n", NPEvCond, PEvCond[NPEvCond].name, PEv[PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev1].name, PEvCond[NPEvCond].strrange); NPEvCond++; if (NPEvCond >= MAXPEV) { printf("too many conditions\n"); exit(1); }; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "pevcond2d")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s %s %s", str1, str2, str3, str4, str5); CheckNoArgs(nret, 5, str); PType = FindPEvMatNo(str2, &PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev1); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev2); if (PType != PEVTYPE) { printf("wrong PEv type\n"); exit(-1); }; bcopy(str4, PEvCond[NPEvCond].fn, 72); bcopy(str5, PEvCond[NPEvCond].name, 32); PEvCond[NPEvCond].type = 2; PEvCond[NPEvCond].filled = TRUE; /* read in 2Dwindow */ PEvCond[NPEvCond].win = NULL; PEvCond[NPEvCond].win = rd2dwin(PEvCond[NPEvCond].fn); printf("made 2D condition # %i, <%s> ", NPEvCond, PEvCond[NPEvCond].name); printf("on pev %s and %s\n", PEv[PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev1].name, PEv[PEvCond[NPEvCond].pev2].name); NPEvCond++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "applycond")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s to %s", str1, str2, str3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); /* identify pseudo event vector or matrix to apply condition to */ PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pev); /* mark application target */ ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pevtype = PType; /* identify this conditions number */ i1 = 0; for (k = 0; k < NPEvCond; k++) if (strcmp(PEvCond[k].name, str2) == 0) { i1++; ApplyCond[nApplyCond].cond = k; }; if (i1 == 1) printf("identified condition <%s> with condition number %i\n", str2, ApplyCond[nApplyCond].cond); else if (i1 == 0) { printf("condition <%s> not found\n", str2); exit(0); } else if (i1 > 1) { printf("condition <%s> not unique\n", str2); exit(0); }; /* confirm */ printf("will apply condition #%i <%s> to ", ApplyCond[nApplyCond].cond, str2); if (PType == PEVTYPE) printf("pev %i\n", ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pev); else if (PType == GGMATTYPE) printf("gg matrix #%i named <%s>\n", ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pev, GG[ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pev].name); else if (PType == GAMPEV) printf("ggampev matrix #%i\n", ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pev); ApplyCond[nApplyCond].inherited = FALSE; nApplyCond++; fflush(stdout); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "applyrftimemask")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s to %s", str1, str2, str3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); /* identify time mask */ FindTimeMaskNo(str2, &i2); /* identify pseudo event vector or matrix to apply condition to */ PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &i1); /* this better be a GG matrix! */ if (!(PType == GGMATTYPE || PType == GAMPEV)) { printf("you can only apply to a gamgam or gampev matrix\n"); exit(1); }; if (PType == GGMATTYPE) { /* mark RF time mask */ if (GG[i1].prompt_cond != -1) { printf("a prompt condition has already been apllied..\n"); exit(-1); }; GG[i1].prompt_cond = i2; printf("apply (prompt) RF time mask #%i: <%s> [%s] to matrix #%i: <%s>\n", GG[i1].prompt_cond, TMask[i2].name, TMask[i2].strrange, i1, GG[i1].name); }; if (PType == GAMPEV) { /* mark RF time mask */ if (PEvG[i1].prompt_cond != -1) { printf("a prompt condition has already been apllied..\n"); exit(-1); }; PEvG[i1].prompt_cond = i2; printf("apply (prompt) RF time mask #%i: <%s> [%s] to matrix #%i: <%s>\n", PEvG[i1].prompt_cond, TMask[i2].name, TMask[i2].strrange, i1, GG[i1].name); }; } else if ((p = strstr(str, "mkdssdmap")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s", str1, str2, str3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); printf("will make DSSD FERA PeVs using mapfile: <%s>\n", str3); printf("__having names as %s###\n", str2); /* open DSSD map file */ if ((fp1 = fopen(str3, "r")) == NULL) { printf("could not find <%s>\n", str3); printf("please fix problem and try again\n"); exit(1); }; printf("<%s> open\n", str3); /* read through the map file */ pc1 = fgets(str4, STRLEN, fp1); while (pc1 != NULL) { /* extract map and calibration */ nret = sscanf(str4, "%i %i %i %i %f %f %s %i %i", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4, &f1, &f2, str5, &i5, &i6); if (nret == 6 || nret == 9) { /* assign pev */ PEv[LenPEv].vsn = i1; PEv[LenPEv].ch = i2; sprintf(PEv[LenPEv].name, "%s%3.3i", str2, i3); PEv[LenPEv].counting = FALSE; PEv[LenPEv].ratespno = FALSE; PEv[LenPEv].thresh = i4; PEv[LenPEv].offset = (double) f1; PEv[LenPEv].gain = (double) f2; PEv[LenPEv].calib = TRUE; PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].vsn == PEv[LenPEv].vsn) if (PEv[i].ch == PEv[LenPEv].ch) { printf("this FERA channel has already been assigned\n"); printf("please fix problem and try again\n\n"); exit(-1); }; printf("_DSSD FERA "); printf("VSN=%i/CH=%i: ", PEv[LenPEv].vsn, PEv[LenPEv].ch); printf("<%s>[#%i]; ", PEv[LenPEv].name, LenPEv); printf("t=%4i,o=%6.2f g=%9.6f ", PEv[LenPEv].thresh, (double) PEv[LenPEv].offset, (double) PEv[LenPEv].gain); if (nret == 6) printf(" -- no early gating\n"); else printf("\n"); }; if (nret == 9) { PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate = TRUE; PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate_lo = (double) i5; PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate_hi = (double) i6; /* identify the gating pev number */ /* and check it exists and is unique */ i1 = 0; for (k = 0; k < LenPEv; k++) if (strcmp(PEv[k].name, str5) == 0) { i1++; PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate_pev = k; }; if (i1 == 0) { printf("gating pev %s does not exist\n"); exit(1); } else if (i1 > 1) { printf("gating pev %s is not unique\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("__ primary gated with pev= %s[#%i] ", str5, PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate_pev); printf("lo= %f to ", (float) PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate_lo); printf("hi= %f\n", (float) PEv[LenPEv].EarlyGate_hi); }; }; if (!(nret == 6 || nret == 9)) { printf("problem with line\n"); printf("__ %s \n", str4); printf("__ in file %s\n", str3); exit(1); }; /* increment the pev vector length */ LenPEv++; /* get next line from map file */ pc1 = fgets(str4, STRLEN, fp1); }; /* close DSSD map file */ fclose(fp1); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "applydttimemask")) != NULL) { nret = sscanf(str, "%s %s to %s", str1, str2, str3); CheckNoArgs(nret, 3, str); /* identify time mask */ FindTimeMaskNo(str2, &i2); /* identify pseudo event vector or matrix to apply condition to */ PType = FindPEvMatNo(str3, &i1); /* this better be a GG matrix! */ if (PType != GGMATTYPE) { printf("you can only apply to a gamgam matrix\n"); exit(1); }; /* mark dt time mask */ if (GG[i1].dtbggm_cond != -1) { printf("a delta time for gam condition has already been apllied..\n"); exit(-1); }; GG[i1].dtbggm_cond = i2; printf("apply gamma dt time mask #%i: <%s> [%s] to matrix #%i: <%s>\n", GG[i1].dtbggm_cond, TMask[i2].name, TMask[i2].strrange, i1, GG[i1].name); } /* allow user to add chat script entries here */ #include "UserChat.h" else { /*-----------------------------*/ /* chatscript read error point */ /*-----------------------------*/ printf("line %2.2i in chat script, option :%s \n__not understood\n", nn, str); printf("%i\n", str[0]); printf("aborting\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(0); }; /* read next line in chat script */ nn++; /* line counter */ nni++; /* instruction counter */ pc = fgets(str, STRLEN, fp); /* rmEndComment(str, STRLEN); */ }; /* done */ fclose(fp); printf("\n"); printf("chat file: <%s> closed\n", name); printf("processed %i sort instructions and %i lines\n", nni, nn); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); return (0); } #if(0) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rmEndComment(char *str, int len) { /* declarations */ int i; i = 0; #if(0) while (str[i] != 0) printf("%3i:%i,%c\n", i, str[i], str[i++]); #endif }; #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WriteStatistics(unsigned int CurEvNo, int nMultOK, int *GSSortError, double runTime) { /* declarations */ int i, i1, dt; int EvProc; /* events processed */ float r1; void PrintFERAErrors(int); void ReportBufPosErrors(void); int err_print(int); int hh,mm,ss; double d1; /* tell all */ printf("runtime: %f seconds, or ", runTime); d1=runTime; hh=(int)(d1/3600); d1-=(hh*3600); mm=(int)(d1/60); d1-=(mm*60); ss=d1; printf("%2ih%2im%2is\n", hh,mm,ss); printf("event counter %10i (total calls)\n", CurEvNo); EvProc=CurEvNo - firstEvent; printf("found %10i good events\n", GSSortError[SUCCESS]); printf("event rate: %9.3f ev/sec ", (float)GSSortError[SUCCESS]/(float)runTime); printf("[based on usec clock]\n"); printf("processed %10i buffers\n", GSSortError[GSIIERRNEWBUF]); r1=(float)GSSortError[SUCCESS]/(float)GSSortError[GSIIERRNEWBUF]; printf("average number of events per buffer: %6.3f\n", r1); r1=(float)(DATASIZE-11)/r1; printf("roughly %9.3f words per event\n", r1); printf("processed %i KBytes\n", GSSortError[GSIIERRNEWBUF] * 16); fflush(stdout); dt = time(NULL) - tStart; printf("in %i seconds, integrated rates:\n", dt); printf("__%9.2f events/sec; ", (float) EvProc / (float) dt); r1 = 1000 * (float) dt / (float) GSSortError[GSIIERRNEWBUF]; printf("%9.2f msec/ev; ", r1); r1 = (float) GSSortError[GSIIERRNEWBUF] / (float) dt; r1 *= 16.384; printf("%9.2f Kbytes/sec\n", r1); /* error/info statistics */ for (i = 0; i < NERR; i++) if (GSSortError[i] > 0) { r1 = (float) GSSortError[i] * 100.0 / (float) EvProc; err_print(i); printf("%6.2f%% (%10i)\n", r1, GSSortError[i]); #if(0) switch (i) { case GOODEV: printf("GOODEV\n"); break; case GSIIERRNEWBUF: printf("GSIIERRNEWBUF\n"); break; case GSIIERRFILEHEAD: printf("GSIIERRFILEHEAD\n"); break; case GSIIGETNEWBUFF: printf("GSIIGETNEWBUFF\n"); break; case GSIITAPEHEAD: printf("GSIITAPEHEAD\n"); break; case GSIIMULTOOLOW: printf("GSIIMULTOOLOW\n"); break; case GSIIERRSTART: printf("GSIIERRSTART\n"); break; case GSIIERRSPACE: printf("GSIIERRSPACE\n"); break; case GSIIERRMAXSANE: printf("GSIIERRMAXSANE\n"); break; case GSIIERRBUFLEFT: printf("GSIIERRBUFLEFT\n"); break; case GSIIERREBSIZE: printf("GSIIERREBSIZE\n"); break; case FERAERRNOHEAD: printf("FERAERRNOHEAD\n"); break; case FERAERRNEWHEAD: printf("FERAERRNEWHEAD\n"); break; case GSIIERRCONT: printf("GSIIERRCONT\n"); break; case GET_1_OF_N_RECVFROM_ERROR: printf("GET_1_OF_N_RECVFROM_ERROR\n"); break; case GET_REST_OF_N_RECVFROM_ERROR: printf("GET_REST_OF_N_RECVFROM_ERROR\n"); break; case EVENT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: printf("EVENT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR\n"); break; case UNEXPECTED_FRAGMENT_ERROR: printf("UNEXPECTED_FRAGMENT_ERROR (fragment drop)\n"); break; case EMPTY_FRAGMENT_ERROR: printf("EMPTY_FRAGMENT_ERROR\n"); break; case CHECKSUM_FAILURE_ERROR: printf("CHECKSUM_FAILURE_ERROR\n"); break; default: printf("unknown error: %i\n", i); break; } #endif }; r1 = 100.0 * (float) nMultOK / (float) EvProc; printf("%6.2f%% passed the multiplicity requirements\n", r1); /* honeycomp suppression statistics */ if (NoCleanWithoutHS > 0) { i1 = NoCleanWithoutHS + NoCleanWithHS; r1 = 100.0 * (float) NoCleanWithHS / (float) i1; printf("honeycomb suppression: %7.3f%% ", r1); r1 = 100.0 * (float) NoCleanWithHSmarked / (float) i1; printf("[specially marked: %7.3f%%]\n", r1); }; /* simple statistics */ i1 = NoCleanGE + NoDirtyGE + NoCleanBGO; r1 = 100.0 * (float) NoCleanGE / (float) i1; printf("NoCleanGE: %7.3f%% ", r1); r1 = 100.0 * (float) NoDirtyGE / (float) i1; printf("NoDirtyGE: %7.3f%% ", r1); r1 = 100.0 * (float) NoCleanBGO / (float) i1; printf("NoCleanBGO: %7.3f%%\n", r1); PrintFERAErrors(EvProc); ReportBufPosErrors(); #include "UserStat.h" /* done */ }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ TCutG * rd2dwin(Char_t * winname) { /* declarations */ char str[STRLEN]; TCutG *mycutg; TFile *f = new TFile(winname, "read"); mycutg = (TCutG *) f->Get(winname); if (mycutg != NULL) { printf("2dwin read from file:\n"); sprintf(str, "ls -l %s", winname); gSystem->Exec(str); /* mycutg->Print(); */ fflush(stdout); } else { mycutg = NULL; printf("could not read 2dwin file %s\n", winname); printf("TFile error number: %i\n", f->GetErrno()); printf("abort\n\n"); exit(-1); }; /* done */ f->Delete(); f->Close(); return (mycutg); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindTimeMaskNo(char *str, int *tm) { /* declarations */ int k, i2, type; /* hunt for unique name */ i2 = 0; for (k = 0; k < NTimeMasks; k++) { if (strcmp(TMask[k].name, str) == 0) { i2++; *tm = k; }; }; /* make sure the time mask name is unique */ if (i2 > 1) { printf("time mask name %s is not unique\n", str); exit(0); } else if (i2 == 0) { printf("could not identify the time mask <%s>\n", str); printf("\n"); printf("about\n"); exit(-1); }; /* done */ return; } /*------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindCondNo(char *str, int *nn) { /* declarations */ int k, i2; /* hunt for unique name */ i2 = 0; for (k = 0; k < NPEvCond; k++) { if (strcmp(PEvCond[k].name, str) == 0) { i2++; *nn = k; }; }; /* check that we found what we were looking for */ /* -- or crash! */ if (i2 == 0) { printf("cannot find %s in the condition list\n", str); exit(0); } else if (i2 > 1) { printf("condition name %s is not unique\n", str); exit(0); }; /* done */ } /*-------------------------------------------------*/ void ApplyAllConditions() { /* declarations */ int i; /* apply all conditions (to pevs and gg matrices alike) */ for (i = 0; i < nApplyCond; i++) if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == PEVTYPE) { if (PEv[ApplyCond[i].pev].filled && PEvCond[ApplyCond[i].cond].ok == 0) PEv[ApplyCond[i].pev].filled = 0; } else if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == GGMATTYPE) { if (GG[ApplyCond[i].pev].filled && PEvCond[ApplyCond[i].cond].ok == 0) GG[ApplyCond[i].pev].filled = 0; }; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindConditions() { /* declarations */ int i, i1; /* evaluate all conditions */ for (i = 0; i < NPEvCond; i++) if (PEvCond[i].filled) switch (PEvCond[i].type) { case 1: i1 = (int) (PEv[PEvCond[i].pev1].val + 0.5); /* if (PEv[PEvCond[i].pev1].val >= PEvCond[i].lo && * PEv[PEvCond[i].pev1].val <= PEvCond[i].hi) */ if (PEvCond[i].lot[i1]) { if (!PEvCond[i].ok) PEvCond[i].count++; PEvCond[i].ok = 1; } else PEvCond[i].ok = 0; break; case 2: if (PEvCond[i].win->IsInside(PEv[PEvCond[i].pev1].val, PEv[PEvCond[i].pev2].val)) { if (!PEvCond[i].ok) PEvCond[i].count++; PEvCond[i].ok = 1; } else PEvCond[i].ok = 0; break; }; }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindParentPEv(int i) { /* recursively find the parents of */ /* all pevs and their dependencies */ /* and apply relevant conditions */ /* from the inheritance tree */ /* ...this is 1/2 spooky! */ int j, k; for (j = 0; j < nmpev; j++) if (mpev[j].type == 3 && mpev[j].pev1 == i) { printf("__parent: {pev:%i,name:%s} ", mpev[j].pev2, PEv[mpev[j].pev2].name); /* find conditions on this parent */ printf("cond: "); for (k = 0; k < nApplyCond; k++) if (ApplyCond[k].pev == mpev[j].pev2) { printf("[%s]", PEvCond[ApplyCond[k].cond].name); /* apply this condition to last sibling as well */ ApplyCond[nApplyCond].inherited = TRUE; ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pev = i; ApplyCond[nApplyCond].cond = ApplyCond[k].cond; ApplyCond[nApplyCond].pevtype = ApplyCond[k].pevtype; nApplyCond++; } printf("\n"); /* trace all the way back */ if (PEv[mpev[j].pev2].vsn == 0) FindParentPEv(mpev[j].pev2); }; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void mpevOP_reg() { /* do the mpev operations on the regular pevs */ /* declarations */ char ok; int i; double d1; /* loop through the requested operations */ for (i = 0; i < nmpev; i++) switch (mpev[i].type) { case 1: /* add constant */ ok = PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled; ok = ok || mpevOverride; if (ok) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val += mpev[i].factor; }; break; case 2: /* multiply by constant */ ok = PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled; ok = ok || mpevOverride; if (ok) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val *= mpev[i].factor; }; break; case 3: /* add another pev */ ok = PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled || PEv[mpev[i].pev2].filled; ok = ok || mpevOverride; ok = ok || PEv[mpev[i].pev1].counting; if (ok) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; d1 = mpev[i].factor * PEv[mpev[i].pev2].val + mpev[i].offset; PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val += d1; }; break; case 4: /* multiply by another pev */ ok = PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled && PEv[mpev[i].pev2].filled; ok = ok || mpevOverride; if (ok) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val *= (mpev[i].factor * PEv[mpev[i].pev2].val); }; break; case 5: /* divide by another pev */ ok = PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled && PEv[mpev[i].pev2].filled; ok = ok || mpevOverride; if (ok) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val /= (mpev[i].factor * PEv[mpev[i].pev2].val); }; break; }; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void mpevOP_special() { /* do the mpev operations on the special zero pevs */ /* declarations */ char ok; int i; char check[MAXPEV]; double d1; /* find all counting pevs that are currently zero */ for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) check[i] = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].counting) if (PEv[i].val < 0.01) check[i] = TRUE; #if(0) for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (check[i]) { printf("(%i,", i); printf("%s) ", PEv[i].name); }; printf("\n"); #endif /* loop through the requested operations */ for (i = 0; i < nmpev; i++) switch (mpev[i].type) { case 3: /* add pev */ ok = check[mpev[i].pev1]; if (ok) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; d1 = mpev[i].factor * PEv[mpev[i].pev2].val + mpev[i].offset; PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val += d1; }; break; default: break; }; }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void CountConditions() { /* declarations */ int i; for (i = 0; i < nmpev; i++) if (mpev[i].type == 6) { PEv[mpev[i].pev1].filled = TRUE; if (PEvCond[mpev[i].cond].ok) PEv[mpev[i].pev1].val++; }; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void MarkCountingPevs() { /* find all pevs that are used */ /* for counting and mark them */ /* all primary counting pevs already */ /* marked via 'modpev countcond' */ /* statements. Here we catch the ones */ /* made via modpev addpev operations */ /* declarations */ int i, ncp1, ncp2; /* first count all counting pevs */ ncp1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].counting) ncp1++; /* propagate counting flag */ for (i = 0; i < nmpev; i++) if (mpev[i].type == 3) if (PEv[mpev[i].pev2].counting) PEv[mpev[i].pev1].counting = TRUE; /* count again */ ncp2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].counting) ncp1++; /* shall we look again ? (recursively) */ /* (keep trying until we can't find anymore */ if (ncp2 > ncp1) MarkCountingPevs(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PrintCondToApply() { int i; printf("\n"); printf("primary+inhereted conditions to be applied:\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < nApplyCond; i++) { printf("%3i: apply condition # %3i, <%s>, ", i, ApplyCond[i].cond, PEvCond[ApplyCond[i].cond].name); /* list the object, which can be different kinds */ if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == PEVTYPE) printf("to pev # %3i named <%s>", ApplyCond[i].pev, PEv[ApplyCond[i].pev].name); else if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == GGMATTYPE) printf("to gg matrix # %3i named <%s>", ApplyCond[i].pev, GG[ApplyCond[i].pev].name); else if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == GAMPEV) printf("to gampev matrix # %3i named <%s>", ApplyCond[i].pev, PEvG[ApplyCond[i].pev].name); else { printf("unexpected ApplyCond[i].pevtype.... failing\n"); exit(-1); } /* more info */ if (ApplyCond[i].inherited) printf(", INHERITED, "); else printf(", PRIMARY , "); /* redundant object type */ if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == PEVTYPE) printf("pev type "); else if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == GGMATTYPE) printf("ggmat type "); else if (ApplyCond[i].pevtype == GAMPEV) printf("gampev type "); printf("\n"); }; printf("\n"); }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FindPEvMatNo(char *str, int *num) /* find an object number */ { /* declarations */ int k, i2, type; /* hunt for unique name */ i2 = 0; for (k = 0; k < LenPEv; k++) { if (strcmp(PEv[k].name, str) == 0) { i2++; *num = k; type = PEVTYPE; }; }; for (k = 0; k < nGamxGam; k++) { if (strcmp(GG[k].name, str) == 0) { i2++; *num = k; type = GGMATTYPE; }; }; for (k = 0; k < NGamPEv2DBin; k++) { if (strcmp(PEvG[k].name, str) == 0) { i2++; *num = k; type = GAMPEV; }; }; /* make sure the name is unique */ if (i2 > 1) { printf("object name <%s> is not unique\n", str); printf("abort\n"); exit(0); }; /* quit if we do not find the name */ if (i2 == 0) { printf("no such object name: <%s>\n", str); printf("please fix problem and try again\n"); exit(-1); }; /* done */ return (type); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DoPrimaryGating() { /* declarations */ int i; /* loop through and primary gate */ for (i = 0; i < LenPEv; i++) if (PEv[i].EarlyGate) { if (PEv[PEv[i].EarlyGate_pev].val > PEv[i].EarlyGate_hi) PEv[i].filled = FALSE; if (PEv[PEv[i].EarlyGate_pev].val < PEv[i].EarlyGate_lo) PEv[i].filled = FALSE; }; /* done */ }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetBeta() { /* delarations */ int i; double d1; /*-------------------------------------*/ /* find Doppler and aberration factors */ /*-------------------------------------*/ DopCorFac[0] = 0; ACFac[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < NGE; i++) { printf("det %3.3i-> ", i); d1 = angle[i] / 57.29577951; DopCorFac[i] = (1 - Beta * cos(d1)) / sqrt(1 - Beta * Beta); DopCorFacHires[i] = DopCorFac[i]; printf("dop cor fac: %6.4f; ", DopCorFac[i]); ACFac[i] = DopCorFac[i] * DopCorFac[i]; printf("aberration cor fac: %6.4f\n", ACFac[i]); }; fflush(stdout); /*-------------------------------------------*/ /* add hi res data compression via DopCorFac */ /*-------------------------------------------*/ for (i = 1; i < NGE; i++) DopCorFacHires[i] *= HiResDataMultFactor; printf("hires data compression set via DopCorFacHires[]\n"); fflush(stdout); /* done */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int decode_isomer(unsigned int *ext, unsigned int *next, unsigned int *xtype, unsigned int *xvsn, unsigned int *xch, unsigned int *xdata, unsigned short int tac2) /* input */ /* extdata[]; isomer data in ext FERA array */ /* output */ /* next; # isomer modules found */ /* xtype[]; LeCroy/Silena type array */ /* xvsn[]; VSN array */ /* xch[]; channel array */ /* xdata[]; data array */ { /* declarations */ int nn, i, j, seg[8], k, nseg, ngood, nbad, nignore, nfera, i1; static int bincode[15] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384}; unsigned short int hitpat; unsigned int id, tt, ee; /* interpret data */ nn = ext[0] / 3; nfera = 0; *next = 0; for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) { j = (3 * i) + 1; /* ext pos */ /* find ID and hitpattern */ id = ext[j] & 0x00ff; modsum[id]++; #if(1) if (id > 7) { for (k = 0; k <= ext[0]; k++) printf("ext[%3i]= %i = 0x%4.4x\n", k, ext[k], ext[k]); }; #endif hitpat = (ext[j] & 0xfe00) >> 9; nseg = nbad = ngood = nignore = 0; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) if ((hitpat & bincode[k]) == bincode[k]) { seg[nseg++] = k + 1; /* count as 1...7 */ if (IsomerIDValid[id][k + 1] == 1) ngood++; else if (IsomerIDValid[id][k + 1] == 0) nbad++; else if (IsomerIDValid[id][k + 1] == -1) nignore++; segsum[id][k + 1]++; }; /* if good event, xfer data to fera arrays */ /* what is good is not totally unique perhaps... */ if (ngood > 0 && nbad == 0) { /* extract time and energy */ if (subtac2BGO) { i1 = (int) (ext[++j] & M12BITS); i1 -= (int) (tac2 * tac2FactorBGO); i1 += BGORFOffset; if (i1 >= 0 && i1 < M12BITS) tt = (unsigned short int) i1; else tt = 0; } else tt = ext[++j] & M12BITS; #if(0) if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) if (tt < 0 || tt > 3000) { printf("ext[j-1]=%i\n", ext[j - 1]); printf("(int) (tac2 *tac2FactorBGO)=%i\n", (int) (tac2 * tac2FactorBGO)); printf("BGORFOffset=%i\n", BGORFOffset); printf("i1=%i\n", i1); printf("tt=%i\n", tt); }; #endif ee = ext[++j] & M12BITS; /* return as interpreted fera data */ /* if time and energy is ok */ if (tt > 0 && ee > 0) { xtype[nfera] = FERATYPE5; xvsn[nfera] = id; xch[nfera] = 1; xdata[nfera++] = ee; xtype[nfera] = FERATYPE5; xvsn[nfera] = id; xch[nfera] = 2; xdata[nfera++] = tt; }; }; /* print interpretation */ if (NprintEvNo <= NumToPrint) { printf("iso mod: %3.3i, nseg: %2.2i; ", id, nseg); printf("ngood=%i, nbad=%i, nignore=%i -> ", ngood, nbad, nignore); if (ngood > 0 && nbad == 0) { printf("t: %4.4i, ", tt); printf("(%4.4i) ", ext[j - 1]); printf("e: %4.4i; ", ee); printf("nfera=%i; ", nfera); }; printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); }; }; /* count succesful isomer tags */ nallIsomerEv++; if (nfera > 0) ngoodIsomerEv++; /* done */ NprintEvNo++; *next = nfera; return (SUCCESS); } /*---------------------------------------------------------*/ void wrIsomerStatistics(int ntot) { /* This function is called at the end */ /* of the sort to present the */ /* statistics collected by the */ /* decode_isomer function. */ /* declarations */ double sum, d1; int i, j; printf("enter \"wrIsomerStatistics\"\n"); /* total statistics */ printf("\n"); d1 = 100 * (double) ngoodIsomerEv / (double) ntot; printf(" raw Isomer tag event fraction: %9.3f%%\n", d1); d1 = 100 * (double) ngoodIsomerEv / (double) ntot; printf("good Isomer tag event fraction: %9.3f%%\n", d1); /* module statistics */ sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) sum += modsum[i]; printf("\n"); printf("module statistics\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) if (modsum[i] > 0) { printf("isomer mod %3i: ", i); printf("counts: %10i, ", modsum[i]); printf(" %9.2f%%\n", 100 * (double) modsum[i] / sum); }; printf("\n"); printf("segment statistics\n"); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < NGE; i++) if (modsum[i] > 0) { sum = 0; for (j = 1; j <= 7; j++) sum += segsum[i][j]; for (j = 1; j <= 7; j++) { printf("isomer mod %3i: ", i); printf("seg: %1i; ", j); printf("counts: %10i, ", segsum[i][j]); printf(" %9.2f%%; ", 100 * (double) segsum[i][j] / sum); if (IsomerIDValid[i][j] == 1) printf(" <-isomer segment\n"); else if (IsomerIDValid[i][j] == 0) printf(" <-veto segment\n"); else if (IsomerIDValid[i][j] == -1) printf(" <-ignore segment\n"); }; printf("\n"); }; /* Tac2 subtraction info/warning */ printf("\n"); if (subtac2BGO) printf("Tac2 was subtracted from BGO times, factor: %f\n", tac2FactorBGO); else { printf("WARNING: tac2 was not subtracted from BGO times!\n"); printf("_use: \"tac2subbgo factor\" in chat script\n"); }; printf("exit \"wrIsomerStatistics\"\n"); }; /*-------------------------------------------------*/ #include "GSGTComFunctions.h"