World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings
Exhibition Checklist

Koran. Hand-copied in Arabic by Kohazadeh Ahmad Rashid Safi. Decorated by Adham Gharbaldeh al-Balawi. Probably Persian, nineteenth century.
African and Middle Eastern Division (1)

Bsod-nams-rgya-mtsho. "Three-Deity Mandala of the Auspicious Beginning" in Chibetto "mandara" shusei (Tibetan Mandalas: The Ngor Collection). Tokyo: Kodansha, 1983. Reproduction. Japanese Collection,
Asian Division (2)

Zhao Boju. Ba Xian (The Eight Immortals), ca.1150. Scroll painting. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (2.1)

The English Bible, Containing the Old Testament and the New. London: The Doves Press 1903-05. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (3)

I. Creating

Hamishah Humshei Torah (The Five Books of the Torah). Berlin: Soncino Gesellschaft, 1933. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (4)

In the Beginning God. . . .
Flemington, New Jersey: St. Teresa's Press, Carmelite Monastery, 1969.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (7)

Carybé (pseudonym of Hector Julio Paride Bernabé). Iconografia dos deuses africanos no Candomblé da Bahia. São Paulo, Brazil: Raízes, 1980.
General Collections (10)

James Weldon Johnson. "The Creation," from God's Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse. New York: Viking Press, 1927. Rare Book & Special Collections Division (11)

Ovid. Les Metamorphoses (The Metamorphoses). Paris: Panckoucke, 1767-1771. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (12)

Publius Ovidius Naso. Les metamorphose d'ovide figure. Lyon: I. De Tovrnes, 1557. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (12.1)

Publius Ovidius Naso. Le metamorphosi, cioe, tramutationi, di Ovidio. Venicei Bidi Bindoni, 1538. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (12.2)

Tominobu Hosoda. Kamiyo no masagoto tokiwagusa (Mythological Story of the Creation of Japan). Kyoto: 1827. Japanese Section,
Asian Division (13)

Carlos Merida. Estampas del Popol-vuh; 10 litografías a color (Prints of Popol-vuh: 10 Color Lithographs). Mexico City: Graphic Art Publications, 1943.
Prints & Photographs Division (14a,b)

Ida Bagoes Madé Togog of Batoean. "Pall design: traditional for Brahman or Satrya body." Ink on paper. Margaret Mead Papers and South Pacific Ethnographic Archives,
Manuscript Division (15)

Molefi Kete Asante and Abu S. Abarry, eds. African Intellectual Heritage. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.
African and Middle Eastern Division (16.1)

Atha Naradiyamahapuranam. (Narada's Great Ancient Tale). Mumbayyam: Sri Venkatesvara Stim-Yantragare, 1923. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (17)

Dialogus Creaturarum.
(Dialogues of Creation).
Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 1480.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (17.1)

Hartmann Schedel. Liber Chronicarum (Book of Chronicles). Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1493. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (18)

Qauqaua: A San Folk Story from Botswana Told by Coex'ae Qgam. Johannesburg: Artists' Press, 1996.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (19)

Franz Josef Haydn. Die Schoepfung (The Creation). Vienna, 1800. Music Division (20.1)

William Blake. "Urizen as the Creator of the Material World" from Europe, A Prophecy. Lambeth: Printed by W. Blake, 1794. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (21)

Elias Lönnrot. Kalevala; Kàlevala: poema finnico. Igino Cocchi, translator. Città di Castello: Società tipografica editrice cooperativa, 1909. Russian Imperial Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (21.1)

William Blake. The Song of Los. Lambeth: Printed by W. Blake, 1794.Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (21.2)

Santal creation account. Scroll, ink, and watercolors on paper. Bengal, India: mid-twentieth century. Southern Asia Section, Asian Division (21.4)

Kalevala, liitteenä kaksikymmentäneliä kuuva Akseli Gallen-Kallelan maalauksista. Helsinki: Otava, 1965.
General Collections (22)

Rig-Veda-sanhita, the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans. Friedrich Max Müller, ed. London: 1974. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (24)

Albrecht Dürer. The Fall of Man (Adam and Eve). Engraving, 1504. Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection,
Prints & Photographs Division (27)

Lucas Cranach, the Elder. Adam and Eve in Paradise, 1509. Woodcut.
Prints and Photographs Division (27.1)

Albrecht Dürer. The Expulsion from Paradise. Nuremberg?: 1510. Woodcut. Prints and Photographs Division (27.2)

Edward Burne-Jones. "Eve Created from the Rib of Adam." In the Dawn of the World. "Eve Created from the Rib of Adam." Boston: Charles E. Goodspeed, 1903. Frederic Goudy Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (28)

Speculum humane savationis. Utrecht: Printer of the Speculum, ca. 1470.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (28.1)

Speculum Humanae Salvationis. (Mirror of human salvation). Augsburg: Peter Berger, 1489. Rosenwald Collection. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (28.2)

Heures a l'usaige de Rome (Book of Hours). Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, 1498. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (29)

Hmayil (prayer scroll), Istanbul (?): 1725. Near East Section, Asian Division (29.2)

Ludolph of Saxony (ca.1295-1377). Vita Domini nostri Jesu Christi ex quatuor Evangeliis. Delft: 1488. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (30)

Ludolph of Saxony (ca. 1295-1377).
Vita Christi
. Holland: Pieter Van Os Zwolle, 1499.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (30.2)

Aakel of Siwnik. Adamagirk (Book of Adam). Manuscript, copied 1653. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (31)

Hans Holbein the Younger.
The Images of the Old Testament. . . .
- Image 2
Lyon: I. Frellon, 1549
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (31.1)

Plato. Lysis, or, Friendship. The Symposium. Phaedrus. 1968 Translated by Benjamin Jowett. Illustrated by Eugene Karlin. Mount Vernon, New York: Limited Editions Club, 1968.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (32)

"Promethee qui forme l'homme avec Minerve, qui lui donne l'ame . . ." (Prometheus who creates man with Minerva, who gives him a soul . . .) Plate 24 in Bernard de Montfaucon. L'Antiquitée et représentée en figures (Antiquity Explained and Represented in Figures.) Vol. 1. Paris: F. Delaulne, 1719. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (32.1)

Niels Christian Ursin Brøgger. Nordens demring: nordiske myter og sagn. Oslo: E. G. Mortensen, 1949.
European Division (33)

Nüwo, the Goddess of Creation.
Stone rubbing with color, ca. 900.
From Dunhuang pi hua xuan.
(A Collection of Dunhuang Wall Paintings).
Beijing: 1952.
Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division

Tian-gong Yuan. "Pangu Kaitian Pidi" (Pangu Creating the World) from Tui Bei Quan Tu, 1820 copied by Wu-Yi Chao Xie, circa 1900. Manuscript. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (33.1)

Codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus I. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1992. Facsimile.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (35)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Du Contrat Social: ou Principes du Droit Politique (The Social Contract). Amsterdam: ca. 1762.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (36)

Thomas Hobbes. Leviathan. London: Andrew Crooke, 1651. Holmes Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division

John Locke. Two Treatises of Government. . . London: A. Churchill, 1690.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (38.1)

Sigmund Freud. "Totem and Taboo." Holograph manuscript, 1912-1913.
Manuscript Division (39)

Mikayel Chamcheants. Patmutiwn Hayots (History of Armenia). Venice, 1784. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (40)

Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli. Kitab Dala'il al-Khayrat wa Shawariq al-Anwar fi Dhikr al-Salah 'ala al-Nabi al-Mukhtar (The Guide Book of Blessings and Enlightenment [that comes from] Invoking the Chosen Prophet in Prayer). Copy of original fifteenth century manuscript, circa 1720. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (40.1)

Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli. Kitab Dalail al-Khayrat wa Shawariq al-Anwar fi Dhikr al-Salat ala al-Nabi al-Mukhtar (The Guide Book of Blessings and Enlightenment [that comes from] Invoking the Chosen Prophet in Prayer). Copy of original fifteenth century manuscript, Istanbul, 1780. Near East Section, Asian Division (40.2A)

Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Jazuli. Kitab DalaŽil al-khayrat wa Shawariq al-Anwar fi Dhikr al-Salat Žala al-Nabi al-Mukhtar (The Guide Book of Blessings and Enlightenment [that comes from] Invoking the Chosen Prophet in Prayer). Copy of original fifteenth century manuscript, circa 1718. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (40.2)

Nairi Zaryan.
Sasna Davit'
(David of Sasun).
Erevan, Armenia:, 1966.
Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (40.3)

John Henderson Soga. The South-Eastern Bantu (Abe-Nguni, Aba-Mbo, Ama-Lala). Johannesburg: Witswatersrand University Press, 1930.
General Collections (41)

Author unknown. Landnámabók. Sagan Landnama vm fyrstu bygging Islands af nordmønnum (Book of Settlements: Land-taking Saga of the First Colonization of Iceland by the Northmen). Skalhollte: H. Kruse, 1688.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (42)

Jónsbók (John's Book), ca. 1637. Manuscript.Rare Book Collection of the
Law Library

Babad Tanah Jawi,1862. Manuscript. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (43)

Ja'nos Thuro'czy. Chronicaie Hungariae. (Chronicles of Hungary). Brunn: Conrad Stahel and Matthias Prenlein, 1488. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (45)

Janos Thuroczy. Der Hungern Chronica. (Chronicles of Hungary). Vienna: 1534. Rosenwald Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division (45.2)

Bernard de Montfaucon. Les monumens de la monarchie francoise, qui comprennent l'histoire de France. . . . (The Monuments of the French Monarchy). Paris: J.-M. Gandouin P.F. Goffart, 1729-1733.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (46)

Kristijonas Donelaitis. Metai (The Seasons). Kaunas: svietimo Ministerijos Knyg Leidimo Komisija, 1940.
General Collections (47)

Idulgentiae Ecclesiarum Urbis Romae (Indulgences of the Churches of Rome). Nuremberg: 1475. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (49.1)

Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt, ed. Facsimile of the Codex Mendoza.
Berkeley, California: University of California Press,1992.
General Collections (50)

Mioria (Little Lamb). Edited by Radu Cârneci, illustrated by Drago Morrescu. Bucharest: Orion, 1997.
General Collections (51)

"Holy Cities" wall plaque. Jerusalem (?), ca. 1870. Watercolor on paper. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (51.1)

Nicolaes Visscher I (1618-1697). "De Gelegentheyt van Žt Paradys ende Žt landt Canaan, mitsgaders de eerst bewoonde landen der Patriarchen,"in Korte Beschryvinge van de Landschappen des Werelts. [Amsterdam: 166-?].
Geography and Map Division (51.2)

Abraham Ortelius. "Abrahami Patriarchae Peregrinatio, et Vita," in The Theatre of the Whole World. London: John Norton, 1606. Geography and Map Division (51.3)

Miguel Covarrubias. "The Island of Bali." Typescript, ca. 1936-37.
Manuscript Division (52)

Gadla Takla Hymnot (The Life and Miracles of Takla Hymnot). Ethiopia: n.d. Asian Division (52.1)

Sunjata: Three Mandinka Versions. Edited by Gordon Innes. London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1974.
African and Middle Eastern Division (53)

Firdawsi. Shah Namah (Book of Kings). Illuminated manuscript leaf, ca. sixteenth century. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (54.1)

Kebra Negast (Glory of the Kings). Gojam, Ethiopia: 1965. Fabric.
African and Middle Eastern Division (55)

Burhan al-Din bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Halabi. Multaka Al Abhur (The Confluence of the Currents). Manuscript, 1517.
Law Library (64)

Coustumes de Normandie. (Customary Laws of Normandy). Manuscript, circa. 1450-1470.
Law Library (65)

Huejotzingo Codex, 1531. Amatl paper.
Manuscript Division (67)

Magna charta cum statutis angliae, (Great Charter with English Statutes). Manuscript, fourteenth century. Rare Book Collection,
Law Library (68)

Zhalovannaia Gramota Dvorianstvu (Carta Granted to the Nobility). 1785. Rare Book Collection,
Law Library (70)

II. Explaining and Ordering

Francoise. La Plus Vielle Histoire Du Monde (The Oldest Story of the World). Paris: Jardin des Modes, 1931. Children's Literature Center (25)

Christopher Saxton. An Atlas of England and Wales. London: 1579.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (56.1)

Pieter van den Keere. La Germanie inférievre (The Low Countries). Amsterdam, 1622. Hand-colored engraving.
Geography and Map Division

Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612). Leo Belgicus de Noort. Amsterdam: 1611. Engraved map.
Geography and Map Division (58.1)

Foldout map of Mexico City in Praeclara Ferdinadi Cortesii de Noua maris Oceani Hyspania narratio...Carolo Romanor u imperatori. . . .
(The Second Letter Sent to His Sacred Majesty the Emperor, Our Sovereign, by Don Fernando [Hernán] Cortés, Captain General of New Spain.)
Nuremburg: F. Peypus, 1524.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (59)

Huang He Wan Li Tu (Pictorial Map of Yellow River). China, facsimile of 1368-1378 original. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (60)

Edo yori Nagasaki made yadotsuke, funamichi meisho kyseki (Edo to Nagasaki, Inns and Historic Sites), ca. 1660-1736. Watercolor. Geography and Map Division (61)

Gosudaria Imperatora Aleksandra II Vysochaishie manifest i ukayzy 19. Fevralia 1861, 1. Ianvaria 1864, 20. Noiabria 1864. S. Petersburg, 1869.
(Imperial Manifest and Decrees of Emperor Alexander II of February 19, 1861; January 1, 1864; and November 20, 1864. St Petersburg, 1869).
St. Petersburg: Imperial Court Printer, 1869.
Law Library Rare Book Collection (65.1a,b)

Eike of Repgow.
Der Sachsenspiegel
(Mirror of the Saxons).
Germany, ca. 1500. Manuscript.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (66)

The Constitution of India.
Calligraphy by Prem Behari Narain Raizda, illuminated by Nand Lal Bose.
Dehra Dun, India: Survey of India Offices, 1955.
Rare Book Collection,
Law Library (70.1)

Levi ben Gershom. Milhamot Ha-Shem (The Wars of the Lord). Riva di Trento: Ya'akov Markri'ah, 1560. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (71)

William Cuningham.
"Coelifer Atlas" from The Cosmographical Glasse. . . .
London: John Day, 1559.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (71.1)

Bartholomaeus Anglicus. Le Proprietaire des Choses (The Properties of Things). Lyons: Johannes Siber, 1486. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (72)

René Descartes. Principia philosophiae. Amsterdam: Apud L. Elzevirium, 1644.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (73)

Konrad von Megenberg, Buch der Natur (Book of Nature). Augsberg: Johannes Bämler, 1481. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (74)

Bartholomaeus Anglicus.
Le proprietaire en francoys.

(The Properties in French).
Lyon: Mathieu Husz, l491.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (74.1)

Galileo Galilei. Syderevs nuncius. In Opere di Galileo Galilei. . . (Works of Galileo Galilei), Vol. 2. Bologna: 1655.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (75)

Johannes Hevelius.
Selenographia sive lunae descriptio, atque accurata tum macularum eius, quam motuum diversorum. . . .

Danzig: Hunefeldianis, 1647.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (75.1)

Petrus Apianus. Astronomicum Caesareum. (The Emperor's Astronomy). Ingolstadt, Germany: 1540. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (76)

Petrus Apianus and Gemma Frisius. Cosmographia, Petri Apiani . . . additis euisdem argumenti libellis ipsius Gemmaa Frisii. . . . (Cosmographia of Petrus Apianus, . . . carefully corrected and with all errors set to right by Gemma Frisius. . . .). Antwerp: Arnoldi Birckmanni, 1564. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (76.2)

Zont (d. 1842). Sekai dais no zu (Buddhist Cosmological Map). Japan: 1830.
Geography and Map Division (77)

Chonhado (World Map) from Chonha Chido (Map of the World). Hand-copied manuscript map. Korea: mid-eighteenth century. Geography and Map Division (77.2a)

Choson Kukto (Map of China) from Chonha Chido (Map of the World). Hand-copied manuscript map. Korea: mid-eighteenth century. Geography and Map Division (77.2b)

Chunggukto (Map of Part of Korea) from Chonha Chido (Map of the World). Hand-copied manuscript map. Korea: mid-eighteenth century. Geography and Map Division (77.2c)

Cholla-do (Map of Cholla Province) from Chonha Chido (Map of the World). Hand-copied manuscript map. Korea: mid-eighteenth century. Geography and Map Division (77.2d)

Nicolaus Copernicus. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Libri VI. Nuremberg: Ioh. Petreius, 1543.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (78)

Yu Tu Bei Kao Quan Shu. (Complete Illustrated Book of Celestial Phenomena). Tianyuan Fawai. 1633. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (79)

The Astronomical Phenomena. (Tien Yuan Fa Wei). Compiled by Bao Yunlong in the 13th century.
Ming Dynasty edition, 1457-1463. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (79.1)

Rockwell Kent. Drifter. Wood engraving on maple, 1933.
Prints & Photographs Division (81)

Srid pa ho (Divination Chart). Tibet, late twentieth century. Paint on cloth. Tibetan Collection,
Asian Division (82)

Description de l'Égypte ou, Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée française publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'empereur Napoléon le Grand (Description of Egypt...). A. vol. 4, plate 21. Paris: Commission des sciences et arts d'Égypte, 1809-1822. Copper-plate engraving.
Geography and Map Division

'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Umar al-Sufi (d. 986). Suwar al-Kawakib (The Depiction of Celestial Constellations). Copied from the original, 1730. Near Eastern Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (84)

Persian manuscript celestial globe, ca. 1650. Painted wood.
Geography and Map Division

Caspar Vogel.
Terrestial globe with armillary sphere.
Cologne, 1543.
Wood and metal.
Geography and Map Division (85.1)

M. Koisumi. Genshi jujirekky zukai (Illustrated Calendrical Observations). 1697. Japanese Section,
Asian Division (86)

Untitled manuscript. Nepal: ca. 1900-1925. Accordion style paper manuscript. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (87)


Pandita Vamadhara
(The Art of Magic).
Meerut, India: Jwala Prakash Press, 1884.
Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (87.1)

Andreas Cellarius. Harmonia macrocosmica sev atlas universalis et novus . . . (Celestial Atlas). Amsterdam: 1708. Hand-colored engraving.
Geography and Map Division

Reiner Ottens. Atlas maior cvm generales omnivm totius orbis regnorvm . . . Amsterdam: 1729. Hand-colored engraving.
Geography and Map Division

Jehoshaphat Aspin. A Familiar Treatise on Astronomy . . . . London, 1825. Color plates.
Prints & Photographs Division (90 a-h)

Tavatimsa. Burma: ca. eighteenth century. Accordion-style paper manuscript. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (91)

Almanac for Hindu year 1871-1872. Rajastan, India: 1871. Fabric. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (92)

Xiyang Xinfa Lishu. (Book of the Western Calendar). Beijing: 1644-1661. Chinese Rare Book Collection. Asian Division (92.1)

Mariano Fernández Echeverría y Veytia. Calendar Wheel, no. 7 from Historia del origen de las gentes que poblaron la América septentrional (History of the Beginnings of the People Who Settled North America). Early nineteenth-century facsimile manuscript. Peter Force Collection,
Manuscript Division (93)

Johannes Mueller, called "Regiomontanus." Calendarium (Calendar). Nuremberg: 1474. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (94)

Johannes Mueller, called "Regiomontanus." Calendarium (Calendar). Illustrated by Bernhard Maler. Venice: Erhard Ratdolt and Peter Løslein,1476. Rosenwald Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division (94.2)

Antonio de León y Gama. Descripción histórica y cronológica de las dos piedras . . . . Mexico City: F. Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1792.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division

Eduardo Matos Moctezuma.
La Piedra del Sol. Calendario Azteca

(Sunstone. The Aztec Calendar).
México: 1992 (95.1)

Burmese astronomical-astrological manuscript, mid-nineteenth century. Accordion-style paper manuscript. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (96)

Gen'y Yoshida. Hkan hikets shusei. Tokyo: Sshid, 1882. Japanese Section,
Asian Division (97)

Xiang Yi Fu.
(The Study of Celestial Phenomena).
Beijing: ca. 1580.
Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (97.1)

Eliezer ben Jacob Belin, Sefer Ebronot (The Book of Intercalations). Offenbach: Bi-defus Bonaventura de la Noi, 1722. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (99)

Bahera Haszab, (Comptus). 1902. Asian Division (99.1)

Phags pa bskal pa bzang po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo (Sutra of the 1,000 Buddhas of the Auspicious Aeon). Seventeenth century. Tibetan Collection,
Asian Division (100)

Paul Caponigro. Untitled, from the Stonehenge portfolio. Gelatin silver print, between 1967 and 1972.
Prints & Photographs Division (103)

Zekeriya Kazvinî. Acaib-ül Mahlûkat (The Wonders of Creation). Translated into Turkish from Arabic. Istanbul: ca. 1553. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (104)

'Umar bin Muzaffar Ibn al-Wardi. Kharidat al-'Aja'ib wa Faridat al-Ghara'ib. (The Pearl of Wonders and the Uniqueness of Things Strange). Late seventeenth century. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (104.1)

Isidore, Bishop of Seville. Etymologiae (Etymologies). Augsburg: Guntherus Ziner, 1472. Vollbehr Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (105)

Isidore, Bishop of Seville. Etymologiae (Etymologies). Venice:1483. Hain Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division (105.2)

Manusyaloka (The Human World). Western Rajasthan: late nineteenth century. Fabric. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division. (106)

Vidynandasvm, Director, Ngapuragorakshanasabh [Nagpur Cow Protection League]. Mumbai (Bombay). Published by Khemarja Srkrsnd, Srvekatevara Chpakhn, Samvat Era 1947 (A.D. 1890). Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (106.1)

Atha Srimadvarahamahapuranam (Varha's Great Ancient Tale). Kalyananagaryam: Laksmivenkatesvara Mudranalaye, 1923. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (107)

Bhagavatapurana. Ink and gouache on paper. Alwar, Rajasthan, India: eighteenth or
nineteenth century. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (107.1)

Masque Dogons (Dogon Masks). Illustrated by Marcel Giraule. Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie, 1938.
General Collections (108)

Srid pa'i khor lo (Wheel of Life). Painting on cloth, twentieth century. Tibetan Collection,
Asian Division (109)

Srid pai khor lo
(Wheel of Life).
Painting on cloth, twentieth century.
Tibetan Collection,
Asian Division (109.1)

Ester Hernandez. Mis Madres/My Mothers, 1986. Screenprint.
Prints & Photographs Division. (110)

Wladyslaw T. Benda.
The Earth with the Milky Way and Moon.
Charcoal on paper, ca. 1918.
Published in "The Future of the Earth" by Maurice Maeterlinck,
March 1918.
Cabinet of American Illustration.
Prints and Photographs Division (110.1)

Mateus Prunes. Portolan Chart of the Mediterranean World. Majorca: 1559. Manuscript on vellum.
Geography and Map Division (112)

[Placido Oliva. Chart of the Mediterranean and Black Seas,with the west coast of Spain and Portugal. Messina?: sixteenth century.] Manuscript on vellum.
Geography and Map Division (112.1)

Htan. Nansenbushã bankoku shka no zu (The World Map of Buddhism). Kyoto: 1710.
Geography and Map Division (113)

Claudius Ptolemy. Cosmographia. Ulm: 1482. Hand-colored woodcut print.
Geography and Map Division (116)

Claudius Ptolemy. Cosmographia. Stasbourg: J. Scotus, 1520. Hand-colored woodcut print. Geography and Map Division (116.2)

Sefer Raziel (The Book of Raziel). Grodno, Belarus: Bi-defus Stanislaus Agustus Melekh Polin, 1793. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (118)

Lorenzo Spirito. "Wheel of Fortune with the Zodiac Sign of the Moon" in Libro de la Ventura (Book of Fortune). Milan: 1508. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (119)

Paul Pambst.
Loossbuch, zu Ehren der Roemischen, Ungerischen unnd Boehemischen Keunigin.

Strasbourg: B. Beck, 1546.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (119.1)

Akuaba Doll. Ghana, ca. 1970s. Wood. African Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (120)

Incantation bowl from Mesopotamia, ca. seventh century. Clay. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (121)

Oracle Bones. 1766-1123 B.C. Animal bone. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (122)

Isaac Newton. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy). London, Jussu Societatis Regiae ac Typis J. Streater, 1687.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (123)

Isaac Newton. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy) 3rd ed. London: Royal Society, 1726. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (123.1)

Robert Hooke. Micrographia. London: John Martyn and James Allestry, 1665. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (124)

Charles Robert Darwin. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: J. Murray, 1859.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (125)

Mu'aiyid al-Din al-Tughra'i. Masabih al-Hikma wa Mafatih al-Rahma. (The Lanterns of Wisdom and the Keys of Mercy). Seventeenth century. Near East Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (126.1)

Muhammad Mirza Tunakaboni. Tufat al-momanin (Gift to the Faithful). Shiraz, Iran: mid-nineteenth century. Asian Division (126.3)

Andreas Vesalius. De humani corporis fabrica librorum epitome (On the Fabric of the Human Body). Basel: I. Oporinus, 1543. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (127)

Thomas Gemini.
Compendiosa totius Anatomie Delineatio . . . .
- Image 2
(Compendium of all anatomy delineated. . . .)
London: John Herford, 1545.
Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (127.1)

Encyclopedic manuscript containing allegorical and medical drawings. South Germany: ca. 1410. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (128)

Daniel Ricco. Mechanical anatomical plate from Ristretto anotomico. Venice, 1790.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (128.1)

Ulrich Pinder. Epiphanie Medicorum. Speculum videndi urinas hominum. Clavis aperiendi portas pulsuum. Berillus discernendi causas & differentias febrium. Nuremberg: 1506. Rosenwald Collection. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (128.2)

Yizong Jinjian. (Complete Survey of Medical Knowledge). Beijing: Imperial Edition, 1743. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (129)

Tobias Cohen, Ma'aseh Tuviyyah (The Work of Tobias). Venice: s.n., 1708. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (130)

Johannes de Ketham. Fasciculus medicinae. Venice: J. and G. de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 1495. Rosenwald Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (131)

AbuŽl-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani. Breuis ac perutilis co[m]pilatio Alfragani . . . totu[m] id continens quod ad rudimenta astronomica est opportunum. Translated by Johannes Hispalensis. Ferrara: Andreas Belfortis, Gallus, 1493, frontispiece.
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (131.1)

Abu Masher. De magnis conjunctionibus (On great conjunctions). Venice: J. Pentium de Luecho, 1515. Rare Book and Special Collections Division (131.1a)

Verna Aardema. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale. Illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon. New York: Dial Press, 1975.
General Collections (134)

Margaret Mayo. Reteller. When the World Was Young: Creation and Pourquoi Tales. Illustrated by Louise Brierley. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1996.
General Collections (135)

Michael Rosen. Reteller. How Giraffe Got Such a Long Neck: A Tale from East Africa. Illustrated by John Clementson. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1993.
General Collections (136)

Yuzo Otsuka. Reteller. Suho and the White Horse: A Legend of Mongolia. Adapted from the translation by Ann Herring. Illustrated by Suekichi Akaba. New York: Viking Press, 1981.
General Collections (137)

Ronald King and Roy Fisher. Anansi Company: A Collection of Thirteen Hand-made Wire and Card Rod-puppets Animated in Colour and Verse. London: Circle Press, 1992.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (138)

Gerald McDermott. Arrow to the Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale. Gouache and ink. New York: The Viking Press, 1974.
General Collections (141)

Marcia Brown. Once a Mouse ... A Fable cut in Wood. Woodcuts. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961.
General Collections (142)

Ruth Robbins. Baboushka and the Three Kings. Adapted from a Russian Tale. Illustrated by Nicolas Sidjakov. Berkeley, California: Parnassus Press, 1960.
General Collections (143)

III. Recording the Past

Cuneiform tablet. Mesopotamia, 2039 B.C. Hebraic Section,
African and Middle Eastern Division (146)

Tibetan Musical Score, nineteenth century. Tibetan Collection,
Asian Division (147)

Pustakapj (Book of Worship). Maharashtra, nineteenth or early twentieth century. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (148)

Bhagavatapurana. Illustrated manuscript. Inscribed palm leaves with wooden covers. Orissa, India: Eighteenth centruy. Southern Asian Section,
Asian Division (148.1)

Lei-feng Ta Fu Jing. (Thunder Peak Pagoda scroll). Zhejiang Province, China, 975. Chinese Rare Book Collection,
Asian Division (149)

Type specimens. Korea, ca. thirteenth century. Brass, iron, copper, and wood.
Asian Division (152)

Doctrina breve muy provechosa de las cosas que portenecen a la fe Catholica y a nuestra cristiandad en estilo llano para común inteligecia (A brief and very valuable compendium of the facts that pertain to the Catholic faith and our Christianity, in simple style, for the average intelligence). Mexico City: John Cronberger, 1543. Spanish-American Imprint Collection,
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (153)

Calligraphy page from
Dirvan-i Jami
(Collected Poetry of Jami).
Isfahan, Iran, early 1700s.
African and Middle Eastern Division (153.1)

Hyakumanto dharani (One Million Pagoda Charms). Woodblock printed sutras and wooden pagoda, ca. 764. Japanese Section,
Asian Division (154a, b)

"P'alman taejanggyong" (Tripitaka Koreana). Korea, 1231.
Asian Division (155)

Yi Kyu-bo. Yi Munsun Chip (The Collected Works of Yi Munsun). Korea, 1241. Korean Collection,
Asian Division (156)

Robert Fludd.
Urtriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia, in duo volumnia secundum cosmi differntiam diuisa.

Vol. 1
Frankfurt: J. T. Bry, 1624
Rare Book and Special Collections Division (157)

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