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3.0 Parent Interviews

3.1 Head Start Related Behavior Changes in Parents and Children

Volumes I and II each present the findings related to health education opportunities for Head Start parents and children. Chapter 3 presents the comments of parents in response to the following question.

In which areas has [child's/your] behavior changed since [child] began attending Head Start? How [has/have] [child/you] changed in these areas?

The letters preceding some of the responses refer to items in interview form (see Volume IV).

c. Always washing hands after school & before meal & reminding everyone else to do it

Brushing without being told- 3 times a day

a,b,c. Wants to be clean, wants his face and hands to be washed. Before school wants clean clothes and hair combed. This has always been something he fought so we just didn't push it! Since Head Start he brushes more often. Better about remembering to wash hands before meals and after using toilet.

f. He stopped drinking pop. Drinks milk. Loves fruits and vegetables.

a. Does his hair and dresses himself. Matches cloths.

i. Didn't know how to balance. Now he does.1

b. He brushes his teeth more often.

She remembers to brush her teeth after meals without being reminded.

She brushes her teeth after eating without reminders. She has more friends now and talks more about taking turns, etc.... She is more aware because she has 2 kids in her class w/ disabilities. She seems less curious when we see someone who looks different.

He cares about looking neat and that his clothes are clean. He brushes them more often and wants everyone to do it. He "nags" others in the family.

knows not to be by road/stove- seat belts, don't touch tools, more into fruit, grow a garden. Picks out own clothes- more independent. Learning to cool off when angry; w/ little brother. More comfortable in dealing with child's anger- talks w/ child about anger.

She is more cooperative and seems to just accept it as part of her daily routine. Remembers to wash after using the toilet better than she used to. Seems more confident and looks forward to being with other kids at school

i. More aware and will explain to mom about children in the classroom with disabilities- doesn't seem to see them as different

She has learned what to do in case of a fire. Don't talk to strangers. Good touches, bad touches. She must tell us what is wrong instead of holding it in.

Sexual abuse

c. He never used to wash his hands. He does now.

d. Learned about strangers, fires, etc.. I drew evacuation route for home.

c. He washes his hands more.

b. Child-He likes to brush his teeth everyday. Before I used to force him.

a. Child- now he does more for himself. Puts on his own clothes.

d. He knows more about safety -understands that guns and matches can hurt you.

c. When she plays outside she washes hands. Also, when she eats or touches dirty stuff. Me, too.

f. She is starting to share more and play with others friends.

f. He says he has a lot of friends now. I don't get complaints from Head Start for fighting.

h. He loves running and walking alot.

f. I couldn't make them eat vegetables and fruits. Now she comes home and tells me and her sisters that they have to eat meat, milk, bread, fruit, and vegetables in order to be strong.

a,b. She does more for herself. She isn't as dependant. I let her do things on her own. I don't do as much for her. I let her brush her own teeth.

d. Knows not to play with plugs. Also, poisons. How to swing and play with caution. Taught her how to share.

c. She's learned to flush toilet after each use and to wash her hands.

d,e. We lock doors. Make sure windows are locked and always check gas and everything else.

f. She eats more vegetables - alot of fruit and milk. The same for me. We stay away from meat

and eat more vegetables.

More concerned about hair & clean clothes- clean face, telling mom to put things away. Exercising with mom, talk about cars on road, know more families.

I feel he is old enough now to understand about not talking to strangers and also what are "good touches" and "bad touches"

Cause he's able to trust better. Allow me to open more nice to be around. At home he brushes after meals. He doesn't go places without asking permission for things. Just watching teacher I've learned a lot. He eats more healthy foods. Change the menu at home.

Better parent to my child. She learning to share more & is more open to other children. I've learned how to communicate better with others & with my child. She willing to get up now and brush her teeth. She knows the importance to washing before meals. She not touching things she in not supposed to. I've learned how to cook and clean. She aware of the dangers in the neighborhood. She like to eat healthy foods. I serve more nutritious foods. She communicates better and shares better with her friends. I've talking more being more open. She more understanding. I'm more understanding. She knows its not fun to make fun of people. She not as lazy. She was use to do more walking. I'm walking more I'm getting out and playing all.

She always doing her own hair. She is very particular about her personal appearance. She now lets me know to brush her teeth. I now enforcement. She now wants to wash her hands more often. She knows not to touch electrical appliances. I put safety plugs out of irons off floor faucet shut.

Cigarette smoking.


A. Child learned to bathe alone, put dirty clothes where they belong, etc.

B. Learned the correct way of brushing teeth.

C. How to go to the bathroom properly.

D. How to answer the door. Talk on telephone.

E. Watching where to stand, cross the street, watch traffic and guns.

F. Now we eat bagels, salads more.

G. Who to touch, who not to.

H. Rides bikes, skates. Parent dancing.

I. Role played how blind person felt or how it was to be on crutches.

J. Have filters in every room now. Child warns parent of dangers.


A. Learning much about your body e.g. not wearing blue jeans without wearing undergarments, importance of protecting against AIDS.

B. Importance of brushing more than once a day and chew gum.

C. I have to make sure home is dust free and wash her clothes differently now.

D. Now have an alarms system at home. Need more security.

E. Now cautious about going out at night and driving care more aware of surrounding.

F. (see above)

G. Head Start has helped me believe in people Earlier distrusted day caregivers due to scandals publicized nationally. Helped me be a more relaxed person. Head Start helped me with my self-esteem. Director played key role in this.

H. I do walking and dancing as they have shown the importance of exercise for a healthy mind and body.

I. Helped deal with own disability. Always had encouragement from Head Start.

Brushes his hair, puts his own clothes, could do it before. He does it everyday now. He doesn't go out alone. He will watch out for household products. He plays in the yard not in the street. He stopped eating junkfood.

She does it without being told & I don't have to tell her as much. She learned not to use things that she is not supposed to use. She knows that she has to share. She's more (word) to people who are disabled.

A. She's more active at home now.

B. She wants to do it on her own.

C. She's more responsible now.

D. She's more alert and careful.

E. She's more observant.

F. She tells mother to get healthy foods, etc.

G. She is more outspoken, talkative, and was shy.

H. She like to exercise when she didn't before.

I. More understanding of that than before.

better mannered, doing more often, tries to help keep place clean/ knows what to do, knows what to do/what to eat. Tries to be friendly.

She does it more, she is in the habit of doing it more herself; I don't have to get after her. She talks more about friends and feelings about being fair, taking turns. Puts more things up- just more aware of cleaning supplies, medicines etc, that children may get into. I set more boundaries- I'm clearer about what I will and will not let her do like not crossing the street alone, etc.

Washes hands more, wants to have hair combed, washes hands more before meals and using toilet. Talks about fire safety. Asks more & talks about "bullies" and tells what to do when they pick on someone. Asks more questions when he sees someone different, like in a wheelchair or mentally retarded. More handwashing before cooking and after blowing nose or using toilet; more awareness of how germs are spread. Has fire drills at home.

a,b He wants to wash up more than he did before, especially before meals. He will brush his teeth without fussing. I used to let him get by w/out it, but now he'll do it by himself. When I grew up my parents let us bathe only once or twice a month. I didn't know any different then, but now I do. I brush more than once a day now because child wants me to brush with him.

No longer fighting it, brushes several times a day. Both wash hands more before eating. Picks up after herself w/out asking. Allow her to help with responsibilities. P- more aware of foods he buys.

She likes to do things for herself. Toothbrushing- she does that often. She likes to clean and watches over sibling. She doesn't do the things she used to. She was very jealous she now shares more. She likes to run.

She takes better care of herself- like she changes when she wets her pants, keeps her hair brushed better. She enjoys brushing her teeth & thinks it is important now. Changes herself when she wets; washes her hands before she does anything! She knows better limits about the road, strangers, etc.., than before. She is willing to try foods like spinach and broccoli, I think they have talked about it at school. Brushes more often (2-3 times per day) than before. Talks more to kids at home about how to handle themselves around strangers. Trying to eat more nutritiously and lose weight.

b. I don't have to tell her to do this anymore.

He knows to do for himself. He brushes after he eats, washes his hands a lot, looks both ways before he crosses street, more open to people than before.

She knows about fire safety. She knows about good and bad touches.

fire safety is stressed more often

I do not have to tell him to brush his teeth. He washes his hands before meals. He knows not to play with matches. He eats less cookies and candy.

She brushes twice a day, she knows to wash her hands. She knows not to talk to strangers. She eats more fruits & vegetables.

a. She matches her clothes more. Brushes her hair, etc.. The same for me.

Do not play with matches and what to do if there is a fire. Never talk to strangers and never get into a strangers car. Scream and run home.

d,e. She understands fire safety (stop, drop, & roll). She understands good touches & bad touches.

brushes twice a day, he eats more fruits and vegetables

increased TB, pays more attention, less sensitive, had house five/ more cautious and preventive, more conscious of kids outside road

More aware of cleanliness, at least he brushes teeth at school; won't home. Discusses safety in the kitchen with the gas stove. Talks about his feelings. Is now more cautious and less "fearless". Try to eat better.

He brushes without me telling him. He washes his hands too. He knows to drop, roll and crawl (fire safety). He knows he can never get into care with strangers. He knows candy and cookies are not very good foods.

b. Each day two tooth brushes- 1 for morning, 1 for night. Good grooming- very neat.

He brushes 4 times each day. He now enjoys raw vegetables. He gets along better with his sister.

He brushes more often. He washes his hands more often. He knows to run home fast. He eats more fruits instead of candy. He is not as shy as he once was at one time.

Wants to have hair combed and face washed- he asks for it! Has become part of his daily routine. Seems more conscious of safety- reminds others about knives, medicines, etc.... Awareness of what is good for him, talks about what he ate at school. Friends his own age, talks about sharing, taking turns, etc... More aware of others with disabilities, will ask questions about it.

b. Brushes in AM and alot more at bedtime. The same [mom].

g. Girls are very sensitive to talk to other people. I am very shy.

e,d. They now what's right and what's wrong - me too.

The girls have more energy. (Her child is a twin)

d,e. She knows not to play with matches. Stranger danger! She knows not to talk to stranger.

g. She has learned to share.

h. She loves to play jump rope and running. She likes for us to go walking - the entire family.

i. She is kind to anyone who is disable.

c. They wash their hands often. The same for me.

b. We brush our teeth more often.

i. More considerate of disabled persons.

h. Always trying to do exercises inside house.

e. Doesn't go out to the street anymore. Stays in backyard.

f. We don't buy junkfood. We buy vegetables and fruits.

f. They drink more milk and juice - not me.

a, b, c She gets up to wash, comb, brush teeth without me having to remind her. She washes her hands very often.

e. Mom- I keep an eye on the children more now.

g. She is more open with other kids. She used to shy away from them.

c. Washes his hands frequently. Except I open the tap for him.

f. He eats more apples and milk at home.

i. Becoming more aware of other's problems, etc...

h. Cutting down on tv time - so more activity

e. I keep gate locked so they don't go to street.

b. She brushes her teeth everyday after she eats. I brush my teeth more.

She changed in everything for the better except her behavior. I'm okay. I've always been okay.

b. Mom-I brush everyday, too.

f. Eating more vegetables & fruit.

h. He runs and jumps alot and me along with him.

c. Getting better

d. She has slowed down to watch what she's doing.

b. Brushes his own teeth

a. Likes to dress himself - combs his own hair, etc...

f. Mom- I buy them a lot more fruits and vegetables. now

g. Mom- I made alot of friends here at head start.

a,c. He takes care of his hair.

a,d. everything

e. Ch-He stays in the yard. Mom-I make them stay in the yard.

a,b Every time that I catch him he's with a tooth brush

a,c. He combs his own hair.

e. More of an awareness. Same for mom.

b Child brushes teeth and shows them to me. "He teaches his sister."

c He wets the paper event to clean himself. And washes his hands.

d I tell him not to eat sweets. Rather, eat vegetables and drink milk.

a,g. He has made friends on their own.

a "Wants to look nice all the time."

b Brushes teeth.

c Washes hands with soap and wipes them with a clean towel.

d I give them vegetables, beans, tortillas, potatoes, pasta, cheese. Not fruit and milk because we can't afford it.

h. We are doing a lot more ball playing and bicycle riding.

f. He know which foods are good for him - his fruits

a,c. wants to look nice all the time

b Child brushes teeth more often.

b, c He brushes his teeth by himself.

c. He washes his hands before he eats

b. He is doing more on his own.

g.Mom- I talk with him more about his feelings

i. Mom- No, not really. All my life I have lived with disabled people.

e. He likes food that are more nutritious. Like cottage cheese, etc...

a,b,c Takes care of herself better. Combs her hair and makes sure she is never dirty. She makes me comb my hair. She makes me wash my hands. Or, if we drop fork she has us get a clean one.

Brushes alot now. Washes her hands and face alot now.

f. She eats more carrots, celery, and apples.

d. Mom -She reminds me to put poisons away so baby won't get to it.

d. Stays away from matches and stoves, etc.

a. Mom-Now I like to curl my hair and wear makeup everyday

g. She didn't get along with children . She has learned to make friends.

f, b, c. I've changed in my shopping habits. I buy more nutritious foods. Also, I try to support the school in the tooth brushing programs by reminding them to brush, wash hands, etc.................

c. On his own without me telling

a. He is doing more on his own.

d. Awareness - Also for mom.

g. More aware about shaving and identifying his feelings

f. Mom- More conscientious of meal planning and foods he eats.

More cooperative than she used to be, likes to brush more often, listens more, seems to take it more seriously, better understanding of dangers. More awareness of possible dangers about strangers especially, and talks more about keeping safe with her children.

He takes better care of himself on his own. Practice more to teach him. He like to do it more often. More aware of cleanliness. I show him how to do things. He knows the do's and don'ts, and more conscious of it. Child knows to stay near by. He eats more healthy foods. I fix more healthy dishes. He's aware of individual feelings. I try to teach him about negative & positive. He's more active; I exercise w/ him. He's aware of the difference. I teach him to be more sensitive.

a,b,c,d. Child has improved grooming habits combing hair, picking out clothes, brushing teeth without being told- washing hands all the time- before eating- after school Mother stated she was doing better at safety in the home.

Child has made a lot of improvement in all of those areas. I can't remember what specific but all areas are improved some.

Mother says she cooking meals & the pamphlets really helped. She said she was talking to her child more now & also listening more

Parent: is improving in nutrition & what food she serves her family

The child has improved in every area some. She said there was still room for improvement but did improve some in all areas

Ask blessing everytime she eats

Manners & showing

Child is taking more baths & keeping clothes on- keep hair combed, brushes & teaches others in family correct way to brush, washes hand after play & before meals, corrects the smaller children who are doing things that aren't safe, a lot more careful when outside playing & near the street, eating more fruits & vegetables, taking more- expressing himself

Child is much better on her grooming- She has more pride, washes hands without being told, asks blessing everytime she eats, has been taught excellent manners & shows respect to adults

Child has improved in every area. Is improving everyday.

Parent has improved in nutrition & buying & cooking a better quality food.

Child has improved in all areas except safety at home. This has not improved.

She now brushes several times a day & encourages me. Her grooming, sanitary practices, safety outside, eating better foods, making new friends and exercising on her own are all better.

Parent is serving more nutrition meals and buying better quality food.

b,c,f., j. Child is most improved in tooth brushing. Doesnot have to be told. Making new friends- Expressing himself more, has learned to share & is doing great! Mom says she is cooking healthier meals more fruits for snacks.

a. Child has improved on everything. Even her family practicing fire drill at home. nothing else

Parent is practicing safety in the house cooking & buying better food & exercising with the child

Child has made noticeable changes in grooming- combing hair- trying to look nice mother is brushing more due to child's encouragement, tooth brushing is great. She is improving me also. Washing hands after playing outside & before eating without being told, safety at home is better & she always telling me what not to do. She's improving on safety when outside on playground being very careful, choosing better food, mother is buying & cooking better quality food, expressing her feeling more& talking more. Mother is talking with child more & listening to her more, expressing more & know what exercise she needs to do.

improving- brushing on his own 3 times a day, washes his hands before eating everyday & after play, really practicing safety at home- cautious about hot stoves, matches, Both mother & child are selecting better food & eating healthier, child is more open talking more & making friends, exercising and playing more

f,g. Child is trying different food- Eats healthier- Eats more fruit

Both parent and child are talking more and child is expressing herself better.

Both Parent & child have improved on brushing more often & better technique, sanitary practices have improved & she knows to wash her hands before eating, she is safer than before & knows a lot about what to be careful about, she is careful when outside & knows not to go off with strangers, both parents & child are talking to each other more & parent is listening to child more, child is aware of disabilities more after a visit with a mother who only had (1) leg. The children ask the mother lots of questions & felt the wooden leg. I think she understands now how hard it is for handicapped persons to walk.

talk without yelling

Child: mother states she has improved being able to talk without yelling at child & understands him more. She states that child has improved in every category. He is doing everything on his own & mostly without being told to do so. Mother is very proud of his program.

Father stated his son had made some improvements in the circled area but he couldn't tell me exactly what but he has improved. He said he had provided in better sanitary practices and the house in kept cleaner and he is talking more with her son and listening more.

Both parent & child are more conscious about grooming and doing better. Both are brushing mom and child brushing without being told. Parent preparing better quality food. Child washing hand and doing better with sanitary practices. Child is better in the neighborhood of safety & is careful around the swings and slides. Child picking up better quality food such as oranges and apples for snacks. Sharing now and more open.

Doing better in grooming and doing it without being told. The tooth brushing has changed greatly- now brushing without being told to do. Washing hands is a little better. Lot more conscious about being around the stove and hot pans. More cautious when outside, knows not to go off with a stranger now. Eating a little better. More open than before. Loves exercise & has learned some good exercises. Better about her grooming. More conscious about her brushing. Watches the stove more carefully. More observant about playground. Trying to cook more nutritious meals. Trying to spend more time listening.


Child improving on his brushing- much improved. Child is more cautious about safety and telling others about safety. Eating a better selection of nutritious foods. Opening up and sharing much more- Developing good friendships. Parents say they learned good safety info. from pamphlets sent home and have made some improvements. Mother states she is cooking more nutritious meals for her family.

The parent said she and the child have both improved in every category. They are brushing teeth more, better grooming habits, really practicing good safety at home and in the playground. She said she is cooking healthier food and the child is eating a healthier diet. Parent said she explained about disabilities on several occasions and her child is doing real good recognizing disabilities and not making fun of someone.

She has made great improvements in her grooming- combing her hair etc...tooth brushing has improved & now is done on her own. Washing hands is a little better- some improvement. Using caution & being careful around stoves, knives & other objects is much improved. She now knows to stay away. She is more careful around the swing outside and also knows what to do if a stranger goes into the park. She never talks to a stranger. Doing a little better about eating junk food and candy. More often than before and we talk more. She enjoys exercise & is doing more

Mother says his is doing better about brushing & the children encouraged her to brush more. Child is really aware of safety in home and is telling everyone else what not to do. Parent is planning and cooking more nutritious meals. Child is more aware of handicapped and when he sees a wheelchair person he runs to help open a close door.

child's brushing on his own & telling family to brush also, much better about washing hands before eating & after playing, being more cautious at home around the stove & with matches, knows what not to do on playground & what could happen very cautious now, both parent & child eating better snack & better nutritious meals, parent is listening more to child & talking with them about their feelings. He has improved greatly.

behavior at home

Improving some- brushing more, careful now around stove- matches, careful on playground. Telling on other children who are not being careful, eating better- more fruit- at least trying different things now, opening up more- making new friends- sharing more knows how to exercise & always encouraging me to exercise, manners are unbelievable- They really have done an excellent job teaching him manners.

Child really improving on grooming- cleaning up- combing hair, washing hands regularly without being told, tells others to be careful & what not to do & how you can get hurt, more careful about being outside where someone could hurt you, eating better food & more vegetables, sharing- having more friendship- open & talking more

a,b,f. Both parent & child are doing better at grooming. Child very good at brushing and encourages everyone else to brush. Child is eating more fruits and now will at least try other foods.

Child has improved grooming habits and has developed some pride about grooming. Safety at home is much improved and child is very cautious around the stove & matches. Mother states she is cooking more nutritious meals and making better selections including fruit at the grocery store.

Child has improved a little in all areas Parent said she has improved in safety at home- being more cautious about the stove & cooking healthier meals- talking with her child & being a good listener- Exercising with her child & talking more about disabilities

i. Mother talked to him about disabilities

a-d. He likes combing his hair and matching his clothes, likes to brush his teeth, washes his hands, more cautious, eats more vegetables, safety at home.

g. Much less shy- makes friends more easily

She combs and brush hair, she brushes correctly now. She always washes her hands. She makes sure doors are locked. Notice strangers in neighbor

More conscious about health and grooming

She brushes her own hair and matching her clothes better. She brushes more and more concerned about it. More concerned about cleaning her hands knows not to play with fire, watches the car more.

likes to comb her hair, make sure her clothes are neat on her, likes to brush teeth all of the time, washes hands, flushes toilet, etc.... more. She will tell me of dangers sometimes. She knows not to run in school and not to save. She like to eat cottage cheese now, likes to exercise more.

Parent: don't brush as much now, more careful about what I do. Watch back more. Exercise more.

Her hair washed body clean, clean clothes. Wants to brush too much now. Clean clothes- clean room. More aware of strangers- not let home without permission. More aware of handicaps.

Both parent & child are brushing more often and improving. Child is washing hands without being told. Child more aware of safety at home and telling me what not to do. Both parent and child are more aware of safety at playground and is more careful. Eating fruit and better quality food.

always brushes teeth, more conscious of eating regularly, much better at sharing

Improvements in all areas. More aware of the importance of doing them.

More conscious about grooming and health -More willing to get along with other children.

More frequent tooth brushing, and washing hands. Less junk food. More open and verbal. Gets more exercise.

More conscious of health, safety and good grooming

f. Much better on tooth brushing- wants everyone to brush and reminds us- washes hands more often and without being told, knows what to avoid so he won't get hurt. More aware of safety in the playground area. Improved a little only a little but some improvement in choice of food to eat.

Parent said she has improved in feelings. She talks and shares with child more. Child has improved greatly in his tooth brushing- does it on his own. Child is washing hands more often and without being told. Much more cautious about safety at home. open more talks more and shares feelings more. Really into fitness and knows more about exercising. Understands more about disabilities and is more considerate.

better eating habits

e. not to talk w/ strangers

More aware of the importance of tooth brushing and washing hands. More interested in health foods. More open about feelings- gets along better with other children.

More aware and conscious of health and safety- also tooth brushing and washing hands.

d, e. More conscious of safety

Parent: More safety and nutrition conscious

Mother states she is doing better on healthy food groups. Now doing these things without being told. That's all she said they were all improved in that child was doing them without being told.

Parent: More aware of the importance of all of these

Cares more about grooming. More aware of the importance of safety and health.

More conscious about health,safety and physical appearance

hearing disability, more concerned grooming, brushes by her now, very important to wash her hands before eating. Very aware playing with matches. Don't talk to strangers, careful out when outside, very important to eat healthy foods, feeling very important physical activities.

Very interested in his appearance. More conscious of safety.

Takes more time on grooming. Is more careful on playground. Gets along better with other kids. More careful and conscious in all areas.

Has made positive changes in all areas.

More aware of safety and good nutrition, brush teeth and wash hands more often.

More conscious about all of them. Spends more time on each area.

Parent said she is more aware of food groups and planning healthy meals. Much improved in good grooming- cares about how she looks now. Parent is more into fitness and pamphlets helped her. Brushes without being told. Careful about the stove and hot things- Tells others to be careful. Always looking to avoid an accident and much more careful. Eating better foods and picking fruit for treats now. More open. Loves fitness and exercise now.

Mother says the child has improved in every category with exception of disabilities. Child is imitating good grooming, toothbrushing, safety, eating better foods- more open with feeling and now loves pt fitness. All are some better. Mother states she has made improvements in following areas. She's taking better care of her grooming and toothbrushing and more careful about playground safety and she is a better listener to her child. They take more now than they use to.

He doesn't laugh at people anymore. He tells me instead of trying to do it himself (fix things). He always washes his hands.

Washing hands- I use to have to get on him. He does on his own. gets along better w/ friends. He makes sure doors are locked. Sticks closer to Home doesn't talk to strangers.

She knows how to dress herself, used to brush once a day, now brush them several times, how uses dental floss. She now washes hands after the toilet. Now washes hands more. She's installed electric plug covers. She's more cautious watching them play. Both- eat more nutritious foods & exercise at home, learning more about the needs of those who don't have the functions we have.

We already did most of these things. Brushes teeth before coming to school. Washes hands after playing and eating.

Always washes hands (didn't before). Smoking (I've cut down and try not to smoke in home). Disability/ brother has seizures. I taught them how to react and to call 911

She brushes hair & washes face and does own bath. She brushes teeth every morning & every night. Keeps toys picked up, watches brother. Watches before crossing street. Don't talk to strangers. Junk food (knows the difference)

His manners and grooming are a lot better. I help him and it encourages me.

emergency 911 numbers

Getting up earlier, taking baths, brushing teeth, doing hair, putting clothes on, brush day & night. Washing hands before we eat or go in fridge. Making sure doors are locked don't answer the door. Being aware of what's going on, if danger go in house, silverware in sink. Snack on vegetables sticks. When feelings are hurt, talk it out w/ your friend, jumping rope. Doesn't talk well used to be shy, but now she's outspoken.

She has learned to get along w/ friends a little better.

Now she aware of the fact that the door must be kept closed. I keep matches and other things away from her. She more outgoing. I tell her how to express her feelings more.

She will make the suggestions to wash her hands at the appropriate time. Starting to tell how she feels instead of acting out. Now develops friendships outside of school.

behavior/ he's more polite

Eating habits (finish foods) lay aside candy, made her aware of iron ladder foods, made her aware of dressing- Help her with her clothing. I make sure we both wash her hands when going to bathroom.

She let's me know where she is. Has parent call. Stop talking to strangers.

She tries to comb her hair and she brushes her teeth more often. She understands about matches, not to talk to strangers. Candy & cookies are not healthy foods. She understands about kindness and sharing w/ friends

We accept other, we had been homeless, made us handicapped. We now own a home. She has been dynamic, we've lost sons/ cousins to institution- prison going to court to get her grandchild. She's excited about new family member. Hair style more amenable to spending more time w/ child. She can grease & comb her hair. She learned to take her own braids cut, put them back, in to dentist regularly. She brushes more often and after junk food, had a new partial put in taking care of that going to dentist regularly. She has a good washing certificate. Washes hands before working, etc... to set an example. she lets aunt/ mom know when something unsafe is down. All sharp objects up high.

Both pick up trash, pick up broken glass from yard. Eats good foods first. I teach her to eat more fruits less sugar. He understands each other better. Her aunt is her guardian/ mom she understands this relationship. She participates in aerobics, skate together, church activities, she teaches aerobics.

Washes hands, looks in mirror, talks about Broccoli like vegetables & liver. Likes sports & basketball.

He can dress himself. He understands the need to wash his hands. He knows not to talk w/ strangers. He understands the importance of eating fruits & vegetables. He has made more friends. I have talked with him about safety in the community. I have learned about food nutrients.

Brush more often, he brushes too much, I eat better food. He eats better food. I try to get along w/ people much better. He's very free hearted. I play more basketball. He loves to play w/ me that's all he wants to play basketball.

Did not serve dairy products, developed allergy

b. I get more and try to involve child more in these areas.

e. More willing to venture out and feels more "grown up", has better safety skills

He brushes his teeth more often.

He used to hate to get hair brushes, used to hate brush own hair, now doesn't. He used to make a mess in bathroom, dentist showed him how to do it. He's more aware, used to bring dirty toys, he used to want to put things in plugs, got shocked, no more. I used to not let him go no further than where he can be in eyesight. We both eat breakfast now, didn't used to. He's really changed both of us. He's more active so she has to do more physical things w/ him. Another child mentally handicapped. He used to tease him. Now he helps him.

We did all those things. She hated to brush her teeth.

I combed my hair & she sees me do it.

More outside play, she feels great, more accepting than father. Good brushing habits (hair and teeth). Changes underwear, wipes at toilet, knows which cooking chores are okay for her to do. Knows not to play w/ cans (paint, hair). Can't go out in yard and pick up snakes. Healthy foods are better than sweets. She knows her feelings can get hurt, but when she sees her sister, influenced her sister. Deal with a lot, learn to accept teaching the child to accept others.

He's out running around, he's active. Her brother is disabled they discuss different types of handicaps. Giving him more responsibilities (e.g. bathing, washing hair, combing). Does it before/ after school & before bed (more than before). Washing his hands before & after meals. We've talked about fire prevention, who to call in emergency. We've discussed strangers, who to tell if he has a problem. Give him a little of everything, have him try it and don't force him if he doesn't like it. Teaching him (Head Start & parent) about hurt feelings, how to respect people.

We both brush more often.

combs hair- looks in mirror. Likes to brush teeth. Makes sure she washes hands. Helps watch her brother & make sure he's safe. Eats the Healthy foods at center & home. Talks about how she feels & the other children.

He has gotten better in these areas by practicing every day.

She more open w/ children. She more aware of the don'ts at home. She more aware of safety. She eats more vegetables. She can climb better.

a-c. Child has improved on good grooming habits, doing better without being told to do it. Brushing teeth without being forced to do. Really improving on sanitary practices- doesn't wait to be told to do so.

Just more cautious and aware of everything

All changes for the better for both of us in all categories. I don't have to argue with her anymore over combing her hair or brushing her teeth. She reminds me all the time about the things she's learned.

Grooming habits have improved especially in area of washing & combing hair, his tooth brushing has improved a lot- He brushes without being told, very conscious about washing hands before eating. This was a big change. More aware of safety at home especially around the stove. Knows what to do about safety in the neighborhood and is always telling others. He has learned about foods that are good to eat and is doing better about junk eating. He's improved here and seems to talk about his feelings more. Note: the mother said she had no need to improve! It was the child who was improving.

I put him into tub more often; now he likes to bathe. He now brushes more often. I insist that he do it. We clean up more now. He learned something not to touch things. I tell him not to touch things. I tell him ont to touch Mr. (name). He doesn't run on the street less wild in the playground. Keep talking to us more. He's beginning to eat more. I've changed his menu at home. He has a friend now. I take him around more children. Dealing with people and public by taking trips and shopping. He's more active. I make sure he get exercise we exercise together.


It reinforces me to tell her to brush her teeth. Safety more awareness. We have become more aware in all the areas- No major changes. More awareness

Parent said she was improving her grooming habits and the child was doing better, both parent and child have improved on their brushing. Both parent and child are working on sanitary practices and both are improving. Parent said she was listening to the child more and child is more open to her. Child is more conscious about playing with sharp objects- knives and things that may cut or hurt them. Child tells mother how to watch for accidents in playground and how to play safely. Child is opening up and telling feelings more than before.

Child: Child has improved is every group some little changes some big changes. Parent states she has improved in her tooth brushing with the child reminding and safety at home is better thanks to workshops and pamphlets and mom is buying and cooking better quality food.

All around improvement in all areas, mention, I have become aware of my own grooming habits as well and try my best to stay aware. Also I am aware of disabilities and so is child. We are both more compassionate

Manners during eating/ meals have greatly improved, talking more with child more open than before

Child has improved in every category and has made tremendous progress. He eats better- keeps his hair combed- brushes his teeth without being told warms me of dangerous things at home. Reminds me not to smoke. Talks more & pushes me do better.

Child is more aware of her grooming and is doing much better. Brushes on her own now & regularly, washes her hands without being told, both parents & child are eating better quality food and better choice of snacks. Both are exercising more exercise and child imitate the exercise. Both parent and child are more aware of disabilities and conscious of problems involved with disabilities

made me more aware of her needs

Child's grooming habits are much improved- She keeps her hair combed. Brushing teeth has improved- She brushes regular. She washes her hands before meals and after play without being told. Both parents and child are more aware of good nutrition and eating better quality food and added more fruit to their diet. Child is sharing more.

She washes hands soon as she gets home because of the passing of germs, discussing from book on selfishness, lying, sharing. More considerate of others.


Child is a twin sibling in household, that is why a reference to they. They have become more independent in all these areas. They groom themselves and show more concern in these ares. They have changed their feelings about their father & extended family.

Brushes more often, have to report whereabouts, eats better, would never talk before.

Cares more about her appearance, brushes her teeth much better.

I know what it is; he now knows what it is and speaks on it.

By helping my son do it regularly. I have done so myself. He does it a lot.


More open, he talks more/ real shy

Not that noticeable but there have been changes- all above

He's behaves and minds a lot better.

More attentive to appearance. Both have to get up earlier to do it together, does it w/ her at night. We talk about it a lot more, she does more. She's more cautious. More aware, more cautious. Eating better. Talk it more, she's around kids more. He exercises.

b.tooth brushing

He combs his hair and washes his face a lot. He washes his hands after each meal. He knows he has to stay in yard & does . More open- he talks no/ was real shy.

We've both been dressing better. Brushes a lot since the caps. Washes hands all the time. Never talks to strangers of lets them in. Very concerned about healthy food. I buy apples & try to get them to eat vegetables.

He has improved. I don't punish him as much now. He likes brushing his teeth. He become more safety conscious. He stays in the yard & does not go into the street. He understands through a friendship with a disabled person.

d. I am more careful with hot water.

"May I be excused"

More aware and does more, knows what to do in a fire, do not put your hands on

other kids, serves more balanced meals.

social relationships

crossing road

Both mom & child brush and floss every night.

Washes hands on own now, more friends gets along better, strangers careful of, sidewalk- stay away from cars and busy

Give him more responsibility about meal serving and eating

He's more considerate about other kids feelings. Make him brush his teeth and go

to the dentist regularly.

Put things away that can be dangerous

He teaches brother & sisters. He shares with brothers and sisters. He brushes his

teeth. He brushes his own hair and clothes.

Putting clothes on better/ tucks shirt in. He washes his hands more often and he

encourages me to wash. He wants me to do like him. He talks about his friends

and shares better.

Brushing more often because frightened of cavities. Avoids lighter & matches.

More aware, healthy foods= healthy and strong. Be friendly to everyone. Some

kids have disabilities they can't help.

d, h. Family installed fire extinguisher and alarms, doing more sports

Brushes teeth more often, she doesn't go to strangers anymore.

She eats more fruits instead of candy. Doesn't leave home without permission- Use to go out when I was asleep. She's not as mean to her peers.

Likes to brush, even after not eating, not running in street, careful climbing, less sugar/ junk, away form electrical.

good manners

Stay out of kitchen when cooking, don't touch matches, combing hair, dress self. Less pulling hair of others, calming down. Safety in kitchen, off furniture- breakables away. Role modeling for children.

More aware of active in all areas.

Both were always aware, but now even more particular. Child sees importance in brushing teeth/ parent enforces it more. Child & parent more aware. Parent more careful w/ matches and has smoke alarms, gives child less sugar and salt in diet. Parent talks a lot about the importance of child not wandering off or talking to strangers.

a, g, h, i. More aware of issues

Child tells family of importance in brushing the teeth. Parents and sister brush teeth before going to bed. Child tells parents about washing hands before meals. Family washes hands more now. Child wants to eat more vegetables; parents can now cook different kinds of vegetables.

Brushes more often- every day, eats less junk food, more active, more attentive to people's feelings. Run, dance-----started more physical activity

Note: Home visit- parent too stressed out by active children to do follow up

Tooth brushing- brushes better. More independent- picks own clothing. Dresses and bathes self. Strangers- don't speak to them. Pours his own drink- Brings home from the center that he practices at home. More understanding- aware of age group

Brings idea home that he learns at center, patience

Always wants to brush her teeth. Don't have to fight her to take a bath and wash her hair. Eats a lot better.

Talks more and gets along better with people

We all brush more. She tells us we all need to wash our hands and to encourage her I wash more often. We're trying to eat better. She gets along better w/ others.

Racism- She has a problem with Black people

Try to model behavior for child. He does it because of parent modeling. Same as

tooth brushing- modeling. Parent has been vigilant about keeping dangerous things

away from child. Talking to child and sharing what's correct or incorrect.

Increased awareness and responding to talking from others

a-j, more settled, not mean, plays better.

If older siblings pick on her she tells them that she learned in school that you are

not supposed to treat people that way. Because child has become more aware of

the hazards in smoking, mother does not smoke in front of the child, but goes

outside or in the basement. Child tells parents not to smoke.

Brush teeth more often Parent: brush teeth more often. He washes his hands. I

wash my hands more often too.

Parent supervises tooth brushing, brushing make sure he does it right.

Wants to do these activities himself, parent allowed him to

Has stool to wash hands. Remembers to brush his teeth. Sings- not as shy.

More picky and adamant about doing it, wants to be clean, watches more things,

knows what to do, wants fruit.

a-j, more often, shares, understands more

improvements (He washes hands when he comes from outside)

j. smoking

g,h. learned how to share, know more about importance of physical activity

Note: for remained, mom and son are more aware of importance of issues.

Washing hands he does it all the time. Eating at table- he sits instead moving

around. Sharing with friends. Not touching everything.

f. learned to be away from home

Child has much better eating habits. Clean clothes- really prefers. Takes baths

and washes hands more frequently. Knows a lot more about drugs and cigarettes.

Knows lots more about safety in the home.

c, g. Daughter now tells mom that she is upset . Washing all the time.

Note: mom has learned a lot from Head Start and has changed her lifestyle.

cigarettes and drugs

a-j. makes everyone do it Parent: encourages him to do it more often

a, b-e, combs own hair, does more often

Eats peas/ wouldn't eat before on a diet. Eats less sugar & salt, exercise w/ grandmother. She talks about her friends.

Can brush teeth by himself. Takes own bath. He knows when water is hot and

not to play with matches.

communication talks better


More conscience of them. More emphasis on it and talks about it more.

Likes to keep himself looking nice. Color coordination. Now uses toothpaste.

Now knows how to take care of personal hygiene better. Still learning about

differences between kid with and w/out handicaps.

more often, more courteous- watches out for smaller children, eats more fruits &

vegetables, drinks juice

a-j. more often and does it without asking him, Parent: doesn't have to ask him to

do skills. More willing.

brush more often and asks for help

a,b. more often, encourages him more often

a-j, c, for the better

g, c, takes other kids feelings in consideration

brush own hair, brush teeth more often, gets dress by herself, only has to tell her

to do things

a-j., more her own- more aware of how she looks, stress the skills

g. More social and outgoing- ready to go to school

Note: Increased awareness or activity in all areas, now avoids getting clothes dirty

Child wants to brush teeth more. Child wants to eat more healthy foods, thinks about washing hands more. More vegetables are cooked. Watches what is said around child and her friends.

a-j. Sets up routine and follows through

Parents- reinforce & guide him

b - Child & parent, more often

h - Child & parent, both participate together

Dresses himself, tries to stay neater. When he remembers does it all the time. Washes his hands all the time. More careful. Doesn't talk to strangers. Better at sharing more active.

Saving the environment, recycling

Bus safety

c-i. Washes hands more often, more cautious, always looking around especially now w/ kids getting abducted, more conscious. Always encouraged, verbalizes if anything is wrong (feelings). Very outgoing, more aware that those are special people, no fear.

a-i, Child, skills are second nature

d&e, Child, protective of sisters and wants to teach them things she learned at Head Start

a-j, parent, child is much more independent

b&c, child, will do skills more often

e - parent and child, more aware of stranger

b, child, brushes more

c, child, washes hands more

a-e, parent, encourages her more to do it more

b & c, child, more often

a-j, parent & child, requires more independence

b - child, brushes independently

b&c, child, more often

f, child, eats better

More aware of how he looks. More constant about- he doesn't fight and flossing, washes hands more. Stricter about it. Stresses not to go near strangers; he won't go w/out her. Judo lessons. Tries to explain more to him so he doesn't get frustrated w/ his speech.

He accept it and goes along w/ it. Accepts flushing the toilet and washing hands. Stricter about it and more conscious of it. More aware of need to be careful about where they go. Starting to get idea of sharing do more now.

More often, learning more about feeling, encourage more often

More careful & aware does them right, watch her more and strict- making sure she does it.

Knows smoking is bad for you, brushes hair more. Brushes more often. Better & more often. Knows what not to touch, stays in yard, knows not to hurt other people's feelings. Plays outside; doesn't point or stare (knows not to)

A lot more often, encourage him more

More often, positive experience

Try more foods, more friendly more open, talks about feelings, more variety of food.

Easier to brush hair, more frequent. Doesn't want a cold so washes hands more often. Picks up toys. Encourage her more often and doesn't fight w/ child over the skill

Brushes more often, encourages to do skills more often

Understands that when he hits he hurts someone, ongoing- eating more vegetables, encourages him more

Enjoys brushing the teeth she had, does more often, encourage child more often.

More aware of safety and safety rules, expresses feelings in different ways, especially verbally, encouragement and support.

Does more often, picky. Much calmer- encourages him to do things

She wants to brush all the time, healthy food. She expresses her feelings all the time, more aware parent- more aware

More aware- he remembers what he is taught in school. Encourage more often.

a-c, parent & child, both more aware of things and make it a practice to do it more often

a-j, child, more outgoing and less shy

a-j, parent, understood daughter better

Much more aware of appearance, talks @ good foods importance of exercise

She eats more food and seems to like other foods. She's sensitive to her friends.

Has step stool to aide him in seeing himself, has step stool to aide him in brushing his teeth. He understands that they're not different they have feelings also. He's aware of what to do when smoke alarms go off.

He brushes his teeth 3 times a day now. He washes his hands after he uses the bathroom and washes his face by himself. I brush my teeth along w/ his. I wash my face so he can see me washing mine and he'll do it.

brushes teeth better

safety in home- child brought parent around home and showed them unsafe areas

was not aware of dangers of smoking now he talks about the fact that smoking is bad for you lungs and second hand smoke is bad for others, tobacco & drugs, the importance of washing hands before meals, child is more aware of strangers and will alert parent . Parent talks specifically about staying away from strangers. Let's him express feelings & draw feelings and listens to what the child says & they discuss it.

Brushes his own teeth

Child eats a lot more vegetables now. Can cook other kinds of vegetables now because child is more willing to try new things.

Parenting skills w/ other children at home.

Child grooms himself regularly. Child brushes his teeth w/out being told. Child asks to take baths. Child washes hands before and after meals without being told. Child knows where to go if there is a fire.

Washes hands more before and after meals. Cooks more healthy fully now. Parent: Washes hands more before and after meals. Increased tooth brushing child eats better.

Become more aware of things that go on in the neighborhood at the playground. Changed diet a lot. More aware of safety at home. More aware of safety in the neighborhood. More aware of his feelings w/ friends. He has had to consider having a lot of friends w/ group activities that are done in Head Start.

More aware of importance of tooth brushing and enforces it more. More aware that she should brush her teeth. Child washes her hands before meals regularly. Child more aware of safely in the home. Both are more aware of the importance in not littering.

Washes hands a lot more. Brushes teeth & is more aware of grooming. Practice fire drills at home. Learning how to cope w/ stress of relationships. Boy gets more exercise. Boy more aware of knows not to make fun of disabled people.

Give him more responsibility about meal serving and eating

a-d, Wants his face wash, wants to brush, wash hands more, makes sure doors are locked.

Brushing twice a day, better about safety, better nutrition, better w/ friends.

Brushes own hair and tucks in own shirt, brushes teeth more often and knows has

to after eating. Washes hands before dinner. Knows not to play with matches of

put fingers in sockets. Knows not to go out of backyard of near the road. Gets

along better w/ other children, more comfortable, not as shy. Knows if someone

doesn't understand him to repeat himself and not get frustrated.

does more often believes teacher Parent- encourages more

a-j, child, likes to do it now

a-j, parent, takes more time to do them

independent on skills, watches feelings more carefully, more active, encourages

more often

a-f. He combs his hair more. He brushes his teeth more, washes his hands.

Talks about not playing w/ matches. Looks before crossing the street. He talks

what foods are good for you.

He is better at bathing. He likes brushing his teeth. Better bathroom habits. He

learned that he should eat a lot of fruits & stay away from candy. He tries to


b-d, child, more often and she likes doing it

b-d, parent, encourages her more often

More aware and does more

Know what to do in a fire

Do not put your hands on other kids

Serves more balanced meals

more often

more aware of stranger

g-Understands that when he hits he hurts someone

f-Ongoing; eats more vegetables

a-i Parent encourages him more

a-f. He brushes his hair now. He brushing his teeth on his own. Picks up his

garbage. Looks before crossing road on bicycle. He knows where not to go & to

go. Fruit good for him.

Care about hygiene, wants to brush his teeth, taught him better safety near the

street. He eats vegetables more & less candy.

control- not as hyper

Watches what he eats/ brushes his teeth AM and bedtime. Make sure he washes hands- I supervise and I wash too. Takes a baht nightly and brushes his hair. Watch him wash his hands. Express more feelings and aware of other feelings.

g. Child: gets along much better with his sister

practices more, more aware

tooth brush- going great- brushes without being told to do so.

g. gets along better with other kids

child practices more the activities

Child: Practices all and more, she is more educated (more educated manners)

child practices more the activities

child is doing better on grooming- combing hair- picking own clothes

f mom said she was making better selections of food. She said she was now

substituting fruit for snacks instead of candy & sweets

Child: stopped hitting other children, gets along with others, more activities related Mother: eaten more fruits & vegetables, watching sugar Practice more health-

sanitary steps, more active physically

Child: dresses herself, cleans her teeth by herself, washes her hands by herself, practices more security everywhere Mother: Practices more activities

Child: practices more, eats more variety of foods

child is taking more pride in grooming- combing hair etc....brushing teeth without being told doing excellent washes hands after meals after school. Both parent & child are being more careful in playground & outside. Child is picking better quality food for snack (fruit) & moms cooking better food. Child is more open then before & making new friends. Always talking about fitness & exercise & showing others at home how to do it.

a. Child taking more interest in grooming

parent said both she & child had made improvements some slight & some big but she avoided details & said just general improvements- combing hair better, brushing more often- watching out for safety- eating more fruits & vegetables. this was all I could get out of her

f. eats a more variety of food

b. washes more his teeth

b. He wants to brush his teeth more often

a. He combs his hair better. He wants to be clean when he goes somewhere.

e. He is more concerned. He keeps an eye out.

Parents more active and involved

Child- better grooming habits, listening better Parent- no change

a. Child-she knows more about good grooming habits

c. He washes hands

g. He now has friends. He jokes. He is more outspoken with them.

Child: more mature, more concerned, eats more variety of foods

Mother: like daughter, more concerned, more healthy food prepares

a-c,f, g. Child: more improve, more practice of the items

Mother: like child, practices more

Child: practices more the activities

Parent- I pay more attention to everything now

Child- better at brushing his teeth- washes hands before eating better

Child is combing hair & has more pride. Brushing teeth regular & setting a good example for everyone else. Child choosing better food & eating fruit for snacks. Both child & parent are talking more & sharing feelings. Parent has learned a lot about neighborhood safety & is improving.

Mother: better mother, educated

g. Obeys more to parents/ speaks English

Learned better habits in each one

more cautious, more aware, learned all good habits

a,b,c Practices

practices more

mother: less supervision with child

child; practices more often

mother; best mother, better with my kids

c. Ch-He washes his hands before eating, after bathroom, etc. Mom-I'm more aware of my children's washing of hands, etc.

b. Ch-He does it more on his own. Mom-I do it more often per day than I used to.

f. She eats more fruit now.

a. She combs herself better. I don't know for myself.

a. She started to brush her own hair - bathing herself

b. She started to brush teeth better.

d. Ch- Some not too much.

b Child dresses on own.

b. washes his teeth by himself, we do not need to tell him anymore

f eats mote of everything & more fruits

j. talks more in English, Mother: works more in the house in order to not missed his child's activities

Both parent & child are more friendly now

a,b,c. practices more

a,b,c. practices more

child: practices more all of them, he is more mature

a,b,d,e,g,h. Practices and talks a lot more about them, more aware

Parent: same as child, plus some weight

g. Now she is friendly.

b. wash teeth after each meal

a-h. Child & Mom: Practicing much more the activities

child; now she practices more, dress herself, more polite, very aware, listens more, picks up after herself. mother; same as child

Both mother & child: more cautious about everything

a-c, practices more

f. eats more vegetables

a-e, h. practices more

Child wash hands, brush teeth more, understand English better behavior better. Parent -no change.

a. Child developed good grooming habits

She is expressing herself more. Parent is trying to improve her tooth brushing and is doing better. Mother says she is doing better on sanitary conditions around house. Mother said she is more aware of safety and is doing better. Parents are more aware of safety in the neighborhood and being more careful. Mother is cooking more nutritious food. Mother is talking with child more and being a better listener. Mother states she is new involved in exercise.

a-e. Doing much better on grooming without being told to do it. Brushing is better- does it on her own and regularly. Washing hands always before eating on her own. Both child and parent have learned a lot about safety in home and both are doing better about the stove and matches and fire. Both parent and child are more cautious when outside playing. Child is even telling others what they should not do.

safety at home, safety in neighborhood, good nutrition, feelings/ friendships, disabilities

Changes to her clothes, brushes all the time, washes her hands, follows everything good, better safety, likes vegetables.

She got better on all of them. She doesn't put her shoes on the wrong feet anymore. She doesn't eat the toothpaste anymore. Washes her hands often. She knows how to play better. Express herself better without crying. She shares now.

Attended nutrition workshop. Doing better on dressing and hair combing. Toothbrushing is great and done without being told to do. Washing hands without being told. Practicing better and safer practices at home and in neighborhood. Parents are cooking healthier meals and more aware of what child needs. Eating better quality food- making better choices of what to eat. Loves fitness and exercise and knows good exercise.

Both parent and child are doing better with brushing- brushing more. Child is aware of safety at home and reminds me of things not to do. Eating better choice of foods. Talking more freely and has made friendships at school. Loves fitness and doing better on her won about exercise.

Mother stated child has improved a lot in all ways. Brushing teeth better and on his own. Doing much better washing his hands without being told. Really being careful around the stove. Using more caution when outside playing around swings. Eating and choosing better food. More open now. Love physical fitness. Understands more about disabilities and doing better.

More conscious about grooming. Eats better and gets me exercise. Gets along better with others.

Child- more communicative has learned a lot, better grooming habits Parents- I spend more time with him

Child- changed her attitude about feelings and friendship used to be very shy- tooth brushing on her own, safety at home- practice earthquake skills Parent- feels socialization is prominent has made good friends because of heath program

g, a. Child- listens better to parents better- good grooming habits

Parents- learned better parenting skills

More conscious about health and safety

educational things

More aware of the importance of all of these areas Parent: More knowledgeable about eating right

More aware of all of them and their importance

helped with speech therapy needs

Worked with child in all areas- improvement more than change.

more consistent, always talking about safety at home, eating more nutritious foods, cook more nutritious foods, bur less junk food, work out more, go to parks with son.

likes to take his own bath

Gets along w/ others. Sharing w/ sister, wouldn't do it before. Sits at table and

eats all her food. Cut out candy. I've learned to share also.

She does the tasks by herself before I helped. Doesn't play with matches.

She's knows to do things hurt herself. Hates cigarette smoke. Tries to eat right (we cut out candy). Brushes her teeth 3 times instead of one. Never plays with matches.


More careful at home and in yard. Stays away from junk food.

Parent: More aware and takes time to work on each area

Child has improved and is eating better nutrition

More aware about all areas

Brushes more often. Washes hands more often. Stop playing w/ matches and lighter. Stays in area- instead of wandering. Appetite has increased. Plays better with niece. he's calm down a lot. He can sit still.

More conscious about the importance of all of them

Child- likes school Parent- I have more patience

Child- was very dependent more independent now Parent- I have more time to do other things because he cares for himself now

c. He goes around house looking for overloaded outlets or matches

a. Take care of himself as far as clothes

f. He eats alot more vegetables and fruit.

b. Brushes more often

g. Parent- I've changed my feelings about her because she's learned so much

Child- he has developed well and is more independent of mother

Parent- has learned to let the child be more independent

changed in the way she talks and understands English, treats sister better

b,c brushes more now, especially after meals

a,c She has to be matching. She learned her colors so she applies it to her clothes.

a Child combs hair and dresses self. Child does not know how to shine shoes.

b Brushes teeth two or three times daily.

c Washes them [hands] every so often and every time he eats.

d. He is more careful with what he does. If a knife is on the table he says to put it away.

f. They are not allowed to drink pop. I buy carrots and celery. I have really tried to get them to eat vegetables and milk.

c. Child washes before meals. Once in a while she has to be reminded. But, not much.

a. Ch-He does it more on his own. I don't have to tell him. Mom-I'm more aware of my appearance

b Brushes teeth all the time.

c Goes around washing hands because of the flies and dirt.

d Child knows that the door has to be locked.

e That child shouldn't get together with just anyone.

f One must drink milk to be strong.

g Child likes people more.

h Child likes to play a lot. Before child hardly played at all.

h. Mom-I walk alot more now.

Child- used to be very dependant on me now takes care of herself Parent- I used to help her too much

Child- behavior has improved in all areas- better grooming habits too Parents- understand more English

I participate in program at Head Start

speech problems

talks better- is more polite- tells me where she goes- used to just go without my permission- asks for whatever she wants- child tells mom she loves her Mother- doesn't worry about her as much anymore

g. Child- behavior is better; he shares better. Parent- not sure

is more aware of good grooming habits, feelings, good nutrition, aware of safety at home

Parent- more aware of all of the above health concerns and more careful about what you do.

Parent- more aware of child's needs- Don't need to watch her as much

Child- likes to look nice- good grooming, overall more aware of all health areas Parent- I've learned to understand children more

speech is better, better grooming habits- always brushes teeth- tells others to wash hands- more knowledgeable about most health concerns.

Child- more careful about good grooming habits, more aware of safety measures in & out of home

j. Child-changed in behavior used to be a discipline problem but is doing much better now

Child- more aware- washes hands before she eats, more conscious of food choices

Child- she dresses herself now- washes hands without being told- brushes her teeth- doesn't eat as many sweets- she knows not to go with strangers

Parent- speech has improved also- used baby talk - doesn't any more being more responsible as a parent

Child- doesn't fight with sister so much- better good grooming habits Parent- hasn't changed

a. C Child takes more time and always remembers to comb hair.

b. C Child takes more time and always remembers to brush teeth.

d. P Parent is much more conscious about safety issues.

e. P Parent is much more conscious about safety issues.

f. P Parent is trying to eat healthy foods.

a. C Child self up more.

b. C Child brushes teeth.

c. C Child is better at sanitary practices.

e. C Child is more cautious stays in yard.

g. C Child cares more about friend.

a. C Child is learning to dress himself well.

b. C Child brushes his teeth all the time.

b. C Child has better dental hygiene--brushes teeth at home.

f. C Child is a picky eater so he tries to eat more at school.

j. C Child pays more attention.

g. P Parent is more patient with her child in learning how to deal with his hyperactivity.

a. C Child's hair is always combed.

c. C Child is washing his hands more.

g. C Child verbalizes that his feelings have been hurt.

d. P Parent put lighters up high.

e. P Parent is much more aware of the possible dangers.

a. C Child spends more time on grooming.

b. C Child brushes more often.

c. C Child washes hands and bathes more often.

d. C Child picked up good tips and is more aware.

f. C Child learned elsewhere too (good nutrition).

g. C Child is improving in playing, sharing, and friendships.

a. P Parent spends more time grooming.

b. P Parent brushes more often.

a. C Child changes clothes more often and fixes hair.

c. C Child washes hands more often.

a. P Parent is more aware of what child wears to school.

c. C Washes hands now.

Note: Practice good habits on all areas more than before.

a. C Child is more organized.

b. C Child is more careful.

c. C Child talks more to her peers.

g. P Parent is more patient with her children.

a. C Child is more interested in personal appearance.

b. C Child is more interested in tooth brushing.

c. C Child is more interested in keeping clean.

d. C Child is more aware of the dangers and how to avoid getting hurt.

f. P Parent went on a diet.

h. P Parent exercises more.

There are things as he gets older that he has to learn as he becomes part of the household, he will do better.

b. C Learning abilities, brushes her teeth.

c. C More often washes her hands.

e. C More aware of strangers.

b. P Brushing her teeth more.

g. P Listen to her more-- help teach.

e. C He knows that he can't go across the street without me and he has to watch for strangers.

i. C We also talked about why people are in wheelchairs.

a. C Brushes his own hair/dresses himself.

b. C Brushes teeth before bed and in the morning.

c. C Lifts the toilet seat.

d. C Does not open door, answer phone, play with stove.

h. C Plays a lot more outside.

i. C Learned how people are different.

c. C She is trying to wipe better.

f. C We are on a health kick.

i. C She respects the handicapped.

f. P I improve meal without her noticing. I really changed the way I cook.

a. C Tries to clean himself up more.

b. C Brushes his teeth without my telling him to.

g. C More considerate.

a. P I try real hard to watch [grooming habits].

b. P Stress that brushing teeth is important.

d. P Keeping safe is important.

d. C Child used to want to play near the stuff. While grandmother cooks--so now she knows of the dangers and doesn't do it anymore.

e. C Child used to play in hallway without asking, she now asks to be supervised.

e. P Parent talks to child more about safety outdoors.

c. C Child washes hands before eating.

f. C Child likes fruits and vegetables and child is given a lot of them in school.

e. C Child is cautious.

f. C Child tells mom McDonald's serves junk food.

g. C Child shares with peers and siblings.

e. P Parent talks to child about safety issues.

g. P Parent is more patient and is teaching child to share with child's siblings.

a. C Child is more independent and tries to do these activities on her own.

b. C is same as above.

c. C is same as above.

k. P Parent lets child do things and then helps her finish up.

g. C Child is much more loving after he has been in school.

a. C Child worries about wearing clean clothes.

b. C Child brushes teeth on his own.

c. C Child washes hands without being told.

e. C Child tells to be accompanied when crossing the street.

f. C Child is eating more.

a. P Parent cares more about how her children look.

f. P Parent gives child foods that are more nutritious.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Used to be reluctant to wash hands.

a. C She brushes hair before school.

b. C She brushes teeth after meals.

c. C Washes hands before she eats, doesn't drink out of anyone else's glass.

d. C She has learned to be safe around the house in general.

e. C Watches for cars when crossing the street.

f. C Likes to keep track of healthy foods she eats.

g. C A lot less shy, more outgoing.

g. P More aware [of feelings and friendships] because she is discussing with daughter.

b. C He brushes his teeth more.

c. C He washes his hands more.

g. P I feel comfortable with the services my child is getting. I feel better that he is getting help.

b. C Child wants to brush teeth all the time.

c. C Child washes hands without being told.

d. C Child reminds me of medicines and matches and putting them away.

f. C Child wants me to stop smoking.

b. P Parent brushes more.

c. P Parent washes hands more.

d. P Parent is more conscious of hazards at home.

g. P Parent is more open about feelings.

g. C Child gets along better with other children.

a. C Child agrees with mom that he has to bathe.

b. C Child agrees with mom that he has to brush his teeth.

d. C Child gives mother knives to put them away.

f. C Child likes fruits and vegetables now.

f. C Child eats fruits and vegetables.

g. C Child is very friendly.

b. C Child is more cooperative in brushing his teeth.

e. C Child is not allowed to play in the front, he must wear a bike helmet.

f. C Child is willing to try different foods.

g. C Child is running and playing and having more interaction with other children.

d. P Parent is more aware of the precautions to take.

f. P Parent adds more variety to [child's] meals.

i. P Parent has made my son aware of the disabled children in the school.

a. C Child does everything well and likes to wash hair.

c. C Child keeps hands clean.

d. C Child makes sure everything is secure.

g. C Child is not a loner anymore.

a. P Parent cleans house for lead poisoning.

c. P Parent keeps hands clean.

d. P Parent makes sure everything is secure.

g. P Parent learned to deal with people.

a. C He will take a bath everyday, dresses appropriately.

b. C He brushes after meals.

c. C When he comes in he washes his hands and before meals.

d. C He stops and thinks before he does things.

e. C He wears his bike helmet-- he stops and thinks.

g. C He is everybody's friend now. We talk about things and he expresses his feelings.

i. C He has made a lot of progress with his ADD.

c. P I wash my hands a lot more.

f. P We don't buy hot dogs, pork, sugar.

g. P We discuss our feelings a lot more openly (Tell them how we feel and listen to how they feel).

i. P Head Start has helped me understand his ADD and what his capabilities are. They've been a support in dealing with his disabilities.

a. C Tries to brush by herself.

c. C Wash hands all the time.

e. C More cautious of strangers.

f. C Eats much better-- not so many sweets.

g. C Dealing with kids better.

h. C Monkey bars, more active.

d. P Wash hands all the time.

e. P Talks about issues at home.

f. P Healthy info, better cooking.

g. P More friends now.

h. P Conscious of physical health.

a. C He likes to brush his hair-- he wants to look good.

b. C He brushes his teeth a couple times a day now.

c. C He cleans up after himself now.

d. C He puts things up out of his brothers reach. He asks who is at the door when he answers it.

e. C He knows not to talk to strangers. He knows not to throw the ball toward the street.

f. C He knows that vegetables are healthy and they give him muscles.

g. C He will explain that someone hurt his feelings and expresses his feelings.

h. C He doesn't want to sit in front of the TV.

a. P He will tell me to put on my makeup.

b. P I'll brush my teeth with him.

d. P I watch what I lay down and cover plugs in the wall.

e. P I watch the kids closer when they are at a distance.

f. P I enjoy eating healthy foods with them instead of junk food.

h. P He keeps me going.

i. P I explained disabilities to him.

g. P He had taught me how to forgive people easier. He picks my friends-- the nice ones.

a. C Better habits.

b. C Better schedule [brushing teeth], more routine.

g. C Not asking for sweets.

d. P More aware of danger at home.

e. P More lenient, not as cautious.

h. P More active-- do more things outside.

b. C Child understands the importance tooth brushing.

c. C Child understands the importance of sanitary practices and does them more often.

d. P Parent is much more conscious of spending time talking about safety.

e. P Parent is much more conscious about making home safe.

a. C Child is more aware of the importance of grooming.

d. C Child is more aware of the importance of safety.

a. P Parent is more aware of the importance of grooming.

d. P Parent is more aware of the importance of safety.

f. P Parent is more conscious of selecting healthy foods.

g. P Parent is spending more time talking about relationships.

i. P Parent is more conscious of disabilities.

a. C Child spends more time washing up.

b. C Child spends more time brushing teeth.

c. C Child spends more time washing up.

d. C Child is much more cautious about safety.

e. C Child is much more cautious about safety and strangers.

g. C Child is much more verbal about feelings.

h. C Child uses exercise equipment at home.

d. P Parent is much more cautious about safety.

e. P Parent is much more cautious about safety and strangers.

h. P Parent uses exercise equipment at home.

a. C Child is more aware of the importance of good grooming habits.

b. C Child brushes teeth more often and regularly.

c. C Child is more aware of the importance of sanitary practices.

e. C Child is more aware and cautious of strangers.

f. C Child is more aware of the importance of good nutrition and eating healthy foods.

g. C Child is more aware of the importance of feelings and friendships.

h. C Child is more aware of the importance of physical activity and fitness.

b. P Parent brushes teeth more often.

c. P Parent has quit smoking.

e. P Parent is more aware and cautious of strangers


a. C Child brushes hair more often.

c. C Child is cautious with strangers.

g. C Child is more open about thoughts and feelings.

g. P Parent is more open about thoughts and feelings.

d. C Had first fire drill.

f. C Makes comments about the health of her food, tries new foods.

g. C Became aware of controlling her own emotions, talks them out.

a. C Child is more interested in dressing self.

b. C Child wants to brush teeth all the time.

d. C Child knows not to touch certain things.

g. C Child is friendly and tells you how she feels.

b. C Child is more independent and doesn't have to be reminded.

c. C Child is more independent and doesn't have to be reminded.

a. C Child cares how he looks now.

b. C Child now likes to brush teeth.

c. C Child is washing hands frequently now.

d. C Child knows if something can hurt him now.

e. C Child now cautious around cautious.

f. C Child will eat peanut butter now.

g. C Child now shares.

h. C Child likes to exercise now.

a. P Parent now realizes of the importance of grooming.

b. P Parent has been to the dentist.

c. P Parent is washing now.

a. C Child brushes hair more and washes hands.

b. C Child brushes her own teeth.

d. C Child is more cautious [around] stove.

g. C Child is more verbal about thoughts and feelings.

h. C Child is getting more exercise and plays outside more.

a. P Parent brushes hair more and washes hands more.

h. P Parent is getting more exercise and plays outside more.

a. C Child wants to brush hair more.

b. C Child knows how to brush teeth.

c. C Child is getting more consistent.

e. C Child acts more mature.

f. C Child leaves clean plate.

g. C Child is socially more active.

h. C Child is more active.

a. P Parent wants to brush hair more.

b. P Parent knows how to brush hair.


a. C More time to really wash.

b. C More time to brush his teeth (sticks to the schedule).

d. C Takes time to look both ways for traffic.

f. C Carrots now make him big and strong and he explains this to his sister.

d. P Stress strangers/danger.

g. P Working on being kinder and more respectful of others.

a. C Child is more aware of his clothes and what he wears.

c. C Is more cautious about opening door to strangers.

e. C Is more aware of his surroundings when outside.

f. C Is cutting back on sweets.

g. C Is learning to share feelings.

f. P Is buying better foods.

b. P Makes sure child brushes every night and talks about it with both child and grandmother.

a. C Child has improved some in her grooming habits.

b. C Child doing much better with her tooth brushing.

c. C Child is washing hands before eating.

d. C Child has improved some in this area [safety].

g. C Is trying to share feelings more.

e. P Is watching food more closely.

b. He [child] automatically does it [brushes his teeth].

a. C Grooming habits have changed for him.

c. C Washes hands before eating.

d. C Working hard on safety in areas of fire, storms, and being careful outside.

f. C Doing better on what she eats and watching junk food.

h. C He is more aware of exercise and trying to do more each day.

Generally has made both of us more aware of our habits and things around us and how to appreciate them.

a. C Used to have to tell him to comb his hair and now he does it on his own.

b. C Brushes his teeth on his own.

c. C Washes his hands a lot.

d. C Takes more precautions about the stove and matches.

e. C Eating better foods.

Parent said her child has changed in all categories and she has too;

a. C Child now has excellent grooming habits.

b. C Child now has excellent tooth brushing habits, etc...

c. C Child now has excellent sanitary practices.

d. C Child is excellent with safety at home.

e. C Child is excellent with safety in the neighborhood.

f. C Child is excellent with nutrition.

g. C Child is excellent with feelings.

h. C Child is much more active.

i. C Child is excellent with disabled people.

a. P Parent now has excellent grooming habits.

b. P Parent now has excellent tooth brushing habits, etc...

c. P Parent now has excellent sanitary practices.

d. P Parent is excellent with safety at home.

e. P Parent is excellent with safety in the neighborhood.

f. P Parent is excellent with nutrition.

g. P Parent is excellent with feelings.

h. P Parent is much more active.

i. P Parent is excellent with disabled people.

All categories are much improved and the mother is improving also in all categories.

b. C Child washes teeth more frequently.

d. C Child is more sensitive in things that will keep child safe. Doesn't play with matches.

a. C Child washes hands before eating and she does it by herself without being sent to do it.

b. C Child brushes teeth independently without being asked.

c. C Child knows to clean up well and does it by herself.

f. C Child now eats vegetables.

g. C Child now talks to parents about everything.

a. C Child washes hands and bathes.

b. C Child washes mouth.

c. C Child cleans and washes hands when child goes to bathroom.

d. C Child doesn't play with matches that have a capacity.

e. C Child doesn't climb in places.

f. C Child eats things that did not eat before.

g. C Child shares more with children.

h. C Child plays more than [not legible].

i. C Child helps.

b. P Parent goes to the dentist.

d. P Parent said there is enough.

e. P Parent doesn't know.

g. P Parent is more sentimental.

h. P Parent passed illness.

i. P Parent is much better at dealing with disabled people.

a. C Child doesn't have to be sent to brush hair.

b. C Child washes mouth without being sent to.

d. C Child doesn't play with electrical things.

e. C Child doesn't cross the street by himself.

f. C Child eats things that didn't eat before.

g. C Child values friends more.

h. C Child is more dexterous.

i. C Child has more feelings.

b. P Parent washes with child to give an example.

d. P Parent has more conferences with child about safety in the house.

e. P Parent is more careful.

f. P Parent consumes more nourishing foods than before. "The nutritionist counseled me."

g. P Parent gives more to people.

i. P Parent has learned to help and like these people [disable].


a. C Child checks his clothes--wants to be clean.

b. C Child brushes his teeth more often.

c. C Child thinks about what she eats.

g. C Child deals with peers and siblings better.

j. C Child's communication is clear and mature.

k. P Parent now gives child more responsibilities--she no longer treats him like a baby.

a. C She [child] is responsible for her own neatness.

b. C She [child] knows to brush her teeth before school.

h. C She [child] loves to get out and play.

e. C [Child] watches where she's playing, who she talks to.

f. C She [child] eats more healthy foods [and] drinks milk.

a. C [Child] cleans up and stays neat.

b. C [Child] brushes more often.

c. C [Child] washes hands more than before.

d. C [Child] talks about safety more often.

e. C She [child] looks out for her smaller cousin.

f. C [Child] cuts out on the candy, she [child] eats fruit.

a. P [Parent gives] more baths for daughter.

g. P Mother tries to spend more quality time with daughter.

h. P [Parent] watches fitness videos, and cuts back on salts.

a. C Child is developing good grooming habits without being told to do.

b. C Child is brushing after meals on his own and doing a good job.

c. C Child is washing hands without being told.

d. C Child watches around the stove and is more careful than before.

e. C Child is more observant when in the neighborhood. He doesn't talk to strangers.

h. C Child has improved on his fitness a great deal-knows what he is supposed to do and is improving.

f. P Parent stated she is improving in the area of nutrition. Watching junk foods.

a. C Child is improving some on grooming. He matches his clothes and combs his hair without being told.

b. C Child brushes after all meals without being told and reminds others about it.

c. C "He keeps his hands clean before he eats and after he's been outside. He washes them without me telling him."

d. C "He is more conscious about the stove and matches and stays away from matches."

e. C "He is more careful outside and knows not to go off with a stranger or talk to one. He has learned to watch for trouble when playing outside so that he can stay away from trouble."

a. C Child has improved slightly and now knows how to comb his hair. Parents said no to all. Impatient here and wanting to stop. Parent states she hasn't had to make any changes good or bad.

a. C Child is picking out his own clothes, combing his hair and improving.

b. C Child has developed good tooth brushing habits and does it without being told.

c. C Child is doing terrific. He washes before meals and when coming in from play without being told.

f. C Child watching fast food, eating healthier meals and watching calories.

a. P Parent said she was trying harder on her grooming to set an example.

b. P Parent said she had improved her dental hygiene since reading pamphlets.

c. P Mother said she is more conscious of washing her hands and is doing better

f. P Parent is watching fast food, eating healthier meals and watching behavior.

a. C Child's grooming habits are much improved. He combs his hair--picks out his clothes

b. C Child is really working hard on his teeth--he encourages family at home to brush.

c. C [Child is] more cautious around the stove and more aware of safety at home.

a. C Child is doing much better on his grooming.

c. C Child is really improving on keeping his hands clean and reminds everyone else.

f. C Child is making better choices of what to eat at the table and portion sizes.

g. C "The child is really coming out in this category. He was shy and did not have much to say when he started school. He's much better and talks about his feelings with me when he gets home."

d. P Parent says she watches more closely about leaving things on a hot stove for a child to touch.

f. P Parent is eating better balanced meals.

g. P Parent says she listens to her child more and talks with him about his feelings.

h. P Mother says she's more aware of what she needs to do for physical fitness.

b. C "Grooming habits are really improving. He's doing them on his own now."

c. C "Very careful around heaters and stoves. He is very careful now."

g. C "[He] is getting more open with his feelings and has made a lot of progress."

h. C "Physical fitness is fun for him and he loves to exercise and do pushups." g. P Parent says she is doing better listening to child and giving him a chance to express his feelings.

a. C Tries to do own hair.

b. C Brushes 4 times a day.

c. C Constantly washing her hands.

d. C Very alert and cautious around the house.

e. C Doesn't talk to strangers or let them get close.

b. C He likes to brush more often.

c. C He likes to wash hands.

e. C He is limited because parent is cautious.

a. C Child's grooming habits have improved. He doesn't have to be told to do it.

b. C Child's brushing his teeth regularly and brushes the correct way now.

e. C He's being more careful when he's outside--doesn't talk to strangers now.

f. P Parent says she has made changes on food she prepares and is cooking more nutritious meals. The pamphlets helped her.

a. C Child's grooming practice is much improved. He takes real pains with his grooming.

b. C Enthusiastic about brushing and does not have to be told to brush.

c. C Much better hand washing practices and improving every day--always washes before eating now.

d. C Using caution at home around the stove and matches. He is cautious now and knows what not to do.

a. P Parent has improved her grooming some this year.

d. P Parent is more aware of safety at home from the pamphlets the child brings home and also the child tells her about safety at home.

j. The child begins to speak more clearly.

a. C Child bathes independently.

b. C Child washes teeth independently.

c. C Child sometimes calls for help, sometimes goes independently.

f. C Child eats beans.

g. C Child already didn't give to the cousins.

h. C Child has left bad habits such as picking nose.

a. P Parent washes hands more to set an example for child.

b. P Parent does the same as child.

d. P Parent to quarrel with the children.

g. P Parent looks for good feelings.

h. P Parent wears make-up more.

i. P Parent greets disabled people now.


b. C Child now remembers to brush teeth on her own.

f. P Mother's food preparation has changed.

g. P Mother is less shy. Has improved her social life.

a. C Child now takes two showers a day.

b. C Child brushes his teeth all the time.

g. C Child is now able to share with peers.

j. C Child has more mature speech.

j. P Parent has learned to separate from child and to help him become more independent.

a. C Child keeps clean more often.

b. C Child brushes frequently.

c. C Child knows how to use the bathroom.

e. C Child has had security in the house explains to her by great aunt and by teacher.

f. C Child eats what is given to her at the center.

g. C Child is happier.

h. C Child enhances activities.

b. P Parent checks teeth frequently.

h. P Parent walks more so she can play with child.

a. C Child does what he is told and will sometimes do it by himself.

f. C Child eats vegetables.

g. C Child is calmer and shares more with children.

h. C Child is less hyperactive.

d. P Parent closes the doors.

e. C Being careful around neighborhood and how to cross streets.

b. P I brush more after meals.

d. P Stressing safety habits.

e. P I tell them not to talk to strangers.

g. P More open with each other.

h. P We developed an exercise routine.

a. C Combs hair before school now.

b. C Pays more attention to it [tooth brushing].

f. C Is more on carrots and less on candy.

g. C More aware of girl friends.

h. C Changed because she does more physical activities and games.

a. C Stressing washing hands/zip coats.

b. C Realizes its more important [brushing teeth].

c. C Washing hands more often/helps to clean up.

g. C Only child-- important to get along.

e. P Had to make him understand about strangers.

g. P Because more important to share.

g. C She improves herself, she likes her friends, she enjoys school.

f. P I try to fix salads more, I've lost weight.

g. P I try to understand her better. I speak more english at home.

b. C She is a fanatic about tooth brushing.

c. C Washes hands a lot, would take a bath 10 times a day if you let her.

j. P I've learned to deal with her different attitudes since she has been in Head Start.

e. C Safety in the neighborhood and on the playground is better.

f. C Eats better.

e. P Warn him more about strangers.

f. P I give him more fruit now.

a. C Child is more conscientious about bathing, brushing, and sharing with her brother.

b. C Child didn't use to brush teeth and now she does. Now she tells his brother not to go to bed with dirty teeth.

c. C Child cleans herself well and his hygiene has improved.

d. C Child doesn't play with matches and knives and warns her brother and father not to.

e. C Child is very careful in the park.

f. C Child eats more salad and vegetables.

g. C Child was timid before and now she shares and expresses her feelings.

f. P Parent makes more salad and tries to stick to the nutritional menu from Head Start.

b. C Child washes his teeth each time he eats.

d. C Child is more conscientious--doesn't play with matches or the stove.

f. C Child eats more vegetables than before and drinks more milk.

h. C Child does many more activities than before.

a. C Child is more conscientious about cleaning habits.

f. C Child is more careful about [choosing] what foods are good to eat.

a. C Child was always neat, now is neater.

f. C Child has learned to eat more vegetables and drink milk from a cup.

g. C Child is more sociable and has learned to make friends.

d. P Parent has become more aware of security in the issues and also how to prepare and deal with natural disasters.

f. P Parent prepares meals differently. She cooks with the steamer and the grill.

a. C Child is more conscientious about the correct things she has to do.

b. C Child brushes teeth more frequently.

c. C Child is more conscientious about doing things correctly such as going to the bathroom.

d. C Child knows that she is not supposed to go out by herself.

g. C Child talks about everything.

a. P Parent is more conscientious about the correct things to do.

a. C Child takes better care of himself.

f. C Child requests for foods has changed.

j. C Child is now able to share his toys and other things with other people.

k. C Child is more mature in his speech and pronounces his words more clearly.

a. P Parent is now more careful of her children's habits.

f. P Parent has learned about nutritional value of food and now what she thought was healthy isn't.

j. P Parent [has learned] how to be more responsible as a mother.

a. C Child has a habit of washing hands before eating. Knows how to behave and ask permission to talk with another person.

b. C Child has a habit of brushing.

d. C Child knows the risks of dangerous things.

e. C Child knows the difference and can distinguish between good and bad.

f. C Child eats everything and eat all of salad.

g. C Child has learned to share.

h. C Child does the exercises in the house that child learns inschool.

i. C Child asks about disabled people.

a. C Child is more conscientious and knows what she has to do.

b. C Child brushes teeth without being asked to.

c. C Child cleans herself correctly.

f. C Child eats more vegetables. Child also eats less, but the foods are healthier.

f. P Parent eats more vegetables. Parent eats less, but the foods are healthier.

a. C Child washes hands more.

b. C Child brushes teeth more.

c. C Child does not use pampers because it is hard to know when he is constipated.

d. C Child has been advised of dangers in the house.

e. C Child behaves well in neighborhood.

f. C Child eats a diet that has more fiber and he eats more.

g. C Child is better at sharing and shares more often.

h. C Child is doing better with the constipation problem.

a. P Parent washes hands.

d. P Parent sings songs of safety and is more careful with children.

f. P Parent prepares new foods.

g. P Parent has met more people and wants to enjoy her children.

b. C Child cleans his teeth twice a day.

f. C Child eats well and eats all of his food.

g. C Child has changed his ways in relating to family members.

h. C Child exercises a lot.

g. P Parent doesn't get as angry with him any more. He [child] is a lot more calm. She wants him to like school.

b. C Child used to not wash teeth and now child does.

d. C Child knows to be careful with things, doesn't play with matches or electricity.

d. P Parent knows to be careful with things, knows not to play with matches or electricity.

a. C Child washes hands before eating.

b. C Child brushes teeth.

d. C Child has become independent.

e. C Child knows the rules of security.

f. C Child has learned to share.

h. C Child plays with other children.

i. C Child shares with people who are disabled.

b. C Child now wants to wash teeth.

d. C Child is more aware of security issues.

e. C Child is more aware of security issues.

g. C Child is an only child so she has learned to share.

j. P Parent is now able to deal with different issues and talk to her child about them.

b. C Now brushing twice a day.

c. C Hair washing, bathing everyday.

g. C Talking more, better communication.

h. C Doesn't watch TV, plays outside more.

d. P More cautious at home-- knives.

e. P Watch more carefully.

a. C Child washes face by herself and is not forced.

b. C Child brushes her own teeth.

c. C Child doesn't like germs/dirt.

d. C Child is very cautious of home/family.

g. C Child gets along with other kids (shy of adults).

h. C Child does cartwheels.

i. C Child is more aware.

a. C Child wants to wash hands before eating,

b. C Child doesn't fight about brushing teeth.

d. C Child is more aware of personal security.

h. C Does more physical activities and wears helmet.

i. C Child has become more aware and accepting of other people's incapacities.

f. P Mother more motivated to prepare better food.

h. P Does more physical activities.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Dresses himself.

d. C Checks locks at night.

f. C Eats better.

b. C Aware of dental health and cleanliness.

c. C Helps sister follow better health habits.

c. C Helps her family get better health habits.

b. C Asks to brush teeth.

c. C Remembers what he was taught in school, washes hands.

e. C Child is aware he is not to go with strangers.

f. P Better nutrition habits.

a. C Does this on his own [grooming].

e. C More careful of strangers.

f. C Doesn't ask for sweets so much.

a. C Has gotten good grooming habits.

f. C Good eating habits.

f. P Changed drastically in cooking habits.

b. C More disciplined [about brushing teeth].

f. P Is more concerned about good nutrition.

g. C Child was very shy upon entering the program-- Now he is very outgoing.

a. C Likes to take a bath twice a day.

b. C Always wants to brush his teeth.

c. C More conscious of cleanliness.

f. C Eats more vegetables.

g. C Less isolated.

h. C Play more together at playground.

b. P Brushes more often.

c. P More conscious, aware of ways to stay clean.

f. P Serves better food to children.

g. P Become less distant to people.

a. C He doesn't mind getting his hair combed. He says he has to comb his hair before leaving the house. He likes his clothes in place. He's very picky about the way he looks.

b. C He loves to brush his teeth.

c. C He was learning this before Head Start but he is more mindful now. No one has to tell him to wash his hands.

g. C He really shares well depending on what it is.

a. C Child has better grooming habits.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

a. C Child tries to brush her own hair.

b. C Child brushes teeth two to three times a day.

c. C Child washes herself and her hands.

d. C She knows 911 and to stay away from matches, stoves, and plugs.

i. C She has more awareness of and respect for disabilities.

a. C Takes bath by himself.

b. C Knows when to brush his teeth.

c. C Uses bathroom by himself. Much more aware [of sanitary practices].

e. C More careful by roads.

g. C Knows who friends are.

b. C Used to chew on toothbrush.

c. C Using tissues, not putting things in mouth.

f. C More aware of healthy food.

g. C Knows his feelings now-- pride, disappointment.

h. C Jumping jacks-- coordinated.

i. C Differences-- understanding.

f. P Healthy snacks.

g. P We talk about feelings instead of reacting.

a. C He's a lot more conscious of the clothes he wears.

b. C He's more cooperative about brushing.

e. C He knows not to run out into the street without being told where as before he couldn't have cared less.

g. C He's becoming aware of other people's feelings.

i. C Getting through to child that just because you are disabled you are not less than others. The side branch has been that he has carried that over to other handicapped people that he sees [e.g.; someone in a wheel chair or someone who is deaf]. He was very interested in sign language when it was offered in the Head Start classroom.

b. C Asks everyone in house if they have brushed their teeth.

c. C Washes hands after using toilet and eating meals. Says child won't sit down to eat without everyone washing their hands!

d. C Conscious about fire safety, asks "Where is our meeting place if there is a fire?" to parents!

e. C Awareness of how to keep safe from strangers.

f. C She chooses fruit and vegetables over sweets.

g. C Child was very shy when she first started-- now very outgoing.

h. C More active because she interacts more with other children.

a. P Have a routine in the morning at home for everyone because she wants to do these things (washing, combing hair) before school.

b. P Everyone in the family does it now, part of mealtime routine.

c. P More conscious of hand washing, especially.

d. P More awareness, more conscious of safety.

f. P They talk about healthy food at Head Start, so child talks with mom about it and they buy better food, especially more fruit for snacks.

a. C Child does all her own hair care, she even washes it in the bathtub and fixes it her own way.

b. C She now brushes her teeth at home at least once a day.

e. C She has been made more aware that even people you know can hurt you.

b. C Loves to brush his teeth, needs no reminders; he used to argue about it.

c. C Washing hands after using toilet-- remembers himself.

g. C More able to control himself and express his feelings by talking about them-- used to just hit when angry.

j. C Much more polite; better manners, especially at the table.

c. C More willing to wash before meals and after using toilet.

e. C Much better about watching for cars when crossing the street.

g. C Used to be very shy-- now more confident and outgoing with his peers.

b. C She is more aware of this and willing to do it.

c. C She washes hands more.

a. P Mother has changed her grooming habits.

b. P Mother brushes teeth more.

c. P Mother washes hands more.

a. C Wants to look clean and his clothes to match, especially before going to school.

b. C Brushes without complaining-- before mom gave up arguing with him and he hardly ever brushed.

e. C Tells rest of family how to behave with strangers, what to do if someone you don't know talks to you.

g. C More outgoing-- Mom was concerned about his social skills because of illness and hospitalizations, but Head Start has really helped.

b. P Brushes with child to re-enforce his good habit.

d. P More awareness because child talks about it.

e. P More conscious of it.

b. C Remembers to brush teeth on his own.

a. C More aware of good grooming habits.

g. P Has made me more aware of child-- I watch what I say and do around him more.

b. C Brushes her teeth many times a day.

c. C Likes to bathe frequently.

f. P Tries to balance the child's meals more.

a. C Child is able to be neater with his clothes.

c. C Child washes his hands before and after without being told.

f. C Child doesn't have junk food anymore.

d. P Parent makes sure everything in the house is safe for the child.

h. P Parent makes sure he gets enough exercise.

k. P Parent has taken away junk food.

a. C Very meticulous, brush his own hair.

b. C Likes to do on his own [brush teeth].

c. C Improved-- cleaning up after himself.

e. C Became more aware of traffic.

g. C Only child-- didn't like to share.

h. C Likes to go outside to play.

d. P More careful, I don't leave knives around.

b. C Knows [to brush] everyday 3 times a day.

c. C Washes hands everyday.

g. C Shares with sister more.

i. C More sensitive.

f. P Tried to improve foods that are served.

a. C Better about brushing hair, clean clothes.

b. C Likes to brush her teeth more, brushes after every meal.

c. C More willing to wash her hands, usually doesn't need reminders before meals. Never used to wash them before.

a. C Gets himself ready for school, brushes teeth, combs hair, washes up without supervision.

c. C Hand washing before meals-- always does this now.

d. C Awareness of being careful in kitchen especially around stove, matches, etc.

e. C Understands danger concept-- that he needs to follow rules to be safe, uses crosswalks rather than crossing anywhere.

f. C Eats more meats than he used to; is more willing to try.

d. P More awareness of making environment safe-- like medicines, cleaners, using poisonwarning stickers, etc.

h. P Trying to exercise more and reduce weight-- has info from Head Start about health benefits of exercise.

a. C Become more concerned about her hair.

b. C Brushes more.

c. C Washing her hands more.

f. C Starting to eat better, comments on the nutrition in her food.

g. C She has opened up more, more self esteem.

h. P Started exercising more.

a. C More aware of being clean and healthy.

b. C Brushes after every meal because teacher said so.

c. C Flushes toilet and washes hands after going to the bathroom.

f. C Talks more about what foods are good for her.

g. C Has more friends-- Pretty isolated at home, so her friends are all at school.

h. C Talks about exercises and how that makes people strong and healthy.

i. C Has disabled kids in class; seems less curious when we see someone who is disabled.

f. P I have asked for a lot of info. in this area because child has pretty poor eatinghabits. They have given me ideas about how to get her to try more things and also recipes she might like, so I have become much more aware of having good food and better diet.

a. C Combs her own hair, has to have his hair washed, washes his hands.

b. C Brushes his teeth without prompting.

d. C Doesn't play with fire, actually picks up matches and lighter and puts them away.

e. C Good about crossing the road, doesn't climb the low fence.

a. C Cares about looking clean-- her clothes, face, etc.

b. C Wants to brush more often.

c. C She remembers better to wash before meals without arguing like she used to.

d. C Used to be careless in kitchen; now she warns others to be careful, especially about the stove.

e. C Knows how to cross the street safely, especially about using the crosswalks.

g. C Making more friends, less shy than she used to be.

a. P Because she gets out more-- she has to take her to and from school, for example, she wants to look nice because she is meeting new people.

b. P Because she is so much better about this now, mom does it too because she wants to set an example and support what child is learning.

d. P More conscious of safety, especially in the kitchen, because child talks about it.

f. P Has learned about more American foods that child likes and is learning to cook those.

g. P Has met more people and made new friends since moving here.

b. C I'll hear the water running in the bathroom and I go in there and she's brushing her teeth. It happens a lot.

d. C I do a lot of sewing and went into the kitchen to check on something and child came into the kitchen with the scissors and said, "mom [brother] could cut himself on these.

d. P I watch a lot more closely now. Just leaving things sitting around, I changed the knife drawer to the top drawer.

g. C Child has learned to lie and keep things from her (the parent).

g. P Parent does not like the staff or the program.

Note: No explanations written.

b. C Child brushes teeth.

g. C Child likes to talk about feelings.

b. C Child cleans teeth regularly now.

g. C Child is much more outgoing with other children.

c. C Washes hands more often.

d. C Discussed 911.

d. P Discussed 911.

f. C Child improved interactions with children.

c. C Child is washing hands.

e. C Is learning safety.

f. C Is learning about nutrition.

g. C Is sharing with friends.

a. C Wants hair combed, wants to look clean and neat.

c. CRemembers to wash before eating.

g. C He is much more sociable. When he started HeadStart he was shy and withdrawn with other kids unless he knew them well.

a. CChild dresses himself.

b. C Child brushes his teeth more often.

c. C Child washes his hands after using the bathroom.

b. P Supervises tooth brushing more closely.

j. P Allows the child to be more independent in his grooming and sanitary practices.

a. C Likes to dress by herself more now.

g. C Shares more with others when she plays.

j. P Follows through at home with practices that child is taught at Head Start.

g. P Goes to classroom to observe child's behavior when playing and interacting with other children.

b. C He wants to brush his teeth in the morning, afternoon, and at night.

d. C He is constantly saying not to stick anything in the outlets, don't play with fire and of course don't play with matches.

g. C Child says we keep our hands to ourselves and tells his brothers and sisters, "you have to play nicely."

h. C Likes to be more active.

a. C More clean-- brush his own hair.

b. C Brushes own teeth.

c. C Washes hands more often.

d. C More conscious-- locks door.

e. C Won't run into street-- more concerned.

g. C Better with friends, doesn't fight.

i. C Talks about disability.

a. C Understands and is more aware of good health habits.

g. P More patient with her own children and understands their needs more.

b. C Child brushes teeth by himself.

c. C Child washes hands without being asked.

a. C She is much more concerned about having her hands and face washed and her hair brushed, especially on Head Start days.

b. C She brushes every time she eats and reminds everyone else.

c. C Better at remembering to wash after using the toilet.

d. C Reminds us to keep things off the floor so people don't fall.

e. C Says it is bad to talk to strangers.

f. C She is better about trying all kinds of food-- especially vegetables.

g. C She used to be a mama's girl, but now she has a lot more self-confidence.

i. C She is not as cuious when she sees kids in wheelchairs or with obvious handicaps-- like she doesn't point and stare like she used to.

b. C Child thinks tooth brushing is more important now.

c. C Child think cleanliness is more important now.

f. C Child has become more vocal about what foods she should eat.

f. P Parents have changed food buying practices to a more healthy diet.

a. C Really washes hands a lot more before meals.

b. C Remembers to brush more than he used to.

c. C Really good at flushing toilet, washing hands after.

d. C Picks up better, puts "Mr. Yuk" stickers on poisons, etc.

e. C Talks about strangers and not to be with people you don't know.

f. P More awareness of serving balanced meals, especially with more vegetables.

f. C Says fruit and vegetables are good for you, but not much meat-- very aware of eating good foods.

g. C More able to express his anger, sadness, etc.

f. P Tries to have more balanced meals, less snack foods, more fruits and vegetables.

h. P More aware of staying in shape as a way to protect her health-- exercises more.

c. C He washes his hands before and after eating without reminders.

b. C She wants to brush them now.

d. C She is more aware of things that can be dangerous.

g. C She is more able to express her feelings with words and that feelings are OK.

i. C She is not teasing them anymore, more compassionate.

a. P I brush my teeth more.

g. P I am able to show my feelings and it is OK.

h. P We get out and do a lot more.

b. C Child has about 7 tooth brushes and is always wanting to use them. Child likes to brush her teeth.

c. C Child washes hands before eating now and likes to bathe.

a. C Child washes himself.

b. C Child brushes his teeth.

c. C Child is more independent and wants to take care of himself, and wants to shower alone.

f. C Child wants to eat alone.

g. C Child has made a lot of friends. He is the youngest of two.

j. P Parent lets her child be more independent.

b. C Child washes teeth by self.

c. C Child doesn't dare to pee in the school (unclear).

a. Child wants to take care of herself in these areas and teaches her sibling about them.

b. C Child wants to have beautiful teeth to show off.

c. Same as a.

d. C Child is aware of her safety and talks and shows understanding of what she can or cannot do.

e. Same as d.

g. C Child shares more with peers and is aware of the physical differences with the children.

h. C Child wants to be consistently on the move.

i. C Child notices between normal and not normal.

j. P Parent now has become more aware of preventive medical services.

g. C Child has learned a lot about sharing with others.

b. C Child likes brushing his teeth now.

c. C Child washes his hands before he eats and when he comes in from playing.

d. C Child waits for parent to open the door when the doorbell rings.

a. C Wants to be pretty-- wants her hair in different styles.

b. C Its becoming automatic to her.

c. C Washing hands more often without being reminded.

f. C Eating more vegetables and more selection.

g. C She gets along with other kids easier-- wants to make friends.

d. P We did a fire drill. Keep things away from heaters, not talking to strangers.

e. P Be more courteous and not play too wild-- not push, run, be careful.

f, P More aware of healthy food-- they send home recipes.

g. P We don't use the "hate" word. Be nice to others.

h. P We're pretty active-- I want to get her in gym class. We do bike riding.

f. P We talk about things-- like not hitting and being nice.

b. C Child washes own teeth before going to sleep.

g. C Child likes to share with other children now.

g. C Child shares much more with other children and adults.

a. C Child likes to look good and will stand in the front of mirror to look at self.

g. C Child likes to share much more now than before when child didn't like to share.

b. C Very adamant about it [brushing teeth].

c. C He washes after using the rest room.

d. C He thinks more about what he is doing.

g. C He is more open.

c. P I make sure they take care of themselves better.

g. P We discuss our feelings more openly.

b. C I don't have to fight her about it [tooth brushing].

d. C She reminds the neighbors to check their fire alarms.

f. C She not as picky an eater.

g. C Kids get on her nerves more.

e. P I started a neighborhood watch.

f. P I'm cooking better.

a. C Good grooming habits stressed more [by child].

b. C Tooth brushing stressed more [by child].

c. C Child talks with parent and is more concerned about sanitary practices.

d. C Child talks with parent and is more concerned about safety at home.

f. C Good nutrition and healthy foods are stressed more [by child].

a. P Good grooming habits stressed more [by parent].

b. P Tooth brushing stressed more [by parent].

c. P Parent talks with child and is more concerned about sanitary practices.

d. P Parent talks with child and is more concerned about safety at home.

f. P Good nutrition and healthy foods are stressed more [by parent].

b. C The child will wash his teeth without telling.

f. C The child will eat a variety of foods.

f. P The parent: cook a variety of foods.

b. C Child learned how to brush his teeth.

c. C Child learned how to wipe his butt more.

d. C Child learned how to be more careful.

e. C Child doesn't fight as much.

f. C Child eats better.

g. C Child comes home and tell who he likes and who he doesn't like.

h. C Child does pushups and exercises.

a. C Child asks for his hair to be brushed.

b. C Child brushes his own teeth.

d. C Child used to stick finger in socket--doesn't run instead.

f. C Child knows to eat his vegetables.

g. C Child is learning to share.

h. C Child is more active.

i. C Child asks questions about why girl in class was in wheelchair.

d. P Parent child-proofed home.

f. P Parent changed food--cooks more.

h. P Parent does more thing outside.

a. C Child likes to look nice.

c. C Child has got to keep his hands clean.

d. C Child doesn't play with matches.

e. C Child doesn't climb on fence.

g. C Child shares more.

b. C Child comes home she likes to brush her teeth.

c. C Child wipes herself when she goes to the bathroom.

g. C Child talks about her friends at class and how they play at process.

a. C Child likes to wash his own hair.

b. C Child likes to brush now.

c. C Child is conscious of germs.

f. C Child knows he can eat candy.

g. C Child is more outgoing.

h. C Child always talks about sports.

d. P Parent tries to keep things away from him.

f. P Parent cooks more vegetables and has more milk available.

a. C Child learns how to take care of himself.

b. C Child brushes more.

c. C Child is more independent and learning good habits.

d. P Parent can't quite say how she has changed with regard to safety.

h. P Parent thinks about exercising more.

c. C Child remembers to wash her hands.

f. C Child is starting to eat more.

g. C Child tends to retreat from arguments.

b. C Child [sometimes brushes teeth] (Wrote "depends")

e. C Child doesn't go in street.

g. C Child gets along better with other children.

a. C He wants his hair combed before he goes to school.

b. C He brushes his teeth before class and before bedtime.

c. C He washes his hands before he eats.

g. C He understands what friends are-- he is bonding.

b. C She sings the tooth brushing song.

c. C She washes her hands.

d. C Turns off the water when she is done.

e. C She tells the neighborhood boys not to play with matches.

g. C She is concerned about how she says things to people.

b. P I brush more often cause the kids want me to.

c. P Washing our hands more.

g. P More aware of the kids feelings. They tell me how they're feeling and I tell them how I'm feeling.

g. C Child now shares with other children.

g. P Parent had to explain to child about sharing.

b. C Child washes hands and face in the morning.

c. C Child brushes her teeth without being asked.

d. C Child doesn't mess with medicine and bleach.

f. C Child eats more vegetables now instead of all of that candy.

c. P Parent brushes teeth with child to make sure that child does it.

j. C Child does all of these things by herself.

j. P Parent has made changes by starting early to work on other daughter.

a. C Child is washing hands more regularly.

b. C Child is brushing teeth more regularly.

d. not noted

g. C Child has stopped fighting so much.

d. P Parent explains more now [about safety in the neighborhood].

f. P Parent buys more fruits and vegetables.

f. C Child has to at least taste some of the food.

i. C Child not making fun of kids who have disabilities.

f. P Parent has to at least taste some of the food.

j. P Parent doesn't smoke and keeps telling children about tobacco as a drug.

j. C Child becoming better independent.

k. C Child becoming better at language. Knows his colors now.

a. C Child bathes herself.

b. C Child brushes more often without being told.

c. C Child washes hands before and after meals.

f. P Parent has taken away junk foods and gives her more vegetables.

a. C Has better grooming habits.

b. C Brushes his teeth more.

c. C He is more sanitary. He does all of these things at home without

"fighting" mom because he has to do them at school.

e. C Better about street safety-- watching for cars, crossing at crosswalk,


g. C He is oldest child so he was somewhat spoiled and bossy when he started Head Start. Now he is much better at taking turns, sharing etc.

c. P Remembering to wash hands before working with food-- used to be bad at it, but now child reminds her, but she usually remembers.

d. P Talks to kids about fire safety since Head Start meeting about it.

e. P Better able to talk to kids about dangers in a way that doesn't frighten them, make them scared. Has more ideas about how to be constructive with warnings rather than causing them to be fearful, especially about stranger.

f. P Nutritionist has talked with parents about balanced meals, nutritional requirements for kids-- more awareness of what kids need to be healthy.

a. C Child is washing hands more regularly.

b. C Child brushes teeth regularly.

d. C Child has changed.

g. C Child doesn't fight as much anymore.

d. P Parent explains safety more.

f. P Parent buys more fruits and vegetables.

j. C Child has gotten better. She does it better, now you just have to watch her. We have a routine.

k. C Child brushes teeth, [learns about] safety, and is independent.

a. C She wants her hair fixed pretty for school.

b. C She wants to brush her teeth after she eats.

c. C She wants to wash her hands before she eats and after going to the bathroom.

d. C She picks up her toys so people don't fall over them.

g. C She's around kids now, so she has friends.

a. P Keeping my hair cut short.

d. P Make her stay away from stove and pick up toys.

e. P Make sure she doesn't talk to strangers and crossing the street.

f. P Trying to eat better foods.

a. C Child does more on her own-- more independent.

b. C She brushes her teeth all the time.

c. C She washes her hands before she eats, after going to the bathroom and before bed.

d. C She is not as reckless as she used to be.

e. C She stays closer to house.

f. C She doesn't eat as much candy.

g. C She tells you straight out, "you hurt my feelings."

h. C She is more active.

e. P I make sure they're always supervised.

g. P I talk to her more to find out how she is feeling.

h. P We play with the kids more.

a. C She tries to comb herself and wash her face.

b. C She brushes her teeth more often.

e. C She watches for cars when she crosses the street.

f. C She eats everything, she is not picky.

g. C She can now communicate with children, she plays with the neighbors. She has learned english at Head Start.

d. P She is careful not to let them in the street.

e. P We've talked about strangers now.

f. P We're careful to have balanced meals.

a. C He likes to have a bath before he comes to school.

b. C He started being more aware that he needs to brush his teeth.

c. C He is more aware of washing his hands, he doesn't reach for food with his hands.

d. C They talked about running the street.

e. C About not talking to strangers.

f. C He asks for fruit at home.

g. C He's able to openly express his feelings and he is more out going.

h. C He tries to do more songs and activities.

i. C He doesn't see people as different. He knows it is not right to say "How did you get in that chair."

f. P We eat more rounded meals.

a. C Before, he didn't care how he looked.

b. C Now he'd sleep with his tooth brush if I let him.

d. C He knows now not to play with my lighter.

g. C He can express his feelings more.

e. C He looks out for kids and self. Makes sure he is in a safe environment.

g. C He has opened to talk to me about what he is feeling.

i. C He is more aware of people being different and they're still OK.

j. P Classes have made me more comfortable in front of a group.

b. C He does it more willingly and consistently.

c. C He washes before every meal and when he sneezes.

d. C He is aware of curling iron cords in the sink.

h. C He is more active now. He says he needs to exercise.

i. C He is more tolerant and curious about people who are different.

d. P I don't leave pan handles out on stove. Keep doors locked, careful with knives.

i. P I've thought more about it and I'm more sensitive.

b. C Child does it more now.

c. No clarification

f. C Child eats fruits and vegetables more.

j. P Parent worries less because he's in good hands.

a. C Combs his own hair, worries about appearance more.

c. C Washes hands every time he can, uses bathroom before eating.

d. C Has learned what is dangerous around the house (doesn't climb on things).

e. C Stays away from local water source.

f. C Has learned what is healthy food.

g. C Interacts better with other kids, respects other kids feelings.

d. P Hot water heater turned down, sharp objects put away, just more careful in general.

g. P Learned a lot about child self esteem-- How parent can damage self esteem.

a. C Now takes care of her own grooming.

b. C Does it [tooth brushing] on her own.

c. C Same as above.

d. C Knows to keep toys out of way, puts things away.

e. C Knows not to walk behind swings. Stays off the road.

g. C Has learned through personal experience about hurting others feelings.

h. C Gotten exercise tapes to keep the weight down.

a. C She knows she is supposed to get her hair brushed.

b. C She brushes more often now.

c. C She is better about washing her hands.

e. C She'll listen to me about not talking to strangers.

g. C She now understands what friendship means.

i. C She understands [disabilities] more.

g. P Our bonds have grown stronger.

h. P I'm going to enroll in a gym.

b. C She actually lets me do it now [brush teeth].

e. C She is more aware of the kids around her, she doesn't push anymore.

g. C She is more aware that she is able to hurt someone else.

f. P I stopped eating as much junk food.

h. P I'm on a softball team now so I exercise.

j. P I quit smoking.

a. C Child takes care of her hair and clothes and has made a great improvement

f. C Child is more aware of what to eat, because of her weight problem. She is picking better quality food on her own now.

h. C Child is exercising at home on her own and does them more regularly.

f. P Parent is more aware of what child does not need to be eating and what would be good for her to eat with her weight problem.

g. P Parent is listening to her express her feelings more and we talk about it more.

I did not need it. I taught them myself but they help by reinforcing.

a. C She combs her hair all the time. When her brother touches her hair she wants to know if it is messy.

b. C She brushes her teeth before bed all the time.

c. C She showers every day before school.

d. C She knows what not to do with matches and electricity.

e. C She knows what not to do with [in terms of safety].

f. C She is eating better.

g. C She is friendly with other kids.

h. C She plays basketball and kickball with her brother.

i. C I don't know if she really understands.

a. C Dresses himself.

b. C He brushes by himself.

c. C He cleans up after himself. Puts things away.

d. C He is pretty safe.

f. C Usually wants apples for snacks.

g. C He doesn't fight with his sisters that much.

h. C He plays more active games.

i. C He is learning about that [disabilities].

a. C He prefers his shirts to be ironed, tucks in shirt, wants boots polished, wants his hair cut.

b. C He brushes more.

c. C He washes more often. We don't have running water so he is very conscious of washing himself.

d. C Is very careful with matches. We have a wood stove. Also, careful with electricity.

f. C Loves vegetables, ...salads and milk; [loves to] ride bulls- strong!

g. C He has made friends.

h. C He is learning to skip and hop.

j. C He calls handicapped people "special."

a. C Brushes her own hair--different hair ties--washes up.

b. C Does it twice a day at home.

c, C Learning how to clean herself.

d. C Picks up her toys.

e. C Picks up wood to keep out of little brother's way and herself. Also, her bike.

f. C Drinks more milk and eats more vegetables and fruits.

g. C Teaches little brother not to be mean.

h. C Goes outside--not to sit around and be a couch potato. She tells me, "let your blood move."

a. C She brushes her own hair and washes her face.

b. C She takes the responsibility for it.

c. C She take a million baths a day. Changes her clothes when dirty.

d. P I put plugs in the sockets, bought baby gates, put medicines up.

c. P I've started disinfecting more.

f. P I try to make better choices for.

g. P I've tried to delve a little deeper into her to see what is going on.

c. C She's washing her hands more.

a. C She wants to look better.

e. P We talk more about the safety in the neighborhood.

a. C He combs his hair.

b. C He brushes his teeth every day.

d. C He organized a fire drill in his room.

e. C Not talking to stranger.

g. C Has made better friendships.

i. C Has learned it is OK to wear his glasses.

d. P We did the fire drill.

f. P I'm cooking better foods.

j. P They've helped me a lot in making sure he wears his glasses every day.

c. C Washes hands more often.

f. C Eats better foods.

h. C Plays a lot more--less T.V.

a. C He gets his clothes ready and combs his hair-- acts more mature.

b. C He has everybody brushing their teeth.

c. C He always washes his hands before going to the bathroom.

d. C He tells everyone not to turn on the hot water or play with the stove.

g. C He is more open- talks to everybody- socializes more.

b. P I brush my teeth more cause he reminds me all the time.

f. P I try to cook nutritional meals.

a. C She's more aware of what she needs to do before she goes somewhere (brush hair).

b. C She's not scared of toothpaste.

c. C she washes her hands all the time.

d. C She knows not to open the door.

e. C She knows about stranger.

g. C She's more expressive but talks calmly.

a. P I feel better about myself so I want to look better.

e. P I talk to her about strangers and that she needs to stay by me.

d. C She's more careful around hot stuff.

f. C She's eating better.

f. P I used to eat nothing but junk but now I set up a good menu.

e. P I fix things so she won't get hurt.

a. C Brushes his hair and dresses by himself. He's [become] more concerned about his dressing.

b. C He brushes more.

c. C He washes more.

d. C Doesn't play on streets.

e. C He doesn't go off as far.

f. C Drinks more milk.

g. C He doesn't argue or fight with others.

h. C Plays outside--runs.

b. P I brush after meals.

f. P I take vitamins. I'm pregnant so I eat better and drink juice.

Basically, no. Because I had done all of the above prior to their enrollment in Head Start. Head Start has reinforced it.

b. C She tells everyone it is important to brush their teeth, and she does it after meals by herself, no prompting.

c. C She remembers to wash her hands after she uses the toilet. She reminds other family members to do also.

a. C The child can dress herself, the child can serve herself food.

b. C The child washes her teeth by herself more frequently.

d. C The child is more aware of dangerous things in the house.

e. C The child is more aware of dangerous things in the neighborhood.

a. C She wants to comb her hair. She wants to wear socks with her shoes and sandals.

b. C She initiates brushing her teeth by herself.

d. C She tells her sisters not to touch matches and tells them the story of a little boy who got burned by playing with matches (she learned the story at school).

e. C When she goes to the park to the play area, she tells her little sister what to do in the play area.

f. C She seems like a teacher at home. She tells her mother and sisters that they must pray before the meal and they must drink juice and milk and not things that are not good for them.

g. C She insists that everybody wears their seat belts.

f. C At eating time she asks mother not to give her too much pizza, McDonald's and hot dogs because they have bugs in them and she asks for broccoli and carrots because that is good for her.

g. C Before she came to this program of Head Start, she had problems making friends. She would cry when she would see children and she didn't want to play with them. Even the first three weeks she still had problems in that respect. But now she plays with everybody here and at home too. She makes friends now.

b. P Parent brushes teeth after meals now.

c. P Parent washes hands before meals now.

a. C Child keeps clothes clean.

b. C Child keeps teeth clean.

c. C Child keeps hands clean without being asked.

f. C Child is much better at getting along with people.

a. C Child has improved in the area of good grooming.

b. C Child has improved her tooth brushing since she started the Head Start.

c. C Child has improved in her sanitary practices.

d. C Child's awareness of safety at home has improved since she started Head Start.

a. C He's taking care of himself more. He likes to do it himself.- I let him dress himself.

b. C He is more into it himself [tooth brushing].

f. C Improved--He is eating more vegetables than before.

g. C He has made more friends his age.

h. C He is outgoing--forever.

i. C He is aware of this [disabilities]. He is always helping a friend who is disabled. Helps him bring in firewood and feed the sheep.

c. P I have to help him on this [sanitary practices].

a. C Dresses and combs his hair better.

b. C Brushes 3 times per day.

c. C Washes at meal time (3 times). Sometimes he forgets, but I tell him to do it.

d. C Sometimes he forgets about safety and I tell him about the danger.

e. C Not to fall from the slide--I tell him.

f. C Drinks milk and juices. There is more meat in mutton stew.

g. C He is getting along better with [friends], especially after therapy.

h. C His physical activity has improved. Is more involved in playing with boys. I am more involved with him, I play baseball with him and with his older brother.

b. C He has improved [tooth brushing] but he needs help.

c. C He has improved in that area [sanitary practices].

d. C Changed there [safety]. More aware of what not to play with.

f. C He is eating more of the basic foods than before.

a. C She takes care of herself pretty much.

b. C She brushes her own teeth. We don't have to tell her.

c. C She washes her hands after playing.

d. C Our safety around the house is pretty good.

g. C She is really friendly and loves to greet people.

h. C She is pretty active.

i. C She asks about people's disabilities.

b. C He brushes his teeth.

d. C He tells brother not to play with fire.

f. C Drinks a lot of milk and eats a lot of cereal.

g. C Plays with kids a lot.

b. C He can brush his own teeth.

c. C He is good with that [sanitary practices]. He does it when he is told.

d. C He has improved. Does not play with anything dangerous.

f. C Eats more vegetables.

g. C Gets along better with some kids.

h. C He is really active. Wants to do this and that with me and his dad.

b. P Parent brushes more.

a. C She combs her own hair and dresses herself.

b. C She brushes every time she can.

c. C She washes hands before she eats.

d. C She is very careful with matches.

e. C She doesn't talk to strangers.

f. C She eats vegetables.

g. C She gets along well with other children now.

h. C She likes to skip and hop like in Head Start.

a. C Beginning to brush teeth before supper.

b. C Brushes his teeth 3 times a day.

c. C Washes his hands when he comes in from outside.

f. C Used to eat junk foods. Now he eats fresh vegetables and fruit for snack.

b. C Brushes her teeth.

c. C She washes her hands before eating and after bathroom.

d. C Picks up toys.

e. C Stays off road.

f. C Finishes her food. The vegetables, she says, makes her strong and grow.

g. C She says she is sorry when she does something wrong.

j. C She [child] is worse when it comes to talking back.

j. P I [Parent] don't let her watch T.V. when she [child] sasses me.

f. C [Child] will now eat more fruits and vegetables.

g. C She [Child] now has learned how to share.

e. C [The child] avoided areas where drugs are being sold.

e. P [Parent has] too much going on so I [parent] have to keep my eye on him.

a. C Starting to dress himself.

c. C Washes when reminded.

d. C More aware of dangers such as stove and matches.

f. C He eats fruits and asks for milk.

g. C Asks about grandparents and cousins.

h. C He is always outside playing. He is very active.

j. C He is more aware of culture.

d. P Keeps more of an eye on the children.

g. P Tell them to improve their close relationship including "hi," "bye," and "thank you."

a. C He washes his hands after using rest rooms.

b. C I help him do it [tooth brushing].

c. C Dresses himself every a.m..

e. C Rides bike and is back before dark--doesn't ride bike on the road.

f. C Eats yogurt and fruit.

g. C He'll talk about his feelings and we'll talk and I give him a lot of praise.

h. C He rides with me when I jog.

a. P Having him show me [that he has washed them].

f. P Mom buys good, nutritious food (no ice cream or chips).

a. C She can dress herself- takes her own bath.

b. C She does it [tooth brushing] herself because she learned to do it at school.

c. C She washes her hands before she eats.

d. C She is more aware of dangers- what she is not supposed to play with.

e. C She knows not to go out of the yard and go to the street- Not to talk to strangers.

f. C She knows that drinking soda is not good for her- Her teacher told

her that.

a. P I don't need to help her anymore.

c. P I make sure they wash their hands before and after they eat.

d. P "I don't know."

a. C [Child] likes to match up her clothes.

a. C He dresses better and goes to school more happy.

b. C He wants to brush his teeth after meals and before bed.

c. C He washes before he eats and before bed.

d. C He is more careful about where he puts his toys.

f. C He knows what foods are good for him. Wouldn't drink milk- Now he does.

h. C Likes to run and play outside more than staying inside.

b. P I show the children how to brush. I take time to do it.

c. P I show how to wash with soap.

f. P I prepare better meals and tell them about it.

g. P I used to be mean to them and now that I know how they feel, I changed my feelings towards them.

a. C Learned how to dress, wash, comb her hair.

b. C She forgot sometimes [to brush teeth].

c. C She is very clean.

d. C She is very careful, especially with her brother and sister.

e. C That she is supposed to stay close to home--not to wander off. Also, she is careful with sharp objects.

f. C She eats mostly vegetables and fruits--or grains.

g. C She shows and expresses her feelings.

h. C Always on her bike.

g. C She understands the handicapped zone.

b. C She [child] does [tooth brushing] on her own.

c. C She [child] does [sanitary practices] on her own.

a. C He is particular about his cooks.

b. C He does it [tooth brushing] on his own.

c. C He likes being clean.

b. C She [child] does [tooth brushing] on her own.

c. C She [child] does [sanitary practices] on her own and reminds me [parent].

d. C She [child] knows what to touch and not [to] touch.

j. C She [child] knows drugs and tobacco are bad for you.

b. C [Child] does [tooth brushing] without asking.

c. C [Child] does [sanitary practices] without asking.

j. C [Child was] made aware of...[the]...harmfulness [of drugs].

j. P [Parent was] made aware of...[the]...harmfulness [of drugs].

a. C She brushes a lot.

b. C Likes to bathe often and washes hands before eating.

f. C She is really aware of good food--no too fatty food or candy. Likes fruit and milk and juices. I credit head start with that.

a. C She cleans up--puts up her own clothes. She is more independent.

b. C We are stressing that at home [tooth brushing]. We never used to.

c. C She washes before she eats.

d. C She knows about fire drills.

a. C He brushes his hair now.

b. C He is into brushing his teeth.

f. C He prefers fruit and crackers over candy and chips.

g. C He tells me about his friends and feelings.

d. P I put my knives up and plugs in my sockets and keep medicine out of reach.

f. P I don't buy junk food.

g. P I speak out about my feelings.

g. C Child has started keeping in line and loves others.

j. P Parent [is] reading more and buying more educational toys.

b. C [Child] brushes without me [parent] asking him too.

f. C [Child] makes sure he eats properly as well as his friends.

i. C [Child is] really compassionate towards disabled people.

a. P [Parent] talks to [daughter] about [taking] care of herself.

b. P [Parent] tells her daughter to brush teeth.

f. P [Parent] talks to daughter about eating healthy.

See Note: "After talking with parent it was unclear as to whether or not there was any actual change involved."

b. C [The child is] more conscious about brushing teeth.

g. C [The child is] more compassionate and understanding of others.

a. C [Child] has learned to tie her [child] shoes.

g. C [Child is] sharing more.

a. C Wants to be clean-- washes face and hands and wants clean clothes before coming to school.

b. C Brushes after every meal-- used to brush only before bed.

c. C Washes hands before eating and after using toilet.

d. C Used to play with matches; now talks about fire dangers, safety at home, etc.

g. C More sociable, more outgoing, more friends.

b. P Used to brush teeth only once a day-- now three times a day.

c. P Child reminds everybody in the family to wash hands before every meal and now we do.

d. P More awareness-- takes more precautions like keeping things out of easy reach.

f. P Child likes only beans and milk, so mother tries food at home Head Start has reported he enjoys.

a. C He's a boy and just didn't care what he went out looking like. They would complement him when he looked good and now he makes sure that his hair is combed and clothes are neat.

b. C They made it fun to know where he likes to brush his teeth. Before, he didn't have time in his busy schedule to do it.

c. C Child would not wipe himself because he thought he would get it on him, but being in Head Start the child has learned he can do these things by himself.

g. C He knows that you need to be nice and they teach him about certain things that you do that hurt people's feelings and if you don't want your feelings to be hurt then you treat people nicely. [My son] has taught me a lot since he's been in Head Start.

a. C Child wants to look good all the time.

b. C The child brushes his teeth more frequently.

f. C The child eats everything.

g. C The child makes more friends.

h. C The child is more active.

d. P The parent is more careful with safety at home.

e. P The parent is more careful with safety in the neighborhood.

f. P Parent cooks and serves more vegetables.

g. P Parent talks more with other people.

b. C The child learns how to brush right.

g. C The child gets along better with other kids.

c. C The child washes his hands more.

b. C The child brushes his teeth more.

d. C The child is more careful with dangerous items like matches, stove, doors, etc.

h. C The child does more outside activities.

a. C The child likes to brush his own hair.

b. C The child gets his won tooth brush and puts his own tooth paste on it. He [child] doesn't want me [parent] to do anything.

c. C The child washes his hands all day long.

f. C The child knows what's healthy for him and what's not healthy for him.

g. C The child knows everybody has feelings and he treats people the way he wants to be treated.

f. C The child had cut down on junk food.

f. C The child had grown to love carrots and eats more vegetables.

g. C The child has learned to play well with other children. He was the only child in his home. [Child] learned to share.

g. P The parent has learned to discipline child with timeouts instead of spankings.

d. P Parent used to lay cigarette lighter around and now she puts it out of the children's reach.

f. P Parent now gives children a lot of vegetables-- didn't use to do so.

a. C The child keeps self neat and combs own hair.

b. C The child brushes [teeth] more often, and does a better job.

c. C The child washes hands before and after eating.

d. C The child exercises caution around fire (matches and stove).

e. C The child no longer throws rocks or plays rough; [child] asks to go outside.

f. C The child eats more vegetables.

g. C The child is more affectionate and more loving.

h. C The child is not playing so rough.

i. C The child doesn't make fun of disabled individuals.

j. C The child behaves more, no more fits.

a. C The child practices grooming more.

b. C The child brushes teeth more.

c. C The child cleans more.

d. C The child practices safety at home.

e. C The child practices safety in the neighborhood.

f. C The child eats more fruits.

g. C The child is more friendly.

h. C The child does more exercise.

a. C The child changes clothes when he's dirty and keeps himself dressed clean.

b. C The child brushes teeth more frequently.

f. C The child eats more vegetables.

f. C Child eats more vegetables.

a. C [Child] now chooses to clean.

d. C [Child] no longer turns on the stove.

e. C [Child] reports on strange things that occur in the neighborhood.

g. C [Child] comes home angrier-- takes blame for her little brother.

j. C [Child] no longer asks [where babies come from].

d. C The child tries not to run through house; the child is more aware that they are not to play with sharp objects, matches or in hot water.

f. C Child is eating things that he wouldn't eat [for example: different fruits and vegetables].

d. P Parent is more cautious of the things she lays [around] the house.

f. P If there is something the parent knows they [children] should have, she tries to eat it too and lets the children see her eat it [for example: oatmeal].

g. P Parent is more communicative with different kinds of people regardless of race as result of Head Start.

a. C Child pays more attention to hair and has gotten more particular about her clothes matching.

b. C Child brushes [teeth] better and longer than she used to.

g. C The child comes out of her shell; and sharing; just better relationships with people all around.

b. P Parent more aware of letting them [children] brush [teeth] by themselves and supervising more.

f. P The parent learns good ideas about putting healthy snacks together. I [parent] always had fruit around, but just created different combinations that made it more interesting to the kids.

a. C [Child] brushes her own hair, dresses herself.

b. C [Child] brushes her teeth more.

c. C [Child] washes her hands a lot more.

d. C [Child] picks up toys after herself, cleans up after herself.

e. C [Child] doesn't talk to strangers, watches out more.

i. C She [child] knows not to make fun of people who are different.

e. P [Parent is] more cautious, watches out more for daughter and younger son.

h. P [Parent] exercises with her daughter.

i. P [Parent has] more dialogue with daughter to answer questions about other disabilities.

a. C The child does it by himself without us to tell him.

b. C The child brushes his teeth on his own.

c. C The child washes on his own.

d. C The child practices safety on his own.

e. C The child practices safety in the neighborhood on his own.

f. C The child eats a better variety of foods.

g. C The child improves feelings and friendships on his own.

h. C The child is more aware of fitness.

b. C [Child] keeps [tooth] brush in a more sanitary fashion.

c. C The child is more sanitary.

f. P The parent prepares more vegetables for meals.

i. C The child has learned how to care for her disabled sibling.

a. C [Child] likes to wear nice clothes now.

b. C [Child] brushes [teeth] more.

c. C [Child] washes more, cleans up after herself.

d. C She [child] knows what to touch, knows what to do in a fire, [illegible entry].

g. C [Child] comforts mom when mom is down, talks about her own feelings.

h. C She [child] exercises.

a. P [Parent] set example for daughter dressing well.

b. P [Parent] brushes [teeth] before daughter.

c. P [Parent] cleans restroom daily, washes up with child.

d. P [Parent] put in safety plugs, puts dangerous stuff out of daughter's reach.

e. P [Parent] doesn't allow her [child] to go out, too much traffic.

g. P [Parent] comforts child when child is down, talks about her own feelings.

h. P [Parent] works out with daughter; goes out to the park.

i. P [Parent] talks to daughter about disabilities, explained disabilities.

b. P Now parent brushes her teeth.

g. C Child is more mature, talks and acts. [Child] respects people, and does more activities.

g. P Parent learns a lot just by talking and being with child.

h. C The child plays more outside, the child plays with other children.

f. C The child eats vegetables and more milk.

d. C Now the child had learned about safety at home, he has become more mature and responsible.

g. C The child has learned about sharing and friends and if someone hits you, you let them know that you don't like it.

d. P Parent does not have to worry as much as she did before he [child] entered Head Start.

g. P The mother can now be more tolerant and kind to her friends.

h. P The parent knows that being physically fit is good for your body and parent does fitness activities with her child.

a. C The child practices more good grooming habits.

c. C The child practices sanitary habits.

f. C The child eats a more variety of foods.

i. C The child is aware of people with disabilities.

d. P The parent puts more attention to safety in the home.

e. P The parent puts more attention to safety in the neighborhood.

a. C The child brushes her hair, and matches her clothes.

b. C The child is more careful in tooth brushing.

c. C The child washes her hands.

d. C The child doesn't play with matches, or look for dangerous things.

e. C The child looks around wherever she goes.

f. C The child eats a lot of vegetables.

h. C The child stopped fighting with other children.

i. P The parent respects more people with disabilities.

a. C The child increased her good [grooming] habits.

b. C The child increased her good [tooth brushing] habits.

c. C The child increased her good [sanitary practices] habits.

g. C The child gets along better with other kids.

j. C The child now knows how to count and other things.

a. C Takes a shower by himself.

b. C Brushes teeth by himself.

g. C Child has greatly improved behavior with teachers and other children.

a. C Child brushes hair on her own.

b. C Child brushes teeth.

c. C Child puts on her own clothes.

d. C Child stays away from matches, fire, wall sockets, etc.

e. C Child doesn't talk to strangers.

f. C Child drinks milk more often.

b. C Child cleans teeth.

c. C Child washes hands.

f. C Child eats better and tries different foods.

a. C Much more aware of being clean.

b. C Brushes out of habit after meals; reminds the rest of the family to do so.

c. C Washes after using toilet without being asked.

h. C Talks more about being healthy, "exercise keeps you strong."

b. P Brushes more often because of child's reminders.

a. C Child dresses herself better.

b. C Child cleans teeth more frequently.

c. C Child cleans up much better.

g. C Child used to be withdrawn.

b. C Child brushes her teeth w/o being asked.

c. C Child washes up w/o being told to now.

b. C Just seems like she has the habit to brush after she eats-- mom hardly ever has to remind her.

c. C Remembers to flush toilet and wash hands after using bathroom.

d. C Won't go in kitchen especially near stove if something is cooking, says it is dangerous for children.

f. C Eats more fruits and vegetables-- remembers if they have had them at school, will talk about them being good for you.

b. C Child brushes teeth regularly.

g. C Child get along with other children better.

b. C Child cleans teeth.

c. C Child washes hands.

f. C Child knows about food.

g. C Child is quieter and listens better.

d. C Child has stopped playing with matches.

f. C Child eats more healthy foods.

g. C Child gets along better with other children.

g. P Parent plays with child more often and has developed a better friendship with the child.

a. C Likes to have hands and face clean, especially before school.

b. C Likes to brush teeth more often.

c. C Does it more often and without reminders-- flushes toilet and washes hands.

g. C More friends, much more self-confident than she used to be.

a. P More conscious of doing grooming for children and self--better at remembering to remind other children.

b. P Now brushes after each meal, partly because her children who have been in Head Start remind her.

a. C Cleaning herself up especially before school.

b. C Brushes after every meal without reminders.

c. C Washes up after using toilet.

e. C Watches more carefully when she crosses the street.

g. C More outgoing, much more self-confident.

b. P Brushes along with child after all meals.

c. P More conscious about washing hands after using toilet, blowing nose, etc.

a. C Dresses herself.

b. C Brushes her teeth a lot.

f. C Good eater.

g. C Learned to share with other kids.

h. C Getting to be more active, likes somersaults and cartwheels.

b. P Brushes teeth more, tries to make good example for her daughters.

d. P Keep fire extinguishers around, keep stuff picked up and out of reach.

f. P Cooks more vegetables, better eating habits.

g. P Expresses feelings more.

h. P More active, goes bike riding.

b. C He remembers to brush his teeth after meals.

g. C He was much more shy and didn't talk much until he got into Head Start. Now he is more outgoing.

c. C Washes hands more before meals.

f. C More concerned about healthy foods.

a. C Washing hands more.

f. C Daughter is more aware of good foods.

i. C Have touched on the topic through Head Start.

f. P Mother is more aware of nutrition.

a. C Child cleans clothes by herself.

b. C Child brushes teeth by herself.

c. C Child goes to the bathroom by herself.

a. C He is more aware of being clean and looking neat.

b. C He brushes his teeth after supper without being nagged.

d. C He understands more about fire safety-- our house burned down and they talked about it at Head Start.

e. C He understands more about crossing the street in a safe way.

a. C Remembers to comb hair, put on clothes by herself.

b. C She remembers to do it [brush teeth] every day.

c. C Now she doesn't wait to go to the bathroom.

d. C Doesn't climb upon cupboard, doesn't play with knives.

f. C Eats more fruits and vegetables.

g. C Plays with other child and twin brother now they don't fight as much anymore.

h. C Now asks to exercise on mother's treadmill.

a. P More baths.

c. P Brushing more often, keeps kids from eating off the floor.

d. P Uses outlet blockers. Doesn't leave tools or knives around.

e. P Keeps broken toys put away, puts away outdoor tools.

f. P Doesn't buy sweets.

g. P General change (kids getting older).

h. P Mom got a treadmill, plays softball.

b. C Child good at cleaning teeth.

c. C Child good at washing hands.

f. C Child knows more about food and helps with shopping.

g. C Child is much more open with other children.

j. P Parents have stopped drinking and stopped cursing(both mother and father) in their [children's] presence.

b. C Child washes hands after playing.

c. C Child brushes teeth after every meal.

g. C Child talks to parent more.

g. P Parent talks with child more often and reads to him.

a. C Child doesn't have to be reminded to wash hands.

b. C Child doesn't have to be reminded to brush teeth.

f. C Child talks about healthy foods and avoiding smoking/drug use.

g. C Child seems to get along better with siblings.

c. C Better about flushing toilet after he uses it, washing his hands after going to the toilet and before meals.

g. C More outgoing in a group of children than he used to be-- more self-confidence.

a. C Changes his clothes every day- won't wear dirty clothes.

b. C Brushes every a.m. and p.m.

d. C Gives me matches that he finds.

f. C Trying not to eat candy or drink pop.

a. P Change our clothes. Wash our hands and hair every day.

b. P I brush with my son.

d. P Picking up matches.

f. P Trying not to eat too much of anything.

a. C She learned to brush her hair and pin it up. Knows what's not appropriate to wear for different occasions.

b. C It's...[important] that she has to brush [her] teeth.

c. C Make sure their hands are clear before eating.

f. C She's into fruits and vegetables.

h. C She learned a lot of balance and skipping.

i. C She's had experience with an adopted grandmother.

a. C Child wears clean clothes and washes hands.

b. C Child washes teeth.

f. C Child eats vegetables.

g. C Child shares with cousin.

f. P Parent makes more salad and buys more fruit.

h. P Parent has changed exercise level but it is not because of Head Start.

a. C Child is more tranquil and does well [at keeping up good habits].

b. C Child washes mouth every morning.

c. C Child cleans and bathes every morning.

d. C Child is more careful at the door and about the security in the house.

f. C Child eats vegetables and will eat everything.

g. C Child shares more.

i. C Child reacts and treats people with disabilities delicately.

a. P Parent keeps everything clean and organized.

a. C Child watches his hygiene--bathes on his own.

b. C Child brushes his teeth everyday.

f. C Child now doesn't insist on eating sweets.

d. P Parent has made home more safe.

f. P Parent prepares more nutritious foods.

g. P Parent talks more with child.

a. C Child washes hands.

b. C Child washes mouth more.

c. C Child wipes self when goes to the bathroom.

d. C Child talks about security in the house.

f. C Child talks about nutrition and how to help.

g. C Child is not aggressive anymore and is more friendly.

h. C Child is more active and concerned about weight.

a. P Parent learns from child.

b. P Parent washes mouth [together] with child.

d. P Parent tells child not to open the door or the stove. Child is more careful on the balcony.

e. P Parent doesn't let child go outside by self. Parent doesn't like neighborhood because it is dangerous.

f. P Parent now eats fruits and vegetables.

a. C Child wants to do things at home that she does in school.

b. C Child brushes teeth.

a. C Child washes hands before eating.

b. C Child washes teeth after eating.

c. C Child goes to the bathroom alone and has good sanitary practices.

e. C Child is more careful around cars and strangers. Child is also more careful around fire.

f. C Child drinks more milk and eats vegetables.

g. C Child is more alert to bad company.

h. C Child does more exercise.

i. C Child is more tolerant of our baby.

a. P Parent washes hands to set an example.

b. P Parent washes hands more frequently.

f. P Parent gives more milk because before she didn't give it at all. I am now cooking things that I didn't eat before.

a. C Child is more positive, more careful with his things.

f. C Child has learned about vegetables and he is now eating them.

g. C Child is sometimes positive, sometimes not.

i. C Child was not secure about how he felt about people with disabilities, but now he is more humane.

f. P Parent now eats vegetables to set an example for the child.

j. Other: Teaching

j. Earthquakes

j. Other: [Child's] behavior

e. C Child takes more precautions.

g. C Child has more friends and is able to control feelings.

h. C Child explains to mom about the need to exercise.

b. P Parent pays more attention to teeth.

a. C Child is more conscientious about keeping good habits.

b. C Child is more conscientious about brushing teeth and is doing it frequently.

c. C Child is setting a better example. Doesn't put feet on the table.

f. C Child's diet is not very good.

g. C Child talks to parent more about problems.

a. P Parent is more conscientious about keeping good habits.

b. P Parent is more conscientious about brushing teeth and is doing it more frequently.

c. P Parent is setting a better example by not putting feet on the table.

b. C Mother now tells child to brush teeth after meals.

d. C Child should not open door--can't go out alone.

e. C Child should be careful and not go with any stranger.

f. C Child is now told what she needs to eat and what is healthier for her.

g. C Child is tall for age so she should be careful when playing with peers and not hunt them.

h. C Child always wanted to be first-now she is playing more with peers.

a. C Child does the things that are indicated.

b. C Child has improved how she washes her mouth and thenumber of times she washes.

c. C Child goes to the bathroom and wipes herself and knows not to use a bathroom unless she knows it is clean.

d. C "If someone knocks on the door, don't open the door, go tell mother. Don't touch dangerous things."

e. C Child plays with children her own age. When she sees children, they leave together in a group.

f. C Child is eating new things.

g. C Child is less shy.

h. C Child has a new routine.

e. P Parent has to have more security in the house and also needs to have more security when she goes to pick up child from Head Start and when they return home.

a. C Child doesn't have to be constantly reminded to wash hands.

b. C Child knows how to brush and the quantity of times that she has to do it.

c. C Child uses toilet paper when she goes to the bathroom

d. C Child is careful about what she does and is careful around her brothers.

g. C Child shares toys and brings toys to kids that are crying.

h. C Child already played normally, but the games have more organization.

b. P Parent says child is aware of how parent brushes teeth and how many times teeth are brushed.

d. P Parent is more careful about where to put dangerous things so that they are out of reach for the children to play with.

f. P Parent eats things that child should also eat.

h. P Parent does new things such as participating with the children in games.

a. C Child has better habits.

b. C Child brushes better.

c. C Child goes by himself and cleans himself.

d. C Child is more careful [in house].

e. C Child knows how to play and share.

f. C Child eats foods he didn't eat before such as beans.

a. C Child goes to the bathroom and combs own hair.

b. C Child washes mouth alone.

c. C Child goes to bathroom alone.

d. C Child is very careful and is aware of dangers.

e. C Child looks when crossing the street.

f. C Child drinks milk in a glass.

g. C Child shares and sings. Is more appreciative and loving.

h. C Child plays a lot and does exercise.

g. P Parent has improved feelings about husband.

a. C Child had a problem with washing hands before and now he does it by himself without being asked.

b. C Child brushes teeth before he goes to bed.

d. C Child asks who is at the door before opening it.

e. C Child does not hang out with friends who do bad things.

f. C Child now eats vegetables and beans.

g. C Child now has feelings for those who are more tranquil.

h. C Child now has a good hemoglobin status.

a. P Parent is calmer.

b. P Parent brushes teeth [together] with child.

d. P Parent is more careful about the door. Puts dangerous things away from where children can reach them.

e. P Parent has to be careful with drugs.

f. P Parent is more careful about foods child eats.

a. C Child combs self.

b. C Child brushes teeth.

d. C Child knows what things in the house are dangerous. Example: What to play with and what not to play with.

e. C Child was timid before and now he talks to adults.

g. C Child has friends now. He didn't have any before.

a. P Parent gives more attention to these habits.

b. P Parent is more concerned about going to the dentist. Before, didn't wash and had fear.

h. P Parent and child go and participate in children's activities.

a. C Child washes hands more and pays more attention to clothes.

b. C Child washes mouth after eating.

c. C Child more hygienic.

d. C Child is more careful [in the house].

e. C Child is more careful in the neighborhood.

f. C Child has eaten a lot and gained weight.

g. C Child is better at being more open and less timid.

h. C Child is more active, likes to play games in groups, and shares more.

i. C Child is more considerate.

a. P Parent washes hands more to set an example for the child.

b. P Parent washes mouth more.

e. P Parent is more alert in the neighborhood.

f. P Parent demands that child eat more nutritional foods.

g. P Parent learned to share with boy.

h. P Parent gets more exercise. Parent didn't do any exercising before.

i. P Parent is more conscious.

j. Other: Where babies come from.

a. C Child didn't like to wash her hands before and now she does.

b. C Child now brushes her teeth each time that she eats.

c. C Child goes to the bathroom by herself.

d. C Child indicates to not open the door to strangers.

e. C Family lives in a bad neighborhood so child does not go out to play.

f. C Child's nutritional habits have improved. Child eats food now that she didn't eat before.

g. C Child has many friends here.

a. P Parent says that as child learns things at school, child helps to make changes at home.

f. P Parent says that she didn't have very good nutrition habits. After she went to the conferences on nutrition, she started new, healthier habits.

g. P Parent has acquired new friends from meeting people at the center.

h. P Parent is more conscious about health and exercise.

a. C Child has a daily routine and routine washing habits.

b. C Child washes mouth after eating anything.

d. C Child has learned enough.

e. C Child has learned about prevention of fights, learned how to share, and how to stick up for herself

f. C Child has learned to eat beans.

g. C Child has learned to share more.

i. Child understands that everyone is different.

a. C Child changes clothes by himself when he gets home.

b. C Child would put up a fight before about brushing his teeth, now he does it by himself.

c. C Child asks permission to go to the bathroom.

d. C Child has learned to understand the dangers in the house.

e. C Child is more careful around cars.

f. C Child eats more vegetables and meat that he didn't eat before and he drinks milk.

g. C Child doesn't fight as much.

h. C Child likes to play and share more and is better at playing with friends.

i. C Child's speech has improved.

j. C Child is more obedient.

a. P Parent keeps things cleaner.

b. P Parent tries to be ready for child by the time he gets home.

d. P Parent keeps harmful objects from the child.

f. Tries to set a good example by eating vegetables around him.

b. C Child is better at brushing his teeth correctly.

c. C Child washes his hands when he goes to the bathroom.

d. C Child is not able to jump around or kick toys around.

f. C Child eats complete meals.

c. P Parent has a better understanding of supervising the child [to make sure that child follows proper sanitary practices.]

d. P Parent took away dangerous toys.

f. P Parent makes sure that child's meals are complete, nutritional meals.

h. P Parent and child do exercises that were pointed out to them [by Head Start].

j. Learned many words and numbers.

j. More cavities.

j. Mother follows through with practices that go on in Head Start.

j. Allows child to be more independent.

j. Table manners

j. Seat belts on back of page.

j. He has more insight about things in the world.

j. Smoke-- child gets upset and tells me not to.

j. Other: Independent.

k. Other: Speech getting better/colors.

a. C Child has really improved on her good grooming habits in every way.

c. C Child is practicing better safety at home and is doing better.

g. C Child is sharing and talking with parent more.

h. C Child is really working on physical fitness. Exercising more and improving every day.

d. P Parent states she is doing better with home safety.

f. P Parent says she learned a lot about nutrition from the brochures.

g. P Parent is sharing and talking with child more.

a. C Child has improved grooming habits.

b. C Child has improved tooth brushing.

c. C Child practicing better sanitary practices.

d. C Child practices better safety at home.

e. C Child is more cautious when outside in the neighborhood.

f. C Child is watching food he eats and eating better [food] choices.

g. C Child is improving feelings and friendships.

h. C Child is exercising with mom and more aware of need to exercise.

i. C Child is more aware of disabilities and is noticing them more and trying to be more helpful.

b. C Child washes all the time.

c. C Child goes to the bathroom independently at night.

h. C Child plays and jumps more.

b. P Parent went to the dentist.

c. P Parent has to keep house clean like Head Start.

f. P Parent prepares more salad.

h. P Parent enrolled in a gym.

j. More independent.

j. Earthquakes

j. Behavior-- still needs some help.

j. Other: drugs.

j. Other: tobacco or drugs.

f. C Child learned to get along with others better.

j. Awareness of physical and sexual abuse.

j. Learned how to speak English better.

j. Other: discipline.

a. C Child tells everyone to maintain a healthy diet.

b. C Child doesn't have to be forced to wash mouth.

c. C Child is careful in sanitary practices.

d. C Child takes care of her little brother and he learns to be careful in the house.

f. C Child has a new diet and continues to follow it.

g. C Child shares more.

h. C Child dances and sings.

a. P Parent has to serve and eat how [child] says to.

b. P Parent demonstrates and emphasizes the importance of dental hygienics.

d. P Parent doesn't leave pointy objects on the table.

f. P Parent eats more good foods that are not fatty.

h. P Parent gets more exercise now.

a. C She [child] puts her clothes on [and] brushes her own hair.

b. C She [child] knows how to brush her teeth.

c. C [Child] doesn't need help in the bathroom, cleans herself up.

d. C [Child] leaves socket caps alone.

e. C She [child] doesn't cross the road alone.

f. C She [child] doesn't ask for candy.

g. C [Child's] attitude is better towards other children. Daughter [child] doesn't pick fights anymore.

h. C She [child] likes to play more now. Daughter [child] is more active at home.

a. P [Parent has] easier time dressing daughter.

b. P [Parent] doesn't need to follow up.

c. P Mother doesn't need to help [child].

d. P [Parent] doesn't have to worry about sockets anymore.

e. P [Parent] doesn't worry about leaving her [child] alone in the yard.

f. P Mother doesn't buy sweets.

a. C More aware of good grooming habits.

c. C Uses to be lazy about taking baths, does it every day now.

f. C Good nutrition habits.

a. P Also more aware of good grooming habits for child and herself.

a. C He takes better care of himself-- good grooming habits.

c. P Helps children to understand good health habits.

C More open, speaks more, wants to dress herself, more independent, wants to help.

P I feel closer to my child.

c. C Takes better care of herself (is more sanitary).

g. P Is more patient with children.

c. C Takes better care of herself, has better manners.

a. C Health customs have changed and become better.

f. P Feels program has helped her very much- nutritionist helped child become aware of better eating habits.

C Much better, has learned a lot.

c. C Child takes better care of himself (more sanitary).

g. C Talks more-- speaks english better.

g. P More careful about what I say and do-- set a good example.

c. C Takes care of herself usually (is sanitary).

d. P Made him more aware of security.

c. C Takes better care of himself (is more sanitary).

g. P Happy with how well they all get along.

C Talks more-- tells mother about what she's done in school even wants to help little sister to learn.

P Less concerned about child's illnesses.

a. C Now he uses utensils when eating.

c. C Washes hands before every meal.

g. C Stopped being so shy.

h. C More active.

g. P More sociable.

a. C More aware of good grooming habits.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Is more sanitary.

a. P More aware of good grooming habits.

b. P Brushes teeth more.

c. P Is more sanitary.

a. C Is developing good grooming habits.

b. C Brushes by herself.

g. C Is more sociable.

g. P Is more patient with child.

a. C More aware of good grooming habits.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Is more sanitary.

d. C More aware of security.

e. C More aware of security in the neighborhood.

f. P Cooks healthier meals.

a. C Has better grooming habits.

b. C Brushes teeth more often.

c. C Is more sanitary.

g. C Is more sociable.

g. P More open, friendly.

a. C Child washes hands more.

b. C Child cleans teeth more.

d. C Child is locking doors.

e. C Child avoids strangers.

f. C Child eats less candy and fatty foods.

h. C Child exercises more and watches less T.V..

a. P Parent washes hands more.

b. P Parent cleans teeth more.

c. P Parent locks doors.

f. P Parent eats less candy and fatty foods.

h. P Parent exercises more and watches less T.V..

a. C He wants to comb his hair.

c. C He washes his privates more.

b. C He brushes more often.

d. C He's more safe with matches and lighters.

g. C He expresses his feelings more.

h. C He rides his bike more.

d. P I keep things in the outlet plugs.

e. P I teach them about strangers.

a. C Has better grooming habits.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Is more sanitary.

d. C Is more aware of household security.

e. C Is more aware of neighborhood security.

f. C Is into good nutrition.

g. C Is more sociable.

b. C Now he brushes his teeth more.

b. C Now has the habit of brushing his teeth.

e. C Will not go out without supervision.

b. P More aware of [tooth brushing].

a. C Is cleaner.

b. C Now he cleans his teeth.

c. C Now he washes his hands all the time.

f. C Eats vegetables.

g. C Now shares his toys.

a. C Changed [grooming] habits a lot.

b. C Brushes her teeth even after snacks.

f. C Eats healthier.

h. C Exercises more.

d. P More aware of security.

a. C Practices good grooming habits more.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Is more sanitary.

f. C Eats better foods.

j. C Practices and talks about what they teach him.

e. C Child has become very cautious [in neighborhood].

f. C Child trying to improve eating habits.

e. P Parent has become very cautious [in neighborhood] and protective of child.

f. P Parent is trying to improve eating habits.

d. C More alert.

f. C More healthy foods.

h. C More active.

a. P Washes clothes more frequently.

d. P More alert.

f. P More healthy foods.

b. C Remembers to brush teeth when mother doesn't.

c. C Remembers to wash hands when mother doesn't.

h. C Child more active.

g. P Mother feels better about child's independence, especially when child goes to the bathroom.

g. C The child talks more and participates more. The child is more aware.

g. P The parent practices better habits and is more aware.

a. C Child practices good grooming habits more.

b. C Brushes teeth more.

c. C Practices sanitary practices better.

d. C Child practices safety at home.

e. C Practices safety in neighborhood.

f. C Practices good nutrition.

g. C Child knows more about feelings and making friends.

h. C Child practices fitness more.

i. C Child understands the disabled.

Child knows how to do all of them like a more grown up person.

a. C Child talks about and practices good grooming habits.

g. P Parent talks about feelings more.

More aware of topics and talk about them (didn't before).

g. C Now he gets along with others.

e. C Not afraid to play outside by himself anymore.

a. C [Child] is more conscious of grooming.

b. C [Child] used to eat toothpaste, now actually brushes.

d. C [Child] is more aware of safety rules [and] tries to abide by them.

f. C [Child] doesn't need healthy foods like vegetables.

g. C [Child is] more aware of others feelings.

h. C [Child is] more aware of physical activities.

i. C [Child is] aware of other disabilities [and] more sensitive to it.

a. P [Parent] is more conscious of child's grooming.

b. P [Parent] makes sure she brushes properly.

c. P [Parent] makes sure paper towels and hand towels are in the bathroom.

d. P [Parent] is more aware of safety rules [and] tries to abide by them.

e. P [Parent] makes child aware of danger of strangers in the neighborhood.

f. P [Parent] keeps vegetables around.

g. P [Parent is] more aware of others feelings as well.

h. P [Parent is] more aware of physical activities.

i. P [Parent] became more conscious of child's awareness and other disabled people's needs, more sensitive.

b. C Child now brushes teeth without needing to be reminded.

c. C Child now washes hands without needing to be reminded.

d. C Child does not go out of the house anymore.

j. C Child is more communicative (tells mother more stories at home).

a. P Mother is more careful about child's grooming and she doesn't spank him as easily anymore.

g. C How to behave with older people.

b. C Brushes teeth more frequently.

a. C Combs her hair now and is more concerned about washing her face.

b. C More interested in brushing her teeth.

f. C She likes salad and wants to try other foods.

g. C She is able to talk about feelings and friends and make friends.

b. C She brushes her teeth more.

d. C She understands more about what can happen with stoves, scissors, steak knives.

g. C She understands more about feelings and friendships.

d. P I talk to her more about safety.

e. P I talk to her more about safety in the neighborhood.

a. C Its now important that his hair is brushed.

b. C He knows the tooth brushing is necessary and important.

c. C He changes his clothes when he is dirty and likes his bath.

d. C He looks after his sister and replaces outlet plugs. He knows about hot things.

e. C He knows he has to wear a bike helmet/ He is learning about safe adults.

f. C He knows he needs to taste his vegetables.

g. C He talks about his feelings instead of hitting. He's developing social competence.

h. C He can do so many things with his muscles.

j. C He's learned their are "special" people.

d. C Its become more important- we include a fruit and a vegetable- more balance [diet].

a. C He's brushing his own hair.

b. C He brushes his own teeth.

c. C He takes care of his personal hygiene.

d. C He picks up his toys so people don't trip. He knows not to open the front door and

go out.

e. C He's learned to look both ways when crossing the street and stay where I can see him.

f. C He knows his limit to how much candy he can have.

g. C He's able to express himself freely and be able to talk about it.

h. C He knows he needs fresh air and rest.

i. C He recognizes his limits and knows he can learn.

a. P I won't comb his hair.

b. P I won't brush his teeth.

c. P He has to do it.

d. P I remind him of safety at home.

e. P I remind him of safety on the playground.

f. P I buy healthy food and I buy vitamins.

g. P I take time to listen.

h. P I make time for play.

g. C He's able to talk about his feelings more- What he likes and makes him happy.

e. C He listens more and knows he can do different things.

g. P Its easier for me to talk to him.

a. C Regularly brushes teeth and washes hands.

b. C Has become very aware of safety in home.

d. C Learned to dial 911.

a. C Wash hands/ brush hair before leaving house.

b. C Brush teeth three times a day.

b. C Brushes more frequently.

c. C Is more sanitary.

f. C Eats healthier foods.

f. P Eats healthier foods.

b. C Brushes teeth without being reminded.

e. C Likes to help cook.

d. C Stays away from matches and hot stove.

g. C Talks with and about other children more.

c. C Brushes teeth without being told to.

d. C Stays out of the kitchen when mother is cooking.

e. C Doesn't leave the yard as often.

f. C Eats vegetables more.

g. C Has more friends/ talks more with other children.

h. C Plays more actively in school playground.

a. C She brushes hair, keeps herself clean.

i. C Much more sensitive to disabilities.

f. P Make better meals.

h. P Go for long walks and does more physical activities with children.

b. C Brushes hair and teeth and washes hands.

d. C Plays less roughly with sister.

e. C Avoids roads with traffic, crosses with light.

f. C Doesn't eat snacks before breakfast--plays less roughly with friends.

h. C Plays baseball with father.

i. C Father has disability--child has come to understand what that means.

f. P Father is best friend--spends time talking with child.

h. P Play baseball with child.

e. C Plays more safely without pushing and shoving.

f. C Eats better foods- Isn't as picky about foods.

g. C More considerate of others.



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