# H1 + H2 --> H3 + H4 + X where the particles H3 and H4 can be gamma or # hadron # Be careful the values of the cuts have different meaning depending # if the particles H3 and H4 are identical or not. # The values of these cuts act when the histograms are filled ######################################################################## # If H3 and H4 are identical, lower cut on P_t of the particle carrying # the greatest P_t else lower cut on the P_t of the particle H3 # #40. 10 ######################################################################## # If H3 and H4 are identical, lower cut on P_t of the particle carrying # the lowest P_t else lower cut on the P_t of the particle H4 # #25. 10 ######################################################################## # Maximum value of the rapidity of the particle H3 # #2.5 1.1 ######################################################################## # Minimum value of the rapidity of the particle H3 # #-2.5 -1.1 ######################################################################## # Maximum value of the rapidity of the particle H4 # #2.5 1.1 ######################################################################## # Minimum value of the rapidity of the particle H4 # #-2.5 -1.1 ######################################################################## # Minimum value of the invariant mass H3-H4, # if there is no minimal cut put 0. # #80. 10 ######################################################################## # Maximum value of the invariant mass H3-H4, # if there is no maximal cut put sqrt(s)/2 # 140. ######################################################################## # Choice to plot azimuthal angle in radian ("rad") or degrees ("degree") # rad ######################################################################## # To draw histograms, the user can select some variables which are: # if H3 and H4 are identical (H3 = H4) # mass_gamma_gamma invariant mass between the two photons # pt_gamma transverse momentum of each photon (double entries) # pt_pair transverse momentum of the photon pair # phi_gamma_gamma azimuthal angle between the two photons # y_gamma rapidity of one photon (double entries) # y_boost half sum of the photon rapidities # y_star half difference of the photon rapidities # y_gamma_gamma rapidity of the photon-photon pair # cos_theta_star cosine of polar angle in the partonic center-of-mass # p_out out-of-plane momentum (double entries) # pt_balance pt balance between the two photons (double entries) # else # mass_pion_gamma invariant mass between the particles H3 and H4 # pt_pion transverse momentum of the particle H3 # pt_gamma transverse momentum of the particle H4 # pt_pair transverse momentum of the pair H3-H4 # phi_pion_gamma azimuthal angle between the particle H3 and H4 # y_pion rapidity of the particle H3 # y_gamma rapidity of the particle H4 # y_boost half sum of the H3 and H4 rapidities # y_star half difference of the H3 and H4 rapidities # y_pion_gamma rapidity of the H3-H4 pair # cos_theta_star cosine of polar angle in the partonic center-of-mass # p_out_pion out-of-plane momentum (plane formed by the beam axis # and the pt of the particle H3) # p_out_gamma out-of-plane momentum (plane formed by the beam axis # and the pt of the particle H4) # pt_balance_pion pt balance between the particles H3 and H4 (triggered # on H3) pt_balance_pion = # -\vec{pt_pion).\vec{pt_gamma}/pt_pion^2 # pt_balance_gamma pt balance between the particles H3 and H4 (triggered # on H4) pt_balance_gamma = # -\vec{pt_pion).\vec{pt_gamma}/pt_gamma^2 # # The histograms with equidistant bins must begin by the key word # "histo_equi" then followed by six fields separated by a blank: # - the variable chosen among the preceeding lists # - "nlo" or "lo" to fill the histogram with next-to-leading order or leading # order calculation # - some extra cuts specific to this histogram enclosed with square brakets # ['lower_value',variable,'upper_value',....] # (if nothing is specified in these brackets, no cuts are applied) # - the title # - the number of bins # - the minimal value of abscissa # - the maximal value of the abscissa # # The histograms with non equidistant bins must begin by the key word # "histo_nonequi" # then followed by five fields sperated by a blank: # - the variable chosen among the preceeding lists # - "nlo" or "lo" to fill the histogram with next-to-leading order or leading # order calculation # - some extra cuts specific to this histogram enclosed with square brakets # ['lower_value',variable,'upper_value',....] # (if nothing is specified in these brackets, no cuts are applied) # - the title # - the number of bins # - a vector containing the value of the low edge of each bins and the # upper edge of the last bin. # For example the following line # histo_equi mass_gamma_gamma lo [] dsigma_lo/dmgg 8 80. 140. # will create a histogram in the invariant mass of the two photons of 8 # equidistant bins between 80. and 140. and will fill it with L.O. result # and no extra cuts, # the following line # histo_nonequi phi_gamma_gamma nlo ['4.',pt_pair,'5.'] dsigma/dfi 4 1.90 2.10 2.70 3.00 3.14 # will create a histogram in the azimuthal angle between the two photons of 4 # non equidistant bins: # - first bin: 1.90 2.10 # - second bin: 2.10 2.70 # - third bin: 2.70 3.00 # - fourth bin: 3.00 3.14 # and will fill it with N.L.O. result and with an extra cut 4.<= pt_pair <= 5. # # The scatterplots with equidistant bins must begin by the key word # "scatter_equi" then followed by six fields sperated by a blank: # - the variables chosen in preceeding lists for x and y # - "nlo" or "lo" to fill the histogram with next-to-leading order or leading # order calculation # - some extra cuts specific to this scatter plot enclosed with square brakets # ['lower_value',variable,'upper_value',....] # (if nothing is specified in these brackets, no cuts are applied) # - the title # - the number of bins for x variable # - the minimal value of abscissa for x variable # - the maximal value of the abscissa for x variable # - the number of bins for y variable # - the minimal value of abscissa for y variable # - the maximal value of the abscissa for y variable ######################################################################## histo_equi mass_gamma_gamma lo [] dsigma_lo/dmgg 40 0. 200. histo_equi mass_gamma_gamma nlo [] dsigma_nlo/dmgg 40 0. 200. histo_equi pt_gamma lo [] dsigma_lo/dpt_gamma 40 10. 90. histo_equi pt_gamma nlo [] dsigma_nlo/dpt_gamma 40 10. 90. histo_equi pt_pair lo [] dsigma_lo/dqt 20 0. 100. histo_equi pt_pair nlo [] dsigma_nlo/dqt 20 0. 100. #histo_equi phi_gamma_gamma lo [] dsigma_lo/dphi 9 0. 3.15 #histo_equi phi_gamma_gamma nlo [] dsigma_nlo/dphi 9 0. 3.15 #histo_nonequi mass_gamma_gamma lo [] dsigma/dmgg 8 80. 82. 84. 88. 94. 100. #125. 135. 140. #histo_nonequi phi_gamma_gamma nlo [] dsigma/dfi 6 1.57 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.70 3. #3.14 #TP added May 28th 2003 # mass_gamma_gamma invariant mass between the two photons # pt_gamma transverse momentum of each photon (double entries) # pt_pair transverse momentum of the photon pair # phi_gamma_gamma azimuthal angle between the two photons # y_gamma rapidity of one photon (double entries) # y_boost half sum of the photon rapidities # y_star half difference of the photon rapidities # y_gamma_gamma rapidity of the photon-photon pair # cos_theta_star cosine of polar angle in the partonic center-of-mass # p_out out-of-plane momentum (double entries) # pt_balance pt balance between the two photons (double entries)