From: Koonin, Eugene (NIH/NLM/NCBI) Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 8:21 PM To: NLM/NCBI List ncbi-seminar Cc: 'Firas Swidan' Subject: Seminar Sept 27 Tuesday, September 27, 3 PM Bldg. 38A, B2 conference room Firas Swidan The Technion, Haifa, Israel An Integrative Method for Accurate Genome Mapping In this talk I will present MAGIC, (a rearrangement of) an Integrative and Accurate tool for Comparative Genome Mapping. The tool consists of two phases: a preprocessing phase for identifying "maximal similar segments", and a mapping phase for clustering the similar segments into rearrangement-free regions while handling duplications. MAGIC's preprocessing phase differs from previous work as it attempts to build a comprehensive table of verified maximal similar segments, i.e., segments whose global alignment is free of long gaps. MAGIC's mapping phase is based on a novel and biologically intuitive clustering approach which is capable of handling duplications, identifying orthologs and paralogs, as well as classifying paralogs. The clustering integrates information from several sources, systematically filtering extraneous insertions. Our improvements allow a comprehensive study of the diversity of genetic repertoires resulting from large-scale mutations, i.e., indel mutations, duplications, and transposable and phagic elements. The strength of our method is demonstrated by the detailed statistics computed for each type of these large-scale mutations. We have applied our particular implementation to a genome-wide comparison of 10 pairs of prokaryotic genomes spanning different branches of the tree of life. MAGIC enables, for the first time, to analyze the different forces shaping these genomes, and to show that horizontal gene transfer and large deletions affect genome evolution significantly more than duplications. Furthermore, we used the method to investigate the controversial Nadeau-Taylor model and showed - unexpectedly - a good fit between the model's prediction and observed data in most cases. Eugene V. Koonin, PhD, Senior Investigator National Center for Biotechnology Information National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD 20894 Telephone 301-435-5913 Fax 301-435-7794