Given this list of features we can generate the CART training vectors by testing all the documents in the training set for the presence of absence of the feature.6 The resulting vectors, together with the ground truth classifica- tion, are the input to CART. The output from CART con- tains information about the sequence of nested decision trees and a specification of the optiaal tree. For our example, the maximal tree is shown in Figure 2. This tree is to be read from left to right. Thus the Associated with each decision node is information that tells: * what level in the tree the test occurs; the k value - in all cases k ranges from k=1, which corresponds to the maximal tree, to k~kmax, which corresponds to the null tree and where kmax is dependent on the actual tree grown by CART; class 0 (k=2,Rt=0.230318) CONCERN<=0.50 (k--2,ac=0,R~=0.25l256) class 1 (k=2,R~=0.0l9586) TRANSMIT<=0.50 (k=2,ac=O1Rt=0.020938) class 0 (k=2,Rt=0.000000) GLASS<=0.50 (k=5,ac=0,Rt=0.261725) class 1 (k=2,Rt=0.007834) TRANSMIT<=0.50 (k=2,ac=0,R~=0.0l0469) class 0 (k=2,Rt=0.000000) CONCERN<=0.50 (k--2,ac=0,Rt=0.010469) class 0 (k=2,Rt=0.000000) VIA<=0.50 (k=5,ac=0,R~=0.30360l) class 1 (k=41Rt=0.003917) TRANSMIT<~0.50 (k=5,ac=l,Rt=0.007834) class 0 (k=4,R~=0.000000) SIGN<--0.50 (k=5,ac=0,Rt=0.345477) class 1 (k--5,Rt=0.003917) LIGHT<=0.50 (k=6,ac=0,Rt=0.376884) class 0 (k=3,Rt=0.000000) GLASS<=0.50 (k=5,ac=0,R~=0.03l407) class 0 (k=3,R~=0.0l0469) TRANSMIT<=0.50 (k=3,ac=0,R~-0.03l407) class 0 (k=3,Rt=0.010469) VIA<=0.50 (k=3,ac=l,Rt=0.0l95~6) class 1 (k--3,Rt=0.003917) CONTRACT<=0.50 (k=7,ac=l,Rt=0.497487) class 1 (k=4,Rt=0.019586) SIGN<=0.50 (k=4,ac=l,Rt=0.023503) class 0 (k=4,R~=0.000000) LIGHT<=0.50 (k=6,ac=l,R~=0.02742l) class 0 (k=4,Rt=0.000000) Figure 2: Maximal Tree first test is on the presence of the stem CONTRACT. If the stem is present (i.e., if the test CONTRACT<=O .5 fails) then the tree branches downwards (this is leftward in CART jargon); if the stem is not present (i.e., the test succeeds) then the tree branches upwards (rightward). 5. We only use the , and fields, and the stop word list is taken from (4]. The stemming algorithm is taken from [5). 6. In our TREC-1 experiments we also made use of the frequency of occurrence of the features in the documents. Since our ultimate goal here is to generate `IDPIC trees we restrict ourselves to just testing for the presence or absence of the feature - this allows us to perform a straightforward conversion between CART and F)PIC. 255 the class to be assigned to this node if the tree were pruned here; the ac value - in the present case ac= 1 for the class that corresponds to a relevant doc- ument and ac 0 for the class that corresponds to a non-relevant document; and * the error rate of the node; the Rt value - this indi- cates the resubstitution error rate fbr the specific node. The terminal nodes in the tree have similar infor- mation associated with them. Notice though that terminal nodes, by definition, specify to which class the node corre- sponds.