Scientific Supercomputing at the NIH

Fastslink on Helix


The FastSLINK program is the merger of code from FASTLINK version 2.x to the slink program, by Alejandro Schaffer and Dan Weeks. The SLINK package contains a simluation program slink and backend programs unknown, msim, lsim, isim. SLINK generates random replicates, and msim, lsim, isim analyze the replicates.


Type slink on command line

Sample session

% slink Program SLINK version 2.51 The program constants are set to the following maxima: 8 loci in mapping problem (maxlocus) 11 alleles at a single locus (maxall) 157 recombination probabilities (maxneed) 50000 maximum of censoring array (maxcensor) 180 haplotypes = n1 x n2 x ... where ni = current # alleles at locus i 16290 joint genotypes for a female 16290 joint genotypes for a male 2000 individuals in all pedigrees combined (maxind) 150 pedigrees (maxped) 11 binary codes at a single locus (maxfact) 3 quantitative factor(s) at a single locus 10 liability classes 11 binary codes at a single locus 1.00 base scaling factor for likelihood (scale) 2.00 scale multiplier for each locus (scalemult) 0.00000 frequency for elimination of heterozygotes (minfreq) ******************************************************* This is SLINK, which is a general simulation program. The output file pedfile.dat may be analyzed with the companion programs MSIM, LSIM, and ISIM. ******************************************************* Reading SIMDATA.DAT YOU ARE USING LINKAGE/SLINK (V2.51) WITH 2-POINT AUTOSOMAL DATA Reading SIMPED.DAT Reading SLINKIN.DAT The random number seed is: 29876 The number of replications is: 200 The requested proportion of unlinked families is: 0.000 The trait locus is locus number: 1 Summary Statistics about simped.dat Number of pedigrees 1 Number of people 4 Number of females 2 Number of males 2 There were 0 in category: Marker Unknown; Trait original There were 0 in category: Marker Available; Trait simulated There were 4 in category: Marker Available; Trait original There were 0 in category: Marker Unknown; Trait simulated ----------------------------------- LINKED ORDER OF LOCI: 1 2 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- TRUE THETAS FOR LINKED ORDER 0.010000 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- UNLINKED ORDER OF LOCI: 1 2 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- TRUE THETAS FOR UNLINKED ORDER 0.500000 ----------------------------------- Beginning simulations... . Maxneed may be reduced to 7 Maxcensor can be reduced to -32767 Elapsed Time for one replicate = 0.00 seconds Estimated Time to finish = 0.00 minutes = 0.00 hours ........*.........*.........*.........*.........* 50 replicates generated .........*.........*.........*.........*.........* 100 replicates generated .........*.........*.........*.........*.........* 150 replicates generated .........*.........*.........*.........*.........* 200 replicates generated Elapsed Time = 0.00 min. or 0.00 hours ----------------------------------- Actual proportion of unlinked families: 0.000 SLINK has completed 200 replicates.
