Technologies The NASA Space Telerobotics Program

Planning and Reasoning for a Telerobot

Challenges in transferring technology from a testbed to an operational system are discussed.

NASAUs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

A document discusses the state of research and development of the Telerobot Interactive Planning System (TIPS). The system, designed to provide planning and reasoning for telerobots, has been installed in the telerobot testbed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The planning-and-reasoning technology is to be transferred to Gcddard Space Flight Center for use in NASAUs first operational-flight telerobot. When fully developed, telerobots will have both robotic and teleoperator capabilities. The first telerobot, the Flight Telerobotic Servicer, will include a base site on the Space Shuttle or Space Station and a remote site at a workplace, which may be an external structure being built on the Space Station or a satellite that needs servicing. The goal in the development of the TIPS is to enable it to accept such instructions from an operator as the command to replace a given module, then to command a run-time controller to execute operations that will execute the instructions. The runtime controller plans fine motions, grasps, compliant motions, and applications of force and maintains a geometric data base of objects in the workspace. If the run-time controller encounters problems, the TIPS must modify its commands to overcome them. When the TIPS fails, it must allow the operator to take over. The report presents the technical problems and describes the approaches that have been developed to solve them. It describes the prototype TIPS. Finally, it compares the prototype with the architecture it must support in the Flight Telerobotic Servicer.

Point of Contact:
Stephen F. Peters,
Mail Stop 301-250D
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109

David S. Mittman,
Mail Stop 230-200
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109

Mark J. Rokey
Mail Stop 301-235
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109

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Maintained by: Dave Lavery
Last updated: May 10, 1996