MADISON, James, Jr., 1751-1836

Oil on canvas, Bradley Stevens (after Charles Willson Peale), 2002, Collection of U.S. House of Representatives

Extended Bibliography

Adair, Douglass, ed. “James Madison’s Autobiography.” William and Mary Quarterly 2 (1945): 191-209.

Asberry, Robert Lee. “James Madison and the Patronage Problem, 1809-1817,” M. S. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1973.

Banning, Lance. The Sacred Fire of Liberty: James Madison and the Founding of the Federal Republic. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995.

Bauer, John R. “James Madison and the Revision of Republicanism in Post-Revolutionary America.” Ph. D. diss., Duke University, 1984.

Bonn, Franklyn George, Jr., “The Idea of Political Party in the Thought of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison,” Ph. D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1964.

Brant, Irving. The Fourth President: The Life of James Madison. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970.

___. James Madison. 6 vols. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1948-61.

___. James Madison and American Nationalism. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1968.

___. “James Madison and His Times.” American Historical Review 57 (1952): 853-70.

___. James Madison: Secretary of State, 1801-1809. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1953.

Burns, Edward McNall. “The Poltical Philosophy of James Madison,” Ph. D. diss, University of Pittsburgh, 1935.

___. James Madison, Philosopher of the Constitution. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1938.

de Simpkins, Ana Esther Rivera. “James Madison and Education: The Formative Years (1751-1796),” Ph. D. diss, University of Virginia, 1998.

Dewey, Donald O. “The Sage of Montpelier: James Madison’s Constitutional and Political Thought, 1817-1836,” Ph. D. diss, University of Chicago, 1960.

___. “Madison’s Views on Electoral Reform [1823],” Western Political Quarterly 15 (1962): 140-5.

___. “James Madison Helps Clio Interpret the Constitution.” American Journal of Legal History 15 (1971): 38-55.

Farley, Brett A. “American Federalism: Lockean Majoritarianism or Madisonian Republicanism?” M. P. P. Thesis, Regent University, 2001.

Farnell, Robert S. “Positive Valuations of Politics and Government in the Thought of Five American Founding Fathers: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington.” Ph. D. diss., Cornell University, 1970.

Ford, Lacy K., Jr. “Inventing the Concurrent Majority: Madison, Calhoun, and the Problem of Majoritarianism in American Political Thought.” Journal of Southern History 60 (February 1994): 19-58.

Gibson, Alan R. “The Tenth ‘Federalist’ and the American Founding.” Ph. D. diss., University of Notre Dame, 1993.

Hammons, Christopher W. “Madison’s Theory of Constitutional Design: An Empirical Analysis,” Ph. D. diss., University of Houston, 1997.

Hersi, Ahmed G. “The Political Principles of Presidents Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, and Franklin Roosevelt as Related to American Federalism,” M. P. A. Thesis, California State University, Fresno, 2000.

Hunt, Gaillard. The Life of James Madison. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1902.

___., ed. The Writings of James Madison. 9 Vols. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900-1910.

Hunt, Kim E. “James Madison and the State of Nature: A Foundation for Government,” M. A. Thesis, Mississippi State University, 1994.

Kasper, Eric T. “The Enjoyment of Life and Liberty: James Madison’s Liberal Design for the Bill of Rights,” Ph. D. diss., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007.

Kester, Scott. “Republican Hope With Auxiliary Precautions: James Madison’s Vision and the United States Constitution,” Ph. D. diss., Lehigh University, 2006.

Ketcham, Ralph. “The Mind of James Madison,” D. S. S. Thesis, Syracuse University, 1956.

___. James Madison: A Biography. New York: Macmillan, 1971.

___. “James Madison: The Unimperial President.” Virginia Quarterly Review 54 (Winter 1978): 116-36.

Koch, Adrienne. Madison’s “Advice to My Country”. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1966.

Kozlowski, Mark F. “‘Political Scriptures:’ The Changing Constitutionalism of James Madison,” Ph. D. diss., Columbia University, 1989.

Landi, Alexander R. “The Politics of James Madison,” Ph. D. diss., University of Dallas, 1973.

Leibiger, Stuart. “James Madison and Amendments to the Constitution, 1787-1789: ‘Parchment Barriers.’” Journal of Southern History 59 (August 1993): 441-68.

___. “Founding Friendship: The George Washington-James Madison Collaboration and the Creation of the American Republic,” Ph. D. diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995.

___. Founding Friendship: George Washington, James Madison, and the Creation of the American Republic. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1999.

Lutz, Donald S. “James Madison As Conflict Theorist: The Madisonian Model Extended,” Ph. D. diss., Indiana University, 1969.

Madison, James. The Papers of James Madison. (Congressional Series, 17 Vols.) Edited by William T. Hutchinson, William M.E. Rachal, and Robert Allen Rutland. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962-1976; Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977.

Marnell, Michael Martin. “Virtue In A Federal Republic: A Contribution to Political Philosophy by James Madison,” Ph. D. diss., Duke University, 1991.

McCoy, Drew R. The Last of the Fathers: James Madison and the Republican Legacy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

McGrath, Dennis R. “James Madison and Social Choice Theory: The Possibility of Republicanism,” Ph. D. diss., University of Maryland College Park, 1983.

Mead, Sidney E. “Neither Church nor State: Reflections on James Madison’s ‘Line of Separation.’” Journal of Church and State 10 (Autumn 1968): 349-63.

Miller, William B. “The Weather Log of James Madison.” Journal of Presbyterian History 40 (December 1962): 121-209.

Nedelsky, Jennifer R. “Property and the Framers of the United States Constitution: A Study of the Political Thought of James Madison, Governeur Morris, and James Wilson,” Ph. D. diss., University of Chicago, 1977.

Ong, Bruce N. “Constitutionalism and Political Change: James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Progressive Reinterpretations (Aristotle, Herbert Croly, Walter Weyl, J. Allen Smith, Woodrow Wilson),” Ph. D. diss., University of Virginia, 1985.

Padover, Saul Kussiel, ed. The Complete Madison: His Basic Writings. New York: Harper, 1953.

Padula Guy R. “Madison v. Marshall: Constitutional Theory and the Original Intent Debate,” Ph. D. diss., City University of New York, 1999.

___. Madison v. Marshall: Popular Sovereignth, Natural Law, and the United States Constitution. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2001.

Phelan, Wesley G. “A Partnership Destroyed: Hamilton, Madison, and the Discrmination Controversy of 1790,” Ph. D. diss., Claremont Graduate University, 1987.

Pilgrim, Wilma Jean. “A Defense of the Constitution: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and Publius,” A. M. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1963.

Rakove, Jack N. James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic. Library of American Biography. Edited by Oscar Handlin. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown, 1990.

Ralph, Eugene. “Contributions of James Madison to American Constitutional Development,” A. M. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1927.

Riemer, Neal. “The Republicanism of James Madison.” Political Science Quarterly 69 (1954): 45-64.

Rives, William Cabell. History of the Life and Times of James Madison. 3 Vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1859-1868.

Romance, Joseph. “The Politics of Founding: The Origins of Political Society in the Writings of Machiavelli, Burke, and Madison,” Ph. D. diss., Rutgers The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick, 1995.

Rosen, Gary S. “James Madison’s Social Compact and the Origins of American Constitutionalism,” Ph. D. diss., Harvard University, 1996.

___. American Compact: James Madison and the Problem of Founding. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1999.

Rutland, Robert Allen. Madison’s Alternatives: The Jeffersonian Republicans and the Coming of War, 1805-1812. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1973.

___. James Madison and the Search for Nationhood. Washington, D. C. : Government Printing Office, 1981.

___. James Madison and the American Nation, 1751-1836: An Encyclopedia. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.

___. James Madison: The Founding Father. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1997.

___. The Presidency of James Madison. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1990.

Schenker, Jeffrey. “James Madison: Consistent Defender of Republican Values,” D. Litt. thesis, Drew University, 2004.

Schultz, Harold Seessel. James Madison. New York: Twayne, 1970.

Sheehan, Colleen A. “Cementing the Union: A Dialogue Concerning the True Principles of Republican Government,” Ph. D. diss., Claremont Graduate University, 1986.

Siegel, Neil S. “Intransitivities Protect Minorities: Interpreting Madison’s Theory of the Extended Republic,” Ph. D. diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2001.

Singleton, Marvin K. “Colonial Virginia as First Amendment Matrix: Henry, Madison, and Assessment Establishment.” Journal of Church and State 8 (Autumn 1966): 344-64.

Smith, Abbot E. James Madison: Builder. New York: Wilson-Erickson, 1937.

Smith, Carlton B. James Madison, 1751-1836: A Biographical Sketch. Harrisonburg, VA.: James Madison University, [198-].

Smith, Joseph Burkholder. The Plot to Steal Florida: James Madison’s Phony War. New York: Arbor House, 1983.

Smith, Robert Wilmer. “Keeping the Republic: Ideology and the Diplomacy of John Adams, James Madison, and John Quincy Adams,” Ph. D. diss., College of William and Mary, 1997.

Stagg, John Charles Anderson. Mr. Madison’s War: Politics, Diplomacy, and Warfare in the Early American Republic, 1783-1830. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1983.

Taylor, Amos E. “James Madison and the Nullification Doctrine,” M. A. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1920.

Vanderoef, John S. “The Political Thought of James Madison,” Ph. D. diss., Princeton University, 1968.

Walker, Mary M. “Problems of Majority Rule in the Political Thought of James Madison and John C. Calhoun,” Ph. D. diss., Indiana University, 1971.

Warman, Frederick E. “The Political Principles of James Madison Up To 1789,” M. A. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1927.

Wills, Garry. James Madison. New York: Times Books, 2002.