282 i/6o. April. HISTORICAL JOURNAL. upon them ; the others, thinking themfelves furrounded, returned the falute, whereby a general confufion and fkirmifh enfued : at length the main body retired, and the grenadiers purfued them ; but fome wounded men, who were on the ground, having begged for quarter in their own language, difcovered the fatal miftake : the victors then fhouted after their fugitive friends to halt for them ; that they would undeceive them ; and that no enemy was near them. Matters were now foon fet right, and, the day beginning to dawn, they buried their dead, hired fleighs for their wounded, and returned to Jacques Cartier, much chagrined at the difafter that had happened. This would have been kept a profound fecret, were it not for a Serjeant of their grenadiers, who, upon fome difguft or ill ufage from his Captain, deferted to us, and has given this information j nine men were killed, and thirteen wounded. Our weather, as in moil other climates at this feafon, is very uncertain ; we have froft, rain, fnow, fevere and mild, with high winds alternately. A detachment of light infantry marched to Cape Rouge, to watch the motions of the enemy. The Captain's guard at the fortified houfe is now reduced to the command of a Subaltern. The rangers fur-prifed a patrole of the enemy, confifting of a Serjeant and three privates of the regiment of Languedoc, and feven Canadians in French uniforms j one of the regulars efcaped ; the other ten were brought in. Our floops of war are preparing to launch, as the river is much opened, and large floats of ice are daily rolling down with the current. An Officer of the fifty-eighth regiment was interred on the i6tb, who died of a pleuritic fever. The parties, who have been employed in cutting and making fafcines, are now difmiffed that fervice. O R D E R S. *c (C " The vifible efTefts of the fprufs, or hemlock-fpruce, which has been given, for fome time, to the fcorbutic men in the hofpitals, put it beyond doubt, that it muft alfo be the beft preferva- " tive