SRNL Logo SRNL Logo - We Put Scince To Work

Savannah River
National Laboratory















SRNL is managed and operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC.


Analytical Chemistry

SRNL provides a full range of state-of-the-science analytical chemistry capabilities to support laboratory research programs and our customers. The strength of the organization lies in its development of new and enhanced methods. Analysis services include those traditionally associated with the chemical process industry, and also those needed to meet the challenges of environmental restoration activities, nuclear materials processing, radioactive waste characterization/disposition, nuclear nonproliferation activities and other homeland security-related needs.

Analytical Measurements on Nuclear Materials
SRNL analytical chemistry capabilities have been deployed in harsh environments common in nuclear operations for over 50 years. SRNL has developed a broad expertise in characterization of nuclear materials and by-products for a comprehensive set of constituents. Expertise includes:

  • Nuclear chemistry separations methods
  • Elemental analyses by spectroscopy
  • Trace organic compounds
  • Radioactive waste glass analysis, including custom dissolution techniques
  • Scanning electron microscopy capabilities utilizing a glovebox-contained unit for highly radioactive materials
  • X-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence capabilities for analyses of the elemental composition of radioactive materials
  • Radiation shielding calculations and modeling
  • Field survey capability and development of automated methods for equipment contamination measurements and nuclear material holdup measurements
Dr. Justin Halverson conducts research on the development and application of mass spectrometry and nuclear spectrometry instrumentation to support nonproliferation activities
Dr. Laura Tovo and Dr. Kristine Zeigler pursue basic and applied research into spectroscopic technologies for process monitoring.
Dr. Art Jurgensen conducts research on the development and application of Thermogravimetry, X-Ray Diffraction, and X-Ray Fluorescence techniques.


LAST UPDATED: June 10, 2008