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Arithmetic / Mathematical Reasoning

General Definition: Performs computations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division correctly; solves practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical techniques such as formulas and percentages.


How Arithmetic / Mathematical Reasoning applies to:

AFSD for Screening

Lead Transportation Security Officer

Scheduling Operations Officer

Transportation Security Officer

Screening Manager

Supervisory Transportation Security Officer


Developmental Activities


Applies to all competency levels

Beginner-Basic Knowledge (B)

A person at the Beginner-Basic Knowledge level has limited experience applying the competency.  He/she applies general knowledge in common situations but has limited practical experience in applying the competency in a work environment presenting more complex situations.

Mid-level (M)

A person with mid-level proficiency has applied the competency repeatedly and successfully in the performance of his/her job but still has much to learn about the advanced aspects or behaviors associated with the competency. A person at this level can usually apply the competency on his/her own.

High (H)

A person at the High level has extensive knowledge of and experience with this competency and can apply the competency exceptionally well on the job without assistance. At this level one is an expert and has enough experience to teach the competency to others.

On-Line Learning Center Courses

Online Learning Center (OLC) Professional Development Courses Listed by Competency (View OLC component titles and course descriptions related to TSA competencies).

Articles, Books, and Websites

B Angus, Robert B., Clark, Claudia A. Math at Work: Book 1, A Review of Arithmetic, Prentice Hall, 1998.  

This book series provides an important introduction to basic mathematical skills and introductory algebra. It is written and designed to ease readers fear of math while building the essential skills necessary for academic and professional success. The book focuses on concepts as well as practical, everyday applications of the concepts to give readers a sense of how math is useful in their own lives.


B Find others in TSA who have the mathematical skills or knowledge that you are weak in.  Ask to observe, work with, and get feedback from them.

B Keep a list of relevant mathematical resources that you can use as on-the-job aids.