From: Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 4:28 PM To: Subject: FILE #S7-23-03 NAKED SHORT SELLING Dear Sirs/Madame I hope I have reached the correct parties to express my disappointment with the extreme amount of NAKED SHORT SELLING that is obviously infiltrated the market.I am new to the market and was not aware of the effects of NAKED SHORT SELLING but when I put an electronic sell order for a security and received a message that it did not show up in my portfolio I started asking questions. After finding out how easily I can be duped due to no fault of my own I would suggest every person that owns a stock should have the certificates sent directly to them upon purchase.Would this not help alleviate some of the problems? I have owned several technically sound stocks that were stagnant and as soon as a couple of articles showed up about the crack down on NAKED SHORT SELLERS the stocks began to climb.I would hope something severe is done to eliminate this virus that is causing great companies to sour and hindering their growth.It is also tragic for the uninformed investor that may lose their savings to these underhanded schemes.PLEASE STOP NAKED SHORT SELLING before it kills the market that is so vital to the American economy. Sincerely, G.P.