Coral Siltation References

Posted to the CHAMP Coral-List Server by Phil Pepe, who was provided this bibliography by Iain Mcdonald of Manchester Metropolitan University.


Acevedo, R. J., Morelock, J. (1988). Effects of terrigenous sediment on coral reef zonation in South-western Puerto Rico. Sixth InternationalCoral Reef Symposium, Townsville.

Aerts, L. A. M. v. S., R.W.M. (1997). “Quantification of sponge/coral interactions in a physically stressed reef community, NE Colombia.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 148: 125-134.

Aller, R. C., Dodge, R.E. (1974). “Animal-sediment relations in a Tropical Lagoon Discovery Bay, Jamaica.” Journal of Marine Research 32(2): 209- 231.

Babcock, R. D., P. (1991). “Effects of sedimentation on settlement of Acropora millepora.” Coral Reefs 9: 205-208.

Bak, R. P. M. E., J.H.B.W. (1976). “Patterns of oil-sediment rejection in corals.” Marine Biology 37: 105-113.

Bastidas, C., Bone, D. & Garcia, E.M. (1999). “Sedimentation rates and metal content of sediments in a Venezuelan coral reef.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 38(1): 16-24.

Bernecker, M. E., Weidlich, O.B. & Flügel, E.E. (1999). “Response of Triassic reef coral communities to sea-level fluctuations, storms and sedimentation: evidence from a spectacular outcrop (Adnet, Austria).” Facies 40: 229-280.

Boss, S. K. L., W.D. (1987). “Patterns of sediment composition of Jamaican fringing reef facies.” Sedimentology 34: 77-87.

Brown, B. E. H., L.S. (1985). “Assessing the effects of “stress” on coral reefs.” Advances in Marine Biology 22: 1-63.

Cortes, J. (1993). A reef under siltation stress: a decade of degradation. Colloquium on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs: Health, Hazard, and History, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Universityof Miami.

Cortés, J. N. R., M.J. (1985). “A reef under siltation stress: Cahuita, Costa Rica.” Bulletin of Marine Science 36(2): 339-356.

Dallmeyer, D. G., Porter, J.W. & Smith, G.J. (1982). “Effects of particulate peat on the behavior and physiology of the Jamaican reef-building coral Montastrea annularis.” Marine Biology 68: 229-233.

Dodge, R. E., Aller, R.C. & Thomson, J. (1974). “Coral growth related to resuspension of bottom sediments.” Nature 247: 574-577.

Dodge, R. E., Vaisnys, J.R. (1977). “Coral populations and growth patterns: responses to sedimentation and turbidity associated with dredging.” Journal of Marine Research 35: 715-730.

Edmunds, P. J. D., P.S. (1989). “An energy budget for Porites porites (Scleractinia) growing in a stressed environment.” Coral Reefs 8: 37-43.

Garrett, P., Smith, D.L., Wilson, A.O. & Patriquin, D. (1971). “Physiography, ecology, and sediments of two Bermuda patch reefs.” Journal of Geology 79: 647-668.

Gischler, E. L., A.J. (1999). “Recent sedimentary facies of isolated carbonate platforms, Belize-Yucatan sysyems, Central America.” Journal of Sedimentary Research 69(3): 747-763.

Hodgson, G. (1989). The Effects of Sedimentation on Indo-Pacific Reef Corals. Zoology Department. Honolulu, Hawaii, University of Hawaii.

Hodgson, G. (1990). “Sediment and the settlement of larvae of the reef coral Pocillopra damicornis.” Coral Reefs 9(1): 41-43.

Hodgson, G. (1993). Sedimentation damage to reef corals. Colloquium on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs: Health, Hazard, and History, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Universityof Miami.

Hubbard, J. A. E. B. P., Y.P. (1972). “Sediment rejection by recent scleractinian corals:a key to palaeo-environmental reconstruction.” Geologische Rundschau 61: 598-626.

Hubbard, D. K. (1986). “Sedimenatation as a control of reef development: St.Croix, U.S.V.I.” Coral Reefs 5: 117-125.

Larcombe, P. W., K.J. (1999). “Increased sediment supply to the Great Barrier Reef will not increase sediment accumulation at most coral reefs.” Coral Reefs 18: 163-169.

Larcombe, P. W., K.J. (1999). “Terrigenous sediments as influences upon Holcene nearshore coral reefs, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia.” Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 46: 141-154.

Logan, A. (1988). “Sediment shifting capability in Recent solitary coral Scolymia cubensis from Bermuda.” Bulletin of Marine Science 43: 241-248.

Loya, Y. (1976). “Effects of water turbidity and sedimentation on the community structure of Puerto Rican corals.” Bulletin of Marine Science 26(4): 450-466.

López, E. O., Bonilla, H.R. & Mejia, J.K. (1998). “Effects of sedimentation on coral commmunities of southern Socorro island, Revillagigedo archipelago, Mexico.” Ciencias Marinas 24(2): 233-240.

Marshall, S. M., Orr, A.P. (1931). “Sedimentation on Low Isles Reef and its relation to coral growth.” Scientific Report of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1(5): 94-133.

Marszalek, D. S. (1981). Impact of dredging on a subtropical reef community, Southeast Florida, U.S.A. Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila.

McClanahan, T. R., Obura, D. (1997). “Sedimentation effects on shallow coral communities in Kenya.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 209(1-2): 103-122.

Perry, C. T. (1996). “The rapid response of reef sediments to changes in community composition: Implications for time averaging and sediment accumulation.” Journal of Sedimentary Research 66(3): 459-467.

Peters, E. C. P., M.E.Q. (1985). “A comparative study of the effects of sedimentation on symbiotic and asymbiotic colonies of the coral Astrangia danae.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 92: 215-230.

Richmond, R. H. (1993). Effects of coastal runoff on coral reproduction. 

Colloquium on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs: Health, Hazard, and History, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Universityof Miami.

Riegl, B. B., G.M. (1995). “ Effects of sedimentation on the energy budget of four scleractinian (Bourne 1900) and five alcyonacean (Lamouroux 1816) corals.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 186: 259-275.

Riegl, B., Heine, C. & Branch, G.M. (1996). “Function of funnel-shaped coral growth in a high-sedimentation environment.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 145: 87-93.

Rogers, C. S. (1983). “Sublethal and lethal effects of sediments applied to common Caribbean reef corals in the field.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 14(10): 378-382.

Rogers, C. S. (1990). “Reponses of coral reefs and reef organisms to sedimentation.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 62: 185-202.

Roy, K. J. S., S.V. (1971). “Sedimentation and coral reef development in turbid water: Fanning Lagoon.” Pacific Science 25: 234-248.

Schuhmacher, H. (1977). Ability in Fungiid corals to overcome sedimentation. Third International Coral Reef Symposium, University of Miami, Florida.

Stafford-Smith, M. G. O., R.F.G. (1992). “Sediment-rejection mechaisms of 42 species of Australian Scleractinian corals.” Ausralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43: 683-705.

Stafford-Smith, M. G. (1993). “Sediment-rejection efficiency of 22 species of Australian scleractinian corals.” Marine Biology 115: 229-243.

Telesnicki, G. J. G., W.M. (1995). “Effects of turbidity on the photosynthesis and respiration of two South Florida reef coral species.” Bulletin of Marine Science 57(2): 527-539.

van Katwijk, M. M., Meier, N.F., van Loon, R., van Howe, E.M., Giesen, W.B.J.T., van der Velde, G. (1993). “Sabaki River sediment loading and coral stress: correlation between sediments and condition of the Malindi- Watamu reefs in Kenya (Indian Ocean).” Marine Biology 117: 675-683.

Wesseling, I., Uychiaoco, A.J., Aliño, P.M., Aurin, T. & Vermaat, J.E. (1999). “Damage and recovery of four Philippine corals from short-term sediment burial.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 176: 11-15.

Woolfe, K. J. L., P. (1998). “Terrigenous sediment accumulation as a regional control on the distribution of reef carbonates.” Special Publication International Association of Sedimentologists 25: 295-310.

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