%********************************************************************************** % % CalC version 4.5.0, script "STF.decay.stage2.par" % Victor Matveev, September 10, 2002 % % Supplemental material for the Letter to the Editor of the Biophys. J. % "New and Corrected Simulations of Synaptic Facilitation" % V. Matveev, A. Sherman and R. Zucker %__________________________________________________________________________________ % % This simulation script computes the decay time course of facilitation elicited % by a 5-pulse train, as a function of the interval between the last two pulses % (see Fig. 3 of the Letter), using the [Ca2+] files created by the "stage 1" % simulation, "STF.decay.stage1.par". STF is measured as the ratio of the 5th % reponse to the 1st response, minus one. % % This script requires 2 command-line arguments, which are the same as the first % two arguments of scripts "STF.growth.par" and "STF.decay.stage1.par" (they are % only used to determine the names of [Ca2+] files created by stage 1 simulation): % % 1. The 1st argument specifies the parameter set used, and accepts values of % "A" - for the quoted parameter set % "B" - for the actual parameter set % "C" - for the modified set % "D" - for the parameter set with tortuosity % % 2. The 2nd argument specifies whether Fura-2 was included: % "with" or "w" - Fura-2 is included % "without" or "wo" - control simulation (no Fura-2) % % For example, to reproduce the control curve of Fig. 3D of the Letter, execute % the following commands (see also the stage-1 script "STF.decay.stage1.par"): % % calc STF.decay.stage1.par D without 10.0 800.0 25 % calc STF.decay.stage2.par D without % % or, if using the xmgr(ace) data plotting application: % % calc STF.decay.stage1.par D without 10.0 800.0 25 % calc STF.decay.stage2.par D without | xmgr -pipe % %********************************************************************************** % T H E A L G O R I T H M S U M M A R Y : % ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ % I. At 1st iteration (iteration = 0), perform these steps: % % 1. Find the steady-state of the system of ODEs describing the dynamics of the % Ca2+ binding model (equilibration). % 2. Integrate the ODEs for the entire duration of the 5-pulse train, using the % [Ca2+] files generated by stage 1 script at 1st iteration. The interval % between the 4th and 5th APs corresponds to the 1st data point in the STF % decay time course curve. % 3. Save the entire simulation state to the binary "dump" file at the end of the % inter-spike interval between the 4th and 5th pulses. % 4. During the integration run, track the maximum of the release rate for the % 1st and 5th pulses; this will yield the 1st data point in the STF decay time % course. Save the value of the 1st peak response to a file, to be used by % subsequent iterations. % % II. At each successive iteration, the sequence of operations mirrors the % corresponding steps in the "stage 1" simulation (see "STF.decay.stage2.par"): % % 1. Retreave the entire simulation state from the "dump" file, which was saved % there at the previous iteration. % 2. Using the [Ca2+] files generated at the same iteration of stage 1 simulation, % integrate the ODEs for the duration of the interval between the 4th and 5th % pulses which, when combined with the corresponding interval in the previous % iteration, adds up to the full interval between the 4th and 5th pulses % corresponding to the current data point in the STF decay time course, plus % the duration of the final 5th pulse. % 3. At the end of the last inter-spike interval (between 4th and 5th pulses), % save the entire simulation state to the binary "dump" file. In the course of % the simulation, this file will contain the state of the system at the end of % the progressively increasing interval between the 4th and 5th pulses. % 4. Track the maximal release rate during time period corresponding to the last % action potential; using the value of 1st response saved at the 1st iteration, % calculate the next data point in the STF decay time course. % %================================================================================== % B A S I C C O N S T A N T S , E T C . : %================================================================================== % The following instruction tells the program that this script is only to solve the % system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) (the PDEs for the [Ca2+] have % been already solved by the stage 1 simulation): mode = ODE % The next two lines simply define the constants corresponding to different user % argument choices (we have to do this since boolean operations on strings are not % yet implemented): A = 1; B = 2; C = 3; D = 4 w = 1; with = 1; without = 2; wo = 2 % Define the path to the folder where the [Ca2+] data files were stored. This path % should be the same as the path specified in the script "STF.decay.stage1.par" % (you may also choose to set it using an additional command line argument, via % statement "path = $4"): path = "" % The two command-line arguments are only needed to determine the file prefix % for the [Ca2+] data files produced by the stage 1 script: if ($3 == with) then fString = "fura." % a part of the filename prefix else fString = "control." % a part of the filename prefix endif % Now define the full prefix for all file names (e.g., "folder/actual.fura."): if ($2 == A) then prefix = path "quoted." fString; endif if ($2 == B) then prefix = path "actual." fString; endif if ($2 == C) then prefix = path "modified." fString; endif if ($2 == D) then prefix = path "tortuosity." fString; endif % For the parameter set with tortuosity, the affinity of the Y-site is 9 uM, not % 3 uM as defined in the script "XY.ode.par" included below (it is important that % Y.kon is redefined before the include statement: only the 1st definition of any % constant is used; later definitions are discarded): if ($2 == D) then Y.kon = Y.koff / 9 ; endif % Read the implementation of the Ca2+ binding part of the model from "XY.ode.par": ode.script = path "XY.ode.par" include ode.script % The following file will contain the entire simulation data, to be stored at the % end of each iteration and retreaved at the beginning of the next iteration: dump.file = prefix "ode.dump" % Next, the file that will hold the value of the response to the 1st pulse: R1.file = prefix "R1" % Next, the file that will hold the result - the STF decay time course: Result.file = prefix "decay" % The names of the [Ca2+] files will be formed by merging the file prefix, a suffix % string "CaX."/"CaY.", and the value of the current interval between 4th and 5th % action potentials ("dt.current" is the current interval between 4th and 5th pulses, % which is varied in the main loop below): CaX.file = prefix "CaX." dt.current "ms" CaY.file = prefix "CaY." dt.current "ms" % Now instruct the program to read variables CaX and CaY (appearing in the system % of ODEs included from file "XY.ode.par") from these files : CaX table CaX.file % These instruction are performed at each iteration, which is CaY table CaY.file % why they appear here, outside of the "if" statement clauses % following below % Read the values of parameters "dt.first", "dt.last", and "dt.iterations", stored % by the stage 1 script, "STF.decay.stage1.par": log.file = prefix "log" include log.file dt.step = (dt.last - dt.first) / dt.iterations % define the increment "dt.step" %================================================================================== % M A I N S I M U L A T I O N L O O P : %================================================================================== % Now we begin our loop over the increasing values of the time interval between the % 4th and 5th pulses. The next statement is the main "for" loop command (notice that % there is no loop termination statement, because the "for" statement can appear only % once, and applies to this entire script; like almost all other statements, the % "for" command can be put anywhere in the script file): for iteration = 0 to dt.iterations step 1 % <--- THE MAIN LOOP STATEMENT % The interval between the 4th and 5th pulses for the current iteration is given by dt.current = dt.first + dt.step * iteration if iteration == 0 then %========================================================= % Instructions below are only performed at 1st iteration %========================================================= % We must instruct the program to intialize the ODE variables to their steady-state % values, because at time zero the Ca2+ sensors should be in equilibrium with the % background [Ca2+]: equilibrate % At first iteration, the inter-pulse interval between 4th and 5th pulses ends at % time "T" given by T = 30 + dt.first % Total simulation time at the first iteration is T + duration of 5th pulse: Total = T + 1.2 Run Total % <-- Run the solver % Instruct the program to save the simulation variables at time T in the % "dump" file Export T dump.file % Define variables R1 and R2 that will track the maximal release rate during the % 1st and last pulses: R1 peak Release 0 1.2 R5 peak Release T Total % Save the value of R1 to a file: print R1.file "R1 = " R1 else % this else statement corresponds to "if iteration == 0" %=================================================================== % Instructions below are only performed at iteration > 0 %=================================================================== % 1. Retreave the simulation state from the "dump" file: Import dump.file % Read the amplitude of the response to the 1st pulse from a file created % at first iteration: include R1.file % Integrate the model ODEs for the duration given by the difference between % "dt.current" values at the current time step and the previous time step, % which is equal to dt.step, plus the duration of the 5th action potential: Total = dt.step + 1.2 Run Total % Instruct the program to save the simulation variables at the end of the % silent period to the same simulation dump file: Export dt.step dump.file % Define the variable R5 that will track the maximal release rate during the % last pulse: R5 peak Release dt.step Total endif % this endif statement corresponds to "if iteration == 0" %======================================================================== % Instructions below are performed for all iterations: %======================================================================== % Define the facilitation variable: Facilitation := R5 / R1 - 1 % Save the result in file "Result.file", as a two-column ASCII file % (arguments of "append" following the filename are concatenated): append Result.file dt.current " " Facilitation % If the output is to be piped into the xmgr(ace) graphics application, uncomment % the following lines: % plot.method xmgr % print stdout "@ g0.s0 POINT " dt.current ", " Facilitation % print stdout "@ autoscale" % print stdout "@ redraw" %================================================================================== % T H E E N D %==================================================================================