SUBENT 40937001 20010822 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 10 20 TITLE The Neutron Integral and Differential Cross-Sections In the Energy Region Below 440 KeV AUTHOR (ZO-IN-OK,V.G.NIKOLENKO,A.B.POPOV,G.S.SAMOSVAT) INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) REFERENCE (R,JINR-P3-85-133,198504) (J,YF,23,1159,1976) Experimental Details FACILITY (REAC) FAST PULSE REACTOR IBR-30 MONITOR (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,SIG) ANALYSIS (RFN) R-Matrix Formalizm of Lein and Thomas ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Minimal Systematic Error Caused by Standard Cross-Section Uncertainty (ERR-2) Maximal Systematic Error Caused By the Same Reason HISTORY (19880105C) Compiled at the CJD (19920726U) Flags in San 023, 023 Corrected.'SCT' Changed to 'EL' in San 036, 038, 040-043, 045, 047-049 IN ALL CASES 'SCT' CHANGED TO'EL' (20010810U) Dates Corrected to 4-Digit Year. (20020822U) Corrections made at CJD STATUS Data are Taken from the First Reference ENDBIB 20 COMMON 2 3 ERR-1 ERR-2 PER-CENT PER-CENT 5. 10. ENDCOMMON 3 ENDSUBENT 27 SUBENT 40937043 20010822 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 3 5 REACTION (50-SN-116(N,EL)50-SN-116,,DA,,LEG/RS) FLAG (1.) Data are Obtained in the Reactor Action Mode Of the Reactor IBR-30 Instead of Booster Mode HISTORY (19920726U) Sct in Reaction Sf3 Changed to El (20010822U) Last checking has been done. ENDBIB 5 NOCOMMON 0 0 DATA 5 66 NUMBER EN DATA ERR-S FLAG NO-DIM KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 1. 442. .941 .009 1. 325. .899 .01 1. 253. .82 .012 1. 201. .761 .014 1. 164. .691 .015 1. 138. .614 .015 1. 120. .56 .018 1. 96. .491 .015 1. 72. .422 .014 1. 58.4 .333 .016 1. 58. .37 .015 1. 1. 48.3 .299 .019 1. 42. .256 .016 1. 1. 41.1 .255 .029 1. 30. .165 .018 1. 1. 29.4 .208 .017 1. 23.1 .144 .015 1. 18.01 .141 .017 1. 18. .076 .019 1. 1. 14.3 .09 .02 1. 13. .06 .015 1. 1. 11.7 .123 .022 1. 9. .098 .017 1. 7.5 .043 .017 1. 1. 6.6 .079 .018 1. 5.3 -.011 .018 1. 1. 5. .087 .018 1. 3.8 .007 .013 1. 1. 3.6 .045 .014 1. 2.501 .055 .018 1. 2.5 .01 .015 1. 1. 1.501 .001 .01 1. 1.5 -.038 .01 1. 2. 442. .44 .015 2. 325. .416 .017 2. 253. .352 .019 2. 201. .35 .023 2. 164. .282 .024 2. 138. .247 .025 2. 120. .283 .03 2. 96. .227 .024 2. 72. .187 .023 2. 58.4 .157 .026 2. 58. .133 .022 1. 2. 48.3 .122 .031 2. 42. .077 .026 1. 2. 41.1 .187 .047 2. 30. .135 .028 1. 2. 29.4 .129 .026 2. 23.1 .075 .024 2. 18.01 .082 .028 2. 18. .021 .03 1. 2. 14.3 .052 .032 2. 13. .039 .024 1. 2. 11.7 .006 .034 2. 9. .049 .027 2. 7.5 .041 .027 1. 2. 6.6 .07 .029 2. 5.3 -.039 .028 1. 2. 5. .062 .029 2. 3.8 -.045 .022 1. 2. 3.6 .011 .023 2. 2.501 .002 .03 2. 2.5 -.064 .024 1. 2. 1.501 -.037 .017 2. 1.5 -.051 .016 1. ENDDATA 68 ENDSUBENT 78